The term geodiversity refers to geographical diversity of geological materials, forms, and processes that comprise the planet Earth. Geodiversity is a fundamental concept for determining the importance of non-living natural resources (Gray, 2011).
According to Lopez (2010), the geographic diversity refers to the “the number and diversity of structures (i.e., depositional, tectonic, geological – mineralogical, petrological, fossil-related, and soil structures) comprising the substrate of a particular area hosting organic activity, including human activities. Geodiversity allows for the analysis of the elements that are related to forces affecting an ecosystem, which are generally ignored in the biodiversity-related studies. The diversity and distribution of biological factors can be determinant to ecological and land studies (Serrano and Ruiz-Flano, 2007).
Geodiversity not only is the land protection but also provides the required basis for ground protection. Geodiversity values (e.g., inherent, cultural, aesthetic, economic, performance values, etc.) and threats (e.g., environmental damages to adjacent areas to geosites, the visitors’ swarm, and lack of awareness) shall be carefully considered. In addition, management of geosites and recreational activities must be adjusted and implemented with reference to the local geodiversity. Hosting a diverse spectrum of unique geological and geomorphological landforms, Iran is among the most wonderful countries around the world, with huge potentials for developing geoparks and hence realizing sustainable development. For countries with historical and tourism potentials, the tourism serves as a relatively inexpensive industry that brings about high revenues. In the meantime, the need for attracting tourists to Iran with such a vast area in the region and such high potentials for creating jobs and revenues and fueling the sustainable development process is felt more than ever (Nasiri et al., 2022).
Introduction of geological phenomena to tourists while presenting their spatial identity can pave the way toward attracting more tourists to a region of numerous natural and geological features, producing lots of economic and social benefits. The study of existing potentials for the development of geomorphotourism and establishment of geoparks in the studied area can not only stimulate the job creation and people’s revenues, fuel social developments and industrialization of local communities, and preserve the existing geological heritage, but also contribute to preservation and recovery of local arts, old customs ad rituals, and cultural and historical heritages (Shayan Yeganeh et al., 2019).
Zowlinski (2009) prepared a geomorphodiversity map of Carpathian Mountains in Poland and results of their research showed that the geodiversity map was classified into five landform diversity classes of very high, high, moderate, low, and very low.
Comanescu and Nedelea (2013) used the formula Gd = Eg / S to calculate geodiversity in a geopark in the Buzǎului County, Romania, and further expressed the geopark function based on these diversities.
Fassoulas et al. (2012) presented a work where they quantitatively evaluated geosites as an effective instrument for geo-heritage management. This paper was focused on the development of the required indices for quantitating the tourism and training importance of geosites and the necessity of protecting them.
Gray (2011) defined natural ranges of diversity in geology (rocks, minerals, fossils), geomorphology (landforms, topography, physical processes), soil, and hydrologic characteristics.
Pereira et al. (2013) evaluated geodiversity across a region based on five sub-criteria, namely geology, geomorphology, mineralogy, paleontology, and pedology. Warowna (2014) studied a total of 76 geosites in the geopark of the Vistula River Bed in Poland based on 18 criteria, followed by clustering similar assessment groups. Brilha (2016) investigated the strengths and weaknesses of evaluations and formulated a criterion for evaluating geosites and geodiversity. Kubalíková and Kirchner (2016) evaluated geomorphosites in the Highland, Czech Republic, investigating the strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities of the geomorphosites. Śleszyński and Solon (2017) prepared a then-new map of different landforms in Poland based on a variety of different geodiversity criteria across the region. Kuleta (2018) believed that the geo-tourism can help complete geodiversity analysis. He further established a link between the current research methods in geodiversity with a focus on the geo-tourism, which lists the living elements and their classifications based on the type of analyses.
Crisp et al. (2020) presented a quantitative evaluation of geodiversity and suggested than 10% of all research are strongly related to the biodiversity. In addition, from a geographic point of view, quantitative analysis can provide survey inputs for identifying potential locations for establishing a geopark.
Nasiri et al. (2022) investigated the geodiversity of Nourabad Mamasani Watershed. The southern sub-watershed ended up with a higher geodiversity score as it hosted a more diverse set of geological formations, geomorphologies, and climatologic conditions. They obtained the highest per-area roughness density (PRD), Shannon’s diversity index (SHDI), Shannon’s evenness index (SHEI), Simpson’s diversity index (SIDI), and Simpson’s evenness index (SIEI) of 0.31, 1.56, 0.76, 0.87, and 0.93, respectively for the mentioned sub-watershed because of the higher diversity and development of the formation, while the highest levels of morphometric factors and final layer were assigned to Nourabad Watershed, which possesses a high geodiversity due to the high levels of slope, height, roughness, and curvature as well as the wet climate in its northern parts. Scammacca et al. (2022) evaluated geodiversity in the French Guiana with an emphasis on the challenges and consequences of geo-sustainable planning. Results of their research showed that the lithology takes the largest part in the geodiversity. Carrion-Mero (2022) analyzed geodiversity of Ecuador. According to their findings, 47% of the study area was classified as very high- and high-geodiversity. Golimokhtari et al. (2019) conducted a research where they evaluated and analyzed the geodiversity in Eshtehard Township, Iran. Based on their studies, the G1 unit was found to host the most diverse set of living elements, G2 unit was identified as having the highest landform diversity, and G3 unit was the one with the highest geodiversity value across the study area.
Shayan Yeganeh et al. (2019) quantitatively evaluated the geodiversity of a proposed geopark in the west of Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran, to protect its geological heritage. Findings of this research showed that 3.9% of the study area in the north and southwest exhibit very high geodiversity. In this respect, wind process was found to serve as the dominant geomorphologically land-forming system in the study area, largely contributing to the geomorphological setting of the area.
In 2019, Maghsoudi et al. used the GLM metric to investigate the geomorphodiversity of the Damavand Volcano and the surrounding area. Results indicated that the eastern part of Damavand attains the highest geomorphodiversity score (20). Sistani Badooei et al. (2021) investigated the geodiversity and geomorphodiversity differences between the coastal zone of Oman Sea and the Makran Zone (from the Jask Bay to the Guatr Gulf). Results show that the Makran Zone exhibits higher geodiversity, as reflected by a PRD of 0.0009, SHDI of 3.3529, a SHEI of 0.9329, a SIDI of 0.9578, and a SIDI of 0.9774.
Salehipour Milani et al. (2021) evaluated the geodiversity of the watersheds in the vicinity of the Salt Lake and Hawz-e-Soltan. Results showed that the maximum geodiversity score was attained by the Zone 4 with an average GDI of 2.55. In another piece of work, Shafiei et al. (2022) investigated the role of geodiversity in the development of tourism in Firoozabad Township, and the results showed that the highest GDIs, including SIDI, SIEI, SHDI, and SHEI were associated with the Firoozabad Watershed, indicating the large potentials of this area for tourism activities, as compared to other watersheds (e.g., Meymand, Dehram, and Mahkouyeh).
Ghoohrodi Tali et al. (2022) investigated the application of geodiversity in environmental management (case study of the watershed at upstream of Karaj Dam). Results of typology studies in the Karaj Dam Watershed led to identification of such point features as waterfalls in the vicinity of roads as well as caves, which were exposed to damages.