PSP crossed the Alfven critical surface (RA) up to 3 times over the 14-day period near the encounter 12 perihelion, shown in Figure 1a. The panels include: (a) the magnitude B (left, black solid line), and the radial component Br of magnetic field (right, cyan solid line), (b) the radial component of proton bulk flow Vr (left, black solid line), and the local Alfven velocity (right, cyan solid line), (c) proton density, (d) proton beta β, defined as the ratio of thermal to magnetic pressures, (e) Alfven Mach number MA, and (f) normalized electron pitch angle distribution (e-PAD; energy channel=314.45 eV). The RA crossings are marked by orange shadings.
Panel (a) shows that B and Br both increased toward perihelion, consistent with the inverse square dependence on heliocentric distance (Badman et al., 2021). However, near the perihelion, on June 2, 2022, PSP crossed the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) as evidenced by reduced B, reversal in Br polarity, enhanced β, and reversal in the sign of the electron heat flux. The numbers of magnetic switchbacks and nonlinear Alfven waves increases at the perihelion and near the HCS crossing, as evidenced by reversals and deflections in Br with no corresponding change in B. However, such Br reversals disappear in the shaded regions, once PSP dips below RA.
Figure 1b shows a switchback event observed on the Alfven critical surface, MA~1. The switchback has five magnetically distinct regions, identified with different shares, including: leading and trailing pristine solar wind (blue), leading and trailing transition regions (orange), and the spike region (red) (Akhavan-Tafti et al., 2021; 2022).
During the first 14 encounters, PSP reported up to 9 RA crossings, defined as intervals wherein MA<1 for more than 15 minutes in duration, continuously. Table 1 summarizes the RA crossings. Next, we applied our automated algorithm on PSP magnetic field data to identify all Br reversals. More than 4,800 Br reversal events were identified, about 10% of which were further characterized as switchbacks.
Table 1: List of PSP RA crossings and Br reversal statistics.
Br reversals were then categorized based on their bulk flow properties relative to the local Alfven speed. Figure 2a shows encounter 13, wherein |B| enhances at the perihelion, coinciding with HCS crossings, as evidenced by the sharp rotations in Br and e-PAD. As shown, the intervals leading up to and moving away from perihelion are marked with enhanced number of Br reversals, and in some cases, switchbacks. Figure 2b further zooms into the interval during which PSP enters the solar corona, marked by MA<1 consistently, for more than 3 hours. It is revealed that, while Br deflections, defined as sharp reduction in Br without a change in |B|, are frequently observed, no Br reversals can be found below RA. Our results are in contrast with Telloni et al. (2022) which reported the existence of switchbacks in the solar corona using remote sensing observations aboard Solar Orbiter.