Summary of Exposure Conditions and Control Performance
A detailed presentation of experimental data for each of the exposures is provided in the Supplemental Information (S3). Control survival averaged 96.3% (range 90–100%; procedural blank and negative controls combined) and ending AFDW for controls averaged 3.79 times starting weight (range 2.93–4.46). Control performance criteria for a 7-d exposures with H. azteca have not been established, but control survival and growth in all tests exceeded performance criteria established for 10-d exposures (≥ 80% survival and final weight ≥ 2.5x initial; ASTM 2020). T-tests did not show significant differences between negative controls and procedural blanks except for the p,p’-DDMU test, in which biomass gain in the procedural blank was significantly higher than in the negative control (Table S3.6). However, biomass gain in the three lowest exposure concentrations had essentially the same average as the negative control, suggesting that the negative control might be more representative of a no-response value. Accordingly, all regression analyses included both negative and procedural blank controls. Temperature averaged 22.9 across all experiments, with all individual measurements between 22.0 and 24.0°C except for the first day of the p,p’-DDMU exposure wherein three treatments were below 22.0°C by up to 0.5°C, which was corrected and did not recur. Dissolved oxygen was consistently near 100% (chambers were aerated), and pH averaged 7.9 (range 7.4–8.3).
Measured DDX concentrations in the equilibrated test solutions used for renewals showed very small increases over the course of the exposure; measurements taken on days 0, 2, and 6 averaged 96.2, 100.7, and 103.0% (respectively) of the overall treatment average. DDX concentrations in test beakers measured immediately prior to renewal showed more increase over time, averaging 73.7, 84.8, and 103.6% of the average concentration in the renewal solutions on days 0, 2, and 6. This increase may have arisen from ongoing saturation of binding sites in the test vessels; another possibility is that DOC may have increased over the course of the test. An increase in DOC could result in greater DDX association with DOC, which could increase the overall water column concentration even if freely dissolved concentrations were maintained at a constant value by the O-rings (chemical analyses quantified total concentration, not Cfree). Measured concentrations in individual treatments of all exposures are provided in the Supplemental Information (S3).
Toxicity of DDT Congeners and Comparison with Literature Data
Seven-day LC50, EC20, and EC50 values are shown in Table 1, and exposure-response curves in Fig. 1. Toxicity among the tested congeners varied substantially, with a range in biomass EC50 values of about 40-fold, from 0.14 µg/L for p,p’-DDT to 5.85 µg/L for o,p’-DDD. Among p,p’ congeners, relative toxicity was DDT > > DDD > DDE ≈ DDMU for all three endpoints. For the two congeners tested in both p,p’ and o,p’ isomers, the o,p’ isomers were notably less toxic, with EC50 (biomass) values 7.4-fold lower for p,p’-DDT compared to o,p’-DDT, and 5.9-fold lower for p,p’-DDD compared to o,p’-DDD. Response curves for all chemicals were uniformly quite steep, meaning the magnitude of effect declined quickly with declining exposure concentration (Fig. 1); EC20 (biomass) values averaged 80% of the corresponding EC50 (range 71–85%). Much of the toxic response was expressed as lethality; there was never more than one exposure concentration in which AFDW was reduced but survival was not (Supplemental Information S3). As a result, biomass EC50 and LC50 concentrations did not differ greatly, with the biomass EC50 averaging 75% of the LC50 (range 69–82%).
Table 1. Seven-d Hyalella azteca LC50 (lethality), EC50 (biomass gain), and EC20 (biomass gain) values (95% confidence limits) for the six DDT congeners tested in the current study, shown alongside 10-d LC50s from literature sources.
