Study sites
We studied mountain goats in four study areas (Fig. 1) located in pairs at each end of a continental-coastal gradient in northwest North America. Two sites in the Rocky Mountains interior were located at Caw Ridge and Jasper (Alberta), and two sites strongly influenced by maritime conditions in southeastern Alaska, Baranof Island and Lynn Canal. Caw Ridge (54°N, 119°W) is a 28 km2 area located in the eastern foothills of the Rocky Mountains and composed of alpine tundra and open subalpine forest between 1,750 m and 2,170 m above sea level with the treeline at around 1,900 m. The climate is arctic-subarctic, with annual precipitations averaging 742 mm and a mean July temperature of 9.1°C (Mesinger et al. 2006, Festa-Bianchet and Côté 2008). The Jasper National Park study area (53° N, 118° W) is a 125 km2 area ranging from 1,000 to 3,000 m in elevation. The site is located in a dry subarctic climate and humid continental climate transition zone, with yearly precipitations averaging 1,064 mm and an average July temperature of 8.5°C (Mesinger et al. 2006, Richard and Côté 2016). Lynn Canal (59°N, 135°W) is a 600 km2 area ranging from sea level to 1,920 m and characterized by a coastal climate, with cool, wet summers and snowy winters (treeline: 900-1000 m). At the mean elevation used by mountain goats (1,000 m), annual precipitation averages 1,844 mm and the mean July temperature is 9.0°C (Mesinger et al. 2006, White and Gregovich 2018). The Baranof Island study area (57°N, 135°W) is composed of 1,360 km2 of coastal mountains, with elevations ranging from sea level to 1,610 m and a strong maritime influence. The Baranof study area is characterized by a coastal climate with mean annual precipitations of 1,912 mm and average July temperatures of 8.2°C (Mesinger et al. 2006). Although coastal sites are located 3-4˚ further north, they are also 1,000 m lower approximately which explain why summer temperatures are largely similar.
Species assemblages of predators and other large ungulates vary between sites. In both continental sites, grizzly bears (Ursus arctos), wolves (Canis lupus), cougars (Puma concolor), and black bears (Ursus americanus) are the main predators of mountain goats. Several other large ungulates also share part of the range of continental goats such as bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis), moose, caribou (Rangifer tarandus), elk, and mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) (Festa-Bianchet and Côté 2008). In the Lynn Canal study area, brown bears, black bears, and wolves are the main predators, while moose is the only other large ungulate sharing their range with goats. In the Baranof Island study area, brown bears are the only potential predator, and Sitka black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus) is the only other large ungulate (MacDonald and Cook 2007). Mountain goats in all habitats are strongly associated with escape terrain, which is primarily used to avoid predation (Poole and Heard 2003, Festa-Bianchet and Côté 2008, White and Gregovich 2018). This suggests that predation plays an important role in the habitat selection of mountain goats regardless of the predator assemblage.
Mountain goat activity and locations
In the Caw Ridge study area, we captured 15 goats (4 females and 11 males) in box traps between 2011 and 2019 (see Côté et al. (1998) for capture details). For the Jasper study area, we captured 10 goats (5 males and 5 females) in box traps between 2011 and 2013 (see Richard et al. (2014) for capture details). We marked goats from these two sites with GPS collars (GPS PLUS Iridium collars; VECTRONIC Aerospace GmbH, Berlin, Germany). The collars collected location, activity, and temperature data every 3h, during 1 to 6 years. For the Lynn Canal and Baranof Island study areas, we used helicopter darting techniques (White et al. 2021) to capture 157 goats (85 males and 72 females) between 2005 and 2019, and 61 goats (39 males and 22 females) between 2010 and 2018, respectively. We marked goats in Lynn Canal and Baranof Island with Telonics TGW-3590, TGW-4500 and TGW-4590 GPS satellite collars (Telonics, Inc., Mesa, AZ). The collars recorded location, activity and temperature data at 3h (N=42) or 6h (N=162) intervals, and collars were active between 6 months and 5 years. We knew the age of some animals that were previously marked as yearling, otherwise we aged goats at capture from horn annuli (Stevens and Houston 1989). In addition, we used incisor tooth eruption patterns (for animals <4-years old) and/or cementum annuli analysis (when teeth were collected from natural mortalities) to assess individuals’ age. The age of mountain goats at the time of capture ranged from 1 to 15, with an average of 7 years old.
