5.1 General Trends in the Full Accident Data
We first present general trends and comparisons between AV and HDV accidents of the full dataset comprising 2100 AV (1099 ADS and 1001 ADAS related accidents) and 35,133 HDV only accidents. We also contrast the ADS vs the ADAS.
Figures 3 to 6 display the distribution of factors affecting AV (2,100), SAE level 4 ADS (1099), level 2 ADAS (1001) and HDV accidents (35,133), respectively. Few interesting findings can be noted by examining these Figures. Evaluating environmental factors, the majority of accidents involving both AVs and HDVs occur under clear skies. Specifically, HDVs have a slightly higher occurrence rate at 83%, compared to 77% for AVs. However, AVs are more frequently involved in accidents under rainy or foggy conditions. In terms of accident type, rear-end accidents constitute a majority for both AVs and HDVs, accounting for 52% and 51% of accidents, respectively. Notably, vehicles make up 88% of participants in AV accidents, with pedestrians accounting for 10%. In contrast, for HDVs, pedestrians constitute 15% and vehicles 63% of accident participants, as depicted in Figs. 3 and 6. When examining accident outcomes, AVs tend to result in no injuries or minor injuries more frequently than HDVs. Meanwhile, HDVs exhibit a higher propensity for outcomes resulting in moderate to fatal injuries, highlighting the potential safety superiority of autonomous vehicles.
ADAS and ADS display differences across various conditions. Regarding weather and road conditions, ADAS has 15.48% fewer accidents in clear skies but a 13.71% increase in rain compared to ADS, with comparable rates in fog. On road conditions, ADAS accidents experience a 28.94% rise in traffic events in work zones and surpass ADS by 17.28% on wet roads. Analyzing pre-crash conditions, ADAS accidents indicate a 43.02% increase for proceeding straight vehicles, while reporting 25.08% fewer turning vehicle accidents than ADS. In terms of accident types, ADAS surpasses ADS by 8.51% in broadside accidents and lags by 16.88% in sideswipe accidents. From an outcome perspective, ADAS accidents present an 18.84% uptick in no-injury cases but a 10.73% decrease in moderate injuries against ADS.
We have also analyzed the full data to identify the influence of roadway elements and factors related to time using a random parameter logit model. Only a single random parameter demonstrated a significant effect on the "Day of the week" variable. Upon analyzing the model, we found that the dawn/dusk indicator and turn indicator variables exhibit positive coefficients that are statistically significant at a 95% confidence level. This indicates a higher probability of an AV accident occurrence when these variables are present. Furthermore, we discovered that several variables demonstrate high significance and exhibit negative coefficients, suggesting a reduced likelihood of an accident when these factors are present. These variables include the rain indicator, rear-end indicator, broadside indicator (a broadside indicator is a car accident that occurs when the front of one vehicle slams into the side of another vehicle), moderate severity, proceeding straight indicator, run-off road indicator, backing indicator, and entering traffic lane indicator.
Furthermore, we determine the accident type associated with AV and HDV based on the accident angle. The graphical representation of the AV rear-end accident distribution is illustrated in Fig. 7. The analysis ed that 79% of rear-end accidents involve HDV hitting AV, while 21% of rear-end accidents involve AV hitting HDV. Notably, in cases where HDVs hit AVs, 65% of AVs are operating in the autonomous mode. Conversely, when AVs are responsible for hitting HDVs, 72% of AVs are operating in the conventional mode. This observation suggests that conventional mode occurred more frequently than autonomous mode where AV hit the HDV. It may be concluded that the autonomous mode result in fewer rear-end accidents for AVs compared with the conventional mode. This may be attributed to the advance autonomous mode of AVs. Autonomous mode uses advanced algorithms to detect and avoid obstacles and other vehicles in the path of the vehicle29.
It is also shown in Fig. 7 that 69% of the AVs in the autonomous mode are stopping when they are hit by an HDV. When in conventional mode, half of the AV vehicles are moving, and the others are stopping. This means that if a pedestrian or object suddenly appears, the AVs can stop or slow down the vehicle to reduce the severity of an accident. When the AV is in conventional mode when AV hit HDV, most of the AVs are moving. While in autonomous mode, half of the AV vehicles are moving, and the others are stopping. We may conclude that compared with the autonomous mode, human drivers may not react as quickly or may not notice the object in time to take appropriate action. In terms of accident severity, 82% of accidents occur as minor when HDV hit AV. This percentage is 67% when the AV hit HDV, which may contradict common intuition. It is important to note that a majority of moderate and major accidents involving an AV hitting an HDV occur when both vehicles are moving in the conventional mode.
5.2 Matched Case Control Model for ADS Accidents in California
To overcome this challenge of variables that confound the relationship between risk factors and traffic accident outcomes, the first principle is to match cases and controls at the same location. In the case of a location that does not have enough controls, similar locations within a radius of 5 miles were used, and the day of the week and time of day were controlled for to make sure that cases and controls were under similar traffic patterns. Aside from intersections and streets, the location of each stratum for AV and HDV accidents is on the same highways and expressways. In addition, the same road type for each stratum is controlled for to ensure similar geometric design.
To examine the impact of exogenous variables on accident risk for different vehicle types, we conducted a matched case-control logistic regression model for AV (ADS) and HDV accidents. Here we use 548 ADS accidents and their 1:5 matched 2740 HDV accidents. The estimation results and 95% confidence intervals of the odds ratio are presented in Table 2, which was generated using the survival package in R programming30. A total of 11 significant variables were identified by combining road and environment, accident type, accident outcomes, and pre-accident conditions during the estimation process.
