The number of ORs identified in this study (eight class I ORs and 61 class II ORs) is roughly consistent with the number of OR genes obtained by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) cloning from turtle genomic DNA [30], less than the number of turtle OR genes identified by genome sequencing [31–33], and less than the number of pig-nosed turtle OR genes (375 class I ORs and 315 class II ORs) that we recently reported [26]. This is probably because the OR genes expressed in the olfactory organ of C. sulcata were identified by RNA-seq, and it is assumed that the OR genes revealed in this study are only a portion of all OR genes.
The sequences of the reverse-transcription PCR products amplified by five pairs of primers (CSU02, CSU03, CSU05, CSU09, and CSU17) were not identical to those identified by RNA-seq, although they showed > 80% similarity with the corresponding genes (Additional File 3). The slight inconsistency in OR sequences between the RNA-seq and reverse-transcription PCR products may have been due to low expression and consequent improper assembly of the RNA-seq reads.
In the present study, in situ hybridization analysis revealed that class I ORs of C. sulcata were expressed in both the UCE and the LCE, whereas class II ORs were expressed solely in the UCE. The expression of class II ORs, which have been suggested to be receptive to volatile odorants, in the UCE suggests that airborne odorants are received in the UCE of C. sulcata. Meanwhile, the expression of class I ORs, which have been suggested to detect water-soluble odorants, in the entire olfactory organ of C. sulcata suggests that waterborne odorants are received not only in the LCE but also in the UCE. Based on the findings of previous studies, the UCE with associated glands is regarded as an air-nose that is receptive to airborne odorants, and the LCE, lacking associated glands, is regarded as a water-nose that is receptive to waterborne odorants [4, 5]. This assumption is supported by the observations that the LCE is larger than the UCE in highly aquatic turtles such as soft-shelled turtles [34] and the LCE is smaller than the UCE in terrestrial turtles such as C. sulcata. However, the present study demonstrated that in the olfactory organ of C. sulcata, class I ORs are expressed in both the UCE and LCE and class II ORs are expressed in the UCE. By contrast, in the olfactory organ of the green sea turtle C. mydas, class I ORs are expressed in the LCE and class II ORs are expressed in both the UCE and LCE, suggesting that odorants within air are received not only in the UCE but also in the LCE [13]. According to these findings, the anatomy-based assumption that the UCE is an air-nose and the LCE is a water-nose may be an oversimplification that does not necessarily apply to all turtles.
The expression of class I ORs, which have been suggested to be receptive to water-soluble odorants, in the entire olfactory organ of C. sulcata may be related to the habit of terrestrial turtles to suck water through the nose for ingestion. Terrestrial turtles use their nose to drink water from shallow puddles, including those that are too shallow to drink from using their mouth. However, the influx of water into the nasal cavity through the external nostrils is not restricted to terrestrial turtles; it is also observed in freshwater turtles and sea turtles. Thus, the functional significance of the expression of class I ORs in the entire olfactory organ remains elusive. Additionally, further investigation is needed to determine whether the distribution of class I OR-expressing cells throughout the olfactory organ is common to terrestrial turtles or is found only in one species of turtles living in arid regions.
How the diversity in the expression of ORs among turtle species arises remains unknown. One possibility is that although ORNs contained in the UCE and LCE are potentially capable of expressing both class I and II ORs, class I ORs are expressed solely in the LCE of C. sulcata as a result of suppression of class II OR expression in the LCE, whereas class II ORs are expressed solely in the UCE of the green sea turtle as a result of suppression of class I OR expression in the UCE. The mechanism by which ORNs select one among many OR genes in the genome for expression remains unclear [35]. This study showed that Bcl11b is co-expressed with class II ORs but not with class I ORs in the UCE of C. sulcata. These results suggest that the mechanism by which Bcl11b regulates (suppresses) the expression of class I ORs is conserved in the olfactory organ of C. sulcata, as in other turtles. Additionally, in the olfactory organ of C. sulcata, expression of class II ORs was restricted to the UCE and was not found in the LCE in the present study. Unlike class I ORs, mechanisms regulating the expression of class II OR genes are currently unknown and are the subject of future research.