The results of this study indicate that long-term marsh management practices in a coastal marsh with organic soils can reduce vertical accretion relative to an un-impounded marsh. Our results build upon previous studies that used different techniques, lower sampling intensity, and/or were conducted in different regions (e.g., Cahoon 1994; Bryant and Chabreck 1998; Drexler et al. 2013). We concluded that mineral accumulation was related to bulk density in both marshes, but the two marshes differed in accretion processes. In the impounded marsh, accretion was related only to mineral accumulation whereas in the un-impounded marsh, accretion was related only to organic accumulation. These observations agree with previous researchers who concluded that mineral sediments generally control bulk density (Hatton et al. 1983), that vertical accretion is related to mineral sediments in some marshes (e.g., Temmerman et al. 2003) but that vertical accretion is related to organic matter in other marshes (e.g., Nyman et al. 2006). The accretion rates that we observed in un-impounded marshes were slower than observed in southeast Louisiana (Nyman et al. 1991; Nyman et al. 2006) but faster than rates observed westward in coastal Texas (Moon et al. 2002) probably because subsidence rates decline from east to west in this region (Morton et al. 2006). Accretion increases as subsidence increases partly because flooding increases the opportunity for mineral sediments to be carried onto the marsh, partly because flooding slows decomposition on the marsh, and partly because flooding increases production of water roots at the marsh surface (Nyman et al. 2006). If flooding increases too quickly, then flooding induces a system in which flooding slows root production, which slows accretion, which slows root production, etc. (Nyman et al. 1994).
The most likely reasons that the impounded marsh had much slower accretion than the un-impounded marsh is that impounded marsh (i) depended upon mineral accumulation for vertical accretion, (ii) received only about half the mineral sediments as the un-impounded marsh, and (iii) created soil with twice as much bulk density as the un-impounded marsh. Thus, the impounded marsh had a smaller amount of mineral matter that was compacted into a smaller volume. This caused the bulk density to be over twice as high in impounded marsh even though mineral accumulation in the impounded marsh accumulated less than half as much mineral sediments as the un-impounded marsh. Thus, the impounded marsh required 4,205 g m-2 of mineral matter to create one centimeter of soil.
The un-impounded marsh was able to accrete five times more elevation from 1963 to 2019 because it depended on organic matter for new soil to create new elevation, and because a centimeter of soil there required only 588 g m-2 yr-1 of organic matter. Mineral sedimentation in the un-impounded marsh was directly related to bulk density not to accretion. However, even when mineral matter is not directly related to accretion, it still may contribute indirectly to organic matter accumulation by providing iron, which can help to buffer marsh vegetation from sulfide toxicity (Nyman et al. 1991).
The most likely reason that the managed marsh depended on mineral accumulation for accretion rather than on organic accumulation for the slower vertical accretion in the impounded unit probably is the frequent drawdowns in the managed unit, but saltwater and herbicide treatments to control robust emergent vegetation there may have also increased decomposition of organic matter (Charles et al. 2014; Lane et al 2016). Accelerated soil organic matter decomposition can increase soil compaction and bulk densities when the water level is drawn down and the soil pore spaces dry out and shrink due to oxidation of the organic matter (Chambers et al. 2019). Thus, the highly organic soils of this marsh probably were lost via oxidation when the water level in the unit was drawn down most years during the growing season. Oxidation enables the soil to switch from an anaerobic environment to an aerobic environment, thus speeding up the microbial consumption of organic matter. Chambers et al. (2019), using data from Chambers et al. (2014), found that following drawdown of an unvegetated south Florida organic peat soil, all soil carbon in the upper 2 cm of soil could be consumed in 67 days. Similarly, our analyses of carbon emissions to carbon content data presented in Nyman (1991; Fig. 5) indicate that it would take about 2 months to consume the carbon of 1 cm soil in fresh marsh, one year in brackish marsh, and about 8 months in saline marsh. The impounded marsh was rarely, if ever, drawn down for a year, and accretion, albeit limited, did occur in the marsh. Those mineral sediments must have been deposited before 1963, which suggests that they resulted from storm tides rather than normal wind/tidal flooding. However, vertical accretion in the impounded marsh was near half that estimated global sea-level rise, which is estimated globally at 2.4 mm yr-1 (Peltier and Tushingham 1989) and at 2.1 mm yr-1 more recently for south Florida (Khan et al. 2022).
