Rainfall intensities and durations triggering debris flows
Fig.2 displays the changes of rainfall intensities and the precipitations with time, and the occurrence time of the debris flows. All of the debris flows occurred during the periods with high rain intensities, though they are not always the maximum values. The rainfall intensities coinciding to the debris flows range from 48.5 to 98.9 mm/h for the rainstorm on 21 July, 2012, and they are 46 mm/h and 69.1 mm/h for the storms of 2016 and 2018, respectively. For debris flows caused by the storm of 2012, the cumulative precipitations from beginning of rainfall to the occurrences of debris flows changes from 128.4 to190 mm, while they are 217-226.6 mm and 174-226 mm for the debris flows of 2016 and 2018, respectively. The rain fall durations before the debris flow occurrence show a significant difference among the three rainstorms. The debris flow triggered by the rainfall with the longest duration (15 hours) occurred on 20 July, 2016, while the debris flow induced by the shortest duration rainfall (5 hours) presented on 16 July, 2018 (Fig. 2). The rainfall durations of the debris flows in 2012 change little among various sites, centering around 8-9 hours. The rainfall intensities show a decreasing trend with increased cumulative precipitations. The rainfall intensity is only 46 mm/h with a cumulative precipitation of 217.6 mm for the debris flows in Nanjiao site, while it is as high as 98.9 mm/h corresponding to the cumulative precipitation of 180 mm for the debris flows in Fangshan site (Fig.2).
Rainfall thresholds based various rainfall intensity
For the rainfall-induced debris flows, a rainfall thresholds is defined by rainfall reaching or exceeding a hydrological condition that is likely to trigger a debris flow (Guzzetti, Peruccacci, Rossi and Stark 2007). It has been demonstrated that rainfall-induced debris flows and landslides are closely related to rainfall intensities and durations (Caine 1980, Cannon et al. 2008, Fausto, Silvia, Mauro and P. 2008, Guzzetti, Peruccacci, Rossi and Stark 2007, Peruccacci et al. 2017, Rossi et al. 2017, Saito, Nakayama and Matsuyama 2010). Therefore, intensity-duration model (I-D) is the most common method to estimate rainfall thresholds (Baum and Godt 2010, Fausto, Silvia, Mauro and P. 2008, Guzzetti, Peruccacci, Rossi and Stark 2007, Saito, Nakayama and Matsuyama 2010). I-D threshold has the general form:
where I is rainfall intensity and expressed in millimeters per hour, D is rainfall duration and expressed in hour, c, a and b are parameters. In most cases, c is often taken as 0 (Guzzetti, Peruccacci, Rossi and Stark 2007), and the equation is a simple power law. The I–D thresholds are usually obtained by drawing minimum-level lines to the rainfall intensity (Y-axis) and duration condition that causes debris flows and landslides (X-axis) shown in Cartesian semi-logarithmic, or double logarithmic coordinates(Guzzetti, Peruccacci, Rossi and Stark 2007, Saito, Nakayama and Matsuyama 2010).
In this study, we establish various I-D models based on three types of rain intensities: the instantaneous intensities (Ii), average intensity (Ia) over the periods from the beginning of the storm to the debris flow occurrence (Da), and average over the whole storm (Iw and Dw). The I-D models derived from different rainfall intensities by the methods of Caine (1980) and Guzzetti et al. (2007, 2008) are:
Ii=198×Da-0.795 (Ii-Da threshold)
Ia= 59×Da-0.717 (Ia-Da threshold)
Iw=217×Dw-0.99 (Iw-Dw threshold)
The thresholds derived various types of rainfall intensities differed significantly between each other (Fig.3). The Ii-Da threshold is the largest one of the three thresholds, and Ia-Da model is the smallest.
When the data of rainfalls without causing debris flows are available, the threshold is defined as the best separator of the rainfall conditions that resulted and did not result in debris flows (Guzzetti, Peruccacci et al. 2007). To test the reliabilities of the various thresholds, we plot the data that the rainfall intensities are more than 10 mm/h during the three storms, but did not cause debris flows in the Fig. 3a. The reason for the application of 10 mm is that 10 mm is used to delimit a rainfall event in the studied regions susceptible to debris flow, and the overland flow on the surface of a slope is generated before accumulative rainfall reached 10 mm (Ma et al. 2016). At the same time, the data of previous studies (Ma, Wang, Du, Wang and Li 2016, Wang 2020) are plotted into the Fig. 3a. These data include the peak and average intensities (Ma, Wang, Du, Wang and Li 2016, Wang 2020).
