The present study investigated the postoperative complications and axial length growth after bilateral congenital cataract surgery on microphthalmic eyes, and compared these with normally developed ones. The results showed that compared with infants without microphthalmos, infants with contemporary microphthalmos had a higher incidence of glaucoma-related adverse events and a slower AL growth rate, although 12 eyes in the microphthalmos group had grown to normal AL. However, both groups showed considerable improvements in visual acuity.
Glaucoma-related adverse events are vision-threatening complications in patients with congenital cataracts during the postoperative period due to optic nerve damage if not handled promptly and properly. In previous studies, the incidence of glaucoma after pediatric cataract surgery has been reported to vary from 3–41%.19, 20 A few studies have reported the incidence of glaucoma in children with congenital cataracts and microphthalmos (Table 9). Vasavada et al.21 observed that the prevalence of aphakic glaucoma after cataract surgery was 30.9% (13 of 42 eyes), while Prasad et al.22 reported a prevalence of 13.5% (5 of 37 eyes). In our study, the incidence of glaucoma-related adverse events was 16.7% in 42 microphthalmic eyes of 21 infants. This discrepancy might reflect differences in the follow-up duration, definition employed, surgeons, and study populations among studies. Postoperative glaucoma was classified into two types based on its bimodal onset20, 23: early-onset closure-angle type and late-onset open-angle type. In a study by Kim et al.,24 all patients with glaucoma had late-onset open-angle glaucoma. In our study, two of seven eyes developed postoperative early-onset closure-angle glaucoma, two eyes had late-onset open-angle glaucoma and the other three cases were diagnosed as glaucoma suspects based on the standard of diagnosis mentioned in the postoperative complications subheading of the methods section. The crowded anterior segment of microphthalmos, inflammatory reaction, along with iris stacking by using mydriatics might cause the early-onset closure-angle glaucoma. It is important to note that open-angle glaucoma was diagnosed in one of our patients (Pt 2, Table 2) who showed bilateral persistently high IOP with an open angle, four years after the operation, and was diagnosed as a glaucoma suspect before we found anatomical changes. This suggests that more late-onset open-angle glaucoma cases might be detected in our cohort in future follow-ups.
Table 9
Studies on infants with microphthalmos following cataract surgery
Study | Sample size (eye/children) | Definition of microphthalmos | Mean age at surgery (month) | Mean follow-up period (month) | Posterior synechiae | Visual axis opacification | Glaucoma | Definition of glaucoma | First-stage peripheral iridectomy | population |
Vasavada et al. (2009) | 42 eyes of 21 infants | an AL more than 2 SD smaller than the normal for that age group | 4.0 ± 2.6 (0.5–10.1) | 25.6 ± 11.3 | 35.7% | 16.7% | 30.9% | NA | Not reported | Indian |
Praveen et al. (2015) | 72 eys of 36 children | an AL that was 2 SDs smaller than what is normally expected at that age | 4.8 ± 6.2 (0.5–15.0) | 45.80 ± 2.90 | 27.8% | 11.1% | 30.6% | IOP was greater than or equal to 25 mm Hg on more than one occasion. | Not reported | Indian |
Prasad et al. (2015) | 37 eyes of 20 infants | AL of the globe is 16.50 mm or less | 3.78 ± 2.25 (0.5–9.0) | 18 ± 5.12 | 13.5% | 10.8% | 13.5% | NA | All infants | Not reported |
Kim et al. (2019) | 38 eyes of 19 children | a total AL at least 2 SDs below the mean for age | 3.2 ± 1.7 (0.7–6.8) | 93.48 ± 9.04 | Not reported | Not reported | 29.0% | IOP was ≥ 26 mm Hg on at least two consecutive visits or clinician’s decision for surgical intervention or permanent medical glaucoma therapy. | Not reported | Korean |
The present study | 42 eyes of 21 infants | a total AL at least 2 SDs below the mean for age | 4.09 ± 1.87 (1.7-8.0) | 34.96 ± 12.65 (16.0-58.3) | 21.4% | 14.3% | 16.7% | See Methods section | Part of infants | Chinese |
AL, axial length; SD, standard deviation. |
