Biophysical interpretations of the CME metric
To clearly illustrate the biophysical interpretations of the CME metric, we analyzed the morphology of two types of single-cell migration following the procedure described in Fig. 1, i.e., amoeboid and mesenchymal modes of migration (see inset in Fig. 2A), and the corresponding results are exhibited in Fig. 2. Evidently, the PDFs of the angular displacement for the two types of morphologies possess the different trends as a whole, i.e., the probability values for the amoeboid mode are located in the small interval of 0.0 ~ 0.05, while the values for the mesenchymal mode cover an extensive range of -0.05 ~ 0.15 (Fig. 2A). Consequently, the difference results in a narrower PDF of angular displacement for the amoeboid mode compared to the mesenchymal mode, which theoretically indicates that the blebs (or protrusions) of the amoeboid mode are more uniformly distributed on the angular direction. It’s worth noting that the term “narrower” is used when the PDF deviates from a uniform distribution. Similarly, the PDF of the radial displacement for the amoeboid mode is narrower than that for the mesenchymal mode (Fig. 2B), showing that the blebs of the amoeboid mode are more uniformly distributed on the radial direction. In addition, the CME components (i.e., CMEa for angular and CMEr for radial features) of the two types of morphologies also exhibit significant differences, namely, the CMEa for the amoeboid mode is significantly smaller than that for the mesenchymal mode, and the CMEr for the former is also slightly smaller than that for the latter, but with statistical significance (\(\text{*}\text{*}\text{*}p\) < 0.001) (Fig. 2C). Here, the values of the CME components are mainly determined by the natural features of the cell morphology, so it is very possible that this metric could be used to distinguish the modes of cell migration.
Taken together, the CME can be used to measure the angular and radial features of a given morphology, and the more uniformly distributed the features are, the smaller the value of the CME. To better understand the relationship above, we conclude the following two aspects: i) if there are multiple non-obvious features (e.g., blebs) on the angular direction, we could consider that they are more uniformly distributed on this direction and result in a narrower PDF (smaller CMEa); ii) if there are significant differences in the features (e.g., protrusions) on the radial direction, we also consider that they are less uniformly distributed on this direction and result in a broader PDF (larger CMEr). In other words, the CMEa and CMEr describe the heterogeneity of the angular and radial features, respectively.
Morphological dynamics of MDA-MB-231 cell nucleus squeezing through a micro-structured array
In the previous subsection, we have clearly clarified the biophysical interpretations of the CME metric based on the cell morphologies of the amoeboid and mesenchymal modes. Now, we further apply the CME approach to investigate the changes in nuclear morphology as the cell squeezes through spatial constraints. Here, the images of cell nuclei (length scale, ~ 20 µm) are taken from the videos published by Fabry et al. [21], in which the authors studied 3D migration in a confined environment of varying stiffness. See more exciting results in the works [21, 44].
Features of the channel array characterized by the CME approach. In this subsection, we first convert the video of cell migration into a series of images, and analyze the time-lapse images using the CME approach, and the corresponding results are exhibited in Fig. 3. It clearly indicates that a cell nucleus squeezes through a narrow channel (as marked by the yellow arrows) at different times, and the nucleus is “rod-like” due to the physical constraints with a gradually decreasing width from 8.4 to 6.6 µm (Fig. 3A). Furthermore, the migration speed seems to be qualitatively stable, as the nucleus passes through the chamber at the time interval of ~ 50 min, as indicated by the labels on the vertical axis of Fig. 3A. In terms of quantitative analysis, both CME components (CMEa and CMEr) possess the exact characteristics of “peak and valley” (Spearman’s coefficient = 0.77), i.e., four peaks and three valleys, which visibly show the effects of these channels and chambers on the cell nucleus, respectively (Fig. 3B). In addition, the CME components also behave differently, i.e., the values of peak and valley for CMEa gradually increase, as indicated by the dotted line. However, the values of the peak for CMEr are almost stable around 0.58, which also differs significantly from the increase in those of the valley. The changing trends of the CME components above further illustrate that CMEa and CMEr respond differently to the same external cues in the ECM, which may be related to the nuclear envelope [22]. To assess the changes in the cell nucleus as a whole, we also average the CME components and obtain the resulting averaged CME, which follows a similar trend to that of CMEa (Fig. 3C).
