Economists have long identified that knowledge spillovers in the form of human capital are crucial to determine the long-run economic growth (Lucas, 1988). The accumulation of human capital can be acquired through schooling or learning-by-doing. In the context of the latter, Marshall (1920) emphasised that social interaction among workers in the same location could generate learning opportunity to implement productivity-enhancing ideas which increase firm productivity. The quality of the pool of workers will determine the success rate of such collaboration. For example, if firms located in an area with more educated workers, it is easier for them to hire workers who are able to use firm’s asset in a very efficient way. To achieve this goal, a way that those workers can do is to learn new knowledge and information from other skilled workers within the location. A close regional proximity will make easier for them to interact and share those things because it increases the possibility through face-to-face interaction. However, as elaborated by Rosenthal and Strange (2008), the impact of such activity is inversely correlated with spatial proximity. In other words, the exchange of ideas will sharply attenuate when the distance among skilled workers increases. This fact implies plants location does matters because the availability of more educated workers within the area is an important element for them to acquire new knowledge and as a result, affect their productivity.
In this paper, I examine the presence of local human capital spillovers on plant productivity for manufacturing industries in three ASEAN countries. The story is straightforward and easy to see. Plants are expected to produce larger output if they are located in particular region with high level of human capital for any given input rather than similar plants located in an area where the human capital level is low. To test this premise, I specifically take a more direct approach by estimating augmented Cobb-Douglas production function at plant level using World Bank Enterprise Survey for the year of 2009 and 2015.
I measure the degree of human capital within the region as the proportion of nonproduction workers among all workers in the region. However, previous empirical works mainly use education attainment (i.e., the fraction of workers with a college degree or above) to capture regional human capital level. I use such indirect indicator such as the share of nonproduction workers to capture labour skill-intensity because of lack of comprehensive data on worker’s education in the survey. This measure, in turn, will not be problematic as Berman et al. (1994) argue that
Both conceptually and empirically, the production/nonproduction worker distinction closely mirrors the distinction between blue- and white-collar occupations… The blue-collar/white-collar classification, in turn, closely reflects an educational classification of high school/college (pp. 371–372).
This statement implies that the use of nonproduction workers as the degree of labour skills is acceptable because it reflects the separation between blue and white-collar workers. In turn, blue and white-collar workers categories mirror the educational distinction. In other words, nonproduction workers tend to be more educated than production workers, and as a consequence, the former type is more likely to absorb new ideas and knowledge.
Our data constitute a balanced sample of 194 plants combined for Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam with complete information about workforce characteristics and plant performance. The dataset only covers for two years, 2009 and 2015. This rich dataset enables us to deal with unobserved characteristics of plants. A key econometric issue is the possibility of unobserved factors may affect plant productivity and the proportion of nonproduction workers. More productive plants, for instance, may choose to locate and produce in the region with a high percentage of skilled workers. Taking advantage of longitudinal data, I can tackle some of the relevant endogeneity problems. I can control permanent unnoticed elements of the plant by adding plant and time-fixed effect into the regression equations. Plant fixed effect will absorb any permanent industry and location heterogeneity as both features do not change over time. Time fixed effect, contrarily, will absorb any time-varying factors that influence productivity and the share of nonproduction workers within the region.
Based on Ordinary Least Square (OLS) estimates, I found that if the portion of nonproduction workers in any particular area increases by one percentage point, there will be around 7.1 until 8.9 percent rise in plant productivity. These figures are remarkably consistent, even after controlling for plant and year-fixed effect. However, there is still a potential problem that the overlooked time-varying region characteristics will affect the findings. Thus, I provide additional sections of evidence to examine the validity of the results before reaching the concluding remarks.
Although I control for plant and time-fixed effect to absorb unobserved permanent shocks, this approach only overcomes the omitted variable bias but not the reverse causality bias. For example, a region with better amenities attract skilled workers to move to that area, and at the same time also raise the productivity of existing plants in the area. A common method to address such problem is implementing the instrumental variable (IV) approach. In this paper, I use the lagged number of higher education institutions in the region. The existence of universities and colleges may determine the changes in the aggregate skill level of workers. The findings show that the regional human capital spillovers are still relevant using this method although the instrument is not as strong as expected.
Another plausible source of bias exists if the quality of workers is unobserved. Thus, I construct an alternative measure of human capital spillovers using average yearly wage in the region, excluding the plant itself. The explanation is that plants encourage to pay skilled workers with higher wage bill because they tend to be more productive than unskilled workers. Furthermore, this different indicator can be used to assess whether the results are still consistent with the main indicator of human capital. The findings suggest that spillovers effect are positively and significantly associated with higher plant productivity.
I provide several other specification tests to check the reliability of our core results. I begin with the use of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) estimation approach, assuming that factors of production are correlated with unobservable shocks to productivity. Using this technique, the results show that human capital spillovers are still in line with the core findings, despite with smaller impact on plant productivity.
I also test whether the magnitude of spillovers maybe not equal between high-tech and low-tech industries. Spillovers are expected to be stronger for plants in high-tech industries because the presence of highly skilled workers is more valuable in these sectors. However, my findings suggest the other way around for ASEAN countries. Plants in low-tech industries receive the largest benefit from the availability of skilled workers provided by both other low-tech and high-tech industries in the region.
In the last section of this paper, I also carry out some sensitivity analysis including the estimation with a translog production function, as well as implementing regressions with different sample based on specific categories such as plant size and multi-plant status. In all these exercises, I find that the human capital spillovers substantially affect plant productivity. Therefore, my results are robust under different identification tests.
Overall, I find a supportive evidence of the presence of human capital spillovers in ASEAN manufacturing sector. In other words, the proportion of nonproduction workers in any given region has a meaningful effect on plant productivity. Moreover, the contribution of human capital spillovers seems significant. It implies that the stock of human capital grows considerably over time in ASEAN countries. The most robust estimates in this paper specify that human capital spillovers account for an average of 1.5 percent increase in plant productivity per year from 2009 to 2015.
Empirical literature indicates that human capital spillovers are an important aspect of determining plant productivity, especially in the manufacturing sector (Moretti, 2004b; Liu, 2013; Chang et al., 2016). In spite of its significance for policy implications, there is a little systematic attempt to examine the size of spillovers in developing countries. All studies I mention before focused on developed countries. Hence, this paper will fill the gap by estimating the magnitude of human capital spillovers in three ASEAN countries and all of them are developing economies.
Although the empirical approach adopted in this paper has quite similar with the work done by Moretti (2004b), my study has a significant contribution to the literature about human capital externalities which differs in three ways. First, to the best of my knowledge, this study is the first attempt to employ panel-plant level data for multiple countries. Previous studies have emphasised the magnitude of local skilled workers on plant productivity for a given country. Another difference comes from the use of the dataset. Instead of constructing matched employer-employee data as Moretti did, I internally calculate regional human capital level using the data from Enterprise Surveys. Such computation is relevant and reliable since the survey is sufficient to exploit the overall variation in plant condition within regions. Lastly, the new additional piece is that in this paper, I employ a different instrument to eliminate endogeneity issue, compared to the previous studies. The proportion of skilled workers at the regional level is instrumented with the lagged number of higher education institutions.
The remainder of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2 describes the related theoretical and empirical literature on human capital spillovers. The augmented production function used is explained in section 3. This section also presents the estimation issues that I need to address. Section 4 discusses data source and variables I employ in this paper. The estimated effect of human capital spillovers on plant productivity is described in section 5. This section also provides sensitivity exercises of the main specification. Finally, section 6 is the concluding remark.