The classification of additional nodules according to the seventh edition[22] of the lung cancer staging system is focused on these tumor nodules in a way that may be potentially misleading. Cohorts in the IASLC database and in other databases that contain patients with additional nodules excluded those with synchronous primary cancers as well as those with systemic spread[1].This means that a large number of patients with MPLCs were not diagnosed appropriately.
On the basis of analyses of overall survival among pathologically staged cases, additional nodules in the same lobe are categorized as T3, nodules in the ipsilateral lobe are categorized as T4 and those in the contralateral lobe are categorized as M1 by the TNM Classification for Lung Cancer (7th edition)[23]. The IASLC Lung Cancer Staging Project (8th edition)[24] recommends that separate tumor nodule(s) in the same lobe as the primary tumor be categorized as T3, that separate tumor nodule(s) in an ipsilateral lobe different from the primary tumor be categorized as T4 and that separate tumor nodule(s) in a contralateral lobe be categorized as M1a. The new edition of the TNM Classification should discriminate MPLCs from IPM. Following resection, this kind of information could help to guide treatment decisions in terms of the need for adjuvant chemotherapy and/or closer surveillance of patients.
Patients with a primary lung cancer and additional nodules or lesions are categorized on the basis of their clinical presentations, but it is often a challenge to manage this diagnosis clinically; clinicians may be easily confused by these lesions because the terms and definitions are ambiguous[1, 25]. The distinction of MPLCs from IPM may be easy when the matched tumors in one patient are of different histologic types, but it becomes quite difficult when the tumors are of the same histologic type. This is because the determination of whether the neoplasms are clonally related (which reflects metastatic disease) or clonally unrelated (which indicates multiple primary cancers) is impossible[1].
The MM and ACCP criteria are used to classify the matched tumors as MPLCs or IPM in a clinical setting[1, 8, 22]. As for patients with histologically matched tumors, diagnostic uncertainty occurs quite often due to the inherent limitations of the criteria: neither the MM nor the AACP criterion incorporates information that definitively indicates MPLCs. These clinical criteria are faced with four problems, as follows: (1) Clinical criteria cannot achieve a definite diagnosis for MPLCs. With MFLCs, no matter the clinical characteristics involved, the presence of different histologic characteristics, different molecular genetic characteristics and characteristics that arise from a separate focus within a carcinoma in situ, indicates MPLCs. (2) Some conflicts have arisen between the MM and ACCP criteria, and no strong supporting evidence exists for the endorsement of either criterion. For patients with sMFLCs, matched tumors in the same lobe are classified as IPM by the MM criteria and as satellite lesions by the ACCP criteria. Matched tumors with N1 lymph node involvement are classified as IPM by the MM criteria and as MPLCs by the ACCP criteria. In patients with mMFLCs, for whom the time interval is within 2 years and in whom no lymph nodes or systemic metastasis are detected, tumors are classified as MPLCs by the MM criteria and as IPM by the ACCP criteria. Tumors in patients with a time interval between 2 and 4 years are classified as MPLCs by the MM criteria but are unable to be classified when no N2-N3 or systemic metastasis is observed; tumors are classified as IPM by the ACCP criteria when N2-N3 or systemic metastasis involvement is noted. According to the ACCP criteria, tumors in patients with a time interval above 4 years are classified as MPLCs by the MM criteria, as MPLCs when no systemic metastasis is observed and as IPM when systemic metastasis is observed. (3) The MM and ACCP criteria are highly dependent on the involvement of lymph nodes, which increases the possibility that the second nodule is a metastatic nodule, although this is not inevitable. The presence of metastatic nodes, hematogenous spread and direct dissemination are not included. (4) Some patients with MPLCs are diagnosed with advanced lung cancer according to the presence of a “metastatic nodule” by clinical criteria based on radiology. As a result, these patients are not recognized as fewer specimens are obtained.
ADCs display mixed histologic characteristics in more than 80% of cases[26], and thus, in some instances, components of each morphologic area may help to determine whether multiple tumors are clonally related[7]. It has been suggested that ADCs can be distinguished on the basis of the components of different histologic subtypes[27-29]. However, CHS is associated with four limitations: (1) CHS cannot be used on specimens obtained by fine-needle biopsy. (2)Only tumors of different subtypes will be recognized as MPLCs, and out of these, the percentage is low. (3) The lineage relationships determined may be subtype-specific, but that is not a definite result. (4) Even when histology or histology subtypes of matched tumors are different, the possibility of metastasis cannot be excluded given the heterogeneity.
Assuming that different mutations found in separate lung tumors reflect independent clones[30], we used the molecular criteria. It has been found that EGFR/KRAS mutation testing and CHS can help to differentiate multiple primary lung ADCs from metastatic lesions[7], but that study included only seven patients. The molecular criteria have three limitations: (1) In our study, tumors were analyzed for only EGFR, ALK and ROS-1 alterations. Since EGFR/ALK/ROS-1 alterations are found in only approximately 30%-50%, 3%-5%/ and 1% of resected lung tumors, respectively, there is a significant probability that a given tumor harbors no mutations, which means that molecular testing will be uninformative for the determination of lineage relationships. Therefore, the molecular criteria are highly specific despite the variable sensitivity. (2) Even though all mutations and gene fusions were tested (i.e., EGFR, KRAS, HER2, MEK1, BRAF, PIK3CA, ALK fusion, ROS fusion, PDGFR amp), there may be other types of mutations, which will lead to classification of tumors as MPLCs, but they may not be tested. (3) The possibility of metastasis or recurrent tumors cannot be excluded in patients with MPLC with different molecular results given the heterogeneity of tumors.
