In this report, we studied the harmful effects of alcohol, e-Cig vaping, and their byproducts on mitochondrial homeostasis in hPAEpiC, EV shedding, and EV cargo content. In mitochondria, respiratory capacity depends on the efficiency of electron transport complexes and mitochondrial membrane potential[44]. In the liver, chronic alcohol consumption and cigarette smoke accelerate reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) accumulation through NADPH oxidase (NOX) and cytochrome P450-2E1 (CYP2E1) enzyme activation[45]. In an intracerebral hemorrhage mouse model, P2X7r activation is shown to mediate NOX-dependent ROS production, followed by mitochondrial degradation[46]. NOX is a catalytic enzyme that transfers electrons (e−) from NADPH to oxygen, generating superoxide radicals (O2•−)[47]. CYP2E1 is an ethanol-catabolizing enzyme, known for ROS/RNS generation in significant amount[48]. Upon ROS/RNS buildup, the inner mitochondrial membrane quickly depolarizes and limits the OXPHOS levels[49]. In our Seahorse experiments, hPAEpiC exposed with ETH-, ALD-, or e-Cig-conditioned media significantly reduced the OXPHOS levels, confirming the detrimental effects of abusive drugs on mitochondrial function (Fig. 1). Also, P2X7r inhibition restored the mitochondrial OXPHOS levels, confirming the role of P2X7r in regulating mitochondrial health in hPAEpiC.
P2X receptors are a family of ligand-gated ion channels, gated by eATP, and exist in seven isoforms, P2X1 to P2X7 receptors[50]. Unlike other P2X receptors, P2X7r needs excess ATP for its activation (three ATP molecules for one P2X7r). Activated P2X7r known to regulate Ca2+ and sodium (Na+) influx and potassium (K+) efflux in cells[51], mediate actin and tubulin rearrangement[52], promote inflammation[53], and encourages mitochondrial swelling/rupture to release pro-apoptotic cytochrome C into the cytosol[54]. While the involvement of P2X7r in various pathophysiological conditions is well reported, its potential role in substance abuse attracted attention only recently[55, 56]. Similarly, TRPV1 is a highly selective Ca2+ channel, which facilitates cigarette smoke-associated airway inflammation[57] and opioid-induced hyperglycemia[58]. In our studies, ETH, ALD, and e-Cig (1.8% nicotine) stimulation increased the gene expression of both P2X7r and TRPV1, enhancing Ca2+ influx into the hPAEpiC (Fig. 2). Such a sudden increase in intracellular Ca2+ levels can promote cytoskeletal remodeling[59], alter Ca2+ levels in the ER lumen, and activate Ca2+-dependent ER stress, leading to cell death[20]. As expected, the P2X7r inhibitor A80 successfully curbed the P2X7r and TRPV1 overexpression and reduced the Ca2+ influx into the hPAEpiC.
ER stores the large amount of Ca2+ with a steep concentration gradient between the ER (up to 1 mM) and cytosol (approximately 100 nM)[60]. ER-Ca2+ levels are vital for the post-translational modifications of transmembrane proteins in the ER lumen[34]. Cytosolic Ca2+ acts as an intracellular messenger that controls diverse cellular functions, and any disruption in cytosolic Ca2+ homeostasis can be toxic and cause cell death[61]. In our experiments, the P2X7r and TRPV1 overexpression significanly increased the intracellular Ca2+ levels in hPAEpiC, exposed to ETH, ALD, or e-Cig (1.8% nicotine). Under these pathological conditions, excess Ca2+ can be shuttled and stored in the ER by the energy-consuming sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA2b)[62]. SERCA2b overexpression during chronic inflammation promotes dramatic Ca2+ uptake by the ER, resulting in increased UPR in the ER[63].
IRE1α is an evolutionarily conserved ER membrane protein involved in the regulation of both cell survival and death mechanisms[64]. As discussed earlier, most secretory proteins are produced in the ER lumen and ER-Ca2+ levels are vital for proper protein folding[65]. Any fluctuations in ER-Ca2+ levels lead to protein misfolding, followed by UPR, which serve as direct ligands for IRE1α activation[66]. Its prolonged activation triggers the apoptosis-inducing molecule, tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2), through its cytosolic domain. This further activates its downstream pASK1, a MAP kinase kinase kinase (MAP3K), which later phosphorylates c-Jun N-terminal kinase and p38, leading to apoptotic cell death[67, 68]. On the contrary, BI-1 plays a protective role against ER-Ca2+ buildup. BI-1 facilitates Ca2+ flow from the ER into the mitochondrial matrix via the mitochondrial permeability transition pore, thereby restoring Ca2+ levels in the ER lumen[69, 70]. In the present study, Ca2+ influx triggered by ETH, ALD, or e-Cig stimulation increased the expression of IRE1α and pASK1proteins, leading hPAEpiC to undergo severe stress. By lowering BI-1 protein expression, ETH, ALD, or e-Cig (1.8% nicotine) stimulation promoted toxic ER-Ca2+ levels (Fig. 3). P2X7r inhibition by A80 restored the ER-Ca2+ levels and reduced the expression of IRE1α and pASK1proteins, ensuring lung epithelial cell survival.