Although the CME components have distinct differences, CMEa is still strongly correlated with CMEr (Pearson’s coefficient = 0.90). For example, CMEr gradually increases as CMEa increases and this relationship could be fitted well by a linear variation “y = 0.50x + 0.25” (R2 = 0.80), as indicated by the scatter in Fig. 3D. According to the features of the scatter, we further classify the scatter into three clusters (labeled by I, II and III) using the K-means clustering algorithm [45]. The averaged values for each cluster are plotted in Fig. 3E, where the error bars denote the SD for the two CME components. It can be seen that CMEa increases significantly from 0.52 to 0.62 and then to 0.68, while CMEr first increases from 0.51 to 0.58 and then remains stable around 0.58, forming three clusters for CMEa and two clusters for CMEr. On the one hand, the three clusters for CMEa in Fig. 3E could be perfectly explained by three migration states in the micro-structured array: i) cluster I shows that the cell nucleus is located at a chamber and possesses a smaller CMEa as it has more space to recover from the highly confined state; ii) cluster II shows that the cell nucleus is entering (or exiting) the channel and the confinement gradually increases (or decreases); iii) cluster III illustrates that the cell nucleus is squeezing through the channel and has a larger CMEa because of the stronger physical confinement. On the other hand, the two clusters for CMEr could be utilized to identify different structures, i.e., the large CMEr corresponds to the channel while the small CMEr corresponds to the chamber. In addition, the two aspects above also directly reflect that CMEa is more sensitive to spatial confinement compared to CMEr.
Estimation of the steric hindrance of the channel array. Finally, we counted the number of scatter points in each cluster and plotted the histogram in Fig. 3F. The results show that the percentages for the clusters I ~ III are 34.2%, 39.5%, and 26.3%, respectively, which closely correlate with the results of 34.2%, 44.7%, and 21.1% obtained by manually observing the images of the cell nucleus and then classifying them into their respective clusters. Due to the unchanged sampling time \(\varDelta t\) = 5 min, the percentage here could also be considered as (or equivalent to) the dwell time of a cell nucleus in a unique structure. According to the array with three chambers and four channels through which the nucleus travels, we roughly estimate the time the nucleus spends in the chambers and channels. The corresponding ratio is theoretically equal to 0.75 (3/4), which should be larger due to the fact that the horizontal length of the chamber (23 µm) is greater than that of the channel (18 µm). Actually, the time ratio of the cluster (I)/(III) is 1.3, which is 73.3% greater than 0.75. Considering the contribution of cluster II based on cluster III, the ratio of cluster (I)/(II+III) is 0.52, which is significantly 31.6% less than the theoretical value. Thus, it is reasonable to deduce two important aspects: i) the partially deformed nucleus corresponding to cluster II costs more time than the completely deformed nucleus corresponding to cluster III; ii) the channels exert an influence (at least 31.6%) on the inhibition of cell migration compared to that of the chambers. The results show that geometric confinement in the ECM can deform the cell nucleus and further inhibit cell migration to some extent.
Emerging interaction of MCF-10A cells migrating on the top of a 3D thick collagen gel
To validate the utility and efficiency of the CME approach, we further investigate the morphology of MCF-10A cells migrating on the top of a 3D ECM based on collagen I hydrogel (i.e., an 800-µm thick layer of collagen gel). This model can mimic an in vivo quasi-3D system, such as cells moving at the interface of tissues. Furthermore, the fibrous structure of the collagen gel helps to support long-range force propagation, which induces strong cell-ECM mechanical coupling and directs highly correlated cell migration (length scale, ~ 120 µm). See our previous works [38, 39] for more details. However, it remains unclear how cell morphology changes during correlated migration.
