One of the major variables of interest was the effect of nerve to conduit diameter ratio on oxygen concentration profiles. In order to evaluate the effects, the model was run at the six different nerve to conduit ratio values over the time period required to reach equilibrium, or until oxygen concentrations at location 1 reached the minimum possible value of 0. Figure 2 presents the final oxygen concentration profile of the model run for the lowest and highest nerve to conduit diameter ratios and is presented as an axial-cut plane on a continuous color scale of blue (0 mol/m3) to maroon (1.4 mol/m3).
Figure 2 Oxygen concentration profiles for a 0.7:1 and 1:1 nerve to conduit diameter ratio. The conduit was 15mm long and the model was run for 30 minutes and 50 minutes respectively.
It may be seen from investigation of Fig. 2 that regions of lowest oxygen concentration were located toward the end of the nerve stumps, and that the lowest overall concentration was at the interface of the regenerating region and the baseline region of the proximal stump where oxygen consumption is twice that of baseline nerve consumption. It is further evident from Fig. 2 that varying the ratio of the nerve to conduit diameter does not change the general oxygen distribution profile, however the actual oxygen concentration at given points is affected. Specifically, lower oxygen concentrations are observed within the conduit for higher nerve to conduit diameter ratios (that is, when the conduit diameter approaches the nerve diameter), a fact likely attributable to decreased axial diffusion due to the reduced volume of ISF. The oxygen concentration in the center of the nerve gap is greater than toward the ends of the nerve stumps, an observation which is consistent with the lack of consumption. At the ends of the conduit where the nerve stumps transition from being enclosed to non-enclosed, the oxygen concentration is observed to rapidly increase to that of the exterior oxygen concentration present in the ISF. The qualitative representation of the oxygen concentration data of Fig. 2 may be presented in a quantitative manner employing the three locations described above and plotting oxygen concentration vs time at each, see Fig. 3.
Figure 3 Oxygen concentration vs. time graphs for nerve to conduit diameter ratios of 0.7:1, 0.75:1, 0.8:1, 0.85:1, 0.9:1, 0.95:1, and 1:1 at (a) location 1, (b) location 2 and (c) location 3.
Investigation of the graphs of Fig. 3 reveals several interesting attributes of the model and its relationship with conduit oxygen permeability. First, it is noted that at location 3 the oxygen concentration for all nerve to conduit diameter ratios reached a concentration of 0 mol/m3 in the shortest time period of the three locations (under 60 minutes for all nerve to conduit diameter ratios), a finding that is consistent with the observation from the qualitative data of Fig. 2 that the oxygen concentration at location 3 was lower than at locations 1 and 2. Additionally, analysis of the concentration vs time curves of 6 (a), (b) and (c) indicates that the curves for locations 1 and 3 are of similar shape, although of different scale, with a rapid, near linear, initial decline followed by a transition to a more gradual decay. Conversely the curves for location 2 have a shallower initial decline followed by a transition to a slightly more rapid decay. For each location a clear trend in the oxygen concentration at a given time as a function of the nerve to conduit diameter ratio is evident, with concentration decreasing at all locations as nerve to conduit diameter increases. Figure 4 presents a plot of oxygen concentration vs nerve to conduit diameter ratio at an arbitrary time point of 25 minutes.
Figure 4 Oxygen concentration vs. nerve to conduit diameter ratio at t = 25min for all 3 locations.
