This paper presents an approach for teasing out relationships between concepts when exploring complex fields of enquiry. It presents a simple, numerical approach to configurational analysis by identifying clusters of correlations between concepts, rather than the more intensive process of finding the conceptual clusters in the texts themselves.
The approach was developed through the application of Hamming Distance calculations to crosstabs of standard thematic coding and has been refined and verified through application to a series of case studies and through comparison with the outcomes of other approaches.
The approach consistently identifies resonance and dissonance between diverse stakeholders with incompatible paradigms. The case studies used to verify this, examined the concepts employed by researchers and practitioners in sustainability transitions in small food businesses and stakeholders in the food export sector. The resonance identified offers starting points for dialogue based on common interests.
The approach is a common-sense extension of mixed-methods cluster-analysis using a configurational lens to identify sets of concepts that are associated with distinct paradigms. In addition to unpacking different viewpoints, it offers additional value as a precursor for comparative analysis that can identify areas of agreement and disagreement and so navigate collaborative pathways through complex problems.