In this study, we evaluated the feasibility of [18F]FDG PET/MRI to detect metabolic and anatomic changes associated with CRPS. Radiologic evaluation and quantitative comparison confirmed that all seven patients with lower extremity CRPS exhibited significantly increased metabolism on [18F]FDG PET, possibly from inflammatory processes in CRPS. Though the statistical significance was shown (p < 0.05), the absolute difference between [18F]FDG uptakes of controls and patients was relatively small compared to the differences commonly reported from the study of other diseases, such as cancer. This may suggest that a different standard should be applied to examine the [18F]FDG PET images of CRPS. Also, no single common abnormality was found in the affected limbs across all patients, reflecting the complicated heterogeneity of CRPS pathology.
Gross morphologic changes or signal abnormalities were identified at the site of elevated [18F]FDG uptake on MRI, but only from three patients (Patients 5,6, and 7). This suggests metabolic interrogation with [18F]FDG PET may identify CRPS-induced changes earlier than MRI, and therefore potentially promote early and effective management of CRPS [11]. Note that the tissue classification of lesions with high [18F]FDG uptake was only enabled by structural MRI data. For example, the subcutaneous tissue uptake in Figure 4 would probably have been misclassified into the muscle uptake if judged only by its location on PET images.
Our imaging findings may facilitate specific subtyping or staging of CRPS. All abnormal PET uptake was locally confined except the case of Patient 3 presenting the global uptake on multiple neurovascular bundles (Figure 3B). This likely supports the reported heterogeneity in the disease mechanism of CRPS [12], which could impart differing management approaches. High [18F]FDG uptake on the edematous skin and subcutaneous tissue (Figure 4) is another feature that could be unique to a specific subtype or stage of CRPS. Hypermetabolic edema as shown in Figure 4 may also indicate a possibility to identify an inflammatory subtype of CRPS because edema is supposedly composed of body fluid, lacking the cellular components for increased metabolism. However, this may need further validation because the elevated uptake of [18F]FDG can be also related to extravasated blood pool or increased volume of inflammation/infection. It should be also noted that three cases of CRPS type I showed abnormal [18F]FDG uptake on peripheral nerves, while the only case of CRPS type II presented both PET and MRI abnormalities at the suspected nerve. This suggests that our method may provide the increased sensitivity to the causative nerve damage for the improved distinction between CRPS type I and II.
Our study has a few limitations. Firstly, the number of enrolled patients and healthy controls was insufficient to group our heterogenous findings and associate them with specific aspects of CRPS. Our validation of the detected abnormalities regarding their potential contribution to pain is supported by their location, radiologic review and statistical comparison. However, a more direct evaluation of their association with pain, such as the outcome assessment of local anesthetic injection to detected abnormalities, would be desirable. Rescanning of the patient after treatments to associate the change of the abnormal uptake with the pain assessment could be another option. There may be a chance that factors other than inflammation, such as increased muscle recruitment from limping, could result in increased muscular uptake of [18F]FDG in the favored limb. Therefore, additional diagnostic information, potentially through developments of novel MRI techniques in our case, might be necessary to improve the specificity.
In conclusion, we present a novel [18F]FDG PET/MRI approach that identified metabolic and structural abnormalities in muscles, neurovascular bundles, and skin likely due to the inflammatory process of CRPS. Our preliminary results demonstrate the diagnostic potential of this approach for the non-invasive monitoring of distribution and progression of CRPS-induced changes.