Activity measurements in all collars were recorded over a 15-minute period following each GPS location acquisition attempt. Activity was measured as the number of switches of an accelerometer with one possible switch every second (min = 0, max = 900). A subset of 75 collars recorded activity over 15-minute periods throughout the day. We calibrated activity data to define active or inactive periods using focal observations of collared goats in Lynn Canal and domestic sheep wearing some of the collars previously deployed in the continental study sites (Appendix 1). We analyzed the calibration data using logistic regressions to estimate the probability of being active during every 15-minute periods and classified records as either active or inactive (Appendix 1). We removed activity values with a probability of being active between 15 and 85% (N=3,214 of 73,787 total readings) from all subsequent analyses to avoid introducing noise (i.e., measurements when animals were both active and inactive during the evaluation period) in the analyses (Appendix 1). We only used data collected in the months of June, July and August to assess summer habitat use and activity patterns to exclude the shoulder seasons (spring and fall) when mountain goat behaviour and space use are changing (e.g. due to altitudinal migration).
To characterize weather conditions in each study area, we extracted the weather data from the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) raster database, which covers all of North America at a 3h temporal resolution and a 32 km spatial resolution (Mesinger et al. 2006). To supplement temperature readings from mountain goat collars, we extracted air temperature, daily precipitation and wind speed for the median elevation recorded by the goat collars at each site (1,000 m for Lynn Canal and Baranof Island, 1,900 m for Caw Ridge and 2,200 m for Jasper). We linked GPS locations and activity readings to the closest temporal NARR reading available with a maximum difference of 1h between the GPS and NARR readings. The altitudinal accuracy of the NARR interpolation for mountainous regions has been shown to be reliable and a good representation of in-situ conditions (Trubilowicz et al. 2016), and our own testing showed a good correlation between NARR temperatures and in-situ readings (R2= 0.67, Appendix 2, R2= 0.82, Trubilowicz et al. 2016). Wind speed also showed a good level of agreement between in-situ readings and NARR with R2‘s ranging from 0.33 to 0.88 depending on the site used (Trubilowicz et al. 2016).
Temperature data were also recorded from a temperature logger inside the collar and calibrated using ambient temperature loggers installed throughout the study areas (Appendix 3). We used the temperature recorded by the GPS radio collar for the activity pattern analysis because collar temperature has been shown to be the most accurate estimate of the ambient temperature experienced by the individuals as it takes into account sun and wind exposure, as well as general habitat selection (Allred et al. 2013). Temperature recorded by collars, combined with wind speed and daily precipitation from the NARR, were thus used for the activity pattern analysis, while NARR temperature was used for the habitat selection analysis. NARR temperatures were used for the Resource Selection Function (RSF) analysis (see below) as temperature readings from mountain goat collars are influenced by the habitat selection of mountain goats and would add noise to the results. We needed a temperature reading that was independent from the habitat selection of mountain goats, and NARR temperatures were the best option that was standardized across all sites. We selected one data point and elevation for each of the four sites that was most representative of the site to be used for the entire analysis.
Habitat characteristics
We derived landscape-related explanatory variables in a geographic information system using Program R (R Core Team 2020) and QGIS 3.10 (QGIS Development Team 2021) (See Table 1). We used the most precise digital elevation models (DEM) available for each site, a 5 m resolution DEM for coastal (Carswell 2013), and a 13.5 m resolution DEM for continental sites (Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation 2013). We standardized all DEMs among study areas to 10 m resolution by down sampling (using the “aggregate” function from the “raster” package (Hijmans and Etten 2012) in R) the coastal rasters and resampling (using the “resample” function in QGIS) the continental rasters. We created slope rasters from standardized DEMs using the “terrain” function from the raster package. We then created escape terrain rasters by selecting slopes > 40° (White and Gregovich 2018). We used the “apply” function from the “rgeos” package (Bivand and Rundel 2020) to calculate the distance to escape terrain for both used and available locations. We also created topographical sunshade rasters for every hour of every day for each site. We calculated the position of the sun using the “suncalc” package (Thieurmel and Elmarhraoui 2019). The positions of the sun were projected on the DEMs using the “insol” package in R (Corripio 2019).
