The legal actions taken in response to Maryland’s 2016 section 126 petition are displayed in Fig. 1, and Table 1 lists all of the section 126 petitions filed since 2000 with the seven assessment variables introduced in the methods section. The 2016 Maryland petition illustrated in Fig. 1 implicated 36 coal plants in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia (EPA 2018). According to CAA section 126(b), EPA has 60 days to either make a finding that the implicated sources do, indeed, violate the Good Neighbor Provision, or deny the petition. Determining that this was insufficient time to complete the review process, EPA extended their timeline to respond by six months (EPA 2018). This was not unique to Maryland’s case as the EPA extended timelines to respond to North Carolina’s 2004 petition; Warrick County and Newburgh, Indiana’s 2008 petition; both of New Jersey’s 2010 petitions; Eliot, Maine’s 2013 petition; Connecticut’s 2016 petition; Delaware’s 2008 petition and all four of its 2016 petitions; and New York’s 2018 petition.The legal actions taken in response to Maryland’s 2016 section 126 petition are displayed in Fig. 1, and Table 1 lists all of the section 126 petitions filed since 2000 with the seven assessment variables introduced in the methods section. The 2016 Maryland petition illustrated in Fig. 1 implicated 36 coal plants in Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia (EPA 2018). According to CAA section 126(b), EPA has 60 days to either make a finding that the implicated sources do, indeed, violate the Good Neighbor Provision, or deny the petition. Determining that this was insufficient time to complete the review process, EPA extended their timeline to respond by six months (EPA 2018). This was not unique to Maryland’s case as the EPA extended timelines to respond to North Carolina’s 2004 petition; Warrick County and Newburgh, Indiana’s 2008 petition; both of New Jersey’s 2010 petitions; Eliot, Maine’s 2013 petition; Connecticut’s 2016 petition; Delaware’s 2008 petition and all four of its 2016 petitions; and New York’s 2018 petition.
This map displays the legal actions taken by EPA (orange), Maryland (green), and the D.C. Circuit (yellow) following Maryland’s submission of a section 126 petition in November 2016. Original figure; Data Source: HLS Environmental and Energy Law Program
Table 1 Assessment of Section 126 Petitions Since 20001
- The Federal Register includes EPA extensions of deadline for action on three additional section 126 petitions: one filed by Warrick County, IN, and the Town of Newburgh, IN, on 3/6/2008; one by the state of Delaware on 12/18/2008; and one by the town of Eliot, ME on 8/20/2013. These are not included in the table because there is no record of EPA final action in the register. Further investigation is required to determine whether EPA dropped the petitions because the petitioners did not have the resources to sue EPA and demand final action. A news article published one year after Eliot’s petition was filed says the EPA requested that Eliot consider withdrawing the petition, which the town rejected (
Maryland was not alone in suing EPA when it failed to make a finding by the extended deadline–Delaware, Connecticut, and New York are among the other states that brought suits to EPA in order to prompt a final action. For the petitions included in Table 1, EPA took between 14 and 27 months from the date the petition was filed to make a final determination. Section 126 is meant to provide states an expedited avenue for obtaining relief from interstate pollution in order to comply with NAAQS, often under deadlines (H.R. REP. No. 95–294, at 331, 1977). Clearly this avenue is not satisfying its intended purpose, as EPA consistently fails to meet its 60-day deadline, often only taking final action after being sued by the state.
The case of Maryland illustrates how slow response rates reduce the effectiveness of section 126. Maryland submitted its petition when the 2008 ozone NAAQS were in effect, howevery by the time EPA took final action on the petition, the 2015 ozone NAAQS had come into effect. At the public hearing for EPA’s denial of the petition, Maryland challenged EPA’s assessment of the petition only for the 2008 NAAQS (Federal Register 2018). As the 2015 NAAQS are more stringent, Maryland asserted that EPA’s analysis “necessarily demonstrate[d] that the named sources are also linked to the same monitor under the 2015 ozone standard.” EPA leaned on technicalities, responding that Maryland’s petition specifically requests the agency make a decision with regard to the 2008 NAAQS and that EPA had not informed the public of any findings with regard to the 2015 NAAQS.
As with North Carolina and Delaware’s petitions, the EPA ultimately denied Maryland’s petition on the basis that an existing regulation (which was not in existence at the time the petition was filed) addressed emissions from implicated facilities. One such “existing regulation” was the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR) Update, which was finalized in September 2016 (Federal Register 2016). Two of Delaware’s petitions were submitted earlier that year, which indicates the possibility that these petitions influenced the CSAPR Update–if not EPA’s decision to make an update, perhaps the nature of the updates made. Further research is needed to determine whether the CSAPR Update resulted in emissions reductions at the sources implicated in the section 126 petitions, to the extent that they no longer violate the Good Neighbor Provision.
Maryland and Delaware’s follow-up actions suggest they were not satisfied with the CSAPR Update as the sole response to their petitions, as only seven days after EPA finalized the denial, Maryland petitioned the D.C. Circuit to review EPA’s decision (Federal Register 2017), and less than a month later, Delaware did the same (USCA 2018). In a brief submitted to the D.C. Circuit, Maryland said that “EPA’s reliance on the CSAPR Update to deny the petition was arbitrary and capricious,” the updated rule would not satisfy the Good Neighbor Provision, and EPA could not use it to avoid the additional regulations proposed in the petition (USCA 2018).
The D.C. Circuit took almost as long to make a finding as EPA had taken, ultimately denying Delaware’s petition and granting Maryland’s in part, finding that the EPA was too quick to dismiss the state’s argument that four electric generating units (out of the 36 included in the petition) should be required to operate non-catalytic controls (Federal Register 2018). This finding came down to a question of cost-effectiveness: EPA stated in the CSAPR Update Rule that non-catalytic controls were not cost-effective (Federal Register 2016), but in Wisconsin vs. EPA the D.C. Circuit concluded that this statement was “impermissibly partial” and that a comparative cost-effectiveness analysis was in order (USCA 2019).
