Patient characteristics. Between 2016–2022, the study accrued 63 patients with oligoprogressive or oligometastatic disease and received no concurrent systemic treatment within 3 months before SBRT (SBRT group) of whom 50 patients with 55 lesions were evaluable by flow cytometry (6 did not receive radiotherapy, 7 patients did not have sufficient blood cells). The median time between the last treatment and SBRT was 25 months. Additionally, a second group which consisted of 37 patients who received concurrent systemic treatment (12 immunotherapy, 18 chemotherapy, or other systemic treatments) in combination with SBRT (cSBRT group) was included in the study. Of the 37 patients, 30 patients with 32 lesions were evaluable in this group (5 patients received no radiotherapy and 2 withdrew consent), of whom 12 received concurrent immunotherapy and 18 concurrent chemotherapy or other systemic treatments.
A total of 25 patients in the SBRT group and 18 patients in the cSBRT group had oligoprogressive disease (OPD) showing signs of progression in one metastatic lesion while having further measurable metastases without signs of progression that were not treated with other local treatments. Patients and treatment characteristics are shown in Table 1 and Supplementary Table 1.
Treatment outcomes. With a median follow-up of 30 months, the median OS was 30 months in the SBRT group and 53 months for cSBRT group, and the median PFS was 13 months in the SBRT group and 5 months for cSBRT group. Of note, patients with concurrent ICB treatments had a median PFS of 24 months. In the SBRT group, only one patient developed local progression and declined further treatments, 18 patients developed a regional progression treated with systemic therapy, radiotherapy (mostly SBRT), or resection, and 6 patients developed distant metastases. One patient developed a loco-regional recurrence, 1 patient developed a local recurrence in combination with distant metastases, and 1 patient developed a regional progression in combination with this metastasis. In the cSBRT group, 11 patients developed a regional progression, 7 patients developed distant metastases, and 1 patient had local and distant progression. All types of progression and subsequent treatments are summarized in Supplementary Table 2.
In the 25 patients in the SBRT group with oligoprogressive disease, 15 showed progression during follow-up while 9 had stable disease (one refused CT scans at follow-up). In the cSBRT group, of the 18 patients with oligoprogressive disease; 5 developed a progression, and 18 metastases were stable or showed a partial remission (Supplementary Table 3).
In exploratory analyses, we detected no correlation between PFS and the biological effective dose (BED) (SBRT group: HR per Gy = 0.995, 95%CI: 0.978–1.012, p = 0.54, cSBRT group: HR per Gy = 1.000, 95%CI: 0.975–1.026, p = 0.98) or the dose per fraction (HR = 0.995, 95%CI: 0.920–1.075, p = 0.89, cSBRT: HR = 0.994, 95%CI: 0.846-1,168, p = 0.94) in either of the groups. Furthermore, there was no difference in the PFS between patients with centrally located tumours vs peripheral tumours in both groups respectively (p = 0.87, p = 0.23).
Circulating lymphocyte kinetics. An increase in the absolute counts of circulating CD8 + CTLs at FU1 compared to baseline (the primary study endpoint) was detected only in 12% of the patients in the SBRT and 20% of the patients in the cSBRT group.
Association between circulating lymphocyte changes and PFS. In landmark analyses, the median PFS from the first follow-up in the SBRT group was 19 months for the patients without an increase in the CD8 + CTLs and was not reached in the patients with an increase in the CD8 + CTLs (HR = 0.484, 95% CI 0.060–3.927, p = 0.49). In the cSBRT group, the median PFS from the first follow-up was 6 vs 3 months in patients without vs with an increase in the CD8 + CTLs (HR 0.944, 95% CI 0.233–3.818 p = 0.93).
Changes in lymphocyte subsets. There was a decrease in the mean absolute counts of CD8 + CTLs and CD4 + T-cells compared to pre-treatment values, which was more prominent at the end of treatment in the SBRT group compared to the cSBRT group (Figs. 1a-b, 3a-b, Table 2, Supplementary Fig. 3a-b Supplementary Table 4). This finding is consistent with the changes seen after SBRT in patients with early-stage primary lung tumors10. Furthermore, the standardized change from baseline was greater in the group with concurrent systemic treatment (cSBRT group) compared to the SBRT group until the first follow-up (Supplementary Table 4).
In the SBRT group, the proportion of proliferating CD4 + and CD8 + T-cells among peripheral blood lymphocytes (CD3 + cells) increased significantly at the end of treatment and remained significant at FU1 and FU2 (Figs. 1c, 3c, Supplementary Fig. 3c, Table 2). These increases occurred in the PD-1 + and PD-1– subsets of CD4 + and CD8 + T-cells (Fig. 1d-e, 3d-e, Supplementary Fig. 3d-e, Table 2).