Current Study: 7-d Effect Concentration (µg/L)
Literature 10-d LC50 (µg/L)
LC50 (lethality)
EC50 (biomass)
EC20 (biomass)
Phipps et al 1995
Lotufo et al. 2000
Ding et al. 2012
0.19(0.17 – 0.21)
0.14 (0.12 - 0.16)
0.10 (0.08 – 0.12)
1.41 (1.24 – 1.59)
1.06 (0.77 – 1.15)
0.90 (0.37 – 1.25)
4.04 (3.65 – 4.47)
3.32 (2.63 – 4.19)
2.82 (2.22 – 3.57)
1.46 (1.25 – 1.69)
1.11 (0.98 – 1.33)
0.92 (0.81 – 1.15)
8.55 (7.60 – 9.62)
5.88 (5.04 – 6.87)
4.21 (3.17 – 5.61)
5.44 (4.74 – 6.23)
4.07 (3.43 – 4.96)
3.26 (2.67 – 4.23)
Also shown in Table 1 are 10-d LC50 values for H. azteca reported in the literature for the p,p’ isomers of DDT, DDE, and DDD (Phipps et al. 1995; Lotufo et al. 2000; Ding et al. 2012). Across studies, LC50 values were not greatly different for p,p’-DDT and DDE, varying by less than 3-fold, with a larger range (7.7-fold) for p,p’-DDD. Our finding of lower toxicity of p,p’-DDD study is reinforced by a prior study we conducted, in which treatments from 0.05 to 0.63 µg/L had no effect on survival or AFDW (data not shown). Rank order of sensitivity among the four studies was consistent across the three chemicals, with Phipps having the lowest LC50s, followed by Ding, Lotufo, and the current study. Methodological differences among the four studies may affect these comparisons. The three literature studies were 10-d in duration rather than 7-d in the present study, and both Lotufo et al. (2000) and Ding et al. (2012) reported 4-d LC50s that were in the range of 50–300% higher than 10-d LC50s. The Phipps study was conducted in unamended Lake Superior water, which has a low chloride concentration (1.5 mg/L); later work showed this low chloride concentration was associated with reduced performance and greater toxicological sensitivity of H azteca (Soucek et al. 2015), which might explain the lower effect concentrations reported by Phipps et al. (1995). Chloride concentrations in tests by Ding et al. (2012) were about 33 mg/L (MJ Lydy, personal communication), while those for Lotufo et al. (2000) were not available.
Loss of chemical over time was reported in both the Lotufo and Ding studies. Lotufo et al. (2000) reported daily declines in exposure concentrations of 25 to 62% between daily 75% renewals. Ding et al. (2012) used static exposures (no renewals) and reported declines of 41 to 74% in exposure concentration over the course of the exposure. Depending on the toxicokinetics of the chemicals, fluctuating exposure might bias LC50 values calculated based on mean concentration, but the direction and magnitude of any such potential bias is not clear. All four studies used 1 ml YCT as food, but the current and Phipps study fed daily, while the Lotufo study was fed every other day, and the Ding study only twice over 10 d (the current study also included a flaked fish food addition). Whether reduced ration would increase sensitivity to DDX congeners is uncertain. McNulty et al. (1999) found that starvation prior to testing increased the acute sensitivity of H. azteca to pentachlorophenol and carbaryl while sensitivity to KCl and CdCl2 was not changed, but in the Lotufo and Ding studies food was not withheld, only reduced relative to standard rates.
We limited our testing of o,p’ isomers to DDT and DDD, electing not to test o,p’-DDE and o,p’-DDMU. Because of the very high silicone:water partition coefficients and low silicone:methanol partition coefficients, loading of silicone O-rings required relatively large amounts of test chemical (circa 0.2 to 1 g). Lack of commercial availability and/or very high cost of these quantities of o,p’-DDE and o,p’-DDMU were important factors in the decision not to pursue testing, as were concerns about solubility of the compounds in methanol. In our test with p,p’-DDE, achieving the highest treatment required loading the O-rings in solutions at the limit of chemical solubility in the methanol loading solution, and only that solubility-constrained concentration was sufficient to cause toxicity to H. azteca. Assuming that the o,p’ isomers of DDE and DDMU would be substantially less toxic than the p,p’ congeners (as was true for DDT and DDD), it might not be possible to achieve toxic concentrations in water using our dosing approach.
As noted, however, the relative toxicity of o,p’ and p,p’ isomers was similar for DDT and DDD in our experiments. The ratio of o,p’ to p,p’ effect concentrations across both of those chemicals and all three endpoints in Table 1 averages 6.6. In the absence of measured values, one might assume a similar isomer separation for o,p’-DDE and o,p’-DDMU, yielding estimated LC50, EC50, and EC20 values of 27, 21, and 19 µg/L for o,p’-DDE, and 36, 27, and 22 µg/L for o,p’-DDMU.