This points again to the issue that downwind states must not only prove that implicated sources in upwind states are contributing at least one percent of the NAAQS to receptors within their borders that are in danger of nonattainment–they must also prove that cost-effective reductions can be made at those sources. In order to assess the weight EPA places on each of these factors (proof of pollution contribution and proof of cost-effectiveness), we examine the modeling techniques used by petitioning states in light of EPA’s final action. If EPA prioritizes proof of pollution contribution, we would expect petitions to be approved for which the state used modeling techniques that a) closely follow the guidelines provided in EPA’s technical support documents and/or b) produce relatively low error and bias, compared with EPA’s interstate transport modeling.
The only section 126 petition since 2000 to have been officially approved by EPA is New Jersey’s 2010 petition, which asked EPA to find that an electric generating unit (EGU) in Pennsylvania was contributing illegally to 1-hour sulfur dioxide (SO2) levels in New Jersey (Martin 2010). The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) used both the AERMOD (EPA, 2022) model recommended by the EPA for 1-hour SO2 at transport distances of less than 50 kilometers, and an alternative CALPUFF model (EPA 2010). AERMOD assumes meteorological conditions do not change over the domain of interest for each unit of time considered (e.g., every hour) and that the transport and dispersion processes occur directly in the downwind direction of the emitting unit. Despite recent advances to the model, it is generally not accurate at distances larger than 50 km, as the assumption of uniformity and constant meteorological conditions is likely to be unrealistic. Conversely, CALPUFF, which is now included in the list of alternative models that the EPA suggests for more complex analyses or to quantify impacts at a larger distance (e.g., hundreds of kilometers), is able to account for spatio-temporal variability of meteorological conditions, as well as for chemical reactions in the atmosphere. Such a model is more computationally expensive than simpler alternatives, such as AERMOD.
NJDEP’s petition included a model validation study, concluding that “CALPUFF performed better and produced predictions of greater accuracy than AERMOD (EPA 20210).” Both models found that the impacts of the EGU were significantly higher than the NAAQS, so EPA would have hypothetically approved the petition with either model, but because the CALPUFF model showed far greater impacts, the use of this alternative model would have required a higher level of emissions reductions. Different meteorological inputs and model setup were key drivers of discrepancies in the predicted SO2 concentrations. While NJDEP provided evidence that CALPUFF performed better than AERMOD at one specific location in complex terrain, EPA did not deem this result sufficient to consider the use of CALPUFF for the entire domain, as prior AERMOD evaluations at five complex terrain locations were cited to indicate a good performance of AERMOD. This case demonstrates the importance of conducting a detailed model evaluation. If NJDEP had provided stronger evidence that CALPUFF performed better than AERMOD (i.e., model evaluation at multiple locations instead of just one), EPA might have considered the CALPUFF results credible, which could have led to more drastic emission controls. However, it is possible that NJDEP did not have the resources necessary to conduct a sufficiently detailed model evaluation, further affirming the issue of the excessive burden of proof on downwind states.
Returning to the case of Maryland, the state’s 2016 petition used modeling conducted by the University of Maryland, which consisted of the chemical transport model CAMx (EPA 2018). This model receives as input meteorological fields from WRF and emissions from the Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE) modeling system (Houyoux et al., 2000), which is recommended by EPA. In EPA’s final ruling on the petition, they find that Maryland provided sufficient evidence for steps one and two of the four-step transport framework used by EPA to assess petitions: 1) receptors within the state were in danger of nonattainment and 2) upwind sources contributed above one percent of the NAAQS to these receptors (Federal Register 2018). EPA denied the petition at step 3, at which they use a multi-factor test to assess the cost, potential for NOx reduction, and downwind air quality effects of the proposed emissions reduction strategy.
Maryland’s petition provided evidence that the installed NOx control equipment at the analyzed EGUs were not optimally operated, resulting in higher NOx emissions deemed responsible for ozone exceedances experienced in Maryland (EPA 2018). Maryland’s petition focused on ensuring that more controls were run at the units during the ozone season, to prevent higher NOx emissions, and urged EPA to implement regulations on control practices. EPA did not find that Maryland’s petition was technically deficient, but rather finalized the denial based on an independent assessment run by EPA, from which they concluded there were no additional cost-effective reductions for the EGUs named in the petition (Federal Register 2018). According to this assessment, the emissions reduction strategy proposed by Maryland would have cost $3,400 per ton of NOx reduced, and, as laid out in the CSAPR Update, a control strategy is only deemed cost effective if its marginal cost is no more than $1,400 per ton.
The preceding analyses of the New Jersey and Maryland cases indicate that a) EPA has high standards for accepting anything other than their recommended modeling techniques, with the expectation that states not only prove the new model is adequate, but also that the recommended model is inadequate; and b) high-quality evidence of the effects of upwind source emissions is not enough for a petition to be accepted, as EPA’s multi-factor cost-benefit assessment ultimately determines the fate of a petition.
Another factor to consider is the absence of certain states from Table 1, which may be just as revealing as the petitions that have been filed. Recent investigations conducted in 2020 found that 50.90% of premature deaths caused by air pollution in Ohio in 2018 were from out of state emissions, yet Ohio has not submitted a section 126 petition since 2000 (Dedoussi et al 2020). An evaluation of the relationship between the budget a state allocates to its environmental agency and the frequency with which it has submitted section 126 petitions would shed some light on whether this mechanism is accessible to all states, or only those with large budgets.