Spatial understanding is a vital and clinically important aspect of anatomy learning (1). Despite its profound importance in anatomy, spatial anatomy learning is often underachieved among medical students (2). The most universal, accessible and time-tested method of spatial anatomy learning is cadaveric dissection. Since the 17th century, dissection has been the mainstay of anatomic training across the world (3). However, dissection is a time-consuming process that requires skill, patience, and motivation from the part of the learner. It is also a semi-destructive process, where parts of the specimen dissected have to be irreversibly destroyed to visualize other deeper structures. This makes revisiting and revising the areas cumbersome. Additionally, the use of formalin as the preserving agent is uncomfortable for many learners due to its inherent irritant nature (4). The dependence on human donors can also limit the use of dissection as a scalable option to learn spatial anatomy, especially for a large student group setting (a typical MBBS cohort in India contains 50-250 students as per National Medical Council regulations).
In addition to cadaveric dissection, there are a number of methods by which spatial anatomy can be taught. This includes high fidelity methods from the digital era created from real cross sectional imaging data, 3D printed models and plastinated models (5, 6) as well as low fidelity methods such as clay/dough models, manikins, body painting, and the use of analogies and gestures (7-9). Fuelled by advances in technology and in medical education, there have been several successful efforts in the last few decades to improve spatial anatomy teaching by incorporating virtual learning environments (10), which include virtual and augmented reality (11-14). There has also been specific interest in using stereoscopic projection of 3-dimensional anatomical models (15, 16), which are sourced either from annotated radiologic data (17) or from anatomic specimens rendered into 3D by photogrammetry (18) or 3D surface scanning (19, 20) methods.
Stereoscopy vs Monoscopy in Anatomy Learning Environments
Stereopsis is a binocular sensory phenomenon and is the result of a slight disparity of visual perception of both eyes (21). Stereopsis plays a key role in spatial understanding by providing depth cues for the viewer. Stereopsis is specifically advantageous in traditional anatomy learning environments utilizing dissection lab specimens or manikins, as these are usually within one’s personal space, which is considered as the “zone immediately surrounding the observer’s head, generally within arm’s reach and slightly beyond, which is considered quite personal”(21). Personal space is generally considered to be within a 2 meter radius around the person (21). Some studies have indicated that the learning advantage of a simple physical object (e.g., a dissection specimen, a manikin or an anatomical model of an organ) is mainly due to the stereoscopy offered by it, which highlights the central relevance of stereopsis even in a physical laboratory experience (22).
Stereopsis can be utilized in 3D visualization technologies by presenting two 2D images in a slightly shifted manner to the two eyes, creating the binocular disparity (23, 24). This is known as stereo display. The basic mechanism of a stereo display is the same, where two images – stereo pair – are presented to each eye. The observer’s visual perception interprets the two images through stereopsis. Different methods can be utilized for this purpose, including popular head-mounted display devices such as Oculus Rift™ through virtual reality (25) or Microsoft HoloLens™ through interactive augmented reality (26). These provide excellent stereoscopic imagery and an immersive experience. These methods are limited, however, by the fact that they are suitable for a single or at most a few students and are expensive [a high-end VR hardware, computer and headset costing nearly $3000 (INR ~2.5 Lakhs)] (27). This is not generally suitable (economically and logistically) for a large group teaching setting typically seen in the Indian medical education context (28) or other similar low- and middle-income country settings (29).
The other modes are stereogram, anaglyphic method or usage of polarized glasses (15). Stereogram is a method by which stereoscopic images are located one next to the other. Both eyes are forced to cross (divergent fusing or cross fusing) and create stereopsis (30). This is suitable for static images that can be printed on paper (31) but is not suitable for videos or interactive models. As there is a requirement for a voluntary convergence of the viewer’s eyes for creating stereopsis, this can be uncomfortable. The Anaglyphic method utilizes blue – red 3D glasses to visualize the model but has the disadvantage of having false color representations (15). The method where polarized glasses are used has more advantages in conveying spatial information, as it has the least discomfort in viewing and has no false colors. The main limiting factor is the need for specialized projection systems (stereoscopic projection), as it cannot be diplayed on normal projection systems. This renders adoption of this method difficult in institutions with limited resources.
Although such constraints are a reality, having a stereo display creates an advantage of delivering stereopsis to the Action space– a circular region of radius 2 meters to 30 meters, beyond the personal space of the learner (21). This opens up an avenue to teach a larger audience. Stereoscopic visualization has advantages in any field where spatial anatomical understanding is critical (15), and hence, this can be a potential scalable solution to the problem of teaching spatial anatomy to a large cohort of medical students.