Table 2
Matched Case-Control Logistic Regression Model. (1 if accident is AV, 0 HDV; Sampling ratio is 1:5)
Estimated parameter
Odds Ratio
P value
95% Confidence Interval of OR
Road and environment
Rain indicator (1 if weather is rain, 0 otherwise)
< 0.001
Dawn/dusk indicator (1 if it is dawn/dusk, 0 otherwise)
< 0.001
Accident type
Rear-end (1 if accident type is rear-end, 0 otherwise)
< 0.001
Broadside (1 if accident type is broadside, 0 otherwise)
Accident outcomes
Moderate (1 if injury severity outcome is moderate, 0 otherwise)
Fatal (1 if injury severity outcome is fatal, 0 otherwise)
Pre-accident conditions
Proceeding straight (1 if pre-accident movement is proceeding straight, 0 otherwise)
< 0.001
Run-off Road (1 if pre-accident movement is Run-off Road, 0 otherwise)
Entering traffic lane (1 if pre-accident movement is entering traffic lane, 0 otherwise)
< 0.001
Turn (1 if pre-accident movement is turn, 0 otherwise)
Backing (1 if pre-accident movement is backing, 0 otherwise)
Number of strata
McFadden pseudo-R-squared
Likelihood ratio test
Wald test
Score (log rank) test
Sample size: 548 ADS accidents and HDV strata
5.3 Findings of Road, Environment, and Accident Type
Based on the results of the matched case control logistic regression, compared with HDV, the odds of an AV (ADS) accident occurring in rainy weather are 0.336 times. This indicates a lower likelihood of an AV accident in rainy weather compared to an HDV accident. To be noticed, several accidents involving vehicles equipped with ADS have occurred under favorable weather conditions, as these vehicles are seldom tested in adverse weather. AVs have a much faster reaction time than humans in responding to changing road conditions, including those caused by rain. They can rapidly process sensor data and adjust the vehicle's speed and trajectory within milliseconds, whereas humans may take several seconds to react14. Additionally, while rain can increase the likelihood of skidding or loss of control of a vehicle, AVs can employ consistent and precise sensing technologies such as cameras31, LiDAR32, radar33, and GPS34 (note not all AVs necessarily have all these sensors) to detect and accurately perceive road conditions, regardless of the weather conditions35. In contrast, human drivers may have difficulties seeing through heavy rain or fog, leading to a delay in detecting potential hazards or reacting appropriately.
Interestingly, the dawn/dusk odds ratio indicates a 5.15 higher probability of AV accident than HDV accident. AVs are generally regarded as safer than human drivers in low-light scenarios such as dawn and dusk. This is because the sensors and cameras used by AVs may not be able to quickly adapt to changes in lighting conditions, which could affect their ability to detect obstacles, pedestrians, and other vehicles36.At dawn and dusk, for instance, the sun's shadows and reflections may confuse sensors, making it hard for them to distinguish between objects and identify potential hazards. Furthermore, the fluctuating light conditions can impact the accuracy of object detection and recognition algorithms used by AVs, which can result in false positives or negatives37.
Accident types related findings for AVs and HDVs is worth noting. Compared to HDV accidents, AVs experience relatively lower risks in rear-end and broadside (side-impact) accidents (0.4104 times and 0.1898 times, respectively). This finding indicates that AVs can detect and react to potential rear-end and side-impact accident situations much faster than humans can. This is because they are equipped with advanced sensors and software that can quickly analyze the surrounding environment and make decisions based on the data received38,39. This allows AVs to respond to potential accidents before they occur, which can prevent or mitigate the severity of a rear-end accident.
5.4 Findings of Pre-Accident Conditions and Accident Outcomes
In terms of pre-accident conditions, most of the pre-accident movements made by AVs reduce the probability of accidents, except for turning, which increases the likelihood of an accident by 1.95 times compared to HDVs. One possible reason is a lack of situational awareness. AVs rely on sensors and algorithms to perceive their surroundings and make driving decisions40. However, these systems may not detect all obstacles and hazards, particularly in complex and dynamic driving scenarios like turning at intersections41. This can result in errors in trajectory identification and accident avoidance. Additionally, AVs are programmed to follow predefined rules and scenarios, which may not encompass every possible driving situation42. The modifications of scenarios can present difficulty for AVs in perceiving and responding to them, thereby raising the risk of an accident43. Conversely, most human drivers have years of experience and can adapt to unexpected circumstances on the road. This experience enables them to make better decisions while turning, such as adjusting their speed and trajectory based on the actions of other vehicles and pedestrians44.
AV accidents are less likely to occur than HDV accidents in situations such as proceeding straight, run-off road (a vehicle leaves the designated roadway and travels onto an area that is not intended for regular traffic) and entering traffic lane conditions (a vehicle transitioning from a stationary or parked position to enter a traffic lane and become physically present within the flow of traffic). When considering the proceeding straight condition, it was found that AV accident resulted in a 0.4356 lower probability of an HDV accident. Remarkably, AV accident risk is 0.3245 times as high as that of an HDV accident in run-off road condition, which can be explained by the faster reaction time of AVs45. AVs can detect these situations and apply corrective action, such as adjusting the speed or steering angle46,47, more quickly and accurately than a human driver48.
It is interesting to discover that the statistical analysis revealed a significant correlation between the entering traffic lane indicator and AV accidents, the risk of which is 0.1745 times as high as HDV accident. According to the results of the matched case-control logistic regression, the impact of backing is noteworthy, which show that the AV is less likely to be affected than the HDV. According to the analysis, the model using accidents of AVs showed a decreased probability of accidents for moderate and fatal indicators in comparison to HDV.