We generated 80 novel sequences (34 for ITS and 46 for trnL-F) of Calliandra species occurring in Colombia, including multiple individuals from three Calliandra species absent in previous phylogenetic analyses: C. medellinensis, C. tolimensis, and C. antioquiae (Fig. 1, Table S1). ITS alignment had an average sequence length of 682bp. Among these, 61 sites provided informative insights under the parsimony principle, whereas 621 sites were conserved. Likewise, the final trnL and trnL-F alignment consisted of 146 sequences, with an average sequence length of 918. Of these, 92 sites were informative under parsimony and 826 sites were conserved.
The combined data matrix integrated 62 sequences, with an average sequence length of 1,090. Among these, 44 sites were informative, whereas 1,046 sites were determined to be non-informative based on parsimony.
Nuclear region ITS-The optimal molecular evolution model identified for the ITS region was TIM3+I+G4. We achieved resolution of relationships among most species within the monophyletic Calliandra sect. Androcallis. Nevertheless, the tree did not fully recover the shallow phylogenetic relationships in this section (Fig. 3).
The Androcallis phylogeny recovered six to seven distinct primary clades contingent upon the inclusion or omission of C. subsect. Microcallis within C. sect. Androcallis. Here, we recognized C. subsect. Microcallis as sister to C. sect. Androcallis. One early divergent clade, henceforth referred to as Clade 1, emerged as sister to the remainder of Androcallis. This clade includes species C. humilis, C. parviflora, C. depauperata, and C. chilensis (PP: 0.63). The remaining Androcallis species comprise four well-supported clades.
Clades 2 and 3 (PP:0.90) were found to be sister to clade 4 and 5 (PP:0.99). Clade 2 includes species C. brenesii, C. laevis, C. caeciliae, and a robust subclade including species C. molinae, C. goldmanii, C. rubescens, C. laxa, and C. tehuatepecensis (PP: 1). Relationships among species in Clade 3 are poorly resolved and comprise species C. pilgerana and C. bella, forming a polytomy with three other subclades: C. sessilis + C. spinosa (PP: 1), C. ulei (C. macrocalyx + C. dysantha) (PP: 1), and C. brevipes, C. silvicola, C. teewedii, C. brevicaulis, C. harrisii, C. umbellifera, C. parvifolia, C. blanchetii, C. longipes (PP: 1). Species from Clade 4 comprise C. tergemina and C. cruegeri (PP: 0.97), while Clade 5 contains three subclades 5a (5b + 5c + core Androcallis) (PP: 1): Subclade 5a includes C. tumbetziana, C. purdiei, and C. taxifolia (PP: 1). Subclade 5b comprises C. pittieri and C. glomerulata (PP =0.99). The last subclade, 5c, is denoted here as core C. sect. Androcallis (PP: 0.96; Fig. 3; Table 1).
Among core Androcallis, backbone relationships are not well supported except for a clade formed with several accessions of C. haematocephala, and a second one including some of the C. medellinenses accessions from parks and neighborhoods around Medellín (Fig.1, Fig. 3). Although the evidence is not conclusive, it suggests that C. medellinensis is not monophyletic, and some accessions growing in parks around the center of Medellin are more closely related to C. magdalenae and/or C. haematocephala (PP:0.7) (Fig. 3 and 4).
Chloroplast region trnL and trnL-F- The best molecular evolution model for the trnL and trnL-F region was TIM1+I+G4. Support values from Maximum Likelihood Bootstrap (MLB) were sometimes markedly lower than BI posterior probability values for the same clade, generally supported by relatively few characteristics. The ML and BI analyses based on one cpDNA region yielded nearly non-conflicting topologies, with BI resolving and better supporting clades that were in a polytomy or poorly supported in ML analysis. A summary of cpDNA phylogenetic results is shown in Suppl. Fig. 1. Androcallis was recovered as monophyletic and all species from Colombia sequenced here were included within this clade. The backbone of this phylogeny was not resolved by ML and BI analyses; however, small clades were recovered.
Phylogenetic relationships using the trnL and trnL-F region were poorly resolved here. Clade 1 and 5a from the ITS phylogeny (Fig. 3, Suppl. Fig. 1) are strongly supported here even though not all same species are included in both phylogenies. A clade containing several accessions of C. medellinensis (Suppl. Fig. 1), C. haematocephala, and C. magdalenae was moderately supported here. Only one accession of C. medellinensis from Mariquita seems to be more closely related to a C. tergemina accession collected in a neighborhood south of Medellín (Terminal del Sur). This phylogenetic proposal suggests that C. antioquiae is monophyletic, whereas C. magdalenae and C. haematocephala are non-monophyletic, as accessions of both species are in different clades (Suppl. Fig. 1).
Analysis of the combined data set:The optimal molecular evolution model for the combined dataset was GTR. In this phylogeny, only clades 1, 2, 3, and 5a, as identified in our ITS phylogenetic tree, were recovered with moderate-to-robust support (Fig. 4). However, the overall resolution of the phylogenetic backbone remained partial. Clade 1 encompasses C. parviflora, C. depauperata, C. leptopoda, and C. aeschynomenoides, strongly supported as the sister group to the remainder of C. sect. Androcallis. Clade 2 emerged as sister to Clade 3. However, the comprehensive arrangement of sect. The Androcallis backbone provided clear resolution using combined nuclear and chloroplast markers (Fig. 4).
