The primary feather transition in chicken and zebra finch: from natal downs to juvenile feathers
To study the morphological changes during the primary feather transition in the posterior dorsal skin, we compared the histology of chicken feather follicles between embryos (E14) and hatchlings (posthatch day 3 to day 7, i.e., D3 to D7), and then compared the structures with that of the posterior dorsal feather follicles in D7 zebra finches. In this region, juvenile feathers grew out from the skin around D6 in both species (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Figs. 1 and 2), suggesting that the time point of the transition initiation has been conserved in both species.
To understand the morphogenesis of feather follicles during the primary transition, both cross and longitudinal paraffin sections with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining were applied to the whole skins or feather follicles of both species (Fig. 1b-m); muscle bundles were used as the anchor for the comparisons among different stages and species. In cross sections, we found that the structures of the feather germ were similar while the sizes increased slowly from E14 to D4, suggesting a slow growing phase (Fig. 1b-d, 1b’-d’, and g). Interestingly, muscle development was relatively obvious in this period, and the shapes of muscle bundles between follicles changed from square in embryonic skins to diamond in juvenile skins (Fig. 1b’-d’). The juvenile feather follicles started to enlarge quickly and formed rachis after D5, showing a fast growth phase (Fig. 1d’-e’, 1k-l, and Supplementary Fig. 1). In D7, the juvenile feathers in chicken and zebra finch showed similar maturities: thickened feather sheathes, rachis and barb ridges were clearly visible (Fig. 1e’-f’ and l-m). The clear bard ridges suggest the formation of organized barbs and barbules (Fig. 1g).
To confirm the above findings, longitudinal sections were conducted in the central (spinal) feather follicles and the results supported the conclusion that the maturity of D7 feather follicles is similar between chicken and zebra finch: curved collars, enlarged pulps, and biconcave dermal papilla are clearly visible (Fig. 1h-m). The peripheral pulp regions show condensed cells, suggesting the formation of peripheral pulps (Fig. 1h). Based on these data and the literature 1, 3, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 25, we propose five major evolutionary morphogenesis events during the primary feather transition in Neoaves: biconcave dermal papilla formation, peripheral pulp formation, rachis formation, vane formation, and feather sheath thickening.
Coordination of multiple signaling pathways during the primary feather transition
As we wanted to know the overall skin tissue changes during the primary feather transition, we sampled the whole posterior dorsal skins from day 3 to 7 hatchlings in which complex gene interactions from different cell populations and different timings are involved. We applied the time-ordered gene co-expression network (TO-GCN) method 28, which was designed to decipher the molecular regulations from time (or developmental) course transcriptomes of complex tissues, to analyze the transcriptomes from embryonic and juvenile skins. We focused mainly on transcription factor (TF) genes, because they are the major players of gene regulation.
RNA-seq analysis of the transcriptomes from embryonic and juvenile samples was conducted to assess the quality of sequencing libraries and generate normalized read counts as the input for the TO-GCN analysis (Supplementary Fig. 3 and Table 1). A TO-GCN of 11 levels was constructed in both feather types based on the expression profiles of the TF genes. The lower (earlier) levels included the TF genes expressed at the earlier feather developmental stages, while the higher (later) levels included those expressed at the later developmental stages (Fig. 2a and b; Supplementary Table 2). The expression profiles of TF genes in each of the 11 levels were similar between the two feather types (as shown in the bar chart, Fig. 2a and b; Supplementary Table 2).
In early embryonic skin development (levels 1 to 5), Rho GTPases and cell cycle related pathways are enriched (Supplementary Table 3). Rho GTPases are best known for their roles in regulating cytoskeletal rearrangements, cell motility, cell polarity, axon guidance, vesicle trafficking and the cell cycle 34, 35, suggesting that Rho GTPase-mediated cell proliferation and polarization are the major event at this stage. Unexpectedly, polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) related pathways were also enriched. PRC2 is a multiunit epigenetic protein complex that silences gene expression by catalyzing trimethylation of histone H3 at lysine 27 (H3K27me3). How methylation is involved in natal down growth regulation is an interesting question. In late embryonic skin samples (levels 6 to 11), cornified envelope and keratin formation pathways were enriched (Supplementary Table 3).
