Site and field operations
The experimental site was located near Baie-du-Febvre (46o08’N, 72o43W; ca. 30 m above sea level), in southwestern Québec. The 30-year climate normals (1981–2010) for the area are 5.3 ◦C for annual average temperature and 924 mm for annual precipitation (Nicolet meteorological station, 8 km from the site; Environment and Climate Change Canada 2023). The flat terrain has moderately good drainage. The soil is classified as a Gleysol (Soil series: Rideau clay with surface sandy patches; Laplante and Choinière 1954; Soil Classification Working Group 1998), with loamy sand texture (75% sand, 8% clay), 4.5% organic matter, and bulk pHwater of 5.9 in the uppermost 0–20 cm.
The experimental site was established within an 11 ha field (560 x 200 m) with subsurface drainage, where a TBI system had been established in 2012. The TBI system consisted of three single rows of trees (northwest-southeast orientation) that were each 400 m long. The rows were composed of randomly distributed hardwoods showing similar moderate growth among species (sugar maple, Acer saccharum Marsh.; black walnut, Juglans nigra L.; northern red oak, Quercus rubra L.; swamp white oak, Quercus bicolor Willd.; bur oak, Quercus macrocarpa Michx.; shagbark hickory, Carya ovata [Mill.] K.Koch). High-value hardwoods alternated with plantings of fast-growing hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides W. Bartram ex Marshall x Populus nigra L.). Trees were installed at 5-m spacing within the row and 40 m spacing between rows, corresponding to a density of 50 trees ha− 1. In September 2021 (i.e., 10 y after tree planting), average height and diameter at breast height (DBH, 130 cm) of poplars were respectively 16.1 m and 33.4 cm, while those of hardwoods were 6.4 m and 9.7 cm. Since planting, poplars and hardwoods have been maintained by annual shape-pruning (e.g., removal of forks to maintain one single straight stem) and branch pruning (to less than 1/3 of the tree height). Uncultivated strips (ca. 2 metres-wide) were maintained under the tree rows and left unmown. “Grass strips” consisted mainly of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), Canada goldenrod (Solidago canadensis L.), common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) and greater burdock (Arctium lappa L.). A mixture of alfalfa, timothy (Phleum pratense L.), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) and meadow bromegrass (Bromus biebersteinii Roem. & Schult.) was seeded under no-till on 2 May 2021. Seeding rates were 13, 8, 4 and 4 kg ha− 1 for alfalfa, timothy, tall fescue and meadow bromegrass, respectively. The soil was fertilized in autumn 2020 and 2021 with 36 Mg ha− 1 of solid dairy cattle manure, which provided for each application ca. 45 kg ha− 1 of N, 30 kg ha− 1 of K and 40 kg ha− 1 of P. Forages were harvested three times in 2021 (18 June, 3 August, 25 October) and in 2022 (20 June, 22 July, 27 August) at a 7-cm height. Previous crops were maize (Zea mays L., 2017), soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr., 2018 and 2019) and winter rye (Secale cereale L., 2020).
Experimental design
The experimental design was divided into three replicated blocks. In each block, the TBI system was compared to an adjacent agricultural control (without trees) that included the same forage crop with the same agricultural history and management (Fig. 1). The three randomized and replicated TBI system and control plots were divided into two root-pruning treatments: without pruning versus with pruning. Root pruning was conducted at the end of April 2021 and 2022, which corresponded to the beginning of the growing season, using a sub-soiler (75 cm depth). In the TBI system, root pruning was implemented 2.5 m from the tree row on both sides, over a length of 40 m (Fig. 1). In each root pruning treatment, there was one transect on each side of the row and five distances from the tree row were compared: 0 m (i.e., under the tree row), 4 m, 12 m, 20 m (i.e., alley centre) and agricultural control (i.e., > 40 m from the nearest tree) (Fig. 1).
