The low percentage of extractable material shown in table 2, 3, 4 and 5 may be due to proper crosslinking of polymer making them insoluble. Thus, the present study put light over the formation of these fullerene-based IPNs of NVK.
4.1 IR Spectroscopy
The detailed vibrational analysis of the synthesized IPN was performed, which reveals shifting in band positions of the reacting molecular structures. IR study for pure fullerene shows peaks at 1430 cm-1, 527 cm-1 (for C-C vibration mode) and 1600 cm-1 (for –C=C- mode) respectively and for pure poly (n-vinyl carbazole) (PVK) at 900 cm-1. While Figure-1 shows IR spectra for the synthesized polymer network, which reveals the presence of fullerene at 500 cm-1(for caged vibrations), 1632 cm-1 (for C=C mode) and for PVK at 1101 cm-1. Thus, as evident from IR analysis that shifting in band positions has taken place, which is an indication of proper interpenetration among the reacting species. The FTIR investigations revealed multiple non-covalent interactions achieved by polymerization with physical anchoring on the polymeric network surfaces.
4.2 Electrical conductivity
Conductivity was found to be 4.17 S/m, revealing semiconductor behavior of IPN. The discussed polymeric network possess good conductivity properties. The IPN may be used in the photoreceptors. IPN is semi crystalline and in some form it may be a little brittle form. The properties of IPN are determined by molecular chains, orientation, size and degree of crystallization. Fullerene also played a great role in the improvement of strength of IPN. Fullerene is also responsible for the conductive nature and electromagnetic properties of the synthesized IPN
4.3 Permeability and permittivity analysis
Measurement of the complex permittivity and permeability of the IPN The polymer network is analyzed for its complex permittivity (ε* = ε՛-jε՛՛) and permeability (μ* = μ՛r− μ՛՛r) values in X band (8.2–12.4 GHz) frequency region. The complex permittivity and permeability is calculated using Nicholson-Ross-Weir (NRW) algorithm in the band X (8.2–12.4 GHz) frequency region. Fig. 2 depicts the graph of εr՛, εr՛՛ and fig.3 depicts graph of tanδε Vs frequency reaching to the maximum value of IPN at 2.47, 0.15 and 0.08 respectively. Similarly, Fig. 4 depicts the graph of μ՛r of μ՛՛r and fig. 5 depicts graph of tanμr Vs frequency of the IPN ranging from 0.92 to 1.20, 0.01–0.103 respectively.
4.4 SEM analysis
The structure of the fabricated fullerene based interpenetrating polymer network of PVK is detected by means of SEM technique which confides dual phase morphology (Figure-6). The network structure is variegated, which indicates sample heterogeneity of solution, used for the film preparation, which describes the happening of phase separation just after solvent evaporation. This is clearly prominent in the microscopic picture. This indicates that under top layer there is a presence of heterogeneous regions, depicting a clear dual phase morphology. Although such a combination of opposite properties is not easily possible, but we have tried to combine such different molecular domains on one platform, which reveals a proper packing and interpenetration of fullerene spheres with the monomeric species.
4.5 Evaluation of extractable polymeric material
The solute component of IPN was removed with the help of Soxhlet apparatus. The percentage extractable material was calculated (table 1) using the following equation.
Where, Wb = Weight of IPN before extraction and Wa = Weight of IPN after extraction
4.6 Swelling measurement and calculation
Swelling was calculated in DMF, DMSO, benzene and toluene till a constant mass was achieved (nearly 24 hrs.) (Table-1). The percentage swelling (table 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 was calculated according to the following relationship.
Where, Ws = weight of swollen IPN and Wd = Weight of dry IPN.
4.6 Crosslink density calculation
IPN sample was taken and its crosslink density was determined (table 2, 3, 4 and .5) by using the swelling data of IPN in DMF by using Flory-Rehner equation.
Where, Mc= average molecular weight of network between crosslinks, p = density of the network, V1= molar volume of solvent, and Vp = volume fraction of polymer in swollen gel, X12 = polymer solvent interaction parameter, calculated by the expression.
Where δp and δs = solubility parameters of polymer and swelling solvent, respectively, and B = lattice constant, which is taken as 0.34. Thus the vinyl polymer provides good interpenetration, conductivity and flexibility and fullerene surface is an important factor for toughness, crystalline behavior and conductivity too for the IPN.
4.7 Effect of composition
Effect of composition of fullerene and NVK shows a trend, results in increased swelling and Mc. It shows that fullerene becomes cross-linked to NVK. As the concentration of fullerene increases the probability of interpenetration of NVK also increases. The conductivity of polymer network is directly proportional to the concentration increase of fullerene and NVK. The increase in con-centration of N-vinyl carbazole favors the flexibility of the IPN. Effect of cross-linker (DVB) Variation of DVB concentration has direct impact on percent-age of extractable material (Table 5). The variation and effect of BPO concentration over swelling and Mc of IPN is shown in Table 2. It is clear that both swelling and crosslinking increases with increasing molar concentration of DVB. The variation in percentage of extractable material is shown in.