In the juvenile TO-GCN, there are two distinct level groups each with a large gene member, suggesting two morphogenesis groups in post-hatched feathers. The first group is at levels 3 (110 TF genes) and 4 (102 TF genes) in which the major enriched pathways are extracellular matrix (ECM) organization and metabolism (Fig. 2b and e, Supplementary Tables 3 and 4). The second group is at levels 9 and 10 in which 72 and 138 TF genes were assigned, respectively. Many molecular pathways were enriched in this period but WNT/β-catenin related pathways were dominant (Fig. 2b and e, Supplementary Tables 3 and 4). ECM is vital for determining and controlling the most fundamental behaviors and characteristics of cells such as proliferation, adhesion, migration, polarity, differentiation, and apoptosis 36, 37. The WNT/β-catenin related pathway is known to control rachis and hooklet formation 16, 17, 19. Both of them are highly associated with the specific structures of juvenile feathers and are therefore the focus in this study.
In addition to ECM and the WNT/β-catenin related pathways, many other known molecular mechanisms were also enriched. In both early embryonic and juvenile skin development (levels 1 to 5), muscle formation genes were enriched, consistent with the previous finding that muscle development is important for feather positioning (Supplementary Tables 3 and 4) 38. In late juvenile skin development (levels 6 to 11), planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling pathway genes were enriched. Coupling of apical-basal polarity and PCP was identified to interpret the WNT signaling gradient, which controls the bilateral symmetric feather formation (Supplementary Table 4) 18.
Next, we wanted to know specific TF genes that are involved in the primary feather transition. In this study, we used the following criterion to compare the embryonic and juvenile TO-GCNs: for a TF, if d (= embryonic level – juvenile level) ≥ 3, we say it is an embryo specific TF; if d ≤-3, we say it is a juvenile specific TF; if d ≤ |2|, we say it is a common TF (Fig. 2c). Among the 638 expressed TF genes, 443 showed d ≤ |2|, suggesting that most TF genes are commonly used in both feather types (Fig. 2c; Supplementary Table 2, 3, and 4). The embryonic or juvenile specific TF genes at levels 8 to 10 in both feather types were selected as the embryonic or juvenile keratinization regulators, respectively. We matched these TF genes with those in two previous studies in which keratin regulators were well characterized (Supplementary Table 5) 39, 40. Interestingly, compared to our TF genes identified from embryonic TO-GCN, our TF genes identified from juvenile TO-GCN overlapped more with TF genes controlling scale or claw keratins (embryonic TFs: 0/9 = 0% vs juvenile TFs: 3/8 = 37.5%, Supplementary Table 5), suggesting that scale/claw keratins and their regulators may contribute more to juvenile feathers than to embryonic feathers.
Wnt signaling is the major regulator of rachis formation and LEF1 is a key molecular hub converting radial downy to bilaterally symmetric juvenile feathers
The molecular gradient in feather follicle from anterior to posterior end is crucial for regulating the angles of barb ridges for rachis formation 14. During rachis formation, the anterior to posterior Wnt3a gradient is known to convert radial to bilateral feather symmetry via convergence of barb ridges toward the rachis region 16. Moreover, multiple Wnt genes showed gradient expressions during flight feather regeneration 26, suggesting that the Wnt-based regulation could be redundant or regional specificity.
In the RNA-seq analysis, the expression levels of Wnt2b, Wnt5a, Wnt5b, Wnt7a, Wnt9a, Wnt9b, and Wnt16 were increased with the juvenile dorsal feather development, corresponding to the time point of the rachis formation (Fig. 1b’-e’ and Fig. 3a). Wnt3a showed constant expression and might not be a rachis regulator of the juvenile dorsal feathers (Fig. 3a). In our TO-GCN analysis, the lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1 (LEF1) was identified as a level 10 TF in juvenile feather development and is known to be a key mediator of Wnt signaling in diverse biological processes (Fig. 3a and Supplementary Table 2). The section in situ hybridization (SISH) of LEF1 and CTNNB1 in D7 chicken posterior dorsal skins revealed that LEF1 was expressed in an anterior to posterior gradient in the feather epidermis but CTNNB1 was expressed evenly (Fig. 3b), suggesting that LEF1 is the key factor responding to Wnt signaling. In zebra finch, although LEF1 was also expressed in feather epidermis, the feather pigments prevented us from visualizing the gradient (Fig. 3b, lower panel). Interestingly, both CTNNB1 and LEF1 showed higher expression in the chicken central feather follicles than in the flanking follicles, suggesting that the embryonic feather lateral propagation factor β-catenin could also be the activator for the secondary feather lateral propagation and LEF1 is also involved (Fig. 3b, upper panel).