The oxidation of organic material during drawdowns probably was also responsible for soil bulk densities being about twice as much in the impounded unit as in the un-impounded marsh. Despite its lower bulk density, the un-impounded marsh had more mineral contributions than the impounded unit. It is possible that this mineral matter was introduced through strong winter storms (Baumann et al. 1984; Reed 1989) and hurricane passages (Nyman et al. 1995) due to the numerous tidal connections of bayous and creeks, of which the impounded marsh is disconnected.
Our estimates can be used to estimate the amounts of mineral and organic matter accumulation needed to offset any amount of local subsidence and global sea level rise. On average, one centimeter of soil in the un-impounded marsh contained 1,808 g m-2 (SD = 497) of mineral sediments but one centimeter of soil in the impounded marsh contained 4,205 g m-2 (SD = 834) of mineral sediments. One centimeter of soil in both units contained much less mass of organic matter than mineral matter. One centimeter of soil in the un-impounded marsh contained 588 g m-2 (SD = 72) grams of organic matter but one centimeter of soil in the impounded marsh contained 988 g m-2 (SD = 335) of organic matter.
The results of this study are comparable to Cahoon (1994) who also measured vertical accretion rates in drawdown marshes and un-impounded tidal marsh. Cahoon (1994) used feldspar marker horizons to compare vertical accretion between streamside marsh in the un-impounded marsh at Rockefeller Refuge and a different impounded marsh than we studied: Unit 4. He observed that the un-impounded marsh had significantly higher vertical accretion and organic matter accumulation when compared to Unit 4 during a drawdown. On the east coast, naturally flooded tidal units in South Carolina had four times greater vertical accretion rates, as well as three times less soil bulk density when compared to managed reference marsh (Drexler et al. 2013). Boyd and Sommerfield (2016), noted similar results for their east coast marshes; they found that two impounded marshes had lower rates of vertical accretion when compared to naturally tidal marsh, as well as all marshes having significant correlation between accretion and organic matter accumulation. In contrast, marsh management designed to reverse artificial drainage has been shown to increase carbon storage and vertical accretion by managing for emergent wetland species such as Typha spp. and Phragmites spp., which have dense roots and rhizomes that contribute to organic accretion (Miller et al. 2008; Drake et al. 2015: Table 4).
We did not attempt to corroborate estimates of vertical accretion estimated from peak 137Cs concentrations with vertical accretion estimated form Pb210 profiles as Drexler et al. (2018) suggested. This is because those estimates could agree only if vertical accretion remained the same over the 55/56 years reflected by 137Cs dating and the ~ 80 years reflected by 210Pb dating, which is unlikely given that global sea level rise has been accelerating during the last century as has marsh vertical accretion (Kirwan and Megonigal 2013). Even if vertical accretion remained static over time, autocompaction causes accretion estimates from shorter time periods to exceed those from longer time periods (Lynch et al. 2015; Stagg et al. 2016). Thus, such agreement between 137Cs dating and 210Pb dating will only be possible for cores collected ~ 2040, i.e., ~ 80 years after 1963, but as Drexler et al. (2018), concluded the 1963 peak becomes less detectable because 137Cs has a relatively short half-life of 30 years. Such obsolescence cannot be avoided but it may be possible to delay it by collecting more cores, counting larger sample volumes, and using longer count times.
Foret (1997, 2001) also used 137Cs dating to study soil formation in the un- impounded marsh (Table 2). His core locations and ours focused on the eastern end of the un-impounded marsh and were similar distances from the Gulf of Mexico (Fig. 5). Comparisons between different time periods can be misleading because of autocompaction. Newer, surface soils compact older, underlying soils (Cahoon et al. 1995; Stagg et al. 2016) such that estimates that include less of the deeper, more compacted soils can appear to have faster accretion and lower bulk density than estimates based on more of the deeper, more compacted soils even when accretion and density were initially the same (Fig. 6). Autocompaction does not affect mineral accumulation rates and organic accumulation rates, which are mass based rather than volume based.
