The objective of the study was to assess changes in ant assemblage structure and composition after simultaneous eradication of Carpobrotus and R. rattus on a small Mediterranean island. As we expected, the temporal dynamics of ant assemblages showed a stronger trend toward pre-/post-eradication dissimilarity at Carpobrotus eradication sites (CA1 and CA2) than at rat eradication sites (RR1 and RR2).
At the control sites (CO1 et CO2), assemblage structures and compositions either remained stable or changed slightly, usually without showing any particular trend. At both sites, species richness remained stable and assemblage composition showed a strong overlap over the years. Crematogaster sordidula abundance was an exception, increasing for unknown reasons after 2011 at CO2.
Buisson et al. (2021) showed that the plant communities of Bagaud island remained relatively stable outside the Carpobrotus removal sites. The absence of habitat modifications or perturbations is consistent with relative stability in control assemblages. However, the slight changes in assemblage structure and composition observed across the years reflect a change in ant foraging activity, affecting trapping success (Steiner et al. 2005). These changes could be explained by climate variations (Pelini et al. 2014; Resasco et al. 2014) and/or by demographically volatile species (Samways 1990). The Mediterranean climate is known for the strong inter-annual variability of temperatures and precipitations (Deitch et al. 2017), and these parameters can strongly influence ant foraging activity (Whitford and Ettershank 1975; Levings 1983; Lasmar et al. 2021). Increased temperature can positively influence foraging activity, increasing ant abundance and diversity, with responses varying according to the thermal tolerance of the species (Stuble et al. 2013). In Mediterranean open vegetation, temperature is the main driver of changes in ground ant communities (Retana and Cerdá 2000). Apart from climatic variability, resource availability can also be a strong driver of demographic changes and foraging behavior in ants (Bernstein 1979; Davidson et al. 1985; Traniello 1989). Moreover, some species show changes in their nest distributions from year to year and highly flexible behavior (Gordon 1991).
Our sampling is composed of common Mediterranean heat-tolerant species that could benefit from open and dry habitats to increase their activity (Cros et al. 2016). According to the Porquerolles weather station, 2011 was the wettest and one of the coldest years of our study (Table 2). Xerophilous and thermophilous species could have reduced their foraging activity because of non-favorable climatic conditions, reducing their probability of being trapped, and explaining the slightly lower overall ant abundance that year. Nevertheless, the low abundance of Crematogaster sordidula in both 2010 and 2011 compared to the rest of the sampling is surprising, as the climate differed between these two years, 2011 being warmer and much dryer. Yet Crematogaster sordidula mean abundance did not exceed an average of one worker caught per trap. As its most common habitats are open and well exposed (Retana et al. 2015), workers could occasionally visit the high matorral site to forage from the nearby open areas which represent a favorable nesting habitat. A new nest closer to the sampling site could explain the higher worker abundance after 2011.
Similarly, no before-after pattern was observed at the rat eradication sites. Overall, 2019 had higher levels of abundance and species richness, and assemblages were more homogeneous. Individual responses were mixed, depending on species identity and sites. Although eradications initially decreased rat densities on Bagaud island, the population density rose again in 2015 and 2017. The lack of response from ants to rat eradication in the first years is consistent with previous findings that ants are not commonly a prey of Rattus rattus (Courchamp et al. 2011; Riofrío-Lazo and Páez-Rosas 2015). Moreover, ant abundance and species richness were already at similar or higher levels than those of the control sites. Other studies on rat eradication or exclusion failed to show any response in ant abundance (Sinclair et al. 2005; Vergara et al. 2021). One of them even showed a decrease in ant abundance, attributed to either the rodenticide or to ant behavioral change in response to higher resource availability (Rate 2009).
Variation in ant abundances and ant species richness at the rat eradication sites could, once again, be correlated with climatic variability. A warmer and dryer climate was recorded in 2019, especially compared to 2010 and 2013. Concerning individual species abundances, Lasius gr. grandis and Plagiolepis pygmaea, which are both thermophilous Mediterranean species, showed abundance variations consistent with higher activity under a warmer climate (Majeed et al. 2021; Santos et al. 2022). However, no particular trend was observed in Pheidole pallidula and Camponotus sylvaticus abundance variations. Abundance variability in such dominant and highly competitive species (Retana et al. 2015) has already been observed, with worker numbers multiplying as resource availability increases (Samways 1990). Similarly, the granivorous ant Messor bouvieri is highly dependent on seed availability (Willott et al. 2000), which can be influenced by vegetation dynamics and climate variation through complex interactions (Carmona et al. 2015).
The fact that inter-annual variations without a before-after trend were observed at the control and rat-invaded sites indicates that the changes observed in ant assemblages at Carpobrotus spp.-invaded sites can be attributed to the Carpobrotus eradication. Indeed, while the pool of species found at the CA sites did not change after eradication, we observed a shift toward more homogeneous assemblages. Carpobrotus eradication promoted an abundant species core composed of common xerophilous Mediterranean ant species. This trend was stronger at the Carpobrotus eradication site located on the cliff top and surrounded by low matorral (CA1), where we observed an overall steady increase in ant abundances.
These changes in the ant assemblages can be explained by modification of the ecosystem after eradication. As a succulent and with its ability to create dense litter and mats, Carpobrotus induces changes at the soil surface: it reduces evapotranspiration, incident solar radiation, and thus temperature (Molinari et al., 2007; Novoa et al., 2013). Native vegetation quickly recovered after eradication, inducing changes in habitats, from poor and homogeneous dense mats of Carpobrotus to higher plant species richness, a decrease in litter cover, and fluctuation of bare ground cover with seasons and years (Buisson et al. 2021). At a small scale, the return of native vegetation added habitat structure and resource diversity, and allowed a return to the warmer and dryer microclimate that benefits most Mediterranean ants.
Ants are sensitive to habitat disturbance through the indirect effects of change in habitat structure, microclimate, resource availability, and competitive interactions (Andersen 2019). Ant species richness and abundance are closely correlated to vegetation variables, such as vegetation cover and strata (Retana and Cerdá 2000; Lassau and Hochuli 2004). Diversified plant communities promote more heterogeneity in the vegetation structure, with varying plant heights and microhabitats (Buisson et al. 2021), which has already been shown to promote ant species diversity in various ecosystems (Vasconcelos et al. 2008; Hill et al. 2008; Martello et al. 2018).
The dynamics of the resource use of many ant species is strongly influenced by microclimatic conditions (Cerdá et al. 1998), in particular by fine-scale temperature changes (Stuble et al. 2013) and by microhabitat formation (Luque and Reyes López 2007). The diversification of vegetation also influences nest site availability (Herbers 1989) and temporal spread of certain food resources, such as nectar or seeds, contrasting with the few weeks of Carpobrotus flowering during spring (Campoy et al. 2018). The increased post-eradication abundance of ant species with a specialized diet, such as Plagiolepis pygmaea that feed on liquid food and Messor bouvieri that feed on seeds (Arnan et al. 2014), confirm the benefits of habitat diversification. However, removing the abundant litter produced by Carpobrotus might be detrimental to other specialized species, such as the hypogaeic species Hypoponera eduardi characteristic of the pre-eradication assemblages of this site (CA1).
While our results clearly showed the benefits of Carpobrotus eradication on ant occupancy at CA1 located on the cliff top and surrounded by low matorral, there was less evidence of benefits at CA2. This coastal site had patchy vegetation with some native species before eradication and higher rock cover, which remained at the same level throughout the study (Buisson et al. 2021). The eradication of Carpobrotus spp. probably did not trigger enough changes to the ecosystem to induce modifications in ant assemblage composition and structure.