Beach Planform Model (BPM)
BPM is a Python-based model that predicts the equilibrium beach planform.
The model utilizes a finite-difference approach to build a shoreline that reflects the spatial variation of offshore wave sheltering along a beach limited by headlands. The BPM consists of two main components: the Shoreline Builder Function (SBF) and an optional Optimization Function (OF) (Extended Data Fig. 1). SBF requires the definition of an offshore wave climate, a beach start node (downwave beach limit), and the downwave (DW) and upwave (UW) headlands that bound the beach. The SBF then uses these inputs to create a shoreline that reflects the wave sheltering along the beach. The optional OF can be used to adjust the local effects of shelter by relocating the UW fixed-point, resulting in a better fit between the simulated and observed shorelines.
The iterative process of SBF starts by filtering the offshore waves at the beach start to keep only those within in-line-of-sight (disregarding all waves blocked as indicated in Extended Data Fig. 2). The mean (power) direction of the incident waves is then computed (see Methods – Wave power), and a shoreline segment perpendicular to that direction is added to that beach node. The endpoint of this segment becomes the starting node for the next iteration, and this process continues until the beach end is reached (Extended Data Figs. 1–2). At this point, if there is no need to optimize the position of the UW headland (the only free parameter of BPM), the model returns the simulated shoreline and the SBF is finalized. However, if optimization of UW is required, the BPM will use the OF to find its best-fitted position. OF utilizes the digitized UW headland position as an initial estimate and uses the Nelder-Mead optimization algorithm37. The objective function is based on minimizing the Root Mean Square (RMS) distance between SBF's output shoreline and the validation shoreline (Extended Data Fig. 1).
Wave power
The wave power magnitude (P), for offshore wave timeseries and for incident waves at each node, was computed through the deep-water wave power formula38, Eq. (1) as
$$P=\frac{\rho {g}^{2}{Hm0}^{2}Tm}{64\pi }$$
where ρ is the density of seawater, g is the acceleration due to gravity, Hm0 is the significant wave height and Tm is the mean wave period. The mean power direction of waves was assessed through a power-weighted vector mean approach. The shelter wave power ratio (SWPR), at each shoreline node, was calculated by dividing the total wave power of the incident waves by the total offshore wave power.
Data – idealized beach scenarios
The BPM model was utilized to reproduce the ensemble of idealized oblique wave conditions presented in ref.19 for the purpose of modelling bay equilibrium morphology under specific incident wave climates. The geomorphological parameters involve an embayment bounded at both ends by headland-fixed points, which represent either headlands or other rigid structures. The synthetic wave conditions consisted of ten thousand waves with constant wave height and wave period of 1 meter and 6 seconds, respectively. Their directions were normally distributed, with standard deviation varying from ϴstd = 5˚ to ϴstd = 40˚ at five-degree increments while mean direction varied between ϴmean=-5˚and ϴmean = + 60˚at, similar intervals. These parameters matched the ones utilized by ref.19 in their research.
To address the limitations of the model for completely sheltered coastal areas, especially those that arose from narrow band waves, a solution was devised to expand the simulation coverage to the entire embayment. To achieve this, an extra low-energy and wide-banded background wave climate was introduced into the simulation. This additional synthetic wave climate had a constant height of 0.01 m, a period of 6 seconds, a broad directional spread angle of 45˚ and a mean direction equal to the other higher-energy components.
Data – real beach cases
The BPM was applied to 13 embayed beaches worldwide covering a wide range of geomorphological and oceanographical settings (Figs. 2–4, Table 1 and Extended data Fig. 3). The headlands enclosing the embayed beach were visually located over Basemap imagery provided by ArcGIS Pro (sourced from Online Service ESRI via and were used to define two fixed-points at the land-sea interfaces: a downwave headland (Dw), limiting the more exposed sector of the embayment, and an upwave headland (Uw) limiting the more sheltered sector of the embayment. The use of Uw and Dw terminology, which pertains to wave propagation directions and their impact on sheltering, is preferred over terminologies associated with longshore sediment transport directions (updrift and downdrift), generally used in coastal studies7. This is due to the occasional lack of alignment between the two terminologies (as evidenced by Tróia-Sine’s embayment, where the Uw headland is located at the downdrift end of the beach39,40 and because it highlights the relevance of wave sheltering effects as opposed to sediment transport processes.
Beach start was defined by the xy coordinates of the shoreline's downwave end, specifically in the area that is more exposed within the embayment. This location marks where a rocky coast transitions into sand and becomes a beach.
The validation shorelines were obtained by vectorizing the limit between water and sand on multi-year averaged Sentinel-2 Level 2A image layers provided by ArcGIS PRO (sourced from the Planetary Computer Sentinel-2 Level2A data catalog on Azure via At each embayed beach, the average image used is the overlapping pixel values from all available sentinel-2-Level 2A images at the site, since 2015. Additionally, to improve water-sand limit recognition, we have rendered an average of all available sentinel-2 images into a colour-infrared visualization using Near Infrared, Red and Blue in RGB bands, respectively. For consistency purposes, all shorelines were projected either in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) or in Transverse Mercator (TM) projections. The assessment of the fitting between simulated and validation shorelines was done by computing the RMS error using the coastline builder (refer to BPM description in the Methods). To normalize this error, we divided it by the shoreline length, resulting in NRMS.
The offshore wave regime used in real beach cases was obtained from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast’s ERA5 reanalysis of the global climate30. This dataset includes ocean-wave information on a regular lat.-long. grid of 0.5˚. Here we used ERA5 data at 3-hour intervals for the period between 01 Jan 1979 00:00 and 31 Dec 2021 21:00. Simulations with total sea state used significant height of combined wind waves and swell (SWH), mean wave direction (MWD) and mean wave period (MWP). Simulations with sea and swell partitions, utilized significant height, mean direction and mean period of sea (SHWW, MDWW and mpWW) and total swell partitions (SHTS, MDTS and mpts), respectively.