In contrast, the fractions of proliferating CD8 + and CD4 + T cells T-cells were significantly increased only at the end of treatment in patients who received SBRT with systemic therapy (Fig. 3c-e). The increase in the fraction of proliferating T-cells was delayed and transient (at FU1 only) in the cSBRT group patients who received ICB and increased at the end of treatment only in CD8 + T-cells in patients who received additional chemotherapy (Fig. 3k-l, Table 2).
Most importantly, the effect size of standardized changes from baseline in proliferating T-cells was large in the SBRT group but only moderate to large in the cSBRT group and considerably lower compared to the SBRT group (Supplementary Table 4). In the cSBRT group, there was no difference in the standardized changes from baseline in proliferating T-cells between patients receiving ICB and patients receiving other systemic treatments at the end of treatment compared to baseline (CD8 + T-cells 0.89 vs 0.90, CD4 + T-cells 0.49 vs 0.45, respectively).
Changes in circulating lymphocyte phenotypes after SBRT. Median fluorescence intensity (MFI) of PD-1 immunostaining was also higher at the end of treatment and at FU1 for the CD8 + T-cells, indicative of an increased expression level which was significant in the SBRT group (Figs. 1h, 3h, Supplementary Fig. 3h, Table 2) but the effect size based on the standardized change from baseline was small (Supplementary Table 4). Additionally, the fractions of T-cells expressing the activation marker IFN-γ increased from baseline through to FU2 and the change was significant at the end of treatment in the cSBRT group, with a small effect size based on the standardized change from baseline (Supplementary Table 4). The fractions of T-cells expressing the activation marker IL-17A increased at the end of treatment (CD4 + T-cells) and FU2 (CD4 + T-cells) in the SBRT group with a small effect size (Figs. 2a-c, 4a-c, Supplementary Fig. 4a-c, Table 2, Supplementary Table 4). Overall, there was a decrease in naïve and memory CD8 + and CD4 + T-cell subpopulations after SBRT and at FU (Figs. 2j-k, 4j-k, Supplementary Fig. 4d-e, Table 2, Supplementary Table 4).
The fractions of CD8 + and CD4 + T-cells expressing inducible costimulatory (ICOS) significantly increased at the end of treatment and FU2 in the SBRT group (Fig. 1j, Table 2, Supplementary Fig. 3j), while the effect size based on the standardized change from baseline was small (Supplementary Table 4). In the cSBRT group, the increase of ICOS expression at FU was greater than in the SBRT group, but the change did not reach statistical significance (Fig. 3j, Table 2, Supplementary Fig. 3j, Supplementary Table 4).
Circulating Treg fractions decreased from baseline through to FU2, and the change was significant at the end of treatment in the SBRT group (Figs. 2l, 4l, Supplementary Fig. 4f, Table 2). The effect size based on the standardized change from baseline was small (Supplementary Table 4).
Circulating MDSC fraction significantly changed only during SBRT in the patients with systemic treatment (cSBRT group) (Figs. 2m, 4m, Supplementary Fig. 4g). The effect size based on the standardized change from baseline was moderate (Supplementary Table 4).
In the cSBRT group, the expression of PD-1, TIM3, and CTLA-4 was detected only on a minority of circulating T-cells, indicating that most circulating T-cells were not terminally exhausted. In contrast, in the SBRT group, the circulating T-cells appeared more exhausted (Figs. 1f-g, 3f-g, Table 2, Supplementary Fig. 3f-g, Supplementary Table 4).
The fraction of activated PD-1 + Tim3– T-cells increased during (for CD8 + T-cells) and at the end of SBRT (for CD4 + T cells) in the SBRT group (Figs. 1i, 3i, Supplementary Fig. 3i). In both cases the effect size based on the standardized change from baseline was small (Supplementary Table 4). The kinetics of all immune cell subsets are summarized in Table 2 and the standardized changes from baseline in Supplementary Table 4.
Effect of dose per fraction on lymphocyte changes. In addition, we performed further sub-group analyses after stratifying for RT dose per fraction, using 10Gy as the cut-off point based on our previous findings in early-stage NSCLC patients10. Patients treated with less than 10Gy showed a significant increase in the proportion of CD8 + and CD4 + proliferating T-cells compared to pre-treatment values at the end of treatment and follow-up. This effect was not seen in patients treated with 10Gy or more. The increases were significant for both SBRT and cSBRT groups at the end of treatment while only in the SBRT group this effect was maintained at follow-ups (Figs. 2d-i, 4d-i).