3.1 Morphology and structure of CePO4 nanorods.
The CePO4 nanorods were prepared according to the hydrothermal method, as shown in Fig. 1. During the hydrothermal reaction, the CePO4 crystals grew along the c-axis orientation, forming one-dimensional rod shapes. The CePO4 nanorods had diameters of 5 µm and lengths of 50 nm, as confirmed by the SEM and TEM images (Fig. 1a and b). The crystal structure of CePO4 nanorods was investigated further by the high-resolution TEM images (Fig. 1c). The lattice fringes of the CePO4 nanorods demonstrated the monocrystalline structure, and the d-space of 0.610 nm was ascribed to (100) crystal plane. The SAED pattern of CePO4 nanocrystals revealed that the diffraction spots corresponded to [010] zone axis (Fig. 1d).
The phase structure of CePO4 nanorods was investigated by XRD pattern (Fig. 1e). All the diffraction peaks were much matched with the hexagonal CePO4 crystals with space group of P622 (180), which were indexed to PDF card NO. 34-1380. The cell parameters of CePO4 nanorods were calculated by using MDI JADE5.0 software, as followed: a=b=0.7067 nm, c=0.6439 nm, α=β=90º, and γ=120º. The characteristic peaks of CePO4 nanorods showed strong peak intensity, demonstrating their high crystallinity. Moreover, the functional groups in CePO4 nanorods were revealed by FTIR spectrum (Fig. 1f). The band at 1619 cm−1 was ascribed to adsorbed water on the surfaces of CePO4 nanorods. The bands due to the asymmetric stretching vibration of PO43- groups located at 1039 and 1012 cm−1. The P–O bending vibration and antisymmetric deformation vibration band located at 955 cm−1 and 620 cm−1, respectively.
Figure. 1. (a) SEM image, (b) TEM image, (c) HRTEM image and (d) SAED pattern of CePO4 nanorods. (e) XRD patterns and (f) FTIR spectra of CePO4 nanorods, CS scaffolds, CePO4/CS scaffolds and CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds.
3.2 Characterization of CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds.
The freeze-drying technology was used to construct three-dimensional porous scaffolds including CS, CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds. All CS, CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds had the 3D macropores with sizes of 80 µm (Fige. 2a, d and g), which were created due to ice crystal sublimation during the freeze-drying procedure. These macroporous structures could provide enough spaces for cell migration, nutrient transfer and bone tissue ingrowth. Interestingly, these macropores existed among the plate-like films. For the pure CS scaffolds, the films presented smooth surfaces (Fig. 2b). For the CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds, many CePO4 nanorods were uniformly dispersed on the films (Fig. 2e and h). The GO nanosheets were not obviously detected in the CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds because of small particle sizes and low percentages (Fig. 2h). The chemical elements in the CS, CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds were detected by EDS patterns (Fig. 2c, f and i). The Ce and P were originated from the CePO4 nanorods, C was originated from CS or/and GO (Fig. 2c, f and i). Notably, the Ce, P and C element distribution maps further demonstrated that the CePO4 nanorods and GO nanosheets were uniformly distributed throughout the CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds (Fig. 2j-m).
The XRD patterns of the CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds was much similar to the pure CePO4 nanorods (Fig. 1e). Notably, only CePO4 characteristic peaks were detected in the XRD patterns of CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds, which was ascribed to the following two reasons: (i) CS showed amorphous characteristic, as confirmed by the XRD pattern of CS scaffolds (Fig. 1e); (ii) the percentage of the GO nanosheets in the scaffolds was only approximately 2.9%. The functional groups of the CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds were demonstrated by FTIR spectra (Fig. 1f). The characteristic bands of CS were detected in the FTIR spectra of the CS, CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds, including C=N vibration (1636 cm−1), C-N vibration (1409/1320 cm−1), bridge oxygen stretching vibration (1152 cm−1), N-H deformation vibration (1547 cm−1), C-O stretching vibration (1025/1072 cm−1), N-H wagging vibration (892 cm−1). The characteristic bands of CePO4 nanorods were detected in the FTIR spectra of the CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds, too (Fig. 1f). The bands due to GO were not observed in the FTIR spectrum of the CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds due to the low percentages, which was in good agreement with the XRD results (Fig. 1e and f). Fig. 3a showed the Ce3d XPS pattern of CePO4 nanorods in the CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds. The peaks at 882.1 and 885.8 eV corresponded to the Ce3d5/2, and those at 900.5 and 903.9 eV corresponded to Ce3d3/2. All the above peaks were assigned to Ce3+ ions, suggesting that the Ce ions in the CePO4 nanorods existed as trivalent states without Ce4+.
