In this pre-registered study43, we hypothesised that elevated sperm competition risk experienced by Double-pair males would affect gene expression in the testis and brain compared to Single-pair males. In line with our expectations, we uncovered substantial differences in the expression of gene co-expression network modules in the testis, indicating treatment-driven plasticity of testis physiology. We also found differences between the treatment groups in several gene co-expression network modules in the two brain tissues, posterior pallium and optic tectum. In addition, tissue from both these brain areas contained a small number of individual genes differentially expressed between the treatment groups. Finally, we detected significant correlations between the expression of several gene network modules in individual transcriptomes and among-individual variation in aggression and hormone levels. In the following, we discuss our results for each target tissue and in relation to the hormonal and behavioural results, which were reported in detail in our complementary paper44.
The effects we found on gene co-expression modules in the testis are particularly interesting in light of our pre-registered (non-directional) hypothesis. We expected our analysis to reveal differential gene expression between the two treatment groups in the testis, especially for candidate genes previously implicated in male-male competition43. The testes are responsible for sperm but also androgen production, with downstream effects on tissues elsewhere, particularly the brain57,58. The testes, thus, arguably constitute a target tissue of major importance for uncovering the effects of variation in sperm competition risk on gene expression. Contrary to our expectations, the treatment did not affect the expression of individual genes in the testis. Given the general exploratory framework of this study, we thus applied weighted gene co-expression networks, which revealed that the social treatment strongly affected five (out of 66) gene co-expression networks. The five highly correlated expression clusters contained 783 genes altogether. Our study thus implies that any phenotypically plastic response of traits involved in sperm competition is based on polygenic processes rather than a few individual genes.
These modules' many enriched functional annotations suggest that the effects we found on testis physiology were mostly related to germ cells. The module TES Orangered3 is particularly interesting in this regard. This module has been related to many cellular functions, including cell proliferation, which could influence germ cell functions and production. Socially sensitive expression of such gene networks could, for example, allow speeding up sperm production or sperm maturation under elevated sperm competition risk. In the complex process of spermatogenesis, stem cells undergo mitosis, meiosis, and cell differentiation to generate mature spermatozoa, which involves many cellular functions. One of the primary functions of the TES Orangered3 module is the regulation of the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) cascade. The MAPK cascade transmits various extracellular signals to their intracellular targets and regulates cell cycle progression and cell proliferation in eukaryotic cells59. Interestingly, however, MAPK has also been implicated in spermatogenesis and different sperm functions60, including sperm maturation61. In addition, traits like sperm morphology are prime candidates for phenotypically plastic responses to sperm competition62,63. In the zebra finch, for example, longer (and thereby faster) sperm have an advantage in competitive fertilisation success64. Furthermore, while avian sperm length is, moderately heritable65 phenotypic plasticity in avian sperm length is well documented (e.g.65,66). It is thus plausible that the many cellular functions of the TES Orangered3 module genes were related to sperm production and modification.
It is interesting to note that TES Orangered3 contained only eight hub genes (APOLD1, AFT3, CCN1, CCN2, DUSP1, EGR4, NR4A1 and OTUD1), which are promising candidates for the future study of sperm competition effects. Some of these genes have already been documented to play a role in germ cell production. For example, DUSP1 is involved in spermatogonia differentiation in rats67, and EGR4 is important for mammalian fertility and is expressed in both testicular and germ cells68. The gene NR4A1, on the other hand, is a nuclear receptor important for hormone-induced steroidogenesis in the Leydig cells of the testes in mammals69. The Leydig cells are considered the main source of testicular androgens, primarily testosterone, in mammals70 and have similar functions in the gonads of birds71. Testicular androgens play a crucial role in regulating male reproductive success in birds by promoting courtship72 and the production of sperm73. Gonadal androgens act as body-wide plasticity mediators and are produced in feedback loops with the brain, where they regulate brain functions related to sexual and aggressive behaviours74. Thus, the uncovered hub genes of the TES Orangered3 module further support our hypothesis that the social treatment in our study will have had an impact on traits related to sperm competition in zebra finch males.
Our pre-registered experimental design involved the analysis of differential gene expression in the septum43. For technical reasons, we could not extract a sufficient amount of RNA from this brain area. We thus analysed the transcriptome of the posterior pallium and the optic tectum, the latter serving as a control region. Our treatment affected the transcriptomes in both brain tissues, indicating responses in neural functions that regulate behavioural phenotypes. As reported in our accompanying paper44, zebra finch males adjusted their behavioural phenotypes to the manipulated social environment indicating social niche conformance4. However, contrary to our pre-registered expectations43, there was no evidence that these behavioural adjustments were related to the elevated sperm competition risk. We expected the Double-pair males to show more courtship displays, including songs directed towards their social mate, more affiliative and copulation behaviour with their social mate and more aggression towards competitors than the control group43. On the contrary, males of the Double-pair treatment group decreased courtship rates (song), and when confronted with an unfamiliar intruder, they responded less aggressively than Single-pair males44. No other behavioural measures revealed significant treatment effects (see44 for all details). These unexpected effects suggest that in our study, we observed adjustment of social behaviour to social factors other than the elevated sperm competition risk, e.g., reactions to mild social isolation. The presence of only one other male in a large breeding cage may have been too weak a stimulus to upregulate competitive behavioural traits in the Double-pair treatment. Instead, males in this condition probably habituated to the presence of the other breeding pair and became more tolerant towards novel male intruders. On the contrary, Single-pair males were deprived of the exposure to other males that is typical for this highly social colonial breeder. Consequently, Single-pair males reacted with increased aggression to the appearance of a new male. This is in line with studies showing that zebra finches with reduced exposure to social partners react more aggressively towards competitors than those held in larger groups75,76 (for similar results in mammals and fish, see, e.g.77,78). Nevertheless, the social treatment induced behavioural phenotypic plasticity reflected in the brain transcriptome. This provides valuable evidence on the brain gene expression patterns underlying behavioural adjustment to different social environments.