The rainfall threshold derived from instantaneous intensity show high ability in separating the rainfalls inducing from those without inducing debris flows. Almost all of the data without causing debris flows, particularly those with similar rainfall durations, fall into the safety region delimited by the Ii-Da threshold (Fig. 3a). Furthermore, the instantaneous intensity of the debris flows occurred on 21-22 July, 1989 (Wu 2001) also fall into the risk region delimited by our Ii-Da threshold (Fig.3a). In contrast, many data of the average intensities that did not result in debris flows fall into the risk region defined by the Ia-Da threshold (Fig. 3a ). Similar to the Ia-Da threshold, the threshold derived from the intensity over the whole rainstorms also show a low ability in separating the rainfalls inducing from those without inducing debris flows. Most importantly, the Iw values of many rainfall storms, which caused debris, falls into the safety region of the Iw-Dw thresholds, indicating a low accurate. These data consistently suggest that the occurrences of the debris flows are closely related to the instantaneous intensities and antecedent durations of rainfall events, and thus the Ii-Da threshold is more accurate than those derived from other two intensity types. In contrast, the Ia-Da and Iw-Dw thresholds might underestimate the precipitation or intensity triggering debris flows, and thus have a high rate of false alarm. This conclusion is consistent with the coincidence of the debris flows to the high rainfall intensities identified in both the three and previous storms in Beijing. Of course, this postulation need further research in consideration of the limited spatial and temporal coverage of the three storms in this study.
Comparison with previous thresholds
The rainfall threshold as the lower boundary of rainfall conditions, permits a direct comparison of thresholds based on various intensity types, though the rainfall thresholds are derived from various intensities, (Aleotti 2004, Cannon, Gartner, Wilson, Bowers and Laber 2008, Dahal and Hasegawa 2008, Fausto, Silvia, Mauro and P. 2008, Guzzetti, Peruccacci, Rossi and Stark 2007, Saito, Nakayama and Matsuyama 2010). There are several studies on the I-D rainfall thresholds in Beijing mountain areas (Ma, Deng and Wang 2018, Ma, Wang, Du, Wang and Li 2016, Tu et al. 2017, Wang 2020). Among these studies, Ma et al. (2016) and Wang et al. (2020) made the most comprehensive studies (Ma, Wang, Du, Wang and Li 2016, Wang 2020). The study of Ma et al. (2016) established both regional and local I-D thresholds based on the data of 23 debris flows occurred during the interval from 1963 to 2012. They proposed different rainfall thresholds based on the debris flows occurred before and after 2000. The minimum thresholds for the thresholds are I=31.2×D−0.3 and I=32×D−0.2. Wang (2020) established a rainfall thresholds (I=56.9×D-0.746) based on 49 events occurred from 1949 to 2012. In addition, Tu and Ma (2017) also established a threshold during various time periods using peak intensities of 18 events from 1989 to 2012. All these threshold are plotted into the Fig.3b. In addition, the data of the rainstorms inducing debris flows from 1949 to 2012 are also added in this Fig.3b
Fig.3b shows that the Ii–Da threshold is higher than other thresholds in Beijing, indicating a significant difference of the instantaneous threshold from those based on other intensities. The Ia-Da threshold is very similar to that derived from the storm data from 1949 to 2012. All of the storm data from 1949 to 2012, which induced debris flows, fall into the risk region delimited by Ia-Da threshold derived from the three storms. These characteristics indicate that the pattern of the storms inducing debris flows did not change significantly in the studied region, and the Ia-Da of this study can well define rainfall conditions resulting in debris flows. The local threshold for Fangshan region proposed by Ma et al. (2016) is the smallest one of all the thresholds in Beijing, but it show no significant difference from that of Wang (2020), particularly, when the rainfall duration exceed 6 hours (Fig.3b). The Ia-Da threshold in this study, together with the threshold of Wang (2020) and local thresholds of Ma et al. (2016), can well define the average rainfall condition that resulted in debris flows, whereas they might have a high rate of nuisance alarms as pointed above.