Table 1 Descriptions and data sources for terrain characteristics and land cover habitat categories used to predict habitat use of mountain goats for the continental (Jasper and Caw Ridge, Alberta Canada, 2011-2019) and coastal (Baranof Island and Lynn Canal, Alaska, USA, 2005-2019) ecotypes
Data source
Elevation (m)
(Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation 2013, Carswell 2013)
Distance to escape terrain
Distance to a slope ≥40°
Topographical shade
Shade index (yes or no) based on the topography and the position of the sun
Forests of all stand types
(Canada Centre for Remote Sensing 2020)
Alpine meadow
Shrubland, grasslands and mosslands
Barren meadow
Area covered by at least 50% rock. Used as the reference category in analyses.
Snow and ice
We used 30 m resolution land cover raster from the 2010 Land Cover of North America (Canada Centre for Remote Sensing 2020) to determine the land cover at each location. The original raster contained 19 land cover types, which we reclassified into four ecologically relevant land cover types based on our understanding of mountain goat ecology: alpine meadows (all shrublands, grasslands and moss lands), barren meadows (all habitats with a rock cover > 50%), forests (open and closed forests of all stand types), and snow/ice (glaciers, perennial snowfields and snow patches that last throughout the summer). Water and ocean were excluded because mountain goats do not use lakes, rivers or oceans.
1.4.4 Habitat selection analysis
To characterize mountain goat habitat selection in relation to weather conditions and ecotype, we developed a resource selection functions (RSF) for each ecotype using the “glmer” function (family: binomial, link: logit) from the lme4 package (Bates et al. 2015) according to the methods and recommendations described by Fieberg et al. (2021). We also used a weight of 1 for used points and 5000 for available points as recommended by Fieberg et al. (2021). Specifically, we estimated third-order resource selection, defined as use vs. availability within individual home ranges (Johnson 1980). We used a ratio of used/available locations of 1:5. Available locations were randomly distributed within the summer home range of each mountain goat using the “random_points” function from the “adehabitatHR” package (Calenge 2006). We excluded non-habitat from the available locations such as, lakes rivers and the ocean, as goats do not use these habitats. We estimated home ranges using the 95% minimum convex polygon (MCP) method, with the function “mcp” from the “adehabitatHR” package. To ensure accurate summer home range delineation and subsequent availability of habitat characteristics for each goat, we only included individuals with more than 35 used locations in the analysis (sample size threshold determined via preliminary simulation analyses). Therefore, the average number of used locations per goat for the coastal and continental goats were 332 (minimum = 35, maximum = 1359) and 796 (minimum = 80, maximum = 1674), respectively. We extracted habitat covariates of both used and available locations using the extract function from the “raster” package in Program R.
For the RSF analyses, we only used locations between 9h and 18h to isolate the effect of temperature on habitat selection and minimize the impact of the time of day. We used a total of 17,511 used locations from 22 goats for the continental RSF and 64,080 locations from 193 goats for the coastal RSF. For both ecotypes, we used the simple effect of the distance to escape terrain as a covariate and assessed the effect of temperature by including its interaction with elevation, land cover type, and topographical shade. We used barren meadows as the reference habitat as it was the land cover type which provided the smallest variation between used and available for both ecotypes (Appendix 4). We included individual identity and year as random intercepts. For the coastal model, however, the random intercept of year had a variance estimated at zero. Moreover, we evaluated a potential second-degree polynomial effect of elevation as goats’ selection of elevation may not be linear and they may select for intermediate elevations rather than high or low elevations. The second-degree polynomial model was retained in the coastal model based on a lower Akaike information criterion (AIC) value with a DAIC >10 (Burnham and Anderson 2002). For the continental model, we could not evaluate a second-degree polynomial because the model including this effect did not converge.