EVs released from injured cells differ significantly in their structure and function. EVs carry and transport unique biomolecules depending on the disease conditions, making them perfect biomarkers [71]. In lung carcinoma cells, nicotine stimulation increases EV number and transforms EVs’ morphology with an altered miRNA profile[72]. Active inhalation of nicotine-containing e-Cig vape increased circulating EV number, shed by endothelial cells and loaded with proinflammatory CD40 markers [73]. In patients, nicotine consumption aggravates the spread of atherosclerotic lesions, potentially via EVs containing miR-21-3p cargo[74]. Likewise, liver injury inflicted by alcohol abuse also exaggerates EV release, carrying inflammatory signaling molecules (NFκB, TLR4, IL-1 receptors, caspase-1) into the circulation [75]. In the brain, cocaine-induced oxidative stress weakens mitochondrial membrane potential, forcing the mitochondria to rupture and release their contents via EVs[76, 77].
P2X7r activation by eATP and/or NAD + molecules promotes P38-MAPK-facilitated cytoskeletal restructuring in macrophages, resulting in EV release[78]. However, under normal conditions, intercellular ATP and NAD+ levels remain low for P2X7r activation. Chronic alcohol exposure in humans stimulates inflammasome activation in the liver and brain, followed by tissue damage, resulting in substantial eATP release[79]. Once released, eATP acts as an endogenous mediator and enhances EV release[80, 81]. eATP that are endocytosed into EVs also mediate actin rearrangement and influence EV size, shape, and adhesion properties[82]. According to our NTA data, hPAEpiC stimulated with ETH-, ALD-, or e-Cig (1.8% nicotine)-conditioned media, generated more EVs (2-fold to 3-fold increase) with larger size than unexposed hPAEpiC (Fig. 4). Pretreatment with A80 reverted the EV numbers and size to those shed by untreated hPAEpiC.
In the mouse brain, cocaine-induced inflammation promotes the release of small EVs (exosomes) loaded with mtDAMPs, including misfolded mito-proteins, eATP, ROS, and degraded mtDNA[83]. When released, these mtDAMPs can activate numerous proinflammatory autocrine and paracrine signaling in recipient cells, producing several inflammation-associated diseases[84]. In our studies ETH, ALD, or e-Cig (1.8% nicotine) exposure increased eATP cargo in EVs. dPCR analyses showed the large quantities of mtDNA embedded in the lung epithelial EVs (Fig. 5), which can act as mtDAMPs. P2X7r inhibition in lung cells exposed with ETH-, ALD-, or e-Cig-conditioned media reversed EV cargo, confirming the role of the P2X7r pathway on lung-EV release and on its cargo.
In addition to their unique cargo-carrying capacity, EVs also carry surface ligands/receptors, allowing EVs to target other cells[85]. Once attached on the recipient cell, EVs transmit signals via receptor-ligand interaction or internalized by endocytosis or fused with the recipient cell membrane, delivering their cargo into its cytosol, thereby altering the functional state of the recipient cell[86]. In human macrophages, P2X7r stimulation by eATP promotes inflammation and release of EVs loaded with IL-1b and P2X7r[87, 88]. Similarly, chronic inflammatory responses seen in diabetic and COVID19 patients resulted in P2X7r release into the circulation[89, 90], most likely through EVs. Our studies demonstrated significant quantities of circulating P2X7r in the lung epithelial cell media and EVs with greater P2X7r expression on their surface (Fig. 6) against ETH, ALD, or e-Cig (1.8% nicotine) stimulation. P2X7r can further stimulate inflammation in recipient cells directed by NLRP3 activation[91].
Interestingly, we detected a variety of cargoes (eATP, mtDNA) in hPAEpiC-EVs that can act as mtDAMPs, which can trigger NLRP3 inflammasome mediated BBB damage[92, 93]. P2X7r found on EVs is known to activate NLRP3-mediated Ca2+ accumulation in bone marrow cells [94]. In this cotext, we assessed the paracrine signaling efficacy of biomolecules detected in lung EVs by incubating BMVECs (cells constituting BBB) with lung epithelial cell-spent media and freshly isolated lung EVs. In both experiments, in line with circulating eATP (Fig. 5) and P2X7r levels (Fig. 6), we noticed a significant amount of Ca2+ accumulation in hBMVECs (Fig. 7), whereas spent media and EVs derived from epithelial cells pretreated with A80 displayed lower Ca2+ levels, endorsing the paracrine signaling induced by alcohol or nicotine-containing e-Cig in hPAEpiC and BMVECs. Notably, recombinant P2X7r added to hBMVECs resulted in the similar functional changes as ETH, ALD, or e-Cig (1.8% nicotine) executed (Fig. 7B).
In all our experiments, we exposed hPAEpiC with e-Cig (0% nicotine)-conditioned media, as our earlier studies with nicotine-free e-Cig vape produced pathological effects on mouse brain and lung tissues [3]. Airway epithelail cells exposed with nicotine-free e-Cig vape also increased the IL-6 levels[95] and limited the oxygen levels in circulation[96]. Some studies in patients with asthma have also shown that nicotine-free e-liquids, made of high grade, contaminant-free mixture of propylene glycol and glycerol, did not impact lung function [97]. In this report, nicotine-free e-Cig media increased P2X7r levels marginally, resulting in a partial increase in intracellular Ca2+ levels, which did not affect any of our functional assays.