We tested how pretreatment with elevated temperature affected assimilation in different crop species. Assimilation was optimal in all species when plants were exposed to 32oC and 35oC for 1 h prior to measurement but it decreased significantly at temperatures above 42oC (Figure S1). Individual plants were then measured during the course of acclimation over 48 hours. At 0 hours (before heat treatment) and 48 hours (after acclimation), all replicates gave similar values, because the plants’ physiology and biochemistry were in a stable state. However, at the more transient time points (after 1 hour and 6 hours of heat treatment), the plants’ physiology and biochemistry were transitioning between the two stable states, and individual plants produced different assimilation values. Although all plants experienced the same condition for the same time, there is variability in how dramatically and how quickly each plant responded to the heat. The assimilation values at 1 hour showed the highest variability, which we attribute to the inherent variability in measuring a transient phenomenon
To examine how different cultivars of the same species respond to heat pretreatment, we measured the CO2 assimilation of a total of 9 cultivars of maize in greenhouse conditions and after 1 and 48 hours at 42oC (Figure 1A). The common maize reference cultivar B73 showed an early decrease in assimilation at 1 hour but recovered within 6 hours. This response was consistent between four other cultivars (KI3, Tzi8, MR25, Tx303), albeit with less significance (Figure 1A). More importantly, we observed cultivar-specific differences within the same species. For example, one cultivar, MR19, retained high assimilation after 1 hour but displayed significantly reduced assimilation after 48 hours of heat exposure. This cultivar was chosen for further study because of its failure to acclimate to heat.
We also examined C4 species sorghum and setaria on their ability to assimilate CO2 in response to heat pretreatment to observe inter-species variation. We measured one additional time point 6 hours after heat exposure to increase temporal resolution of the experiment. We included the common maize cultivar B73 as well as MR19 because of its failure to acclimate to heat. Assimilation values in sorghum and setaria were not significantly affected by 42oC heat at any time point (Figure 1B). Intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) was measured for all species at normal and elevated temperature at 400ppm CO2 (Figure 1C). All species exhibited elevated Ci at high temperatures. In both maize cultivars, the Ci more than doubled within 1 hour and remained elevated. In sorghum, Ci remained low until the 48-hour time point. In setaria, the increase in Ci was transient, and Ci returned to pre-treatment values within 6 hours.
Limitations to Photosynthesis
The response of assimilation to changes in intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) can be measured to determine the limitations to photosynthesis. At low Ci, photosynthesis is limited primarily by the speed of the carboxylation reaction carried out by rubisco. At higher Ci, photosynthesis is primarily limited by the ability of the CBB cycle to regenerate the RuBP substrate of rubisco, which in turn is limited by the rate of electron transport to regenerate reducing equivalents for this process (Long and Bernacchi 2003). In C4 plants, which use phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to transport CO2 from the mesophyll cells to the bundle sheath cells, the speed of PEP carboxylation or regeneration can also limit assimilation. We used A/Ci curve measurements to assess which limitations applied in our plants under heat-exposed conditions. Briefly, four different mathematical models are used to determine the limitations to assimilation posed by the C4 cycle and by the CBB cycle. These models are RcPc (limited by RuBP carboxylation and PEP carboxylation), RcPr (limited by RuBP carboxylation and PEP regeneration), RrPc (limited by RuBP regeneration and PEP carboxylation), and RrPr (limited by RuBP regeneration and PEP regeneration.)
We measured A/Ci curves in triplicate for each of the four cultivars after 0, 1, 6 and 48 hours of heat exposure and fit the measurements for each plant to the model of C4 photosynthesis to determine the limitation to photosynthesis at atmospheric CO2 levels (400ppm) as described in (Zhou, Akçay, and Helliker 2018)(Figure S2 and Table S1). For both maize cultivars at all time points, assimilation was limited by RuBP carboxylation and PEP carboxylation (model RcPc). Setaria was also limited by RuBP carboxylation at all time points, and all plants except one were limited by PEP carboxylation (model RcPc.) In sorghum, RuBP carboxylation was limiting at 1 and 7 hours of heat treatment (model RcPc), but by 48 hours RuBP regeneration became limiting (model RrPc). Prior to heat treatment, different sorghum plants showed limitation by RuBP carboxylation or by RuBP regeneration (models RcPc and RrPc.) Our data implies that the carbon fixation reaction catalyzed by rubisco is the rate-limiting step for all plants during the first several hours of heat exposure prior to acclimation.