On the other hand, monoscopy is the presentation of the same image in front of each eye. This is what is seen in a routine projection of images, videos or animations, using classic projectors of a flat screen, which are relatively universally available in academic institutions. Although monoscopic presentations do not give depth perception, some static images (e.g., 3D computer models, artistic renderings in anatomy diagrams) may sometimes offer monoscopic cues for minor depth perception (32). In videos, animations or interactive 3D models, these monoscopic cues may further include perspective projection, shadings, occlusion, motion perspective, and familiar size (21, 30). Hence, if monoscopic projection of 3D models are as effective as having stereoscopic projection systems in anatomy learning environments, then they have economic and practical implications, especially for medical education in India, where student intake is usually high (33).
Indian Medical education and its recent changes
India boasts being the country with the largest number of medical colleges, thus holding a leading role in training healthcare workers in the world. The Indian curriculum was static for many decades. A radical change was brought in 2019 by the National Medical Commission (NMC), with the introduction of the Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) curriculum (34), which includes introduction of early clinical exposure, alignment with other disciplines and horizontal and vertical integration with modules ensuring the students’ achievement of competencies in attitude, ethics and communication (35). The introduction of technologically advanced methods is also a new step taken by the Indian curriculum. Computer Aided Learning (CAL) laboratory is now a minimum standard requirement for the Pharmacology department as per the NMC (36). A 3D virtual anatomy dissection table is mentioned as a desirable requirement by the Department of Anatomy (36). However, 3D visualization is still in its infancy in the Indian medical education system, with the cost factor limiting the implementation of such systems. Dissection, which is the mainstay of anatomy education in India, is also affected by the scarcity of cadavers, which has been reported recently in news media (37-39). This may be due to the relative increase in the number of medical institutions in India, with cadaver availability not sufficient to meet the demands. As these constraints should not affect the quality of medical education in India, it is necessary to explore newer possibilities in anatomy learning and incorporate them into the Indian Medical Education system.
Neuroanatomy education in India
Neuroanatomy is one of the many topics within the subject of anatomy in Phase 1 of the Indian medical curriculum. However, studies indicate that neuroanatomy is considered by learners as both a fascinating and yet a daunting subject when compared with other anatomy topics, such as musculo-sketetal, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, respiratory and pelvic-reproductive anatomy (40). Learning neuroanatomy requires strong spatial reasoning and abstract mental visualization (41). The complexity of neuroanatomy is partly due to its organization, spatial intricacies and numerous terminologies (42). This complexity of learning neuroanatomy is a significant contributor to ‘Neurophobia’ (43), the fear of learning neural sciences, a term introduced to medical literature in the 1990s. This global phenomenon is multifactorial but has effects even on career choices, which creates a negative impact on neurological healthcare, particularly in India (as per Shelley et al.), which is facing a public health crisis in delivering neurological services, especially in primary care settings, including district and taluk hospitals (44). One of the goals of the Indian anatomy teacher will be to modify the ‘neurophobia’ of students to ‘neurophilia’ (44). There are two main hurdles that anatomists face in neuroanatomy teaching in India. The first is the shrinking time allocation for neuroanatomy (at most 15-20 days of neuroanatomy teaching) in the Indian phase 1 curriculum (42). The second is the problem of students not being able to “mentally convert” the 3-D structures to 2-D structures and vice-versa (42). The examination patterns in India, and hence most of the textbooks in neuroanatomy, demand that students prove their 2D perception, but unfortunately, the emphasis on spatial understanding is not catered to. Spatial understanding will be particularly difficult for students with lower spatial skills (44-46). This dualistic distracting approach (of need to understand the three dimensionality, but assessment of their two-dimensional perspective) often perplexes students (42), and Shelley et al. suggests, using innovative technological solutions to aid the student’s process of creating mental 3-dimensional images from conventional sectional images to enhance teaching-learning effectiveness (44) in the Indian medical education context.
Radiological anatomy in neuroanatomy teaching
Radiological investigations are becoming increasingly routine in healthcare. In this changing scenario, understanding anatomy through radiological images is considered one of the goals in anatomy learning. Integrating radiological anatomy into the anatomical curriculum is one of the solutions to achieve this goal (47). It is suggested that familiarizing students with radiological images earlier on, in their medical education, can specifically improve the student’s ability to learn neuroanatomy in an integrated manner (48) and is suggested as one critical step in eliminating neurophobia. Studies have also indicated that complementing dissection with radiological anatomy helps students develop spatial reasoning skills (49), which are critical as they proceed to clinical learning in further years.