Alternating changes in the morphology of a pair of cells. Figure 4A shows representative time-lapse images of a pair of cells labeled “up” and “down”, apparently indicating that the two cells are migrating toward each other, as indicated by the yellow arrows. After applying the CME approach to cell morphology, we obtained the CME components of the cell pair as a function of time (Figs. 5B-D). In Fig. 4B, the CME components of the up cell show almost the same trends (Spearman’s coefficient = 0.91), i.e., the values first increase and then decrease and thus form a “stable” maximum (~ 0.7 for CMEa, ~ 0.6 for CMEr) in the time interval of about 40 ~ 70 min. However, the CME components of the down cell exhibit significant differences from those of the up cell (Fig. 4C), namely, they first fluctuate at a high level of about 0.6 ~ 0.7 for CMEa (or about 0.4 ~ 0.5 for CMEr), then start to decrease steeply from ~ 30 min and reach the minimum at ~ 50 min (~ 0.4 for CMEa, ~ 0.25 for CMEr), then increase inversely until ~ 70 min and finally return to the high level before decreasing. In this process, CMEa changes synchronously with CMEr, quantified by Spearman’s coefficient = 0.85. In addition, the values of CMEr are generally smaller than those of CMEa for the two cells, indicating that the angular characteristic encoded by CMEa is more sensitive than the radial characteristic encoded by CMEr when the cell responds to the same external cues from the microenvironment (see the similar results in Fig. 3B).
Symmetry and similarities in the alternating changes. In addition, the average of CMEa and CMEr vividly shows the differences between the up and the down cells, as shown in Fig. 4D. To better compare the behavioral modes of the two cells during different migration periods, we divide the average of the CME components into four stages (as indicated by the vertical dotted lines) based on their time-lapse characteristics. In stage I, i.e., 2 ~ 34 min (or stage IV, 70 ~ 92 min), the average of these two components is slightly increased (or decreased) for the down cell and is larger than the gradually increased (or decreased) average for the up cell. In contrast, in stage II, 36 ~ 52 min (or stage III, 54 ~ 70 min), the strongly changed average for the down cell is significantly smaller than the basically stable average for the up cell. Next, all the averages in each stage are averaged again and plotted in Fig. 4E to quantitatively validate the descriptions above. The results clearly show two types of symmetry: i) the changing trend of the averaged CME for the down cell is almost opposite to that for the up cell; ii) all values in stages I and II seem to be symmetric with those in stages III and IV.
Apart from the time-varying features of the CME, the box plot in Fig. 4F also shows that not only are all the means for the down cell slightly larger than those for the up cell, but also the CME of the up cell are more sparsely distributed than those of the down cell, directly demonstrating the statistical differences in morphology between the two cells. Nevertheless, there are still some interesting similarities, such as the linear variations of CMEr vs. CMEa, which fit relatively well to the formulas “y = 0.91x + 0.05” (R2 = 0.93) and “y = 0.93x + 0.09” (R2 = 0.88) for the up and down cells, respectively.
A potential indicator of cell forces? Based on the results above, we proposed that the behavior modes encoded in morphology may embody the interactions between a pair of cells, in particular the force exerted by individual cells. In previous works [38, 39, 46], we observed that the active tensile forces generated by migrating cells can remodel collagen fibers, which is directly verified by the phenomenon that elongated cells contribute to the formation of fiber bundles, while rounded cells don’t reorganize the surrounding collagen fibers, and in turn, the fiber bundles bridging two cells typically regulate cell migration and lead to strongly correlated motility. Therefore, the CME could be considered as a potential indicator to accurately measure how cells exert force on the surrounding environments in real time. See more detailed analysis in the Discussion section.