To validate the effect of LEF1 on rachis formation, a dominant negative form of LEF1 (dnLEF1) was cloned into RCAS virus and injected into cavities of the plucked flight feathers. Previous studies showed that in flight feathers, the misexpression of Wnt inhibitor DKK1 could slightly disturb the rachis formation, and the overexpression of Wnt3a could disrupt the rachis formation and also cause abnormal barbs 16. Here, all the flight feathers injected with RCAS-dnLEF1 showed defects in rachis (Supplementary Fig. 4a). Half of the feathers lost part of the rachis while the others lost the entire rachis without influencing the surrounding barbs (Fig. 3c, Supplementary Fig. 4b), suggesting that the function of LEF1 is specific in feather follicles. SHH is a key morphogen for barb formation via their expression in bard ridges and absence in rachis forming regions 14, 16, 41. In rachidial feather, barb ridges insert into the rachidial ridge with the helical insertion angle (Fig. 3d, indicated by θ). However, in both natal down and RCAS-dnLEF1 misexpressed flight feather, all the barb ridges were formed in parallel (θ = 0, Fig. 3d), suggesting that barb ridges were not able to insert into rachidial ridge.
ECM re-organization generates peripheral pulp for feather branching morphogenesis
ECM organization was specifically enriched in three levels of the juvenile feather TO-GCN (L2 to L4, Fig. 2e). Components of ECM link together to form a structurally stable composite, contributing to the mechanical properties of tissues. ECM is also a reservoir of growth factors and bioactive molecules 36, 37. In chicken embryonic feathers, ECM regulates mesenchymal mechanics which can spontaneously break skin symmetry 42. In chicken adult feathers, ECM reorganization enables peripheral pulp formation 25. Therefore, we asked what is the function of ECM in primary feather transition and which molecules control and maintain the ECM reorganization process?
In the juvenile feather TO-GCN, levels 2 to 4 basically correspond to the D3 to D5 stages in feather development (Fig. 2b). A novel morphogenesis in this stage is the generation of peripheral pulp, which has about five layers of mesenchymal cells closely attached to the feather filament and basement membrane. The peripheral pulp expands the epithelial-mesenchymal interactive interface for barb patterning 25, 43. The gain of ECM mediated pulp differentiation is therefore our hypothesis for the primary feather transition. Tenascin C (TNC) is frequently used as ECM and differentiated pulp markers 11, 12, 15, 25, 26. The immunochemistry (IHC) signals of TNC reveal that the peripheral pulp was gradually differentiated from embryonic pulp along with the growth of embryonic to juvenile feathers in both chicken and zebra finch (Fig. 4a’-e’ and 4a”-e”). We further picked up two ECM reorganization related transcription factors, TWIST2 and ZEB2, from levels 2 to 4 of TO-GCN to examine their expressions. The SISH of TWIST2 showed the initial expression in the collar of embryonic feathers, the induction in whole pulp in early juvenile feathers, and the restricted expression in apical dermal papilla and peripheral pulp in late juvenile feathers in both chicken and zebra finch (Fig. a1-e1), suggesting its role in peripheral pulp formation. Interestingly, the IHC of ZEB2 showed an almost opposite pattern in that the signals were enriched in the central pup in both species (Fig. a2-e2), suggesting that it may maintain the mature tissues.