Both brain tissues contained some differently expressed individual genes. Although their number was rather low (ten in the posterior pallium and six in the optic tectum), this provided a first indication of social treatment-dependent transcriptomic changes in the brain. However, like in the testis, differences were much more substantial at the level of gene co-expression networks. Six (out of 49) co-expression modules in the posterior pallium, containing 2,830 genes overall, showed differences between treatments. The enriched functional annotations of two gene co-expression modules, PAL Blue and PAL Darkturquoise, indicate modifications related to neural functions in the posterior pallium. The enriched functions of the module PAL Saddlebrown showed changes related to the development and differentiation of glial and endothelial cells. Together this indicates that the social treatment induced modifications of neural processes, which were accompanied by changes also in the glial cells. Changes in endothelial cells may also indicate cerebrovascular plasticity, which is needed to adjust blood supply to changes in the metabolic demands of neural and glial cells79.
Such social experience-dependent modulation of gene expression in the posterior pallium was expected as many of the functions of this large brain region regulate social behaviours at different levels. Specifically, the samples from the posterior pallium contained a large portion of the posterior nidopallium, almost the entire arcopallium, the posterior amygdala and the nucleus taenia of the amygdala. At large, the arcopallium and nucleus taenia of the amygdala in birds regulate fear80. This region responds to novel stimuli, such as exposures to novel environments81 or novel objects82 and first encounters with conspecifics in naïve birds83. Moreover, the nucleus taenia of the amygdala is part of the social behaviour network, which is shared among all vertebrates. It comprises interconnected areas rich in sex steroid receptors and is implicated in a range social behaviours, including aggression48,84,85.
While the results we observed when analysing this large section of the brain are extremely helpful for our explorative purpose, it remains largely unclear which specific brain processes and regions were affected by our treatment. The arcopallium is a large brain region, which in zebra finches has been divided into six major domains with twenty distinct sub-regions86. The arcopallium receives inputs from numerous brain areas and is a major source of descending sensory and motor projections. It can thus be considered a key brain region of the avian forebrain86. Likewise, the avian posterior nidopallium is a large brain region supporting many functions, from working memory87, executive functions88 and visual categorisation89 to sexual imprinting in zebra finches90. Which of these brain functions were affected by our treatment needs further investigation.
We also found changes in gene expression in the optic tectum, which was unexpected. The optic tectum, located in the dorsal midbrain of birds, is the primary recipient of around 80% of retinal inputs. Its main function is the generation of orienting responses to stimuli of interest, especially when they are moving91. These responses are considered innate or reflexive92. At this early stage of visual processing, we did not expect to find plastic adjustments to our social treatment. Contrary to our expectation, three (out of 40) gene co-expression modules were differently expressed between the treatment levels, indicating that some lasting adjustment to the social environment is also present in the optic tectum. This is an interesting finding, which may be explained by the organisation of the tectofugal visual pathway. In birds, the tectofugal visual pathway stretches from the retina to the optic tectum, then to the nucleus rotundus in the thalamus, before reaching the entopallium in the forebrain. The entopallium sends projections to higher telencephalic regions, including the arcopallium93. The arcopallium, in turn, projects back on the optic tectum, completing a tecto-tectal loop94. It is thus possible that the plastic changes found in the posterior pallium induced changes in the optic tectum through this loop. The tectofugal visual pathway in birds is involved, among other things, in perception and attention to object and shape information89,95,96. The projections from arcopallium to tectum could thus mediate preferential attention to visual social stimuli, such as the visual appearance of male and female conspecifics. Our study provides the first evidence of tectal adjustment to the social environment in zebra finches, which could support alterations in basic mechanisms of visual attention and the detection of social stimuli. The neural basis of this interesting phenomenon needs to be addressed explicitly in future neurobiological studies on the optic tectum.
Our study's large sample of individual transcriptomes also allowed us to analyse correlations between the individuals’ transcriptomes and their behavioural and hormonal phenotypes according to our pre-registered design43. As expected, our results suggest that individual variation in gene expression was related to among-individual differences in hormonal and behavioural phenotypes. All three tissues revealed correlations with the eigengene expression of several co-expression modules. Aggression correlated with seven co-expression modules in the testis, three modules in the pallium and two in the optic tectum. Testosterone levels correlated with six modules in the testis, one in the pallium and one in the optic tectum. Amount of song correlated with four modules in the testis. While this analysis is highly explorative at this stage, it indicates that individual behavioural and hormonal phenotypes are reflected in the gene expression patterns.
In conclusion, as predicted, manipulating the opportunity for extrapair mating and, thereby, the risk of sperm competition induced changes in gene expression in the testes and brains of male zebra finches. These social treatment effects were first and foremost apparent at the level of gene co-expression networks, indicating that biological traits subject to phenotypic adjustment to the social environment are based on polygenic processes rather than a few individual genes with large effects. The changes in the testes can be specifically associated with sexual competition. In contrast, changes in the posterior pallium and optic tectum can be associated with behavioural adjustments of male zebra finches to other concurrent changes in the social environment. Our study indicates the importance of social environment and intrasexual competition for the phenotypic plasticity of zebra finch males. Many questions remain, but the present study opens new doors for expanding our understanding of the mechanisms behind social niche conformance.