Clade 2 comprises C. molinae, C. goldmanii, C. rubescens, C. laxa, C. brenesii, C. caeciliae, C. laevis, and C. hintonii. The phylogenetic relationships among these species within this clade were fully resolved. Clade 3 includes C. sessilis, C. spinosa, C. ulei, C. macrocalix, C. dysantha, C. longipes, C. blanchetti, C. harrisii, C. silvicola, C. brevicaulis, C. pilgerana, and C. bella. The analysis also uncovered three additional clades: Core Androcallis, Clade 5a containing C. purdiei, C. taxifolia, and C. tumbeziana, and Clade 5b represented by only C. glomerulata. Notably, the relationships between clades 2+3, 4, 5a, 5b, and core Androcallis in this phylogeny lacked robust support (Fig. 4).
Core Androcallis phylogenies
To achieve a finer resolution of the relationships among species within the Core Androcallis group, we conducted targeted subsampling of species from the broader Androcallis phylogeny and employed Clades 5a and 5b as outgroups. This focused analysis substantially enhanced the resolution of the core Androcallis phylogeny, except for certain species exhibiting limited molecular variation within both the ITS nuclear region and TrnL-F plastid region (Figs. 4 and 5). Support values obtained through MLB analysis were noticeably lower than the BI posterior probability values for the same clades, primarily because a relatively limited number of informative characters (Suppl. Fig. 2-3). BI analysis, in contrast, succeeded in resolving and providing better support for clades that had previously appeared as polytomies or received weak support in the ML analysis.
Nuclear region ITS- Within the Bayesian phylogenies, PP substantiates the hypothesis of non-monophyly for both C. haematocephala and C. medellinensis (Fig. 5). Accessions of C. haematocephala sampled from various public parks around Medellin formed a well-supported clade positioned as the sister group to the remainder of the species within the core Androcallis (PP:1). This sister clade, in turn, encompasses a polytomy consisting of C. purpurea, C. coriacea, C. medellinensis, and an accession of C. haematocephala. It also includes a moderately supported clade containing C. belizensis and C. magdalenae from Costa Rica, which were both sequenced by de Souza et al. in 2013. This clade also comprises several accessions of C. medellinensis (PP:0.77) (Fig. 5). When examining the alignment of ITS sequences, two SNPs observed at positions 354 and 554 represented a transitional mutation corresponding to a guanine (G) shared by all species and accessions mentioned above (Fig. 5, Suppl. Fig. 2). In addition, a single ambiguous nucleotide (R: A/G) at position 354 distinguishes one accession of C. haematocephala from Robledo from other accessions of the same species, including one from the same public park in Medellín. Interestingly, this ambiguous nucleotide at position 354 was shared by two C. medellinensis accessions collected from Parque de Boston and Parque Berrío (Suppl. Fig. 2). Within the remaining C. medellinensis group in this polytomy, a second moderately supported clade showed partial resolution and was characterized by several accessions of C. medellinensis (PP:0.69), all sharing an adenine (A) at the same position (Fig. 5, Suppl. Fig. 2).
Chloroplast region trnL and trnL-F- Within the Bayesian phylogenetic analysis, the PP support lends strong evidence to the hypothesis of non-monophyly for three species: C. magdalenae, C. haematocephala, and C. medellinensis (Fig. 5). At the root of this phylogenetic tree, a polytomy was observed, encompassing an accession of C. haematocephala from El Poblado Medellín, C. coriaceae, and four moderately supported clades. The first clade was comprised of multiple accessions of both C. magdalenae and C. haematocephala (PP:0.85). The second clade includes all C. medellinensis accessions without any resolution, along with an accession of C. magdalenae from Tolima and C. haematocephala from Parque Bolívar in Medellín, as well as a clade containing several C. magdalenae accessions from Tolima and Costa Rica. The latter was sequenced by Souza et al. (2013). The remaining two clades within the backbone polytomy were completely resolved: One formed by C. antioquiae accessions (PP:0.77), and the other by C. tolimensis accessions (PP:0.72) (Fig. 5).
Examination of the alignment revealed that all C. magdalenae accessions shared an insertion/deletion at nucleotide 1046, except for one accession from Tolima, which fell outside the clade formed by the other C. magdalenae accessions from Tolima and Costa Rica. Additionally, a SNP (C-T) at position 1066 in the alignment is shared among all C. haematocephala accessions, some C. magdalenae accessions, as well as C. antiquiae and C. tolimensis accessions (they share a C at this position). Conversely, the clade containing all C. medellinensis accessions and other C. magdalenae accessions, along with one accession of C. haematocephala, shared a T at this position (Suppl.Fig. 3).
Analysis of the combined dataset– This phylogeny showed the same topology with similar posterior probabilities and bootstrap values when compared to the plastid phylogeny (Fig. 5).