Implications for Ecological Risk Assessment
The variation in toxicity of different congeners has important implications for risk assessment of environmental mixtures stemming from DDT contamination. Because p,p’-DDT is about 77% of the commercial pesticide formulation and is also the most toxic congener, we calculate that about 97% of the toxicity of the pesticide formulation in water would be attributable to p,p’-DDT (if the components acted additively based their fractional potencies, which seems a reasonable assumption in the absence of contrary evidence). Although already a minority component of the commercial pesticide (~ 15%), the influence of o,p’-DDT on overall toxicity is further minimized by its considerably lower toxicity. Based on these calculations, the expected toxicity of the unweathered DDT pesticide mixture would be only about 20% lower (by mass) than if it were pure p,p’-DDT, and an assessment based on total measured DDX compounds (sometimes termed DDTR) would be fairly accurate if all DDTR was assumed to be the most toxic congener, p,p’-DDT. Nebeker et al. (1989) reported 10-d LC50s of ~ 0.5 µg/L for H. azteca exposed to pesticide DDT in water which is not far above values for p,p’-DDT; those tests were conducted with much older organisms (~ 28 d) than those used for tests listed in Table 1, which might influence the comparison.
However, with environmental weathering and other processes acting on DDT contamination, composition of environmental mixtures can vary widely, not only through dechlorination and oxidation of the central trichloroethane moiety, but also as a result of environmental processes that can change the ratio of p,p’ and o,p’ isomers dramatically (Ricking and Schwarzbauer, 2012). DDX contamination in Palos Verdes shelf sediments showed little DDT or DDD, and was instead dominated by DDE and more degraded structures (Eganhouse et al. 2018). Similarly, using passive sampling, Fernandez et al. (2014) found DDX in Palos Verdes Shelf sediment interstitial water and surface water at the sediment-water interface was predominately DDE. These highly modified mixtures can be expected to have considerably different toxicity compared to unweathered pesticide, emphasizing the need to understand the relative toxicity of different DDT congeners.
We did not test the toxicity of DDT metabolites beyond DDMU in the degradation series, but it is possible their toxicity may not decline a great deal more than that of DDMU. This hypothesis stems from the expected toxicity of chemicals acting through baseline (aka “narcotic”) toxicity. Based on the modeling of Di Toro et al. (2000), an aromatic and halogenated narcotic compound with log Kow of 5.5 can be expected to cause acute lethality to sensitive taxa at about 0.07 µmol/L. At a molecular weight of 250 (in the range of more degraded DDT congeners), this equates to about 17 µg/L, not much higher than the effect concentrations of some of the less toxic congeners tested here.
Equilibrium partitioning (Di Toro et al. 1991) has been used as a means of predicting toxicity of non-ionic organic chemicals in sediment, by predicting the chemical activity of contaminants via the appropriate KOC. Making this prediction for DDT congeners is complicated by variability in KOC values across sediments. ATSDR (2022) provides log KOC values for isomers of DDT, DDE, and DDD ranging from 4.70 to 5.18, and estimates from poly-parameter linear free energy relationship (PPLFER) models range from 4.84 to 5.60 (Ulrich et al. 2017). In contrast, measurements from Palos Verdes shelf sediments indicate log KOC values of 6.3 to 7.5 for various DDT congeners, about 0.5 log units higher than the estimated KOW (Eganhouse et al. 2018), which the authors attribute to the effects of other hydrocarbons present in the sediments. The potential for more than 100-fold variability in KOC is problematic for deriving broadly applicable effect concentrations for bulk sediment.
Another consequence of the high hydrophobicity of DDT congeners is their propensity to associate with dissolved or colloidal organic carbon (DOC), thereby reducing the proportion of waterborne DDX that is freely dissolved and thought to be bioavailable (Di Toro et al. 1991). This effect can be particularly important in sediment interstitial waters, which can contain relatively high DOC concentrations. Eganhouse et al. (2018) found that the DOC-bound fractions of DDE and DDMU were very high (> 80%) in shallow portions of sediments from the Palos Verdes shelf. Hoke et al. (1994) reported DDX concentrations in interstitial water isolated by centrifugation, and found that they exceeded the predicted Cfree, a difference they attributed to DOC binding. These examples make clear that when assessing potential toxicity of DDX mixtures in sediments (or waters with high DOC), use of passive sampling or other methods able to parse Cfree is important (USEPA 2017b).