Figure. 2 (a, b) SEM images and (c) EDS pattern of CS scaffolds; (d, e) SEM images and (f) EDS pattern of CePO4/CS scaffolds; (g, h) SEM images, (i) EDS pattern, (j, k, l, M) Ce, P, O and C element distribution images of CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds which corresponded to the red block in image g.
In order to assay the release performances of CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds in vitro, the samples were immersed in ultrapure water. With increasing the soaking time, the Ce3+ ions were continuously released from the scaffolds (Fig. 3b). Notably, the Ce3+ ions showed quick release performance within 48 h, and then gradually arrived at the dissolution-reprecipitation balance. After the release for 120 h, the concentrations of Ce3+ ions reached 2.48 μM. The high crystallinity of the CePO4 nanorods caused the low degradability, resulting in the slow release rates of Ce3+ ions (Fig. 1e and 3b).
The mechanical property of CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds was characterized by microcomputer control electronic universal testing machine, as shown in Figure S1. Since CS scaffolds possessed a ductile feature, three-dimensional porous structure was easy to cause damage under load-bearing conditions [39]. The combination of CePO4 nanorods, CS and GO formed the organic/inorganic hybrid scaffolds, leading to a good mechanical property. As the external forces were exerted on the CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds, the macropore damage and material deformation successively took place (Figure S1). When the compressive strengths of the CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds arrived at approximately 0.21 MPa, the macroporous structure was completely destroyed.
Figure. S1. Compression properties of CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds (n=3).
As we know, GO possesses excellent light‐absorbing properties and photothermal conversion efficiency. The incorporation of GO nanosheets provided the CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds with better light adsorption properties in the region of 400~1200 nm than the CS and CePO4/CS scaffolds (Fig. 3c). With increasing the irradiation time of NIR light, the temperatures in the CS and CePO4/CS scaffolds rose slightly (Fig. 3d). Interestingly, the temperatures around the CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds rose rapidly, and arrived at 64.8ºC after only 10 min, which was high enough to kill tumor cells.
Figure. 3. (a) Ce3d XPS pattern of CePO4 nanorods in CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds; (b) Ce3+ ion release trend from CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds; (c) UV-vis spectra of CS, CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds; and (d) temperature change trends with the irradiation time of NIR light for the CS, CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds.
3.2 Effects of Different Scaffold Materials against bone metastasis from breast cancer under NIR Exposure.
Fig. 4a, b shows the result by live-dead cell staining and flow cytometry cell counting. It was found that the MDA-MB-231 cells in the control, CS and CePO4/CS control groups were live cells, while those in the CePO4/CS/GO group were dead cells (green represents live cells and red represents dead cells). The CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds significantly increased the local temperature under NIR light compared to the groups without GO nanoparticles. Fig. 4 c illustrates the results of the statistical analysis of the flow cytometry. The degree of apoptosis resulting from the NIR exposure was different in each group, with the highest number of dead cells in the CePO4/CS/GO group. Fig. 4d shows the proliferation of MDA-MB-231 cells cultured with different scaffolds while under NIR exposure. From day 1 to day 4, the survival of the control, CS and CePO4/CS groups increased with the culturing time, but the survival of the CePO4/CS/GO group decreased. This result suggested that the proliferation of MDA-MB-231 cells in the CePO4/CS/GO group was inhibited under NIR exposure.
Figure. 4. (a) live-dead cell staining, (b, c) flow cytometry of MDA-MB-231 cells for blank, CS, CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO groups under NIR laser irradiation for 10 min every day. (d) CCK-8 analyses.