Cognitive loads in instructional design
As per the cognitive load theory (50), an instruction imposes three types of cognitive loads on a learner’s cognitive mechanism – the intrinsic load (IL), the extrinsic load (EL) and the germane load (GL). The IL is influenced by the learner’s prior knowledge and the inherent complexity of the task. Components of instructions that are beneficial generally increase the GL, and features that are not beneficial increase the EL. If IL is optimal (which means the right complexity of the task to the right learner) and EL is low, learners can impose GL and engage in activities that elaborate their knowledge and facilitate learning (51).
AnaVu – An Anatomy Viewing tool
The authors [JS and PH - Engineers based on International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, and Muni Animation, New Delhi; CK, BT, JER and TRK - Radiologists at Sree Chithra Thirunal Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST) and DGY, AMO and UKG – Anatomy faculty at Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram (GMCT)], had previously developed a tool – AnaVu, a scalable solution for projecting stereoscopic images suitable for low resource settings. The tool had a software-graphic interface for the teacher to operate on and hardware for stereoscopic visualization. The MRI images were sourced from a volunteer after ethical approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee of SCTIMST. Different MRI sequences and MR angiogram sequences were acquired. The lesson modules created in the tool have 3D mesh models created from annotated data from T1 weighted magnetic resonance images of the brain (using ITK SNAP for manual annotation (52) and using FreeSurfer for automated annotation (53)). In AnaVu, the mesh models are projected through its hardware component, which consists of two HDMI outputs (Fig 1a) for channelled projection to two projectors stacked one above the other in a metallic projector cage (see Fig 1b), with binocular disparity to simulate stereopsis on a silver screen (Fig 1c). The teacher and the students could visualize the model in the 3D space on the silver screen. The technical details of this projection system can be seen in (54) (Accepted; To be presented).
The graphic user interface of AnaVu was designed in such a way that it has pedagogical advantages. It was a three-panel design with a 3D viewport in its center (see Fig 2), which allowed for selection of an object, a free trackball rotation, zoom in/out, and panning (see Fig 3). In the right panel, there were three canonical section (sagittal, axial and coronal) MRI images (each containing an image stack). The image stack could be surveyed by scrolling in that image/sliding the slider on the right panel. The planes of these sections were also present in the 3D viewport. This gave the teacher and the student the option to understand the correlation between the 3D model and the 2D MRI section (see Fig 2). If the teacher wished to lay focus on the MRI section image, then that could be swapped with the image on the central 3D viewport. This option was created because neuroanatomy is often taught through sections. In the left panel, there were the list of structures, controls and ‘buttons’ for selecting lessons, selecting/deselecting planes, manipulating opacity, and switching to canonical anatomical views (Left/Right, Superior/Inferior, Anterior/Posterior). There were also options to select objects and reduce opacity to “see through” or “within” a structure. (See Fig 3)
There were some considerations taken while annotating brainstem anatomy and nuclei from MRI data with regard to the reference planes (bicommissural plane in MRI and chiasmato commissural plane in routine anatomy sections). We chose the axial planes for the purpose of annotation as the plane parallel to the chiasmato commissural plane, which was perpendicular to the long axis of the brainstem and hence would be ideal to see sections in a neuroanatomy education module. The above problem was circumvented by rotating the source image in an annotation software (ITK SNAP). This made all the axial sections of the brainstem perpendicular to the long axis of the brainstem.
AnaVu also provides a feature to switch between a stereo mode (suitable for the stereoscopic projection system) and a mono mode (suitable for regular projectors), making it suitable for settings where the stereoscopic projection system is not feasible. This gave the teacher the freedom to teach using AnaVu along with a regular PowerPoint presentation or to have a standalone stereoscopic presentation.
The utility of such a tool in anatomical pedagogy is not known in a large group setting. Since 3D graphic models in monoscopy can have some depth cues, it is not known whether that would suffice to improve spatial learning instead of having an expensive stereoscopic projection system. Hence, the possibility of spatial learning of a 3D model projected non-stereoscopically (monoscopy) needs to be understood. For this reason, the AnaVu, which could switch between monoscopy and stereoscopy of the same 3D model, could be used. Moreover, if monoscopic visualization of the 3D model is more or even as effective as stereoscopic visualization of the same model, then the translation of the model into web-based platforms will be useful, as it can be visualized in hand-held devices.
Research question
Specifically, the research questions we explored were as follows:
- Is stereoscopic projection having a pedagogical advantage over the monoscopic projection system in anatomy teaching, compared to traditional teaching? If yes, is there any specific domain that is influenced by it?
- If monoscopic and stereoscopic models were presented to a student, what would the student prefer?
- What were the disadvantages of stereoscopic/monoscopic projection?
- How do the students’ perceived cognitive loads vary between the two presentations?