From investigation of Fig. 4 it is evident there is a relatively linear relationship between decreasing oxygen concentration and increasing nerve to conduit diameter ratio at all locations. Location 2 has the highest overall oxygen concentration, a fact attributable to the lack of oxygen consumption in the region between the two nerve stumps. Location 3, conversely, has the lowest overall oxygen concentration, an observation that is consistent with the proximal stump terminating with a region that consumes twice the oxygen of a non-regenerating nerve. The observed relationship of decreasing oxygen concentration within the conduit with increasing nerve to conduit diameter ratio may be understood via consideration of the resultant decrease in luminal ISF volume that results from a more closely matched nerve and conduit diameter (i.e. greater nerve to conduit diameter ratio). Specifically, as the nerve to conduit diameter ratio increases, the distance between the nerve and the conduit inner wall (filled with ISF) decreases and hence the cross-sectional area through which oxygen within the ISF can diffuse axially into the conduit decreases, leading to lower oxygen concentrations at locations within the conduit. The high linearity of the relationship between oxygen concentration and nerve to conduit diameter ratio suggests that there is very little influence from radial diffusion of oxygen through the walls of the conduit (or that it is invariant with nerve to conduit diameter ratio). To test the sensitivity of the model predictions to the permeability of the conduit walls to oxygen, simulations were run employing CNF permeabilities one order of magnitude above and one order of magnitude below the value listed in Table 2 in the Methods section. The results of this analysis are presented in Fig. 5 as plots of oxygen concentration vs time at the three locations within the conduit employing CNF permeabilities spanning two orders of magnitude.
Figure 5 Oxygen concentration vs. time plots from t = 0min to t = 100min employing a CNF oxygen permeability value as per Table 2 (standard), a permeability one order of magnitude lower (low), and a permeability one order of magnitude higher (high). Shown for (a) location 1 (b) location 2 and (c) location 3.
Investigation of Fig. 5 reveals that varying the oxygen permeability of the CNF conduit walls by two orders of magnitude has only a minimal effect on the oxygen concentration within the conduit. As such, it is concluded that the value employed for the oxygen permeability of CNF in the present work is likely sufficiently accurate to give the COMSOL Multiphysics® model reliable predictive power. It is noted however that the majority of the model predictions trend to zero oxygen concentration within the conduit in a timeframe that is very short (typically hours) relative to the implant durations (weeks-months), a continuously hypoxic scenario that is likely not favorable for nerve regeneration in-vivo. It was therefore determined that simulations should be run with significantly greater conduit wall permeability in order to verify the veracity of the model itself, and to provide insight into how radial diffusion pathways affect the resultant oxygen concentration profile when employing conduits with greater wall oxygen permeability.
In order to determine an appropriate range for testing the effect of the oxygen permeability of the conduit wall on oxygen concentrations within the conduit, the permeability of materials currently used for conduit construction were reviewed, and related to the limiting case of a conduit wall with the permeability of the surrounding media, i.e. interstitial fluid (ISF). Specifically, the oxygen permeability of a material commonly employed for peripheral nerve conduit fabrication, collagen, is of the order of 10− 10 m2/s (24). By comparison, the oxygen permeability of interstitial fluid is reported to be 2.7269x10− 9 m2/s (22), approximately an order of magnitude higher than that of collagen. It is noted that the oxygen permeability of CNF is approximately an order of magnitude lower than that of collagen. As such, a range of oxygen permeabilities was selected from 10 times lower (1 order of magnitude ≡ collagen) to 100 times lower (two orders of magnitude ≡ CNF) than ISF. Specifically, the oxygen permeability of the conduit wall was modeled employing values of 10x, 20x, 50x, and 100x less than that of ISF. The resultant oxygen concentration vs time graphs for each conduit permeability (not shown) were very similar to those presented in Fig. 3, however it is noted that as the conduit became progressively less permeable, the curves took longer to plateau and plateaued at significantly lower oxygen concentrations. Figure 6 presents the plateau values for oxygen concentration (or time when the concentration went to zero) as a function of nerve to conduit diameter ratio for the 10, 20, 50 and 100 times less than ISF wall permeability values at locations 1, 2 and 3. Figure 6 was generated in a manner comparable to that employed to create Fig. 4.
Figure 6 Oxygen concentration vs. nerve to conduit diameter ratio at locations 1 (A), 2 (B) and 3 (C) for varying conduit wall oxygen permeabilities of 10 (blue), 20 (orange), 50 (grey) and 100 (yellow) times less than ISF.