Measured variables
In 2021, we measured soil nitrate and ammonium bioavailability under field conditions using 2.5 cm x 10 cm anion and cation exchange membranes (Durán et al., 2013; AR204SZRA and CR67-HMR, Durpro, Candiac, QC, Canada). Within each distance plot, three pairs of membranes (one of each type) were incubated (0–10 cm depth) during two burial periods, from 10 June to 28 July (48 d) and from 9 September to 22 October (43 d), and bulked into one composite sample for both membrane types (Fig. 1; 3 blocks x 2 pruning treatments x 2 transects x 5 distances = 60 samples per burial period). After removal from the field, composite samples of membranes were rinsed with distilled water and extracted with 35 mL 2 M KCl per recovered membrane (shaking 1 h at 60 rpm), filtering the extracts (Whatman No. 42), and analyzing filtrates colorimetrically for NO3− and NH4+ (SEAL AA3 AutoAnalyzer, Folio Instruments, Kitchener, ON, Canada). Membranes were scanned to estimate contact area for each type.
Similarly, bioavailability of soil nutrients (NO3−, NH4+, P, K, Ca, Mg) was measured in 2022 using Plant Root Simulator (PRS®) probes (Hangs et al., 2004). This technology consists of cation and anion exchange membranes (adsorbing surface area of 17.5 cm2/probe) that are encapsulated in thin plastic probes. In each distance plot, four anion and four cation PRS probes were buried to a depth of 5–10 cm (2 m between pairs) during two burial periods, from 27 June to 15 July (18 d) and from 29 July to 17 August (19 d). These were bulked into one composite sample per distance for both PRS probe types (Fig. 1). Cleaned PRS probes were stored at 4°C before being sent to Western Ag Innovations (Saskatoon, SK, Canada) for their complete analysis. NO3− and NH4+ in the eluant was determined colorimetrically using automated flow injection analysis (Skalar San + + Analyzer, Skalar Inc., Breda, The Netherlands). The remaining nutrients (P, K, Ca, Mg) were measured using inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (Optima ICP-OES 8300, PerkinElmer Inc., Waltham, MA, USA).
Leaching of NO3− and NH4+ was determined using ion exchange resin lysimeters (Shelton et al. 2018; Susfalk and Johnson 2002). These passive lysimeters were constructed using PVC pipe sections of 10-cm length and diameter that contained a mixture of cation and anion exchange resins (50 g of C100E and 50 g of A400 [fresh masses], Durpro). Layers from bottom to top were: 1) 125 mL of sand (to avoid contamination from below) on top of a permeable membrane (polyester with 0.3-mm pores); 2) the resin mixture contained between two permeable membranes; 3) 150 mL of sand; 4) 150 mL of a 50:50 mixture of sand and native soil; and 5) native soil filling the remaining space. Lysimeters were deployed during two burial periods, from 28 June 2021 (1 week for deployment) to 5 May 2022 (2 weeks for retrieval and deployment) and from 5 May 2022 to 2 November 2022 (2 days for retrieval). In each plot of the downwind transects in two of the three blocks (i.e., 20 plots cf, 60), two lysimeters were installed at 40-cm depth (top of lysimeter) under an undisturbed soil profile, ensuring good contact with the soil (Fig. 1; 2 blocks x 2 pruning treatments x 1 transect x 5 distances x 2 lysimeters / distance = 40 samples per burial period). To do so, a square pit (side ≈ 70 cm) with a depth of 50 cm was dug in each plot and lysimeters were put at the end of two horizontal tunnels (width and height = 10 cm; length = 40 cm), which started at the corners of the pit bottom (60 cm between tunnel entries). Tunnels were oriented at an angle so as to place the lysimeters as far as possible from the disturbed pit surface (~ 1 m between the two lysimeters). The pits were refilled after deployment. When resin lysimeters were retrieved, NO3− and NH4+ were extracted from the whole resin with 500 mL 2 M KCl (shaking 1 h at 60 rpm), filtering the extracts (Whatman No. 42), and analyzing the filtrates using the SEAL AA3 AutoAnalyzer. A test of the lysimeter design was carried out using four test pits (two pits with fertilization) and confirmed that this method can capture part of the variability in NO3− leaching (Supplementary material S1).
Soil volumetric water content (VWC) was monitored to 7.5 cm depth on seven dates using a FieldScout TDR 350 Soil Moisture Meter (Spectrum Technologies, Aurora, IL, USA); samples taken 27 June, 27 July, 16 and 30 September in 2021, and 10 July, 30 July and 15 August in 2022. Each measurement consisted of the mean of 10 readings taken in the same 60 plots that were described previously for the ion exchange membranes, i.e., 60 measurements per date. In each of the 60 plots, 6 soil cores (7 cm dia., 0–20 cm depth) were collected in July 2022. Soil cores from each plot were bulked into one composite sample. Soil texture of each sample was characterized by hydrometry (Bouyoucos, 1962).
