To the best of our knowledge, this is the first multi-country study to investigate the prescription and utilization patterns of antibiotics/antimicrobials and assess the knowledge about AMR and the perception of the quality of antibiotics/antimicrobials among forcibly displaced communities (refugees/IDPs/migrants) in the three LMICs, Uganda, Yemen and Colombia. The access to high-quality and affordable antibiotics is not only important to battle AMR, but the provision of essential drugs, like antibiotics, is also a basic human right under international law (35). Therefore, it is of utmost importance to ensure that a high-quality standard is met. This accounts especially for vulnerable populations, like refugees and IDPs. The latest GEHM Report by the WHO confirmed our stance on the necessity of research into AMR among refugees, IDPs and migrants in LMICs. Due to the small sample size of our study population, we refrained from disaggregating our results by gender as recommended by the The Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines.
Intercountry variation in access to quality antimicrobials
The results of our study suggest that challenges in the access to quality antimicrobials are similar across all three study sites. The decision to buy an antibiotic/antimicrobial is mostly influenced by its price, followed by its quality. In Yemen and Uganda, the payment of antimicrobials was perceived as the biggest barrier to the participants.
Yet, our study showed that there are some intercountry variations specific to contextual problems of each country. In Yemen we identified that the time to reach the nearest health care center was the biggest issue for the surveyed IDPs. This comes as no surprise since the Yemenite health care system has been struggling due to the years long still ongoing civil war. In 2021, the year our study took place, the international committee of the red cross reported that an estimated 20 million people in Yemen lacked access to basic health care with only 51.0% of health facilities across the country still functioning (36). In order to combat this issue international health care organizations like the international medical corps have implemented mobile health care centers in order to provide for essential medical needs (37).
In Uganda on the other hand, participants ranked the unavailability of certain antimicrobials as the second most influential barrier of access. This factor was ranked much lower in Yemen (15/50, 30.0% no effect, 24/50, 48.0% some effect) and Colombia (37/50, 74.0% it had no effect at all and 7/50, 14.0% mainly no effect). This is not a unique problem to the Kiryandongo district but has been reported in other Ugandan districts as well. A study from 2021 showed that in a refugee settlement in the Yumbe District, on average 32% of antibiotics were not available on a given day, and frequently out of stock at health care facilities (38). Challenges in health care supply chains like ineffective coordination and management, inadequate funding and weak regulatory and governance structures at national and sub-national levels have been reported as possible causes for this issue(39).
In Colombia and Yemen, participants reported that the necessity of prescription of antimicrobials was the second most influential barrier of access. Prescription of antibiotics/antimicrobials is important to ensure regulated, high-quality medicine. But inadequately equipped (Uganda) or hard to reach (Yemen) health care facilities and no integration in the public health insurance system (Colombia) combined with a knowledge gap about AMR among forcibly displaced persons could drive them to access antimicrobials through informal pathways. Additionally, the lack of confidence in the quality of available medicines could also drive doctors or patients to prescribe or use multiple antibiotics, or follow more aggressive antimicrobial treatment regimens (40). Therefore, it is crucial to consider the quality of antibiotics/antimicrobials available in the market while discussing questions about their rational use.
Access of antibiotics through informal pathways
Although regulations (like NAPs) and policies (only prescription antibiotics) are in place, there is a gap between policies and the actual situation on the ground. As shown above, informal pathways, like pharmacies dispensing antibiotics/antimicrobials without prescription, played an important access point to health care across all three study sites. The importance of these access points must be recognized, and pharmacists should be better educated about AMR and antibiotic prescription patterns. Furthermore, the majority of migrants in Colombia and IDPs in Yemen reported having paid for their medicine out of pocket. Similarly, in Uganda, half of the study participants reported to pay on their own. Making essential medicines, like antibiotics, free of charge and dispensing them at certified healthcare sites could have a positive effect in three ways: firstly, the quality of the dispensed medicine could be monitored. Secondly, the beneficiary population would interact with health care professionals directly. They could then monitor their health status and decide if a certain antibiotic is necessary and/or effective. And thirdly, this could aid to build trust in the local health care systems (again) and could potentially lead to less utilization of informal pathways. Of course, different country specific contexts must be taken into account: As mentioned above “time to reach the nearest health care center” was an influential challenge in Yemenis IDPs. In Uganda less than half of Sudanese refugees have also ranked this factor to have a “very large” or “large” effect on the access to quality antimicrobials. Therefore, the proposed dispensatories would have no effect if they are unreachable. A possible solution could be mobile health care sites that attend to patients in their homes. This a well-received practice that has already been implemented in certain locations, like parts of Yemen (as mentioned above) as well as in Syria and Palestine by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)(41).
