We have recently published the clinical data and study design5. Briefly, this was a prospective, observational cohort study conducted in 2013-2014 at four pulmonary rehabilitation units in Region Zealand, Denmark. The reporting of this study adheres to the STROBE guidelines20
The study was approved by the Danish National Ethical Committee, and complied with the Declaration of Helsinki. Written and oral informed consent was obtained from all participants.
The study was registered at (NCT01700296).
Patients referred for pulmonary rehabilitation were included if they fulfilled the following eligibility criteria: physician-diagnosed COPD; no exacerbations in the past four weeks prior to inclusion, ability to give informed consent, no life-threatening comorbidity (eg. malignancy or severe heart failure), and no history of asthma.
The reporting of the rehabilitation adheres to the TIDieR guidelines21. Pulmonary rehabilitation was conducted according to Danish national guidelines as a multidisciplinary, non-pharmacological intervention using supervised exercise therapy and patient education22. Patients attended either one of three municipal rehabilitation centers or a hospital-based rehabilitation program. As this was an observational study, the duration of the program varied between seven and twelve weeks due to differences between the individual rehabilitation programs. Other than that, the content of the rehabilitation program was similar according to the national treatment guidelines. The program consisted of two-hour sessions twice weekly: one hour of exercise therapy, equally distributed between endurance and strength training under supervision of a physical therapist, and one hour of patient education by an assigned nurse or other relevant professionals e.g. oxygen specialist. Initially, 30 min of strength training was performed in weight training machines for mm. pectoralis major, deltoid, biceps brachii, triceps and quadriceps. Patients performed 3 x 12 repetitions at 50–80% of one repetition maximum (1-RM). The 1-RM test was repeated halfway to re-establish the workload. Subsequently, 30 min. of endurance training was performed at moderate intensity adjusted individually to level 14–15 on the Borg scale of perceived exertion. The endurance training included either cycling on an ergometer or walking on a treadmill. Education included disease-, nutritional- and pharmacological education in addition to smoking cessation assistance to optimize the performance and autonomy of patients with chronic respiratory impairment.
The participants were examined twice: at first day of the rehabilitation course (before the first rehabilitation session (baseline), and in the week after completing the rehabilitation (follow-up).
Primary endpoint: Between-groups differences in change of inflammatory markers levels between patients with SPI at baseline who at follow-up still have SPI vs. those improving to non-SPI.
Secondary endpoints:
Baseline differences in levels of inflammatory markers between patients with SPI vs. non-SPI.
Protocol deviations
The current study deviates from our original protocol ( number NCT01700296) in two ways. Firstly, the Ethics Committee disapproved of including a control group not attending the physician-requested pulmonary rehabilitation. Secondly, we chose to examine the short-term outcome as long-term systemic inflammation is affected by many non-COPD related factors, such as rhinitis, cardiovascular diseases, chronic liver disease etc., which we could not control or adjust for.
Basic measurements
Our publication on clinical characterization of SPI in COPD included details on measurements of e.g. forced expiratory volume in first second (FEV1), 6-minute walk test, and patient-reported outcomes. For further details on the results of these measurements please refer to reference 5.
Objective measurement of physical activity including Severe Physical Inactivity
PAL was measured with an activity monitor (SenseWear© Armband, Bodymedia, Pittsburgh, PA) continuously worn for seven days after each study visit. SenseWear© has previously been validated for use in COPD1. The activity monitor is worn on the back of the upper right arm at the level of the triceps. It assesses accelerations in two planes using a bi-axial accelerometer, and measures and stores skin temperature, near body temperature, heat flux, and galvanic skin resistance. Output from the SenseWear© includes total energy expenditure, daily time in sedentary-, light-, moderate- and hard activity as well as number of steps.
In the current study, PAL was calculated as total daily energy expenditure divided by resting energy expenditure in kcal measured by the activity monitor. Based on a previous study cut-offs for PAL were defined as PAL ≥1.70: active person, 1.40-1.69: sedentary person; and <1.40: SPI23.
Data from patients with ≥two days of ≥90% wearing time were included.
Laboratory analyses
Besides measuring leukocytes and eosinophils in blood, CRP, IL-6, IL-8, fibrinogen, and TNF-α in serum, we also measured serum CD163 (overexpression on lung alveolar macrophages may be involved in COPD pathogenesis24, and s-CS163 correlates to sputum-IL814,24), and nasal lavage-IL-8 (marker of inflammation in lower airways in COPD11,25 10,26).
Serum and plasma samples: 5 mL samples of both serum and plasma were collected in sterile tubes and centrifuged, and the supernatant was kept for later analysis of the inflammatory markers IL-6, IL-8 and CD 163 at -800 C. Levels of biomarkers were measured at The Respiratory Research Unit, Bispebjerg University Hospital, using commercial ELISA kits (Human IL-6, IL-8 and sCD163 Quantikine high sensitivity ELISA; R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN, USA).
Blood samples: CRP (Dimension Vista, Siemens Healthcare Headquarters GmbH, Erlangen, Germany), eosinophils (Sysmex XE-5000, Sysmex Corporation, Kobe, Japan), and fibrinogen (STAGO, Triolab AS, Brøndby, Denmark) were measured at all visits. All blood samples were analysed at Naestved Hospital, Department of Clinical Biochemistry immediately following each visit.
Nasal lavage
Nasal lavage was performed using a technique adapted from Hilding and Hurst10,26. A 12F Foley catheter, modified by removal of the tip distal to the balloon, was inserted into the nostril and inflated with sufficient volume of 0.9% saline solution to form a comfortable seal, typically 7 to 10mL. With the head of the patient flexed forward, a volume of 7 mL 0.9% saline solution was instilled through the catheter, and was washed in and out of the nasal cavity three times using a 100 mL syringe. The nasal wash was collected in sterile tubes and stored at -800C, for later analysis of IL-8.
Sample size calculation
The sample size calculation was based on the clinical study5. However, assuming a significant level (α) of 0.05, power (1-β) of 0.80, minimal clinically important difference (MCID) of 20%, and a standard deviation of 2 times MCID, a total number of 34 patient was needed to detect a 20% difference in change in IL-8 levels between patients with SPI at baseline who at follow-up still have SPI vs. those improving to non-SPI.
As data were not normally distributed, we used non-parametric statistics. Continuous data were presented as median (range), and categorical data as n (%). Differences were assessed using Wilcoxon signed-rank test (continuous data) resp. Chi2-test (categorical data). Kruskal-Wallis test for trend was performed for coherence between PAL tertiles and inflammation, and Spearman’s rho was used for correlation analyses. Statistical significance was defined as p <0.05 and all analyses were performed using professional statistical software (STATA 14.1; StataCorp. 2015. Stata Statistical Software: Release 14. College Station, TX: StataCorp LP).