If autocompaction alone was affecting these soils, then our longer time period accretion estimates should have been slower than the shorter time period estimates by Foret (1997, 2001). However, our estimates, based on ~ 32 cm of soil overlying the 1963 marsh surface in 2018/2019, were 26% faster than the older estimates by (Foret 1997; 2001), based on ~ 16 cm of soil overlying 1963 marsh surface in 1996/1998 (Table 2). We estimated that vertical accretion would have had to increase 68% after Foret (1997, 2001) collected his cores (from 0.46 cm yr− 1 during 1963–1996 to 0.77 cm yr− 1 during 1996–2019) for us to estimate that vertical accretion averaged 0.58 cm yr− 1 from 1963 through 2019. Elevation data collected using Surface Elevation Tables since 2007 in the un-impounded marsh suggest that elevation gain accelerated after 2015 (Fig. 7). It is possible that the increase in accretion was driven by sea level in the Gulf of Mexico, which is rising and accelerating, especially in the last 10 years, although with significant regional variation (Ezer 2022). Increasing sea levels would increase flooding, which can slow soil organic matter decomposition and stimulate production of new roots just above the marsh surface (Nyman et al. 2006).
We estimated that mineral accumulation would have had to increase 7.3-fold (from 306 g m− 2 yr− 1 to 2,234 g m− 2 yr− 1) for us to estimate that mineral accumulation averaged 1,050 g m− 2 yr− 1 from 1063 through 2019. The estimated acceleration in organic accumulation was much less; requiring only an increase 11% (from 292 g m− 2 yr− 1 to 323 g m− 2 yr− 1) for us to estimate that organic accumulation averaged 292 g m− 2 yr− 1 from 1963 through 2019. Despite the 7.3-fold increase in mineral accumulation since ~ 1998, vertical accretion from 1963 through 2019 depended on organic accumulation rather than mineral accumulation. The increased mineral accumulation contributed significantly to soil bulk density rather than vertical accretion. Bulk density averaged 0.25 cm− 3 (std = 0.06) in soils deposited between 1963 and 2018/2019 but averaged 0.14 cm− 3 (std = 0.01) in soils deposited between 1963 and 1996 (Foret 1998). Foret (2001) did not report average bulk density for soil deposited between 1963 and 1998 but bulk density profiles of those three cores did not exceed 0.2 g cm− 3.
The increase in mineral accumulation coincided with increasing tropical storm frequency. We searched a list of all named hurricanes that made landfall in the United States (from for named hurricanes that made landfall in Louisiana or Texas. We included Texas because most hurricanes that make landfall in Texas cause storm tides in Louisiana because hurricane winds rotate counterclockwise. Those data indicated that named hurricanes increased 25% from 1963–1998 (0.55 hurricanes/year) to 1998–2018 (0.68 hurricanes/year). That 25% increase was accompanied by a decline in strength storminess although the average category declined from a category from 2.2 (STD = to 1.9) to a category 1.8 (STD = 1.2) during that time. None of the 20 hurricanes from 1964 through 1998 made landfall in Louisiana and Texas, but three of the 13 hurricanes from 1998 through 2017 made landfall in both states.
Foret (1997; 2001) also used 137Cs dating to study soil formation in two impounded marshes at Rockefeller Refuge (Table 2). Unit 6 encompasses ~ 7,100 ha (17,700 acres); Unit 15 encompasses ~ 300 ha (730 acres). Combining estimates from three impounded marshes indicates that the effects of impoundment vary widely among impoundments. Vertical accretion varied from 0.11 cm yr− 1 that we observed in Unit 2 from 1963–2019, to 0.50 cm yr− 1 from 1963–1996 Foret (1997) observed in Unit 15. Differences among estimates could result from differences in time periods between the studies and/or from differences in the effects of management on vertical accretion and soil among impoundments. One major difference is the avoidance of managed drawdowns in Unit 15, and the inability to drawdown Unit 6 (for agricultural reasons), throughout the existence of both of those units. Drawdowns were rarely used in Unit 2 prior to 2005 when it was managed to maximize alligator nest density, but it was frequently managed with drawdowns after ~ 2007 when it was managed to maximize use by migrating shorebirds, wading birds, and waterfowl. It is widely recognized that soil drainage accelerates soil organic decomposition. For example, Nyman and DeLaune (1991) showed that lowering the water level one centimeter below the soil surface accelerates CO2 emissions 4% in soils dominated by Panicum hemitomon, which dominates many fresh marshes in southeast Louisiana, and in soils dominated by Spartina patens, which dominates intermediate and brackish marshes in Louisiana, even though CO2 emissions differ drastically between those soils. Each additional centimeter of drainage similarly increases CO2 emissions Nyman and DeLaune 1991). In addition to accelerated decomposition of soil organic matter, drainage is widely recognized to compact organic soils and thus increase soil bulk density. This is the most likely reason that Unit 2 had greater soil bulk density (0.46, SE = 0.02) than the un-impounded marsh (0.22 15 g cm3, SE = 0.02). It is less likely that the adoption of drawdowns not only prevented vertical accretion after 2005, but also negated much of the elevation gained between 1963 and 2005.