The critical transition of tumor spheroids from proliferation to invasion
In addition to the applications of the CME approach in analyzing the morphologies of cell nuclei and cell pairs, we also investigated the proliferation and invasion of three types of cell spheroids (length scale, ~ 600 µm), namely H1299 (lung cancer), MDA-MB-231 (breast cancer), and U87 (glioma tumor), based on their morphological changes analyzed by the CME approach, which differs from the complex methods (e.g., the ratio of perimeter2/area) in our previous work [31]. The results further validate the robustness and effectiveness of this approach in analyzing the research object with different length scales.
Transition from proliferation to invasion detected by the CME approach. Figure 5A shows representative images of the U87 cell spheroid without 7rh (DDR1 inhibitor) treatment, which clearly shows the morphological changes of the spheroid. For example, some “fingers” formed by single cells appear at the boundary over time, as indicated by the white arrow. Next, we calculated the average of CMEa and CMEr for H1299 cell spheroids (n = 3 independent experiments), as shown in Fig. 5B, where the average for no-7rh and with-7rh cases show similar trends, i.e., first remaining stable with minor fluctuations and then gradually increasing. The stable stage manifests that although cells begin to proliferate and lead to an expansion of the morphology of the initial spheroid, this does not affect the shape until the presence of the fingers. The fingers represent the invasion of cancer cells away from the spheroid, which may be driven by the hypoxic and acidic tumor microenvironment [47]. In addition, the transition from the “stable” to the “increase” stage (i.e., from proliferation to invasion) is earlier in the no-7rh case than that in the with-7rh case, suggesting that the DDR1 inhibitor 7rh could effectively inhibit the transition. To further validate the results, we analyzed the experimental data for MDA-MB-231 and U87 cell spheroids (n = 3 independent experiments for each case). Evidently, all transitions are earlier in the no-7rh cases, indicating that the 7rh does inhibit the proliferation-invasion transition regardless of the cell type (Figs. 5C-D).
Note that all CMEs of the with-7rh case are larger than those of the no-7rh case for the H1299 cell spheroid. However, the “larger” relationship becomes “smaller” and “approximately equal” for the MDA-MB-231 and U87 cell spheroids, which may be caused by the different sizes (mean radius) of the initial cell spheroids (t = 0 min). Here, we suggest that the differences in the CME relationships for other cases have less impact on the transition results because they are mainly determined by the slopes (or inflection points) of the CME profiles rather than the magnitudes.
Inhibited transition derived from the CME scatter. In contrast to the results shown in Fig. 4G, the scatter of CMEr vs. CMEa indicates that significant differences are observed in different cell types (Fig. 5E). For the no-7rh cases, the scatter for H1299 and U87 cell spheroids are relatively distributed in the upper-left and lower-right regions, respectively, while that for MDA-MB-231 cell spheroids is located in the region sandwiched by the scatter for the other two cell types, as indicated by the dotted lines. In addition, for a given CMEa (e.g., CMEa = 0.6), H1299 cell spheroids have the largest CMEr, followed by MDA-MB-231 and U87 cell spheroids, indicating that the heterogeneity in finger length is the most pronounced in H1299 cell spheroids. When treated with 7rh, the CMEr and CMEa are significantly affected, especially for H1299 and MDA-MB-231 cell spheroids. For example, i) the scatter of the with-7rh case for H1299 cell spheroids is significantly different from that of the no-7rh case, resulting in two separate regions (see the dotted lines); ii) the scatter of the with-7rh case for MDA-MB-231 cell spheroids have smaller CMEr and CMEa, and forming a region with an area approximately half of that of the no-7rh case. To further explore the relationship between CMEr and CMEa, all the scatter for the three types of cell spheroids were fitted by linear variations with the slopes plotted in Fig. 5F. The histograms clearly show that the slopes of the no-7rh cases are significantly larger than those of the with-7rh cases, for H1299 and U87 cell spheroids. At the same time, there is less difference for MDA-MB-231 cell spheroids when s.e.m. errors are considered. The results above illustrate that i) 7rh treatment can alter the quantitative correlation of CMEr with CMEa and inhibit the invasion of single cells away from cell spheroids; ii) different cell types have distinct sensitivities to 7rh, which further leads to changes in the slopes of the CME profiles.