Participating companies provided data from a total of 950 protocols and 2,188 amendments. Twenty-six percent of all protocols in the dataset were oncology protocols. Oncology clinical trials had a similar distribution of phases and orphan designation compared to non-oncology. However, relative to non-oncology, oncology protocols in this dataset were more likely to have implemented innovative designs, including master protocol designs (defined as a comprehensive protocol created for evaluating multiple hypotheses of sub-studies that are concurrently conducted) or adaptive designs (defined as a clinical trial design that allows for prospectively planned modifications to one or more aspects of the design based on accumulating study data). On average, oncology protocols carried a larger number of endpoints and countries than non-oncology protocols, while non-oncology protocols had a larger average number of investigative sites. The average number of eligibility criteria was comparable across therapeutic areas (Table 1).
[Insert Table 1]
Oncology protocols had a significantly higher prevalence of amendments than non-oncology protocols, with 91.1% of oncology protocols requiring amendments compared to 72.1% of non-oncology protocols (chi-square test, p < .0001). The mean number of amendments per protocol where substantial amendments were present was significantly higher among oncology protocols, with an average of 4.0 amendments among oncology, and 3.0 amendments among non-oncology protocols (ANOVA, p < .0001) (Table 2).
[Insert Table 2]
The most common primary causes of amendments across therapeutic areas were regulatory agency request, change in study strategy, and new data available other than safety data. The most common primary causes of amendments to oncology protocols were similar to those of non-oncology amendments, with only minor differences. For example, oncology amendments were slightly less likely to be primarily caused by an inconsistency or error in the protocol (6.6% for oncology, 9.7% for non-oncology), recruitment difficulty (2.3% for oncology, 4.5% for non-oncology), and the COVID-19 pandemic (1.2% for oncology and 3.8% for non-oncology), and more likely to be primarily caused by new safety data becoming available (10.5% for oncology, 7.3% for non-oncology) and “other” (19.6% for oncology, 10.7% for non-oncology) (Table 3).
[Insert Table 3]
Oncology protocols had a slightly higher proportion of amendments whose primary cause fell under the “Somewhat Unavoidable” and “Completely Unavoidable” classifications (82% for oncology, 74.9% for non-oncology), and lower proportion of amendments falling under the “Somewhat Avoidable” and “Completely Avoidable” classifications, compared to non-oncology protocols (Table 4).
[Insert Table 4]
Any changes applied to the protocol in the process of implementing an amendment were recorded. Oncology amendments implemented more protocol changes overall, including changes related to clinical trial operations; statistical analyses; assessments; patient selection, withdrawal, and treatment; trial design; and trial background, objectives, and purpose. Non-oncology amendments were more likely to carry changes related to general information in the protocol, which included typographical errors (Table 5).
[Insert Table 5]
All amendments, regardless of phase or therapeutic area, were most likely to occur during enrollment (between first patient first visit (FPFV) and last patient first visit (LPFV)). However, oncology amendments were more likely to occur after LPFV (24.2% for oncology, 14.7% for non-oncology) and less likely to occur before FPFV than non-oncology amendments (19.7% for oncology, 26.6% for non-oncology), particularly among phases II and III (Table 6).
[Insert Table 6]
The percent difference between planned and actual participants completing the clinical trial increased by 2.3% for oncology protocols without amendments and decreased by 63.2% for oncology protocols with amendments (ANOVA, p < .001). This trend was consistent with the percent change in completion rate (total enrolled / total completed) with oncology protocols without amendments seeing an increase of 7.9%, while the completion rate of oncology protocols with amendments decreased by 63.0% between planned and actual (ANOVA, p < .001). There were no significant differences between protocols with and without amendments for non-oncology protocol enrollment performance. However, there was a slight decrease between planned and actual participants enrolled, participants completed and completion rates across all non-oncology protocols, regardless of the presence of amendments (Table 7).
[Insert Table 7]
Dropout rate was significantly higher for protocols with amendments overall among both oncology and non-oncology protocols. Significant differences were found among oncology protocols for completion rates (ANOVA, p < .05) and screen failure rates (ANOVA, p < .001), with a completion and screen failure rate of 35.3% and 30.7% for protocols with amendments and 56.6% and 15.3% for those without, respectively. No significant difference was found among non-oncology protocols. Oncology protocols were also found to have a lower completion rate overall compared to non-oncology regardless of amendment status (Table 8).
[Insert Table 8]
The duration of study closeout (LPLV to DBL) among oncology protocols decreased by 100.8% for protocols without amendments and increased by 45.7% for protocols with amendments (p< .01). Decreases of over 100% were possible due to several studies having extended follow-up periods that continued well after DBL, resulting in LPLV occurring after DBL. No other significant differences between changes in cycle time duration for protocols with and without amendments were found. However, on average, protocols with amendments tended to increase in duration between planned and actual cycle times at a higher rate than protocols without amendments across all therapeutic areas and cycle times, save for LP Participation Cycle (LPFV to LPLV) and Study Reporting (DBL to Clinical Study Report (CSR)) (Table 9).
[Insert Table 9]
Oncology protocols conducted during the pandemic had a significantly higher number of substantial amendments than protocols conducted pre-pandemic, 4.1 compared to 3.0, respectively (ANOVA, p <.01). Completion rates decreased and dropout rates increased for oncology protocols before compared to during the pandemic (ANOVA, p <.0001). There were no significant differences in number of amendments, completion rate, or dropout rate, when comparing before to during the pandemic for non-oncology protocols. The screen failure rate among non-oncology protocols decreased significantly during the pandemic compared to pre-pandemic (p <.05); no significant differences in screen failure rate were found among oncology protocols (Table 10).
[Insert Table 10]