It was not possible to add date, age or sex to our models as it would have created several three-way interactions difficult to interpret (Fieberg et al. 2021). Age and sex were balanced in our analysis and not including them in our analysis is unlikely to create biases. To limit the effect of date in the analyses, we used only the months of June, July, and August, during which conditions and mountain goat summer habitat use are fairly similar (Rice, 2008). Still, temperature varied widely throughout the study period. To evaluate the potential for date and temperature to be confounded, we tested linear and quadratic regressions between temperature and Julian date for both ecotypes (Appendix 5). There was a weak quadratic relationship between temperature and date for both ecotypes, with the influence of date explaining less than 14% of the variability in temperature and temperature showing wide variation on each date (Appendix 5). We conclude that there is a low potential for temperature to be confounded by date and that neglecting the influence of date is unlikely to introduce a strong bias in the estimation and interpretation of the temperature effect on habitat selection.
Once the RSF models were fitted, we standardized the results by dividing the relative strength of selection by the relative availability of the habitat type to account for the availability of the different categories, and thereby avoid overestimating selection of very common categories (Fieberg et al. 2021). Assumptions for logistic regressions were met, the dependence of observations was accounted for with the mixed model, collinearity between variables were small [largest generalized variance inflation factor (Fox and Monette 1992) was 2.79 when adjusted for the degrees of freedom], there were no outliers, and all covariates were linear with the logit of the used vs. available response variable.
1.4.5 Activity patterns analysis
To assess how mountain goat activity patterns varied according to changes in environmental conditions, we modelled activity readings (0 inactive, 1 active) using a Generalized Additive Mixed Model (GAMM) with a binomial error and a logit link, using the “bam” function in the “mgcv” R package (Wood 2011). We included individual identity, population, and year nested within population as random intercepts to account for the repeated measures of individuals in the same population each year. We used a total of 70,573 activity readings from 170 individual mountain goats. We used Julian day, age and sex of the goat as covariates and assessed the influence of collar temperature, wind speed, daily precipitation, local time of day and ecotype on goat activity patterns. Age was used as a proxy for the mass of the animals as mass is known to influence the response to temperature in other species (Aublet et al. 2009). Sex was also included because males and females have different activity budgets in several ungulates (Ruckstuhl and Neuhaus 2000, 2002, Li and Jiang 2008).
To examine the interactions between weather conditions and mountain goat individual characteristics on activity, we included two-way smooth interactions (Table 2) of temperature with wind speed, precipitation, ecotype, age and sex. We also included a smooth interaction between time of day and Julian day to account for the varying length of the day throughout the season. We used a three-way interaction between Julian day, time of day and ecotype to account for differences in day lengths between both ecotypes. Finally, we added a three-way smooth interaction between temperature, time of day and ecotype to assess the effect of temperature on activity during different periods of the day for goats in the two ecotypes. Time of day was modelled as a cyclic spline to account for the continuity of time in the data. We selected K values for each smooth, specifying the number of knots to be fitted on the smooth by starting from the smallest K-value and incrementally increasing it for each variable until the value for each smooth was not significant in the “gam.check” function of the “mgcv” package, as described by Wood (2017). All model assumptions were met.
We also explored the effect of temperature on the daily percentage of time spent active by computing the percentage of time spent active over 24h. We only kept day for which we had 93 or more of the 96 possible activity readings to ensure accuracy of our proportions of time active. We used a total of 11,447 daily mean activity readings from 73 individual mountain goats. We then used the temperatures recorded by the mountain goat collars to calculate the mean and maximum temperatures for each 24h period. We used both mean and maximum temperatures to explore respectively the effect of sustained high temperatures on mountain goats as well as more short-term peaks of high temperature. Although, GPS collars are quite accurate to assess local temperatures (Appendix 3), intense solar radiation may increase temperatures recorded by collars. These readings do not represent the actual air temperature experienced by the goat, but they do indicate the goat is exposed to higher temperatures than when solar radiation is weaker. Thus, we performed two GAMMs, one model for the mean and one for the maximum temperature, using the same random effect model structure described for the activity patterns analysis. We included a smooth interaction between temperature and the following covariates: Julian day, ecotype, age and sex of the goat.