The importance of histologic type and genetic fingerprinting has been questioned by recent data on tumor heterogeneity, which states that secondary tumors can either acquire de novo mutations or they can acquire mutations from primary tumors. The parallel progression model posits that metastasis occurs early in cancer development and that primary and secondary tumors evolve independently[31]. As a result, the molecular results of these matched tumors will indicate a high degree of divergence, while the divergences in the molecular results are used as “definite” criteria for MPLCs. A high degree of divergence, therefore, may lead to different results: MPLCs or metastasis as in the “parallel progression model”. Moreover, a high degree of divergence is not easily defined[32]. With a higher baseline mutational burden (the number of all mutations detected between matched tumors), a certain number of mutations that are discordant between matched tumors leads to lower degree of divergence, and vice versa. The definition of the baseline mutational burden is complicated by the presence of a large number of mutations in tumors. Moreover, the dividing line between low-degree and high-degree divergences is difficult to determine. At this point, data regarding histopathologic characteristics and molecular genetic characteristics of cancers should be considered. However, these data alone should not be regarded as definitive criteria, and the consideration of other clinical and radiographic characteristics should not be obviated. In patients with two foci typical of a primary lung cancer (either proven or suspected), the identification of these foci as second primary lung cancers (either synchronous or metachronous) should be based on the judgment of a multidisciplinary team. This team should discuss the clinical, radiologic, and (if available) tumor cytologic/histologic characteristics [1], since no gold standard exists that can discriminate MPLCs from IPM.
MiRNAs are non-protein-coding molecules with important regulatory functions, many of which are tissue- and lineage-specific. We selected five miRNAs that interacted with cancer-related genes as the miRNA criteria for the discrimination of MFLCs. To our knowledge, this is the first report to integrate miRNA expression profiling with other criteria to distinguish these types of lesions. MiRNA-21, which has been studied extensively and is overexpressed in lung cancer[33, 34], predicts poor survival[35]. MiRNA-30 is associated with poor prognosis in patients with lung cancer[36], whereas miRNA-126 might be a tumor suppressor and a potential prognostic biomarker in patients with NSCLC[37]. The miRNA-129 level is decreased in patients with NSCLC and may be related to the metastasis of NSCLC[38]. MiRNA-182 plays an oncogenic role [39] in lung cancer cell lines, and its expression in lung tumors may be a potential novel diagnostic and prognostic biomarker[40].
The difference in miRNA expression profiles is hypothesized to be large in MPLCs because the tumors have different clonal origins, but is thought to be small in IPMs because the tumors have the same clonal origin. In practice, the sum of the differences in the Ct values of 5 miRNAs did not exceed 9 between the primary tumor and the metastatic tumors in the lymph node. This result indicates that when the sum of the differences exceeds 9, the matched tumors should be newly classified as MPLCs according to the miRNA criteria. With the miRNA criteria, 7 patients diagnosed with definite MPLCs by integrated analysis were newly diagnosed with MPLCs, which means that a divergence in the miRNA expression profile probably indicates MPLCs. Tumors in patients who were diagnosed with MPLCs by integrated analysis were newly classified as metastatic (patients 01, 03, 11, 13), which indicates similar miRNA expression profiles. Several possibilities may explain this result: the matched tumors are (1) MPLCs with similar miRNA expression profiles or (2) metastases as indicated by the miRNA criteria, while the integrated analysis result is the opposite for heterogeneous tumors. Patients diagnosed with metastasis by integrated analysis were newly diagnosed with MPLCs (patients 21, 22, 30), which indicates different miRNA expression profiles. The possibilities are as follows: the matched tumors (1) are MPLCs with different miRNA expression profiles as indicated by the miRNA criteria, while the integrated analysis result is the opposite because insufficient molecular markers were included; (2) alternatively, the matched tumors are metastases with different miRNA expression profiles because the limits of the miRNAs expression profile were generated from only twelve patients with LNM. Four patients diagnosed with “no definite conclusion” by integrated analysis were newly classified. Metastasis is defined as similar molecular results, including results from the miRNA criteria, between matched tumors. Since no gold standard exists, patients for whom inconsistent conclusions were reached with respect to the miRNA criteria and integrated analysis cannot be assigned any final diagnosis or classification.
In conclusion, miRNA expression profiling is helpful for the discrimination of MPLCs from IPM. However, because of the small sample size in this study, these findings should be validated by further studies of larger cohorts.
This study has some limitations. Our patient samples were limited since all patients were recruited from a single institution. Most patients with two foci were excluded from this study because they were considered metastases, and therefore, they did not undergo surgery for the second focus; this is also the primary problem in other studies and databases. The miRNA expression profiles in the plasma will be more meaningful as non-invasive test biomarkers for MPLCs, which will be demonstrated in future research if the role of miRNA expression profiles in tissues in a larger cohort of patients is confirmed.
(In addition, the cut-off value of the sum ΔΔCt was based on a small number of patients, and only five cancer-related miRNAs were included. Patients with SMPLCs had a better overall survival than those with intrapulmonary metastases, and with the new miRNA evaluation system, the outcomes are similar. Considering the different TNM stages of patients with SMPLCs and intrapulmonary metastases in our study, and the number of cases evaluated in this study was relatively small. Therefore, further studies with larger cohorts are necessary to validate our results.)