In vivo, Scaffolds with different materials were then implanted into the mice. All scaffolds were exposed to NIR light within 30 seconds. The temperature of the implanted scaffold was measured by thermal imaging (Fig. 5a). As shown in Fig. 5b, the temperature in the CePO4/CS/GO group was higher than those in the other groups: the temperature reached as high as 52 degrees, while the highest among the other groups was only 41 degrees. After the second week, IVIS Lumina K Series III was employed for florescence measurements on the mice. The florescence intensity was measured again after two weeks of NIR exposure (Fig. 5c). Compared with the control, CS and CePO4/CS groups, the red fluorescence intensity in the CePO4/CS/GO group began to decrease with prolonging the therapy time (Fig. 5d). This result indicated that CePO4/CS/GO could significantly inhibit tumour cell proliferation. After the measurements, the mice were euthanized, followed by the removal of the tumours and the measurement of the tumour sizes. As shown in Fig. 5e, f the tumour size of the CePO4/CS/GO group was significantly smaller than those of the other three groups. Fig. 5g shows the TUNEL staining and caspase-3 staining of the tumours, which reveal the degree of the tumour cell apoptosis. Apoptosis was observed in the CePO4/CS/GO group but not in the other group.
Figure. 5. (a, b) The temperature changes after exposure to NIR radiation. (c, d) Fluorescence detection on nude mice after NIR laser irradiation by IVIS Lumina K Series Ⅲ and fluorescence intensity of the CePO4/CS/GO group was significantly lower than the blank, CS and CePO4/CS groups. (e, f) Optical picture of tumors in nude mice, and quantitative analysis of tumor volume. (g) Histomorphological observation of tumors. Tunel represented apoptosis (blue: nucleus, red: apoptosis), and Caspase-3 represented the most important terminal cleavage enzyme in the process of apoptosis.
3.3 Effects of Different Scaffold Materials on the Degree of Polarization of RAW264.7 Cells.
The RAW cells were cultured with control, CS, CePO4/CS, and CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds. After 24 hrs of culture, RAW cells were added with the primary antibodies (CD206 represents M2 macrophages and CD16/32 represents M1 macrophages) and incubated overnight. The color-labeling secondary antibodies were added and incubated for 1 hr, and the samples were then observed with a confocal microscope. The immunofluorescence intensities of the CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO were observed (Fig. 6a), and the florescence intensity of CD206 was significantly higher than those of the other two groups, which suggested that the cells of these groups polarized into M2 macrophages. The results of the flow cytometry are also provided (Fig. 6b, c), which shows the effects of different scaffold materials on the polarization of macrophages. It was found that the macrophages did not differentiate into M2 macrophages in the control and CS groups, but they did in the presence of Ce. Fig. 6d, e illustrates the results of different scaffolds on the polarization of macrophages. In vivo experiments indicate that the control and CS group do not promote macrophage polarization in the M2 direction. However, the scaffold material of the CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO groups can promote the M2 direction polarization of macrophages. We know that M2 macrophages can promote the formation of blood vessels(34, 36). and promote the mineralization of osteoblasts(35, 37).
Figure. 6 (a) Immunofluorescence images of RAW264.7 macrophages co-cultured with different scaffolds. The nucleus, M2 macrophage and M1 macrophage staining for DAPI, CD206 and CD16/32, respectively. (b, c) Flow cytometry. (d, e) In vivo, macrophages expressed iNOS proteins in the control and CS groups, while macrophages expressed CD206 proteins in the CePO4/CS, and CePO4/CS/GO groups.
3.4 Study on the Toxicity and osteo-inductivity of Scaffold Materials to MC3T3-E1 Cells
The freeze-drying technology was employed to fabricate the CePO4/CS/GO porous scaffolds, in which CePO4 nanorods and GO nanosheets were dispersed through the whole scaffolds (Fig. 1). Rare earth elements (REEs), for example Ce, could accumulate in human bones mainly by substituting parts of Ca2+ ions in apatite. The biological responses of the REEs represented the hermetic concentration–response relationship, namely, the low concentrations showed positive stimulation and the high concentrations showed inhibition effects against normal cells. Fortunately, the CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds had the controlled release performances of Ce3+ ions because of the appropriate biodegradability, and the Ce3+ concentrations were kept at only 2.48 μM even after 120 h. The low concentrations of Ce3+ ions did not do harm to hBMSCs and MC3T3-E1 cells, and even contributed to cell proliferation (Fig. 7a). Moreover, the 3D microporous in the scaffolds facilitated the cell migration, and the degree of the hBMSCs’ adhesion on the surface of the CS, CePO4/CS, and CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds and their morphological characteristics were observed by SEM (Fig. 7b). In vitro assays demonstrated that the CePO4/CS/GO porous scaffolds had excellent biocompatibility.