It is evident from investigation of Fig. 6 that the 10, 20, and 50 times less permeable than ISF wall variants maintained oxygen concentrations greater than zero at all nerve to conduit diameter ratios, at all three locations. Further, it is noted that the oxygen concentrations were consistently lower at all locations at comparable nerve to conduit diameter ratios with progressively decreasing wall permeability. Taken together these two findings suggesting that oxygen diffusion radially across the wall of the conduit does indeed impact concentrations within the conduit and is modulated by the permeability of the wall. The data for the 100 times less than ISF wall permeability variants have oxygen concentrations that trend to 0 mol/m3 as the nerve to conduit diameter ratio approaches 1, an observation made at all three locations. As such, for the 100 times less permeable than ISF wall variants, the interior of the conduit is completely hypoxic at all nerve to conduit diameter ratios once the oxygen concentration plateaus, a finding consistent with the CNF modeling results.
It may also be seen from investigation of Fig. 6 that for the 10 times less permeable than ISF wall variants there is little to no effect on the oxygen concentration at a given location as the nerve to conduit diameter ratio increases, suggesting that the wall is so permeable to oxygen that radial diffusion dominates over axial diffusion irrespective of the volume of ISF between the inner wall of the conduit and the nerve stumps. It is noted however that the baseline oxygen concentrations at the three locations do follow the expected trend of highest at location 2 where there is no consumption, lowest at location 3 where there is twice the baseline oxygen consumption, and intermediate at location 1. As the wall permeability is decreased to 20 times less permeable than ISF, the oxygen concentration vs the nerve to conduit diameter curves at locations 1 and 3 (where there is oxygen consumption) trend negatively, indicating that radial diffusion of oxygen across the conduit wall is less dominant, and that axial diffusion in the ISF filled space between the nerve and the inner wall of the conduit becomes progressively more important. Interestingly at location 2 the oxygen concentration remains invariant with nerve to conduit diameter ratio at the 20 times less permeable than ISF wall permeability, an observation potentially attributable to the fact that there is no oxygen consumption at this location making it less susceptible to restricted supply and that radial diffusion remains dominant. A further decrease in wall permeability to 50 times less permeable than ISF results in negative trends in the oxygen concentration vs nerve to conduit diameter ratio curves at all locations, indicating dominance of axial diffusion over radial diffusion, driven by the restricted oxygen diffusion across the conduit wall. It is noted however that radial diffusion of oxygen does occur at this wall permeability value and is critical to maintaining an oxygenated environment within the conduit; a finding exemplified by the hypoxic environment at all locations observed at the 100 time less permeable than ISF wall variants. A summary of the findings derived from Fig. 6 is presented in Table 1. Specifically, the conduit wall permeability and location in the model are paired in order to provide an overview of the type of diffusion that is dominant.
Table 1
Summary of the dominant diffusion regimes.
| 10x | 20x | 50x | 100x |
Location 1 | Radial Wall Diffusion | Axial Gap Diffusion | Axial Gap Diffusion | Axial Gap Diffusion |
Location 2 | Radial Wall Diffusion | Radial Wall Diffusion | Axial Gap Diffusion | Axial Gap Diffusion |
Location 3 | Radial Wall Diffusion | Axial Gap Diffusion | Axial Gap Diffusion | Axial Gap Diffusion |
Regimes observed for paired conduit wall permeabilities (relative to ISF) and locations within the conduit. All combinations apply to conduits of any length in the tested range of 12-16mm.
Due to animal trial data indicating that for a fixed nerve gap the length of the conduit employed has a significant effect on peripheral nerve regeneration, modeling was performed to explore the effect of conduit length on oxygen concentration and distribution. Five different conduit lengths were tested, ranging from 12mm to 16mm in 1mm intervals. The base CNF permeability of Table 2 was employed and the model was run until the oxygen concentration reached 0 mol/m3. Figure 7 presents the resultant oxygen concentration vs time data as a function of conduit length for a nominal nerve to conduit diameter ratio of 0.7:1.