Previous studies revealed potential risk factors for congenital cataract patients after cataract removal. In a 5-year follow-up study enrolled 686 eyes, Wang et al.10 reported that microcornea, FHCC and initial anterior vitrectomy were risk factors for glaucoma. The Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group25 reported a higher risk for glaucoma-related adverse events was associated with age at surgery less than 3 months, abnormal anterior segment, intraoperative complications at time of lensectomy, and bilaterality, among 443 aphakic eyes. Although different risk factors mentioned, the abnormality of eye structure has been quite obvious. The effect of microphthalmos on the risk of developing glaucoma in patients with congenital cataracts is well established.16, 26 For example, Belitsky et al.11 reported that microphthalmos was a significant risk factor for developing glaucoma. Some studies have further investigated the risk factors for postoperative glaucoma in patients with congenital cataracts and microphthalmos and reported that surgery at an early age is a risk factor in both normal and microphthalmic eyes of infants.16, 21–23, 27–29 Kim et al.24 reported that patients with shorter ALs have a higher risk of developing glaucoma. However, our results showed that earlier surgical age and shorter AL were not associated with a higher incidence of glaucoma, which is inconsistent with the findings of previous studies. This could have been because (1) the age at surgery in our study was quite centralized; (2) a few patients had glaucoma; and (3) the follow-up period of this study was relatively limited, which is insufficient for some factors to show their influence. Besides, our study found that smaller dilated pupil size during surgery was nor a risk factor, though some considered its probable association with glaucoma after congenital cataract surgery. We supposed that the abnormality of eye structure might be the leading reason for higher postoperative glaucoma incidence in microphthalmos, and in such a cohort it might be hard to find other independent risk factors. Thus, we believe that an extended follow-up period would be valuable for evaluating the long-term incidence of glaucoma, particularly in microphthalmic eyes, and exploring the related risk factors.
In addition, in the study by Prasad et al.,22 all infants with microphthalmos underwent peripheral iridectomy during first-stage cataract surgery, following a 13.5% incidence of glaucoma. The mechanism of early-onset glaucoma may be related to genetic predisposing factors,28, 30–32 along with angle closure caused by a pupillary block or inflammatory peripheral anterior synechiae.33–35 In this study, peripheral iridectomy was performed in two microphthalmic eyes at the primary lens removal procedure, considering the HCD and anterior chamber conditions and risk evaluation; none of the two eyes developed glaucoma. After excluding cases that combined peripheral iridectomy with cataract surgery, the incidence of glaucoma-related adverse events was 17.5% in 40 microphthalmic eyes of 20 infants. Two eyes that did not undergo peripheral iridectomy at the first stage developed angle-closure glaucoma and underwent peripheral iridectomy at the secondary IOL implantation. We believe that combining peripheral iridectomy with cataract surgery would prevent postoperative glaucoma-related adverse events, highlighting the importance of measuring HCD and careful assessment. This may also suggest that confounding risk factors affect the development of early-onset glaucoma.
A high incidence of inflammatory responses obstructs early visual rehabilitation after pediatric cataract surgery and may cause complex chain reactions. Increased vascular permeability in pediatric patients can easily cause fibrinoid inflammation,36 causing the iris to adhere to the lens capsule membrane, known as posterior synechiae. Severe inflammatory reactions can produce excessive fibrin exudation, forming fibrinous membranes.36 When the membrane fully covers the pupil area or the posterior synechiae block the fully circumferential pupil, secondary glaucoma associated with pupillary occlusion ensues. The fibrous membrane also contributes to the formation of VAO. In addition, due to the drastic proliferation and migration of lens epithelial cells, clouding of the visual axis area forms in the middle and late postoperative stages.18 However, adequate anterior vitrectomy could reduce this possibility.
