We hypothesized a research model shown in Fig. 1. The prime intent of this study is to measure the association between design characteristics and cognitive absorption dimensions leading to the intention to use MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) for learning systems. In technological studies [9], [30], [54], the employed cognitive aspects were considered strong determinants of control, enjoyment, and behavioral intention. Further, the design used elements were categorized into navigation, content, interactivity, and visual aspects [2], [55].
Interactivity refers to communication or design quality that allows users to manage information. Xu and Sundar [56] describe “interactivity as the ability of the interface to allow users to access the content through a variety of different interactive features.” These elements play a vital role in raising interest by stimulating exploratory behavior.
User control (U.C.) refers to the extent to which the user is enabled to perform the presented contents [2]. An individual's perception or confidence in the use of the system's functionalities or services to control interaction is considered a critical antecedent of interactivity in prior studies (i.e., [2], [9], [57], [58]), user control was discussed as a critical determinant of cognitive aspects and engagement. The feeling of having control during interaction with the site excites users' curiosity and makes browsing intrinsically exciting [16]. Yin et al. [29] argue that active control over the exploration and acquisition activity increases attention. Thus, we can assume that user control features allow users to control their interaction during learning, ultimately promoting their exploratory behavior. Thus, establishing the theoretical ground, this research proposes the following hypotheses:
H1a: User control positively influences temporal dissociation.
H1b: User control positively influences focused immersion.
H1c: User control positively influences curiosity.
Responsiveness (R.S.) refers to a system's ability to respond to user queries [59]. An individual perceives a system's efficiency in providing the required information against a request. It relates to feedback to previous queries or how correspondence responses are perceived appropriately. Features such as e-mail, toll-free telephone, and online help provide feedback-related services. These features may arouse feelings of pleasure or engagement and intention to use [2]. In several studies [2], [9], [57], [58], responsiveness was observed as a strong determinant of trust, satisfaction, engagement, involvement, cognitive aspects, and continuous intention to use. Yin et al. [29], responsiveness attracts and engages customers to wait for an appropriate response. As a theoretical basis, this research proposes the following hypotheses:
H1d: Responsiveness positively influences temporal dissociation.
H1e: Responsiveness positively influences focused immersion.
H1f: Responsiveness positively influences curiosity.
Connectedness (CD) refers to feeling connected or linked to the world outside the website. It facilitates individuals to connect and share their experiences or perceptions of getting benefits from input from the community to broaden one's experiences [59]. Features such as chatrooms, discussion portals, and blogs may create a feeling of being connected and facilitate individuals to share common interests and experiences. Various studies [9], [48] examined it as a determining aspect of cognitive involvement. Yin et al. [29] also provided evidence that connectivity is related to information acquisition and helps to produce a sense of focused immersion and temporal dissociation. Therefore, this study proposes the following hypotheses:
H1g: Connectedness positively influences temporal dissociation.
H1h: Connectedness positively influences focused immersion.
H1i: Connectedness positively influences curiosity.
Personalization/customization (P.C.) reflects how contents are tailored to suit the individual's needs. It means how easily portals can be manipulated or personalized to individuals' preferences. It is considered an important quality factor in enhancing customer experiences and utilization behavior [60]. These features are essential to reduce the information load through filtration to satisfy the users. Customization refers to how technological services can be created or changed to fulfil individuals’ preferences [61]. Personalization involves individualized content or services. It is a strategy for transferring information to individuals by observing their usage patterns. Benlian [62] observed a strong impact of personalization on enjoyment and stickiness. It was regarded as a robust antecedent of satisfaction, trust, involvement, cognitive aspects, and intention [9], [60], [63]. Teng [64] observed the influential role of customization in enhancing immersion and loyalty. Therefore, this research proposes the following hypotheses:
H1j: Personalization/customization positively influences temporal dissociation.
H1k: Personalization/customization positively influences focused immersion.
H1l: Personalization/customization positively influences curiosity.
Navigation design (N.D.) refers to how the navigational structure or scheme supports users while accessing different website segments [2]. It is a process that helps to explore the information resources using navigational features to attract and retain users [55]. Otherwise, users are impatient with non-existent or confusing navigation; they experience difficulty locating the required contents, reducing involvement and quitting the underlying application immediately. It also allows users to carry out tasks quickly and provides alternative ways to retrieve the preferred information. In several studies [2], [40], [55], the researchers considered appropriate mobile navigation aspects (i.e., patterns, transition, hierarchy, buttons, links, clues, path, and scheme) and precise organization crucial to develop a positive attitude. Aisha et al. [9] also observed search convenience's strong and influential impact on cognitive aspects. Establishing the theoretical ground, this research proposes the following hypotheses:
H2a: Navigation design positively influences temporal dissociation.
H2b: Navigation design positively influences focused immersion.
H2c: Navigation design positively influences curiosity.
Content/information design (I.C.) is related to the informational aspects incorporated into the interface, either graphically or textually [2]. It refers to the information quality accessed by the individuals to be complete, useful, well-structured, and logically presented [2], [55], [65]. In contrast, poorly structured, inadequate, or conflicting content quality results in usability problems. McKinney et al. [66] evaluated that improper information leads to users' dissatisfaction; thus, the user leaves the system. Moreover, poor organization changes the individuals' perception of usability. In a study [67], Sukumaran argues that absorption is vital to determining individuals' perception of product information. Thus, information quality, along with a precise presentation, evokes users’ positive responses and heightens the cognitive absorption to fulfil the individual’s information needs [34], [51], [68]. Therefore, this research proposes the following hypotheses:
H3a: Content/information design influences temporal dissociation.
H3a: Content/information design influences focused immersion.
H3c: Content/information design influences curiosity.
Visual design (V.D.) uses appropriate graphics to organize the visual appearance. It refers to an aesthetic and emotional appeal expressed via visual elements [2]. Moreover, precise organization, symmetry, grouping, order, animation, color, font, and layout are essential aspects to constitute an appealing and pleasant appearance [2], [40]. It plays a prominent role by enhancing readability and recognition and drawing users' attention to important information. In recent studies [2], [9], [34], attractiveness and consistency have been discussed as important aspects to improve learning performance and cognitive involvement. Koo and Ju [43] argue that customers with a high curiosity are more gratified and stimulated when the online store is well-designed with attractive graphics and appropriate cues. As a theoretical basis, this research proposes the following hypotheses:
H4a: Visual design positively influences temporal dissociation.
H4b: Visual design positively influences focused immersion.
H4c: Visual design positively influences curiosity.
Continued intention to use (C.U.) refers to a user's desire to use technology in the future [2]. It was derived from expectation disconfirmation theory [69] and consistently employed in technological studies [17], [47], [70]–[72] because it is considered a reliable antecedent of utilization behavior. However, utilization behavior and continuous intention are based on the design and service quality [2]. In the eLearning context, intention to use refers to the learners' intent to adopt online learning in the future [17]. It also refers to the user's positive attitude to strengthening their relationship with technologies [2], [55]. Aisha et al. [9] identified the positive effect of design on intention to use through cognitive aspects. Besides cognitive facets, better experiences and deep involvement are essential to determine the continued intention to use [2]. Jumaan et al. [72] considered absorption crucial in forming continuance intentions. Hsu and Lin [71] argue that cognitive absorption must comply with individuals' needs for heightened use intention. As a theoretical basis, we can assume the following:
H5a: Temporal dissociation positively influences continued intention to use.
H5b: Focused immersion positively influences continued intention to use.
H5c: Curiosity positively influences continued intention to use.