Figure 7Oxygen concentration vs time as a function of conduit length (ranging from 12 to 16mm in 1mm increments) for a nerve to conduit diameter ratio of 0.7:1 at (A) location 1, (B) location 2, and (C) location 3.
Investigation of Fig. 7 indicates that as the conduit length increases the time required for the oxygen concentration to reach 0 mol/m3 progressively decreases, a trend observed at all three locations and attributable to impaired axial diffusion due to enhanced luminal distances. The data at location 1 show greater dependence of the gradient of the curves at varying conduit lengths relative to those at locations 2 and 3, a fact attributable to the shorter axial diffusion distance for location 1 vs that at either location 2 or 3 and hence a greater sensitivity of oxygen concentration to conduit length. It is noted that these observations are specific to conditions promoting dominance of axial diffusion over radial diffusion (low nerve to conduit diameter ratio, and low conduit wall permeability). Finally, comparison of the data for the 15mm conduit (light blue line) of Fig. 7 with the comparable data of Fig. 3 (red line) reveals complete agreement, implying internal consistency of the model.
One significant point of interest under conditions such as those above in which axial diffusion is dominant over radial diffusion, is that the trends observed in oxygen concentrations with varying nerve to conduit diameter ratios were typically comparatively linear (or biphasic linear). The observed linearity is somewhat surprising given that the cross section of the model is cylindrical, and as such changes in the radius of the conduit relative to the nerve results in changes in the cross-sectional area of the ISF filled gap by πr2. As such one would predict that the relationship between oxygen concentration and nerve to conduit diameter ratios should have an r2 dependence in axial diffusion dominant regimes. One potential reason that the observed data did not exhibit a strong r2 dependence is that the difference between the oxygen diffusion coefficients in ISF and in the nerve itself is very small (see Table 2). In order to test this hypothesis the conduit wall oxygen permeability was set at zero (to force the system into an axial diffusion dominant regime), and an artificially large difference in oxygen diffusion coefficients for ISF and the nerve were implemented. Specifically, the diffusion coefficient of oxygen through the ISF was increased by a factor of 100, and the nerve diffusivity was maintained at its base value. Setting the parameters as indicated essentially made changes in conduit radii and hence the cross-sectional area of ISF, the sole variable impacting oxygen concentration within the conduit. Figure 8 presents an analysis of oxygen concentration at locations 1, 2, and 3 as a function of nerve to conduit diameter ratio, in both a qualitative and quantitative manner.
Figure 8 Oxygen concentration plateau profiles for (a) 0.7:1 ratio and (b) 1:1 ratio. Oxygen concentration vs nerve to conduit diameter ratio for (c) Location 1 (d) Location 2 and (e) Location 3. Note that the conduit wall oxygen permeability was set to zero and the ISF oxygen diffusion coefficient was increased to 100 times its baseline value. Negative oxygen concentration values clearly have no physical meaning but are included to highlight the r2 dependence of the data.
Investigation of Fig. 8 (a) indicates that when there is a substantial cross-sectional area of ISF through which oxygen can readily diffuse (0.7:1 nerve to conduit diameter ratio) there is significant oxygen concentration throughout the interior of the conduit. Conversely, when the nerve diameter and the conduit diameter are equal and no cross-sectional area of ISF exists (Fig. 8 (b)), oxygen can only diffuse through the nerve tissue and as a result virtually the entire interior of the conduit is hypoxic with essentially zero oxygen concentration. Figure 8 (c, d, e) present the plateau oxygen concentration values as a function of nerve to conduit diameter ratios for locations 1, 2 and 3 respectively. It is evident that at all locations there is only a slight dependence of oxygen concentration on nerve to conduit diameter ratio until a value of approximately 0.9:1, at which point a reverse logarithmic decay trend is observed. It is noted that the final data points of Fig. 8 (c, d, e) are plotted as negative oxygen concentrations, which hold no physical meaning - however they are included to illustrate that indeed the model does predict a strong non-linear dependence of oxygen concentration on nerve to conduit diameter ratio under axial diffusion dominant conditions.