ACTA2 shapes adult dermal papilla to compartment dermal papilla stem cells for cyclic renewal
ACTA2 (encoding α-SMA) is a major feather dermal papilla marker and our TO-GCN analysis showed that ACTA2 co-expressed with levels 2 to 4 TF genes (Supplementary Table 6) 15, 25. We therefore paid additional attention to the role of α-SMA in primary feather transition. Dermal papilla of downy feather is long and slender, while dermal papilla in the juvenile and adult feathers are biconvex-shaped (Fig. 4 left side schemes) 11, 12, 15, 23, 25. We found that, in the IHC on skin longitudinal sections, the expression of α-SMA in dermal papilla increased with the juvenile follicle development and eventually filled up the biconvex-shaped dermal papilla in D7 juvenile feathers in both chicken and zebra finch (Fig. 4a-e). Most interesting, the study of feather cycling showed that in resting phase, dermal papilla stem cells are located in the apical part of the bi-concaved dermal papilla21. In the growth phase, the activation of apical part dermal papilla generates pulp progenitors, giving rise to both central pulp for nutrition purpose and peripheral pulp for continuous epithelial - mesenchymal interactions required for feather branching morphogenesis.
We then tested the importance of ACTA2 in dermal papilla formation. Since the protein sequence of ACTA2 is identical between human and chicken, we cloned a published human dominant negative ACTA2 form into RCAS virus (RCAS-dnACTA2) and injected it into the cavities of the plucked flight feather in chicken 44. The knock-down virus caused such severe effects that most (7/8) of the injected follicles could only regenerate tiny or no visible feathers two weeks after injection (Supplementary Fig. 4d). All the eight injected follicles could not be regenerated after the second plucking. Histologically, the dermal papilla and part of the collar structures were also disrupted (Fig. 4f and f’). To further understand the molecular changes in those abnormal follicles, immunostaining of several known ECM factors as well as ACTA2 were applied to feather sections (Fig. 4g-j’) 25. Dermal papilla markers α-SMA and vimentin (VIM) were enriched in whole dermal papilla in the control feather follicles but attenuated and dispersed in the virus injected follicles (Fig. 4g and g’, i and i’). Unexpectedly, TNC and Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (NCAM), which were found to be located in papilla ectoderm in the control feather follicles, were attenuated and dispersed in the virus injected follicles (Fig. 4h and h’, j and j’), suggesting the simultaneous disruption of dermal papilla and pulp structures. It could be that the dermal papilla of juvenile feathers contains myofibroblast cells and knock-down of α-SMA may then affect the integrity of these cells. These results suggest that α-SMA not only is a structural protein but also establishes an environment for the primary feather transition in Neoaves.
Many scale keratins are specifically upregulated in juvenile feather sheath by SOX14
β-keratin genes are mainly classified into feather, scale, claw keratins, and keratinocytes 45, 46, 47. A previous study revealed that chicken dorsal natal downs mainly express feather-β-keratin genes on Chr1, Chr10, Chr25 and also some members on Chr27 during keratinization, whereas feather-β-keratin genes on Chr2 and Chr6 are exclusively enriched in adult wing feathers 45. However, subsequent studies revealed that β-keratin genes are differentially regulated in different skin regions 39, 40, 47. Since our TO-GCN analysis along with the previous studies suggested the importance of scale keratins in the juvenile feather formation 39, 40, we employed several modifications in the transcriptomic analysis to decipher the β-keratin gene regulation: (1) Our embryonic and juvenile feather tissues were only from chicken posterior dorsal skins. (2) In addition to β-keratin genes, we analyzed the whole epidermal differentiation complex (EDC), which was known to participate in feather functional evolution 48, 49, 50, 51. (3) We used the newly published chicken genome (GRCg6a), which has a much-improved assembly in micro-chromosomes, where EDC gene clusters are located. (4) We manually annotated the EDC genes, especially the β-keratin genes, which are still poorly annotated in GRCg6a. (5) We conducted an ATAC-seq analysis of embryonic and adult feather tissues to look for epigenetic regulators during the primary feather transition.
