Based on the SERVQUAL model, a suite of 23 indicators assessing five dimensions of service quality in home care settings was developed using the modified Delphi method. These indicators will facilitate improvement in quality of home care services.
In this study, experts from different geographical contexts and the median length of professional experience suggested that the experts represented a broad and experienced group. The response rates in the two rounds of Delphi consultation were more than 95%, indicating that experts showed more concern and continuing enthusiasm with this topic, and considered developing quality indicators for home care services was an important issue. The Kendall’s W value generally ranged from 0.3 to 0.5, reflecting the coordination degree of the expert opinions [28]. In the first round, the coordination degree for the second-level indicators was not ideal (0.28). After modifications according to the expert opinions, the coordination for the second-level indicators was improved (0.40), indicating an increasing level of agreement on all indicators among experts. Moreover, percentages of ratings between 4 and 5 for most indicators were also increased in the second round. Therefore, the final set of indicators can be considered valid and useful to assess quality of home care services.
Indicators of the SERVQUAL model should be modified for different service environments and service subjects. For home care services, reliability dimension included provision of correct services, standardised services, error-free records, adequate time allocation, and satisfying patients’ needs. In terms of importance, reliability showed the highest weight and half of the top 10 indicators in importance belonged to the dimension of reliability. This suggested that experts considered the reliability of home care services to be the most important aspect of quality management. Current challenges for home care services include limited medical resources and equipment, insufficient staff training, and workforce shortages and instability [22, 29], which may be barriers to provide reliable services. Reliability is largely associated with service outcomes [19], and therefore should be monitored and enhanced to ensure the service quality.
Assurance had the second weight, indicating a cognition that assurance is necessary to ensure the quality of home care services. Patients usually perceived home care provided by qualified and experienced staff to be good care [30]. Home care needs of patients are often complex and vary significantly [2], and home care nurses should be qualified to provide quality of care, such as sufficient knowledge and techniques, good communication skills, and patience. Moreover, home care tasks are relatively independent, and carried out with limited cooperation and consultation [31], this also calls for a higher competence for home care nurses. However, most home care agencies lacked systematic training for home care nurses, especially in rural areas [32]. Standardised competency-based training programs should be developed and provided for home care nurses to make them qualified to provide home care services.
For home care recipients, it is important to receive timely care and understand the schedule for their care in advance [33]. Responsiveness dimension showed the third weight and included indicators related to provide timely service and consider patients’ complaints. The pressure of time is a common issue for home care nurses. Increased care complexity, staff shortages and heavy workload contribute to the inability of nurses to ensure timely service [34], and this appears to affect patients’ experience of service and quality of care [22]. Therefore, reasonable arrangement of the service process is needed to provide timely service. Additionally, home care services are usually carried out without close supervision [2]. Complaints from recipients should be resolved effectively.
In this study, tangibility dimension included process to order services, detailed description of care services, up-to-date equipment, charges of services and well-dressed staff, suggesting these indicators should also be targets for quality management for home care services. Medical resources and equipment are critical to quality of home care. A previous study has found that limited medical resources and equipment are problems when providing home care [9]. Allocation of home care resource across geographical areas needs to be addressed to improve the balanced development of home care. Furthermore, order process, descriptions and charges of services should be made easy to acquire for patients to facilitate their good experience of home care services.
Providing home care services in patients’ own homes was described as a loss of privacy, and sufficient empathy was expected from home care nurses [30]. Though it ranked the least importance, empathy should also be emphasised for home care nurses and administrators. According to the identified indicators of the empathy dimension, nurses should give attention to the emotional demands from patients, understand their specific needs and provide care in a respectful way during the process of care delivery. In addition, patients’ privacy should be respected and protected to maintain their autonomy.
The significance of high-quality home care services to patient outcomes is currently under recognising. With the increasing development of home care, the quality of care is also required to be assessed and monitored. It is of great importance to develop indicators to measure the quality of home care services by means of a national consensus. In this way, this study adds to research on development of quality indicators for home care services from the patients’ perspective. Although conducted in a Chinese healthcare context, there is potential for adaption in other healthcare settings. Identification of service quality indicators is helpful to assess and improve the quality of home care services and better meet the needs of home care recipients in the future. Furthermore, these identified indicators will also instruct home care institutions to better provide home care services to patients.
There are some limitations in this study. First, this Delphi process was undertaken in a Chinese context. Generalization of the results to countries with different types of home care services should be attempted with caution. Second, instead of selecting experts using random sampling in an expert pool, experts were selected using purposive sampling, which may introduce a selection bias. Third, this was a preliminary study to evaluate the quality for home care services. Future research is needed to confirm the reliability and validity of these indicators.