Tree litterfall production in the TBI system was measured using litter traps (0.25 m2, 50 cm × 50 cm, 1 m above the soil surface) that were placed in every plot (except controls) of two blocks in 2021 (32 plots) and one block in 2022 (16 plots). Litter traps were deployed from 21 September to 29 November 2021, and 28 September to 24 November 2022. Litterfall (mixed, from all tree species) samples were dried (60°C to constant mass) and weighed to obtain litterfall dry mass (g m− 2).
Statistical analyses
Nutrient supply rates were calculated in terms of mass (µg) per recovered probe contact area (cm2; including both sides of the ion exchange membranes) per day. It is important to mention that the division of the raw data by the number of days does not allow the comparison between burial periods of different lengths since ion adsorption onto membranes does not increase linearly with time (Salisbury 2000). The statistical models controlled for these differences between burial periods.
A separate model was run for each N form. The formula of the full model was:
N supply rate ~ Distance × (Burial period + Root pruning) + %Clay + random(Block/Plot) [1]
where Distance is a categorical variable for each distance and the control, which forms an interaction with probe burial period and the root-pruning treatment. Clay percentage was used as a control for soil texture and was log-transformed to alleviate heteroscedasticity. The nested random effects control for block correlation and for repeated measurements using the same plot. Significance of each variable was evaluated with ANOVA using Type III sums-of-squares. When Distance or its interaction with the burial period was significant, multiple comparisons were automatically made (Tukey's HSD test) among distances and the control for each burial period separately. Supply rates were log-transformed prior to modelling to achieve normal distributions.
The same model and tests were used for soil VWC measurements made during the different periods of probe burial. The average of two measurement dates was used for three of four burial periods. To achieve homoscedasticity among distance classes, soil VWC was square-root-transformed.
In the case where distance from the tree row affected the supply rate of any N form, a piecewise structural equation model (SEM) was planned to allow comparisons between the direct effects of trees and their indirect effects through VWC. Since we were mainly interested in this comparison, we only use the significant fixed effects in the models for N-supply rate and VWC to construct the a priori SEM. Random effects were included, as shown in Eq. 1. A multi-group analysis was performed to account for interactions with burial period.
Nitrogen leaching was calculated in terms of mass (mg) per surface area (m2) per day. A separate model was constructed for each N form. The formula of the full model was:
N leaching ~ Distance × (Burial period + Root pruning) + %Clay + random(Block/Pit/Tunnel) [2]
where fixed effects are the same as above (Eq. 1), except for burial period, which corresponds to lysimeter burial periods. The nested random effects control for block correlation and for repeated measurements using the same pit (one per plot) and tunnel. NO3− leaching data were log-transformed to achieve normality. As noted above, ANOVA was used. For both models, we made multiple comparisons for each burial period separately, as soon as distance or its interaction with burial period was declared to be significant (P < 0.05).
In the case where the distance to the tree row affected leaching in any N form, piecewise SEM was planned to compare direct effects of trees and their indirect effects through the corresponding N- supply rate in the topmost soil layer. Since this comparison was the only objective, the a priori SEM was constructed using only the significant fixed effects in the SEM for supply rate, together with significant effects in the leaching model. The random effects were included, as shown in Eqs. 1 and 2.
For incubations using PRS probes during summer 2022, supply rates for P, K, Ca and Mg were also available. The effect of trees on each macronutrient was tested using the same model as N supply (Eq. 1). Supply rates were log-transformed to achieve normality. A different model was used for dry leaf litter:
Leaf litter ~ Distance + Year + random(Block/Plot) [3]
where leaf litter mass was square-root-transformed to achieve a normal distribution and random effects are equivalent to Eq. 1. Significance of variables was determined with ANOVA in these models.
All analyses were performed using R version 4.2.3 (R Core Team 2023) with packages nlme (Pinheiro et al. 2023) for mixed models, car (Fox and Weisberg 2019) for ANOVA, multcomp (Hothorn et al. 2008) for multiple comparisons, and piecewiseSEM (Lefcheck 2016) for SEM.