We analyzed the co-expression profile of EDC genes in both feather types during their development. Our data were partially inconsistent with the previous finding, showing that, regardless of chromosomal locations, most of the β-keratin genes were expressed during both embryonic and juvenile feather keratinization (Clusters 7 and 11, Fig. 5a). Genes in Cluster 11were highly expressed at the keratinizing stage in both feather types, which include most feather β-keratin genes located on Chr1, 2, 7, 10, 25, and 27 (Fig. 5a; Supplementary Table 7). Genes in Cluster 7 are highly expressed at both the keratinizing stage and a stage ahead of it in both feather types, which include other β-keratin genes, such as scale, claw, feather-like β-keratin, and feather-β-keratin genes on Chr10 (Fig. 5a; Supplementary Table 7). In addition to β-keratin genes, most other EDC genes also were in cluster 7 or 11 (Fig. 5a; Supplementary Table 7).
Only small co-expression clusters and individual genes showed distinct profiles between the two feather types. Two β-keratin genes in Clusters 8 and 9 (GG6AChr25Ktn11 and GG6AChr25FK5) were highly expressed in keratinizing juvenile feathers but not in natal downs (Fig. 5a; Supplementary Table 7). In Cluster 7, CRNN was highly expressed in embryonic but not in juvenile feathers (Fig. 5a; Supplementary Table 7). Interestingly, when we analyzed the β-keratin genes based on their subfamilies (β-keratin related proteins, feather keratins, feather keratin like proteins, scale keratins, claw keratins, and keratinocytes), β-keratin gene expression differences between the two feather types could be found. Chr25 feather and feather-like keratin genes expressed higher in natal downs than in juvenile feathers, while Chr25 scale keratin genes expressed higher in juvenile feathers (Fig. 5a and b, Supplementary Fig. 6, Supplementary Table 7), suggesting that: (1) the ratio differences of Chr25 β-keratin gene expression in different chromosomes may contribute to feather type differences, and (2) some scale keratin genes could be important specifically for juvenile feather formation. To understand the expression differences of the scale keratin genes in the two feather types, we conducted SISH with GG6AChr25Scale2 and GG6AChr25Scale10 in cross sections of embryonic and juvenile feather follicles (Fig. 5c-f and Supplementary Table 7). Although the two keratin genes were faintly expressed in the barbs of both feather types, they were highly enriched in the feather sheath in juvenile feathers but not in natal downs.
What TFs control the scale keratins and whether this regulation is conserved in Neoaves were the next questions. All the scale keratins are on chromosome 25 for both chicken and zebra finch. We first compared the synteny of chromosome 25 between the two species and found that they are basically conserved along the whole chromosome. Next, we conducted ATAC-seq to compare the differential genomic accessible regions between embryonic feather filaments and the epidermis of adult flight feathers. Figure 5g shows the ATAC signals of the two tissues surrounding scale keratin gene cluster. The differential accessible regions overlapped with the conserved chromosome 25 sequences were extracted for footprint analysis to detect the enriched binding motifs and TFs. The results revealed that TFs SOX14, ESRRB, ESRRG, PRDM4, SREBF2, and SMAD5 were enriched in juvenile feathers; the corresponding binding motifs are shown in Fig. 5g’. Related studies are limited but SOX14 is essential for the initiation of neuronal differentiation in the chick spinal cord 52.
Since SOX14 is the most significant TF and more highly expressed in juvenile feather than in embryonic feather transcriptomes (Fig. 5g and Supplementary Table 1), we used SISH to detect its expression in the natal and juvenile feather follicles of chickens and zebra finches. The results showed that, the same as the scale keratins, SOX14 was detected in barbs of both feather types in both species, but the expression was only enriched in the feather sheath of juvenile follicles in both species (Fig. 5h-k). The overlapped expression of scale keratins and SOX14 suggests that SOX14 is an upstream transcription factor of scale keratins. To functionally validate the prediction, we overexpressed SOX14 in embryonic feather using the RCAS-virus system and 1/3 of the embryos (N = 12) generated abnormal feather follicles with either round or thickened and shortened phenotypes (Fig. 5l). Since the skin regions included both abnormal and normal feather follicles, SISH was applied to detect the expression of SOX14 and scale keratins in the same skin sections. Follicles with higher SOX14 expressions showed abnormal phenotypes and enhanced expressions of GG6AChr25Scale2 and GG6AChr25Scale10 (Fig. 5l), suggesting that SOX14 is the regulator of the scale keratins in feather sheath.