Implication for the dynamics of debris flow in Beijing
The data of this study suggest that the rainfall intensity should play a dominant role in triggering the debris flows in the mountain areas of Beijing. As discussed above, all the debris flows in Beijing occurred during the interval with high intensity. Another obvious characteristics is that the high intensive rainfall sustained at least two hours before the debris occurred (Fig. 2). The serious disasters occurred in the regions where the long-term high intensive storms occurred. The most serious disasters occurred in Hebeizhen and Xiayunling areas during the storm on 21 July, 2012. In both sites, the heavy rainfall lasted about 3 hours before triggering a debris flow. The rainfall intensities from 9 to 11 hours are 65, 84, and 92 mm/h in Hebeizhen (Fig. 2), reaching the level of a 500-year storm. Similarly, the debris flows in Xiayunling were caused by 3-hour storm with an intensity of >48.5 mm/h, reaching the level of a 100-year storm. All these evidences suggest that the high intensive, continuous rainfall might play a dominant role in triggering debris flows in Beijing.
However, rainfall intensity cannot interpret the debris flows in Beijing alone. The cumulative precipitation from the beginning of the rainfall to the occurrence of debris flows may also play a substantial role. In many sites, the occurrences of the debris flows do not always correspond to the maximum rainfall intensity. Only when both accumulative rainfall and intensity reach a threshold could the debris flows be triggered (Fig. 2). During the storm on 21 July, 2012, no debris flows occurred when the cumulative precipitations were relative small in Mentougou (118.4 mm) and Longquan sites (84.3 mm), despite the rainfall intensity reached the maximum (Fig.2). Only when the cumulative rainfall reached 187.4 and 203.9 mm (3-4 hours delay to the maximum intensity) did the debris flows occurred (Fig. 2a). Similarly, the rainstorms with high intensity and low precipitations during the storm on 16 July, 2018 also caused few debris flows (Fig. 2). The intensities on the site of Bangheyan, Xiwanzi, and Yunmengshan are higher than 55 mm/h, but the corresponding cumulative precipitations are small. No debris flows or landslides occurred in these regions, though serious floods occurred. These evidences indicate that neither the rainfall intensity nor cumulative rainfall can interpret the debris flows in Beijing alone. Only when both rainfall intensity and cumulative rainfall reach a threshold simultaneously do debris flows occur. This postulation has been proved by the evidences across the globe covering various climate zones (Fausto, Silvia, Mauro and P. 2008), including central and southern Europe (Guzzetti, Peruccacci, Rossi and Stark 2007), Japan (Saito, Nakayama and Matsuyama 2010), America (Baum and Godt 2010), and the areas with high gradient slope in Himalaya mountains (Dahal and Hasegawa 2008) and Taiwan Island (Chien-Yuan et al. 2005).
Above evidences indicate that the debris flows in Beijing are triggered by the combination of high intensive rainstorm with high cumulative precipitation. This provides some deep insights into the dynamics of debris flows in Beijing. It is well known that high intensive rainstorms must lead to flood occurrences, but mustn’t result in debris flows. This is related to the underlying forcing of flood and debris flows. Debris flows are distinguished from floods in major forcing. The debris flow is that masses of poorly sorted sediments agitated and saturated with water, surge down slopes in response to gravitational attraction (Iverson 1997). As pointed by Iverson (1997), there are three factors for the development of debris flows: 1) failures of debris masses, 2) enough water to saturate the mass, and 3) sufficient conversion of gravitational potential energy to internal kinetic energy to change the style of motion that can be recognized as flow. The three factors must be satisfied almost simultaneously for debris flow occurrences (Anderson and Sitar 1995, Ellen and Fleming 1987, Iverson 1997). For the debris flows in Beijing, the long-term rainfall and its resultant high cumulative rainfall before debris flow occurrences provide enough time for water infiltrating and saturating debris sediments, mobilizing sediments by increasing the pore pressures of the sediments. Simultaneously, the high water flows and surges caused by intensive storms incorporate and retain the mobilized sediments, flowing down the slope and forming debris flows.