Reproducibility is a fundamental principle of scientific practice, ensuring the reliability, objectivity and validity of the findings. Replication studies are the cornerstones of reproducibility in terms of testing robustness and should be considered as the safeguard against errors, biases, and even scientific misconduct [1]. Conceptual replication, where the researchers repeat the original study by making deliberate modifications in the methodology to reproduce the findings of the original study [2, 3], has a particular epistemological function: they allow the progression of science in increments, using a more advanced method. Nevertheless, the novelty of the findings has become a prerequisite for publication, making such studies extremely rare, also in ecology [4, 5]. In other words, the scientific community trades off reproducibility with novelty, deepening one of the most prominent problems, the replication crisis [5]. Today, in several fields, including ecology, most of the knowledge on several hypotheses comes solely from first-of-its-kind studies.
One hypothesis which can benefit from validation by conceptual replication is the fermentation hypothesis for chemical recognition, an important concept in olfactory social communication. This theory postulates that odorant molecules produced by symbiotic microorganisms residing in mammalian scent organs as metabolic by-products can contribute to individuals' scent gland secretions and thereby are consequently involved in chemical signalling [6–8]. Accordingly, mammalian scent organs, being moist, warm and nutrient-rich, offer a matchless environment for microbial growth [6, 9]. As the composition and structure of these microbial communities are, at least to some extent, determined by host factors such as taxonomy, life-history traits, genetics and social interactions, microbially produced odours can broadcast complementary information on these underlying host factors [7, 9–12]. Empirical studies have demonstrated that microbially-produced odours might encode cues on taxonomic identity [13], sex [14, 15], age [15, 16], group membership [13–15, 17], reproductive cycle [18], and social status [14] of different mammalian hosts.
Scent gland microbiota was also proposed to play a role in the mate choice decisions of a Neotropical bat species, the greater sac-winged bat (Saccopteryx bilineata; [19]. S. bilineata is an insect-feeding bat species with a harem polygynous mating system[20–22], where a single male defends its harem consisting of up to eight females the whole year [20]. Colonies comprise several harem groups and peripheral males that roost close to the harem territories [20]. The mating season is restricted to a few weeks per year, and females give birth to a single offspring[23]. Although harem males sire more offspring than peripheral males, they do not have exclusive access to the females in their harem and only sire approximately 30% of the young within their territory [24]. The high frequency of extra-harem paternity can be explained by the larger size of the females, which gives them an advantage during agonistic encounters. Consequently, female choice is an essential component of the reproductive ecology of this species, and male fitness depends on advertising their quality [21, 25].
Chemical cues play an important role in the mate choice decisions of this species [22, 26, 27]. Males have pouch-like scent organs in the antebrachial wing (Fig. 1A), which are used to store odoriferous secretions, while females only have the rudiments of these sacs (Fig. 1B) [20]. During courtship, males exhibit hovering flights and fan the odiferous substances from their wing sacs towards females [22, 26]. Wing sac odours carry information on species [28] and individual identity [26], sexual maturity[29] and the geographic distance between colonies [27, 30]. The wing sacs lack glandular tissue and consequently do not produce any secretions [31]. Males clean up and refill these organs every day via a two-step ritual [24, 28, 32, 33]. In the first step, they take up some urine into their mouths and then lick their wing sacs [28, 32–34]. In the second step, they fill the wing sacs with liquids from the genital and gular regions [28, 32–34]. This stereotypic perfume blending behaviour can take up to an hour. It was proposed that males perform this energetically costly and time-consuming behaviour to control microbial growth in the wing sac to minimise microbial fermentation and to generate individual-specific olfactory profiles [19] Indeed, Voigt and colleagues [19] found that samples originating from the wing sacs of males had lower microbial richness than the samples collected from the wing sac rudiments of females. Undoubtedly providing pioneering insides into the sex-specific alterations in the microbiota of scent organs of S. bilineata, the study was conducted using culture-dependent methods (i.e. by growing the bacteria in culture media). Today we know that only a small proportion of the symbiotic microbiota can be cultured, and consequently, relatively recent molecular techniques can provide better resolution in identifying microbial members [35].
Here, we performed a conceptual replication study to characterise wing-sac microbiota collected from two Costa Rican populations of the S. bilineata, using a culture-independent molecular method, 16s ribosomal RNA sequencing, and novel statistical techniques. We evaluated the feasibility of reproducing the findings by Voigt and colleagues [19]. We also tested whether broader identification coverage provided through 16s RNA sequencing can provide a deeper understanding of the sex-specific regulation of the wing sac microbiota.