The A/Ci curve fits five parameters for photosynthesis, including Vcmax, the maximum carboxylation rate of rubisco. We found that during heat treatment, Vcmax was decreased during the 1 hour time point in all species, though not significantly (Figure 1D). In maize cultivar MR19, which failed to recover assimilation at the 48 hour time point, Vcmax was also significantly compromised at 48 hours. The close match of assimilation and Vcmax trends, as well as the limitation of RuBP carboxylation in all plants at 1 and 6 hours, indicates that rubisco has suboptimal activity at these time points, likely due to thermal limitations to RCA.
RCA Proteoform Abundance
As expected, heat inactivation of RCA seems to be a major bottleneck in maintaining photosynthetic performance during heat acclimation in all plants investigated in this study. To determine how plants overcome this limitation, we assessed RCA abundance and proteoform composition in maize, sorghum and setaria. Immunodetections were performed on crude leaf tissue extracts from these species before and after heat treatment (Figure 2). Additional samples from reference species with known RCA isoform composition were examined for comparison. The C3 plants examined here (Nicotiana tabacum, Spinacia oleracea and Arabidopsis thaliana, Figure 2) contained more RCA per mg total protein than Setaria did prior to heat stress, in agreement with previously published results (Kanai and Edwards 1999). The lower band intensity for the alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii could indicate a lower RCA abundance allowed by its known carbon concentrating mechanism (CCM), or may indicate lower antibody affinity for this more distant homolog. RCA abundance was reduced in all C4 species after 48 hours compared to the peak RCA abundance. Both maize cultivars showed a transient increase in RCA abundance after 6 hours, before RCA abundance was reduced substantially after 48 hours. RCA was initially much more abundant in maize MR19 than in maize B73 prior to heat treatment (Figure 2). Similar to maize, sorghum and setaria showed a slight depletion in RCA abundance at the 48-hour time point, although with sorghum there was first a transient increase.
We confirmed the presence of proteoforms that have been described previously in the literature for Arabidopsis and spinach samples (⍺ at 45kDa, ꞵ at 43kDa and a proteolytic product of ꞵ at 41kDa). We know that Tobacco and Chlamydomonas express solely the ꞵ isoform, and in our detections both species lack the higher molecular weight bands corresponding to the ⍺ isoform. While Chlamydomonas shows only a single proteoform, tobacco displays several proteoforms of β, including a band at a slightly lower molecular weight of about 39kDa that we suggest to be another proteoform of ꞵ (see complete blots in Figure S3). In both maize cultivars and in sorghum, the phosphothreonine proteoform of α appeared after heat treatment. This threonine is not conserved in Setaria, and the higher molecular weight form of α is not observed in our immunodetections. Other changes in proteoform abundance were specific to the species or cultivar. In Setaria the α isoform is depleted and the 41kDa proteolytic product is transiently enriched. The α isoform was transiently depleted in MR19 after 1 hour but recovered during acclimation.
Regulation by variable components within the chloroplast stroma
We next characterized the effects of the native setting within the chloroplast on RCA’s enzymatic ATPase activity. Recombinantly produced proteins are commonly used for biochemical assays due to the ease of sample preparation and the high sample purity. However, since multiple RCA proteoforms are present in varying ratios in vivo, we decided to purify RCA directly from plant tissue for our assays. This is particularly important given that the dynamically changing, combinatorial interaction of different proteoforms in hetero-oligomers determines the activity of RCA, (Keown and Pearce 2014) and this mixture of proteoforms is impossible to accurately reproduce with recombinant protein. In addition, post-translational modifications that are known to affect RCA activity are also not reliably reproduced in a recombinant expression system. For these reasons, we used RCA purified from plant tissue for biochemical characterization.
RCA activity
We next examined how changes in RCA abundance caused by heat stress affect RCA activity. We measured the ATPase activity of 40μg purified RCA from maize, sorghum and setaria and each time point to determine the activity per μg of RCA protein. We then scaled the amount of protein for each reaction by the abundance of RCA relative to the 0 hour control as determined from our immunodetections. This analysis allows us to distinguish whether differences in RCA activity are due to changes in the enzyme activity per μg of RCA, or simply the result of increased RCA protein abundance. In maize cultivar B73, RCA activity was increased but we attribute that increase to the observed increase in RCA protein expression and not to increased RCA activity (Figure 3A). This contrasts with the other maize cultivar (MR19), in which RCA activity and abundance both decreased in response to the heat treatment (Figure 3B). In sorghum, the increase in overall RCA activity at the 1- and 6-hour time points were more than accounted for by the increase in activity per μg of RCA (Figure 3C). In setaria, activity per μg of RCA was dramatically increased at the 48-hour time point, leading to a modest increase in overall RCA activity (Figure 3D).