Figure. 7 (a) CCK-8 assays of MC3T3-E1 cells cultured in the extracts of different scaffold materials for different days. (b) SEM images of hBMSCs co-cultured on CS, CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds. (c,d ) ALP staining and alizarin red staining images of MC3T3-E1 cells cultured in the extracts of CS, CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds for 7 days. (e) RT-PCR analysis for ALP, RUNX2, BMP-2 and OCN expression of MC3T3-E1. (f) Western blot analysis for BMP-2, P-Smad1/5, Smad1/5, RUNX2 and COL1 of MC3T3-E1. (g) Micro-CT images of skulls of the control, CS, CePO4/CS, and CePO4/CS/GO groups 3 months after the surgery. (h) Bone volume/tissue volume (BV/TV). (i) Quantitative analysis of the morphology of the bone mineralization density (BMD), n=3, *P<0.05.
The effects of the CS, CePO4/CS, and CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds on osteo-inductivity were studied via ALP staining, alizarin red staining, PCR, and western blot. An ALP staining image of the MC3T3-E1 cells of the control group is provided in Fig. 7c. The cells of this group were cultured with CS, CePO4/CS, and CePO4/CS/GO for 7 days and extracted. The number of ALP-stained cells of the CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO group was significantly higher than those of the control and CS groups. Fig. 7d illustrates the calcium deposition of the groups cultured with the control, CS, CePO4/CS, and CePO4/CS/GO scaffolds. Compared to the CS and control groups, the calcium deposition of the CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO groups was significantly increased. The osteoblast activity of the CS, CePO4/CS, and CePO4/CS/GO groups was analysed by RT-PCR based on the expression levels of the ALP, BMP-2, OCN, and RUNX2 genes in the early osteoblasts (Fig. 7e). The expression levels of the ALP, BMP-2, OCN, and RUNX2 genes were the highest in the CePO4/CS, and CePO4/CS/GO group. Further, the western blot results of the osteogenesis-associated proteins are provided in Fig. 7f. The expression levels of the BMP-2, P-Smad1/5, Smad1/5, RUNX2 and COL1 proteins were higher in the CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO groups compared to the other groups. In vivo, it was seen in the micro-CT images that the volume of newly generated bone tissue was higher in the CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO groups than in the control group. Compared to CS, CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO could effectively promote the formation of new bone (Fig. 7g). A quantitative analysis of the morphology of the CePO4/CS (48.15±4.21%) and CePO4/CS/GO (58.67±3.32%) groups showed that the bone volume/tissue volume (BV/TV) ratios were higher than those of the control group (9.81±3.26%) and CS group (21.21±2.95%) (Fig. 7h). Compared to the control and CS groups, the bone mineral densities of the CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO groups were higher (Fig. 7i).
To investigate the mineralization of osteoblasts, the florescence labelling agents alizarin red and calcein were injected at different times prior to sacrificing the mice. The first line represents data from calcein, which suggests that bone mineralization occurred 21 days prior to sacrificing the mice. The second line represents data from alizarin red, which suggests that bone mineralization occurred 3 days prior to sacrificing the mice. The average distance between the two lines represent the newly formed bone tissue (Fig. 8a). The bone mineralization rate was analysed by a PC-based analysis system, and the calculated ratios for the CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO groups, 5.38±0.68 μm/d and 6.54±0.52 μm/d, respectively, were significantly higher than those of the CS (2.34±0.32 μm/d) and control groups (1.98±0.48 μm/d) (Fig. 8b). Fig. 8c and d illustrate the results of the HE staining and Masson staining for the investigation of the bone and collagen components of the four groups. An immunohistochemical analysis of VEGF was performed. This property was confirmed by immunohistochemical analysis of VEGF in tissues (Fig. 8e). It was found that the amount of VEGF proteins was significantly increased in the CePO4/CS and CePO4/CS/GO groups compared with the other two groups.