Knowledge gap leads to misuse of antibiotics
Awareness about AMR was low across all study sites. This lack of knowledge manifests itself in treatment adherence patterns of said population like taking antibiotics to prevent a cold. Nowadays it is known in the medical field that most colds and coughs are caused by viral infections, for which antibiotics show no effect. On the contrary, the overuse and abuse of antibiotics is a driver for antibiotic resistance(42). Therefore, combatting the overuse of antibiotics was also adapted as one of the main objectives of WHO Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance, which was released in 2015(43). Moreover, 68% of participants in Colombia said that they are stopping their course of treatment, when they feel better. Other studies have shown similar results when surveying migrants: In Australia almost 70% of participating Chinese migrants said they would stop their course of treatment once they started feeling better(44). Additionally, physicians in Germany and the Netherlands perceived treatment discontinuation due to “feeling better” as a major challenge; they stated in interviews that migrant patients frequently discontinued antibiotic courses when they were free of symptoms(45). Although the scientific opinion about completing an antibiotic course for the whole period is slowly deviating and short-course antibiotics for common infections do not show inferior results(46), the problem about not completing a course might be the misuse of antibiotics by the patients afterwards. They are at risk to keep the antibiotics and self-prescribe them when faced with a similar ailment(47) or share them with friends/family. Our study showed that across all countries sharing antibiotics with family members or friends was a common practice. One of the main objectives of the WHO Global Action Plan of 2015, that is to say the improvement of “awareness and understanding of AMR through effective communication, education and training”(43). Targeted interventions are likely needed for improving AMR awareness and appropriate use of antibiotics among displaced populations.
A solution to this problem could be digital interventions, like mobile applications. In recent years, with the help of Artificial Intelligence, mobile applications have been developed to mainly support healthcare workers in region with lack of qualified personnel(48). But mobile applications targeting patients directly are scarce. They could inform patients not only about AMR and best practices of antibiotic use but could also guide them to the nearest qualified health care center or get them in contact with a health care professional in proximity.
Strengths and limitations
This study has a number of strengths. First, our research team included researchers from the three countries, Colombia, Uganda, and Yemen. This was helpful in ensuring that our investigation was well-adapted to the culture of the target population. Second, our study covered different forced migration scenarios (internally displacement, cross-border forced migration) in three different continents. Third, our study has identified challenges and barriers that limit forcibly displaced populations to accessing quality assured antibiotics/antimicrobials, laying the ground for further research into the development and implementation of interventions.
There are however several limitations. First, we used non-random sampling due to the lack of a sample frames in the three countries. This can affect the possibility of the representativeness of our results to the forcibly displaced populations in the three countries. The lack of sampling frames is a common challenge facing research studies among in the context of forced migration and healthcare (49). To enhance the likelihood of our sample being representative, we recruited a diverse group of participants in terms of age and sex. Second, not all questions of the questionnaire were answered equally across the three study sites. One example being that section C (Trust in the health care system) was only answered in Colombia. Therefore, comparative cross-sectional analysis was not possible for all parts of the questionnaire. Third, the sample recruited for this study was rather small. This was related to the limited time and resources, but also due to the challenges of conducting interviews during the Covid-19 pandemic.