RCA thermostability
Our data indicate that different plant species (and even different cultivars of the same species) show enormous flexibility in how RCA abundance and activity change during heat acclimation. We next sought to determine how these changes affect RCA thermostability. We measured RCA thermostability by pre-incubating purified enzyme for 1 hour at temperatures ranging from 30oC to 66oC, then measuring activity using a spectroscopic ATPase assay based on NADH consumption. The resulting heat response curves were fitted to determine the temperature at which half of the activity was lost (T50). As expected, spinach RCA had a lower T50 than tobacco RCA (37.6oC vs. 48.0oC). The thermostability of RCA extracted from both maize cultivars varied with time but never increased beyond the 0-hour control. In contrast, both Setaria and sorghum RCA displayed increased T50 at various times, with Setaria increasing from 43.6oC (0-hour) to 49.0oC (6 hours) and sorghum increasing from 47.9oC (0 hour) to 50.3oC (48 hours).
Magnesium ion sensitivity
Another aspect that affects RCA activity is the availability of magnesium. We found that different species responded differently to Mg2+ concentration in the reaction buffer (Figure 5). RCA from Arabidopsis, tobacco, spinach and Chlamydomonas were significantly more active with 5-10mM Mg2+ as compared to background (0.1mM Mg2+, Figure 5A), which is consistent with what has been previously reported for tobacco (Hazra et al. 2015). The same is true for RCA activity in Sorghum: supplementing 10mM Mg2+ increased RCA activity by 43% (Figure 5D). However, heat treatment transiently dampened the response to Mg2+ in sorghum (<10% increase at 1 and 7 hours of heat treatment). By 48 hours of heat treatment, Mg2+ stimulation had largely recovered (23% increase).
To our surprise, both maize B73 and setaria showed inhibition by magnesium concentrations greater than background (Figure 5B, C and E). For maize, the inhibition was dramatic (34% activity inhibited by 10mM Mg2+, p<0.01), but the response to magnesium was eliminated after 6 hours of heat treatment. For setaria, the inhibition was less pronounced (9% at 10mM Mg2+, not significant) and only rose to the level of significance after 48 hours of heat treatment (16% inhibition at 10mM Mg2+, p<0.01). Unlike B73 RCA, which was strongly inhibited by magnesium, RCA from MR19 is insensitive to magnesium at all points of heat treatment.
ADP sensitivity
Previous work has established that the ATPase activity of RCA is inhibited by increasing concentrations of ADP (Ning Zhang, Schürmann, and Portis 2001). We were able to replicate these results with RCA from tobacco, Arabidopsis, Chlamydomonas and spinach (Figure 6A). RCA from setaria was similarly inhibited by ADP but became insensitive to ADP after 48 hours of heat treatment (Figure 6E). Maize B73 RCA was initially insensitive to ADP, but after heat treatment was mildly stimulated (15% increase, ATP:ADP of 1:3, p<0.01, Figure 6B). Similar to B73, MR19 was stimulated by ADP, but to a greater extent (64% increase, ATP:ADP = 1:3, p<0.01, Figure 6C). Unlike B73, however, the increase in activity was present at all time points of heat treatment. Sorghum RCA was initially stimulated by ADP (12% increase, ATP:ADP of 1:3, p<0.01, Figure 6D), but lost sensitivity to ADP with heat treatment.
Redox sensitivity
The α isoform of RCA is redox regulated by a disulfide bond only present in the CTD of the α isoform. This regulation may happen through the enzyme thioredoxin F (TrxF) (N Zhang and Portis 1999) or directly from Photosystem I (Kale et al. 2022; Bhaduri et al. 2020). We tested RCA activity in the presence and absence of TrxF. We reproduced published stimulation of Arabidopsis and spinach RCA ATPase activity by TrxF, and the expected lack of a response by tobacco and Chlamydomonas, both of which lack an α isoform (Figure 7A). Maize B73 RCA was slightly stimulated by treatment with TrxF (15%, p<0.05, Figure 7B). This stimulation was transiently eliminated at 1 and 6 hours of heat treatment but reappeared after 48 hours of heat treatment. Maize MR19 was initially insensitive to regulation by TrxF, but by 48 hours showed a 32% increase in activity with TrxF treatment (p<0.01, Figure 7C). Surprisingly, we found that treatment with TrxF slightly inhibited RCA from sorghum (decreased by 6%, p<0.01, Figure 7D) at 0 and 6 hours of heat treatment. Setaria RCA appeared insensitive to TrxF regardless of heat treatment (Figure 7E).