Posterior synechiae were the most frequently observed complication in our study, occurring in 21.4% of 42 microphthalmic eyes and 19.0% of normally developed eyes. In the study by Praveen et al.,37 the incidence of posterior synechiae was 27.8%, whereas Vasavada et al.21 reported a higher incidence of 35.7%. In the present study, one eye in the microphthalmos group developed glaucoma due to pupillary atresia caused by posterior synechiae. Our team routinely prescribed topical steroids and mydriatic immediately after surgery to prevent posterior synechiae and pupillary occlusion. However, in infants with microcorneas, excessive mydriasis might cause goniosynechia and even angle closing of the anterior chamber, which implies the need for a close follow-up and monitoring by the doctors. Moreover, infants with immature or incompletely mature dilator pupillary muscles cannot fully respond to medication, and some develop posterior synechiae due to stimulation by chronic inflammation.
Visual axis opacification is the most common complication of pediatric cataract surgery, especially in infants,38 with an incidence varying from 9.2–37.9%.39–44 In the present study, the incidence of VAO was 14.3% in the microphthalmos group, which was similar to that in previous studies on microphthalmos, ranging from 5.2–16.7%.21, 37, 45, 46 The incidence of postoperative VAO may also vary according to differences in the individual development of pupil and surgical experience and technique among surgeons.
Early cataract surgery is essential for preventing amblyopia and improving visual function in infants with cataracts. The visual acuity results of the microphthalmos group in our study were satisfactory and similar to those of the comparison group. Previous studies reported similar results.21, 22, 47 Despite the increased risk of complications that threaten visual function after surgery, we believe that infants with congenital cataracts and microphthalmos will still benefit from early surgical intervention based on a timely and accurate postoperative optical correction.
In a previous study by our team,48 we established an AL estimate formula for children aged ≤ 2 years with congenital cataracts who underwent cataract surgery; however, for infants with microphthalmos, the formula might be more complicated. This study found that AL growth was slower in the microphthalmos group than in the comparison group after excluding seven eyes with glaucoma-related adverse events. Our study showed results divergent from those of previous studies. In the study of Sun et al.,49 the growth rate was higher in the microphthalmos group, while there was a significant difference in age at surgery between the microphthalmos group and the comparison group (3.2 ± 1.3 vs. 5.9 ± 3.0 months, p < 0.001), which could affect results. Seven et al.50 found a significantly negative correlation between age at surgery and changes in AL and the monthly growth rate. Therefore, our study, with no significant difference in age at surgery between the two groups (4.09 ± 1.87 vs. 4.84 ± 2.08 months, p = 0.068), might be more convincing.
At the last follow-up, 12 eyes (34.3% of 35 eyes) in the microphthalmos group had progressed to age-matched normal AL. AL is related to hereditary factors,51 physical development,45, 52 nutrition, and other environmental factors. Various factors can affect axial elongation. We hypothesized that some patients with microphthalmos might suffer more from form deprivation caused by their cataracts, which probably inhibit eyeball development rather than genetic defects. Previous studies built postoperative AL prediction models for children undergoing congenital cataract surgery, based on baseline AL, age at surgery and IOL status.48, 53 However, the postoperative AL of our microphthalmos patients deviate from these models. One hand, patients with microphthalmos occupy a relatively small proportion in congenital cataracts, leading large error in prediction. The other hand, the mechanism of axial elongation in microphthalmos could be more complex, and future AL growth in microphthalmic eyes remains difficult to predict, which requires a larger sample size and a longer follow-up period for further investigation.
The results of this study should be viewed in light of these limitations. First, it was a retrospective study with a small sample size. Second, the follow-up period was relatively short; a longer follow-up period may reveal the development of glaucoma, especially the late-onset open-angle type, in some eyes. Further prospective studies with larger sample sizes and longer follow-up periods are warranted.