Management Implications
Effects of impoundment on accretion can vary widely, which precludes broad statements about effects of impoundment on the ability of coastal marshes to accrete. However, our findings agree with those of (Drexler et al. 2013) who also concluded that moist-soil management on organic soils in the coastal zone compromises accretion processes and can lead to oxidation of soils and loss of elevation. Many marshes can keep up with sea level rise through vertical accretion processes, but our results indicate that their ability to do so can be compromised by moist soil management. Furthermore, if organic soils are oxidized and sites lose elevation, levees can be compromised during high water levels (Bates and Lund 2013) and dramatically increase the costs of management.
Despite these challenges, however, water level management will likely remain an important management strategy in these regions because they provide tremendous habitat resources in a small area. Furthermore, with the continued deterioration of surrounding marshes (Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority 2023), the habitat values provided by these impoundments remain an important component of waterbird conservation strategies. A process-based understanding of specific management strategies, such as salinity pulses and timing and duration of drawdown on both productivity and decomposition would inform management decisions. Although the specific impacts of many processes are unknown, it is established that some strategies can reduce overall impacts of management. For example, maintaining high groundwater levels so that underlying organic soils remain saturated can reduce peat decomposition (Kechavarzi et al. 2007; Boonman et al. 2022). Managers will need to understand how seed germination of desirable plants are affected by soil moisture dynamics from high water tables, but this should reduce elevation loss because of the anaerobic conditions in the saturated zone. Another potential strategy is to promote accretion during some years and manage for mudflat annuals in others. For example, implementing Open Marsh Water Management (OMWM) to offset artificial drainage caused by mosquito ditches by plugging ditches and raising the water table has increased vertical accretion by 30% and carbon accumulation by 23% over that in marshes with minimal disturbance from human activities such as dredging, filling, ditching, or dominance by invasive species (Drake et al. 2015; Table 4). That study was based on data from four National Wildlife Refuges along the New England coast of the USA (Drake et al. 2015). Two other examples lie in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta of California, USA. There, wetlands were allowed to develop on two permanently flooded 3-ha impoundments excavated in a subsided agricultural field in 1997. Accretion in those impoundments averaged ranged from 2.4 cm yr-1 to 3.6 cm yr-1 between 1997 and 2017 (Miller et al. 2008; Deverel et al. 2020). That elevation gain was controlled by organic matter accumulation and was accompanied by ~ 1 kg of carbon storage (Miller et al. 2008). In 2014, agriculture ceased on the surrounding agricultural field. There, accretion averaged 3 cm yr-1 between 2014 and 2018 (Deveral et al. 2020). All three examples resulted from managers who raised water levels in wetlands or former wetlands where water levels were artificially low. A managed marsh in coastal Massachusetts, USA provides a fourth example of wetland managers accelerating accretion. There, Eagle et al. (2022) found that restoring tidal exchange to previously impounded coastal marshes allowed for an accretion rate of over 13 mm/year. These four examples suggest that management for accretion can lead to rapid results and suggests that to increase accretion and manage units for waterfowl, coastal wetland managers could alternate between several years of lowering water levels to prioritize waterbird use, and several years of shallow flooding to prioritize accretion via vegetative growth. This suggestion is untested, however, and warrants future study.