Global effect of adding sailboat pCO 2 data. Figure 1a and 1b show the air-sea CO2 fluxes calculated based on the upscaling of all available pCO2 measurements including (ensemble 1 = E1) and excluding Seaexplorer data (ensemble 2 = E2) using SOM-FFN, a 2-step neural network method29 - see methods - regularly used in the Global Carbon Budget1 and the recent IPCC assessment30. The significant impact of adding all underway pCO₂ observations from the sailboat on the air-sea CO2 flux from November 2020 through January 2021 is further illustrated in Fig. 1c. We chose this time period from November 2020 to January 2021 since the impact was greatest there related to the Antarctic circumnavigation race where Seaexplorer participated (see black lines in Fig. 1). Interestingly, significant differences between E1 and E2 in the North Atlantic (largely positive shown in red: E1 < E2) and the Southern Ocean (largely negative shown in blue: E2 > E1) in the air-sea CO2 fluxes are opposing each other (Fig. 1), resulting in an insignificant change when integrated globally (i.e. an annual flux difference in 2021 from 2.55 to 2.51 ± 0.4 Pg C yr⁻¹1), which has also been suggested by 27.
The E1 flux is larger than E2 in the North Atlantic but smaller in the Southern Ocean. Similar but slightly smaller differences occur when averaged over the actual years when sailboat races occurred (2018–2021 - Supplementary Fig. 1). Considering that both the North Atlantic and the Southern Ocean are predominantly carbon sinks during that time, the addition of Seaexplorer data reveals reduced carbon uptake in the North Atlantic and increased uptake in the Southern Ocean.
Differences in the flux estimates are visible across all ocean regions. However, in many regions, these differences fall within the noise of the method31 (see methods) and are thus not detected as significant changes (hatches in Figs. 1 and 2). This is most visible in the high-latitude ocean regions and is likely due to the poor constraint of the air-sea CO2 flux estimate in highly heterogeneous and sparsely observed regions16,17. Focusing on the detectable changes, irrespective of the background fluxes, the absolute magnitude of the difference between flux estimates provides a better insight (Fig. 2).
Impact of adding sailboat pCO 2 data in the Southern Ocean. In less frequently monitored regions like the Southern Ocean, even adding Southern Ocean CO2 measurements from a single track results in a significant difference between E1 and E2 (Fig. 2a). This aligns with the findings presented in 26 based on synthetic data demonstrating that little additional pCO2 sampling by Saildrone would potentially improve the air-sea CO2 flux reconstructions most in the Southern Ocean (south of 35 °S). The reconstructions of our air-sea CO2 flux density differ most significantly between 40–60 °S with peak differences of 0.77 mol C m⁻² yr⁻¹, reflecting the rate of carbon exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean per unit area, in the time period from 1982 to 2021 in the Southern Ocean (Fig. 2b and 3a). Overall, the absolute air-sea CO2 fluxes significantly differed on average by 0.15 mol C m⁻² yr⁻¹ in the Southern Ocean (Supplementary Fig. 2), which is roughly 20% of the regional mean flux density, thus leaving a significant imprint on the regional flux.
The impact of including the Seaexplorer data in the air-sea CO2 flux calculations is the largest within 2-degree grid cells (or roughly 200 km) of the Subantarctic Front closely followed by the Northern Boundary (Figs. 2a and 3c). Although the sailboat did not cross the Polar Front, significant differences emerge in its vicinity (Figs. 2a and 3c) due to the extrapolation of the data using the neural network algorithm. This pattern coincides with the coverage of the Seaexplorer data, as the region along the Subantarctic Front contained most Seaexplorer data with an overall 11% of the area covered by sailboat tracks when binned into a 1x1 degree grid, followed by 9% along the Northern Boundary, and 2% in the vicinity of the Polar Front.
Regionally, we find the largest differences during the Antarctic circumnavigation race between Nov 2020 – Jan 2021 exceeding 0.4 mol C m⁻² yr⁻¹ in the interfrontal region south of Tasmania and New Zealand (Figs. 1 and 2a) where the pCO2 signal measured by sailboats is oversaturated and distinctly higher compared to the surrounding area27, illustrating the importance of pCO2 observations from frontal crossings. Although the region south of Tasmania and New Zealand is relatively well-observed for the Southern Hemisphere5, data close to frontal zones, regions of enhanced vertical mixing and high biological productivity, are limited32. Our results here show the high potential of sailboat pCO2 data in improving the air-sea CO2 flux estimate in frontal regions.
Although our results confirm the finding that regional differences in the air-sea CO2 flux are attributed to the frontal zones in the Southern Ocean, the proposed changes south of the Polar Front by 27 probably stem from noise in the methodology and not from a detectable signal. This underscores the need for signal-to-noise detection methods as presented here or alternatively, the use of synthetic data experiments using large ensembles16,26 when comparing different air-sea CO2 flux estimates from neural networks.
Impact of adding sailboat pCO 2 data in the North Atlantic. Compared to the Southern Ocean, individual races in the North Atlantic are less impactful (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3c), largely owing to the already denser observing network in place where the addition of a single measurement track does not cause large significant changes in the already robust reconstruction. Nevertheless, we still observe that sailboat pCO2 measurements have a significant regional impact since Seaexplorer data covers a total of 7% of the North Atlantic area (when binned into 1 x 1° pixels), in comparison to only 3% of the Southern Ocean area.
