Literature review
Out of 179 studies that met the search criteria, only 16% tested the effects of kelp on various seawater chemistry parameters (i.e. DIC, DO, HCO3-, pCO2, pH, TA, and Ωarag). By contrast, a substantially higher proportion of studies (84%) focused on examining the effects of ocean acidification on kelp.
In total we identified 25 studies that assessed the effect of kelp on seawater chemistry in comparison to controls without kelps, along with an additional 3 studies that quantified the effects of different kelp species and/or habitats on seawater chemistry (see Supplementary Table S1). Most of the studies (88% out of the 25) reported that the presence of kelp led to increases in seawater pH and DO during daylight hours when compared to areas without kelp (Supplementary Table S1). The effects of kelp on seawater chemistry were observed at multiple spatial scales, ranging from within kelp blades to across the entire kelp forest or seaweed farm (Supplementary Table S1).
Among the 25 studies, 15 assessed the effects of kelp forests on seawater pH and DO. These effects exhibited considerable variability with seawater pH increases of 0.01 – 0.8 units inside vs. outside kelp forests and DO increases of 0.13 – 2.89 mg/L (1 – 84 %) inside vs. outside kelp forests. Unfortunately, the high variability in study duration and methodological differences, including instrumentation, parameters, and analytical methods, prevented any statistical analyses of this variation (Supplementary Table S1).
A notable finding from these kelp forest studies is the substantial influence of both abiotic (53% of the 15 studies) and/or biotic factors (27% of the 15 studies) in influencing kelp’s capacity to modify seawater chemistry (Table S1). Their findings indicated that the effects of kelps forests on seawater DO and pH differed among kelp species (Supplementary Table S1) although most of the studies concentrated on Macrocystis forests (73% of the 15 studies). Furthermore, the impacts of kelp forests on seawater chemistry tended to increase with density of kelps, showing more pronounced effects during spring and summer, especially in shallower waters and sheltered locations (Supplementary Table S1).
Field measurements
Density and lamina length in different habitats
The density, but not the lamina length, of E. radiata differed between the intact (10.67 m2, 36.52 cm), moderate (6.44 m2, 37.57 cm) and sparse density kelp habitats (0.67 m2, 33.44 cm) and there was no kelp recorded in the barrens habitat (Supplementary Table S2). Through time the density of E. radiata was consistently higher in the intact kelp (March: 12 m2 and September: 10 m2) than the barrens habitat (March: 0 ind per m2 and September: 0 ind per m2) (Supplementary S2). The E. radiata lamina in the intact kelp forest were however shorter in March (29.04 cm) than September (36.52 cm) (Supplementary Table S2).
Seawater chemistry
The effects of E. radiata on the daily minimum, maximum, mean and range of seawater pH and DO differed among habitats (barrens, and sparse, moderate or intact kelp or barrens vs. intact kelp), deployments and days (Supplementary Tables S3-S4). For all deployments, the post-hoc tests showed the intact kelp habitat had the highest daily maximum and range of seawater pH relative to all the other habitats (Fig 2, Supplementary Table S3). By contrast, there were no detectable differences in the daily maximum and range of seawater pH between the habitats with moderate and sparse densities of kelp (Fig 2, Supplementary Table S3). The daily maximum and range of seawater pH was also higher in the habitats with moderate density, but not sparse density, compared to the barrens habitat (Fig 2, Supplementary Table S3). There were no detectable differences in the daily minimum and mean seawater pH between the intact and moderate density kelp habitats (Fig 2, Supplementary Table S3). The daily minimum seawater pH and mean seawater pH were lower and higher respectively, in these habitats than the sparse density kelp and barrens habitats (Fig 2, Supplementary Table S3). There were no detectable differences in the daily minimum seawater pH and mean seawater pH between the sparse density kelp and barrens habitats (Fig 2, Supplementary Table S3). Across all four deployments, the intact kelp habitat had higher daily maximum and range of seawater pH and lower daily minimum of seawater pH relative to the barrens habitat (Fig 3, Supplementary Table S3).
For the daily mean and maximum of seawater DO, the post-hoc tests showed no detectable differences between the intact and moderate density kelp habitats (Supplementary Table S4, Supplementary Fig S1). The intact kelp habitat had higher daily mean and maximum DO than the sparse density kelp habitat and the barrens habitat (Supplementary Table S4, Supplementary Fig S1). The moderate density kelp but not the sparse density kelp had a higher daily mean and maximum seawater DO than the barrens habitat (Supplementary Table S4, Supplementary Fig S1). The intact kelp forest also had lower daily minimum seawater DO than the moderate and sparse density kelp and barrens habitats and the moderate density kelp habitat had lower daily minimum seawater DO than the sparse density kelp habitat but there were no detectable differences in the daily minimum seawater DO between the intact and moderate density kelp habitats and sparse density kelp and barrens habitats (Supplementary Table S4, Supplementary Fig S1). The intact and moderate density kelp habitats had higher daily range of DO than the sparse density kelp and barrens habitats (Supplementary Table S4, Supplementary Fig S1). Across all four deployments (March, April, November, and December), the intact kelp habitat had higher daily maximum and range and lower daily minimum of seawater DO compared with the barrens habitat but there were no differences in the daily mean of seawater DO in the intact kelp and barrens habitats (Supplementary Table S4, Supplementary Fig S2).
The average significant wave heights recorded during the deployments were comparable between the intact kelp (0.28 m) and barrens habitats (0.27 m). However, the intact kelp habitat (1.95 m) had higher maximum wave heights than the barrens habitat (1.60 m). The results from quantile regression showed significant negative relationships between seawater pH, DO and offshore wave height in the intact kelp (p<0.001 pH, p<0.001 DO) but not the barrens habitat (p>0.05 pH, p>0.05 DO) (Fig 4, Supplementary Fig S3).
In all habitats and deployments, the mean hourly seawater pH was positively correlated with the mean hourly DO (Intact kelp: March correlation = 0.84, p<0.001, April correlation = 0.84, p<0.001, November correlation = 0.97, p<0.001 and December correlation = 0.95, p<0.001, moderate cover kelp: November correlation = 0.90, p<0.001 and December correlation = 0.86, p<0.001, sparse cover kelp: November correlation = 0.95, p<0.001and December correlation = 0.94, p<0.001, barrens: March correlation = 0.94, p<0.001, April correlation = 0.70, p<0.001, November correlation = 0.85, p<0.001, and December correlation = 0.90, p<0.001). The mean hourly seawater pH recorded by the HOBO logger (8.10 ± 0.092 and 7.99 ± 0.099; March and April, respectively) was slightly higher than that recorded by the SeaFET (7.92 ± 0.078 and 7.94 ± 0.094; March and April, respectively). However, the analyses showed a strong correlation between instruments across both deployments (correlation = 0.78 and correlation = 0.94, March and April respectively, Supplementary Fig S4).