The air-sea CO2 fluxes significantly differed regionally peaking at 1.26 mol C m⁻² yr⁻¹ in the North Atlantic between 1982 and 2021 (Fig. 3a), which is thus higher than the maximum flux difference of 0.77 mol C m⁻² yr⁻¹ in the Southern Ocean. However, the mean difference of 0.08 mol C m⁻² yr⁻¹ in the North Atlantic is substantially smaller than observed in the Southern Ocean (0.15 mol C m⁻² yr⁻¹) (Supplementary Fig. 2), considering the historic coverage of the SOOP program. In recent years however, we also find a reduction in North Atlantic measurements (; 5), thus even in the better observed North Atlantic the sailboat data might gain more importance.
Temporal evolution. Comparing the flux reconstructions E1 and E2 over time, we see the greatest impact of adding Seaexplorer data from 2018–2021 in the air-sea CO2 flux estimates in the latter years of the time series (Fig. 3). About 91% of the significant differences between E1 and E2 occurred between 2018 and 2021, which is when the sailboat pCO2 observations were measured. The pCO2 data collected during the Antarctic circumnavigation race affects the air-sea CO2 flux estimate only up to ca. 5 years prior to the race. This is not immediately obvious, since the applied method extrapolates information both in space and time, learning from all available observations when clustering the ocean into biogeochemical provinces and estimating the missing pCO2 values by using previously established relationships between already available pCO2 and other environmental variables within each province. However, a similar observation, where differences become smaller as we look further back in time, has been made when BGC Argo data were previously added22. This is explained by trend variables used in the method29 limiting the potential of the method when extrapolating the missing pCO2 values into the past22. As a consequence, we expect that a longer time series is required to change the interannual to decadal air-sea CO2 flux trends. Nevertheless, with upcoming races announced (round-the-globe racing events taking place every other year) and with the increasing willingness among skippers to contribute with observations, we see a long term potential to increase pCO2 data in remote ocean regions to overcome this limitation.
The addition of Seaexplorer data has the highest impact on austral summer, whereas it has little to no impact on austral wintertime fluxes (Fig. 3), mirroring the seasonal availability of data and illustrating the weak connectivity between seasons identified in our neural network. Therefore, sailboat measurements - unlike saildrone campaigns15,16 - currently are unable to bridge the wintertime discrepancy between float-based and ship-based flux estimates22. Even though sailboat pCO2 data have limited added value during harsh winter conditions in the Southern Ocean where no sailboat racing events take place, we show that sailboats support the existing observing system of Argo floats22,23,33, Saildrones25,34, moorings, drifting buoys, and wave gliders.
Sensitivity of air-sea CO 2 flux to measurement uncertainty. Finally, we also tested whether potential measurement uncertainties or even measurement bias has an effect on the air-sea CO₂ flux estimate by considering a random measurement uncertainty of ± 5 µatm (simulation E3) and a constant measurement offset of 5 µatm (simulation E4) (Fig. 4). Figure 4a illustrates that a random measurement uncertainty of ± 5 µatm does not affect the air-sea CO2 flux at a basin-wide level in the North Atlantic and the Southern Ocean, as the mean difference (E1-E3) is near zero for both basins (Fig. 4a). However, locally the air-sea CO2 flux densities can be significantly impacted by up to 0.65 mol C m⁻² yr⁻¹ in the North Atlantic during individual months and up to 0.32 mol C m⁻² yr⁻¹ in the Southern Ocean. This highlights the importance of accounting for measurement uncertainty when investigating high-frequency and small spatial scale fluxes which will become increasingly important as we move towards marine carbon accounting, marine carbon dioxide removal and national carbon stocktake efforts35,36.
We also test for potential limitations of the system and imperfect calibration over long offshore racing events by testing a constant measurement offset of 5 µatm. This causes a global bias up to 0.06 Pg C yr⁻¹ (E1-E4) in 2021 (Supplementary Table 1), which is on the one hand only roughly 2.5% of the global annual uptake, showing the rather small sensitivity of the air-sea CO2 flux, to biases in a single platform, however on the other hand it is larger than the global flux change from adding Seaexplorer data of 0.04 Pg C yr⁻¹ (Supplementary Table 1). Thus our comparison highlights that flux changes from measurements from 129 days at sea remain undetectable if the measurement system does not follow the highest standards, supporting the need for a CO2 reference network37. However, while important globally, the constant measurement biases are still smaller at basin scale. The mean absolute difference in the air-sea CO2 flux attributed to the offset is 0.03 mol C m⁻² yr⁻¹ in the North Atlantic and only 0.07 mol C m⁻² yr⁻¹ in the Southern Ocean (Fig. 4b), which is smaller than the mean differences caused by adding Seaexplorer data.
Particularly in the North Atlantic, the flux estimate proves to be more robust than the Southern Ocean flux estimate towards a potential measurement offset, again linked to the already denser observations from different platforms. This however also indicates the need for cross-calibration of measurements in remote regions, as measurement biases have a larger impact there. Locally, the air-sea CO₂ flux densities (based on E1-E4) significantly differed up to 0.76 mol C m⁻² yr⁻¹ in the North Atlantic during individual months and up to 0.38 mol C m⁻² yr⁻¹ in the Southern Ocean. The spatial distribution of significant differences between the original flux estimate and the flux estimate including a sailboat measurement offset follows the pattern of the sailboat tracks with the highest differences between 40°S and 60°S (Fig. 4c). Equipping more sailboats with a pCO2 measurement device during the round-the-world races would help to reduce the impact of potential measurement uncertainties and increase the accuracy of our flux estimate. Considering that many studies thus far do not include or assess the impact of measurement uncertainty in their pCO2 observations7,38, we hereby show the importance of measurement uncertainty analyses at a regional scale to provide a more accurate estimate of high-frequency fluxes.