The key finding of our observational study is that mixed-sex clusters of D. reticulatus occur on grass stems more frequently than single-sex clusters, and hence are likely to result in the simultaneous transfer of both sexes on contact with a potential host. Given that mating in this species occurs only after infestation of a new host, this finding can be interpreted as reflecting a component of a successful breeding strategy of D. reticulatus ticks. Moreover, it suggests the involvement of off-host arrestment (assembly) pheromones (causing the cessation of tick kinetic activity, leading to clusters of individuals in their natural environment; [3]), partially resembling sex pheromones in their function (attractive for opposite sex; [3]).
As a breeding strategy, the more frequent occurrence of mix-sex clusters on grass stems depends on a combination of two behavioural features: formation of off-host clusters and recognition of tick sex, and requires an exchange of information between tick individuals. By definition sex pheromones are semiochemicals emitted by individuals of one sex that mediate the sexual behaviour of the opposite sex [3]. The first tick sex pheromone (2,6-dichlorophenol) was discovered in the lone star tick Amblyomma americanum over 50 years ago [25], but to the best of our knowledge, the pheromones that induce sex-related clustering of ticks off-host, have not yet been identified. Nevertheless, in recent years, an impressive amount of novel knowledge has accumulated about the chemical ‘language’ (production and release of semiochemicals, information transferring molecules) used by ticks for inter- and intra-species communication [3, 26–28].
Aggregating and sexual behaviours comprise a hierarchy of responses to different types of chemical compounds that must be recognized in a sequential order to achieve the end result [2]. In ticks these behaviours (i.e. formation of clusters, mate-finding and courtship) are regulated mostly by pheromones that induce certain behavioural responses in related organisms [2, 3, 28]. Different tick-borne semiochemicals are now known to induce (a) off-host aggregation in the environment, (b) on-host non-sexual aggregation, (c) on-host sexual aggregation, (d ) copulation, and (e) ejaculation [2]. Off-host aggregation has been attributed to arrestment (= assembly) pheromones; on-host non-sexual aggregation to attraction–aggregation–attachment (AAA) pheromones described in Amblyomma spp.; on-host sexual aggregation, copulation and ejaculation to different kinds of sex pheromones [2, 3].
The phenomenon of multi-sex aggregation on grass stems observed in the current study can be a consequence of combined arrestment behaviour (ticks clustering in the environment) and sexual aggregation (mostly mixed-sex aggregation). Arrestment/assembly pheromones are widespread in tick species and have been found in both hard (Ixodidae) and soft ticks (Argasidae). Arrestment behaviour is mostly mediated by contact with excreta from other ticks [2, 3], and although widespread among tick species, arrestment pheromones have not been reported in all tick species. For example, and in contrast to our finding, Taylor et al. [29] found no evidence of similar behaviour (off-host aggregation/assembly) in ticks of the genus Dermacentor that occur in the Nearctic region (D. variabilis and D. andersoni).
Tick clustering behaviour appears to involve a two-step process: (1) attraction to a volatile source and (2) arrestment in response to various purines. Purines have very low vapour pressure and, consequently, are not attractants [3]. Ammonia and perhaps other volatiles emanating from tick faeces gradually attract free living, unfed adults and even nymphs to the point source. Contact with the purines, especially guanine and xanthine, triggers the arrestment response and causes ticks to cease activity, forming a cluster [3]. Formation of tick clusters in the environment may actually positively affect many aspects of tick life: clusters can enhance mating and host-finding success [3, 26]; in soft ticks clustering behaviour is believed to have survival value in that the individuals forming the mass accumulate in sites favourable for avoiding stressful environmental conditions, i.e. desiccation, and where they are more likely to encounter hosts [3].
In prostriate ticks, such as I. ricinus, clusters of host-seeking ticks are often found on vegetation and this is believed to favour contact with passing hosts [3]. Clustering of I. ricinus and I. scapularis on vegetation facilitates contact between the sexes. In a pioneering study by Graf [8] up to 70% of I. ricinus females collected from vegetation were already mated. In contrast to the metastriate ticks, which invariably mate while attached to their hosts, prostriate ticks frequently mate preprandially on the ground or on vegetation. Ixodes males of nidicolous species never seek hosts and are limited to preprandial mating. However, males of the I. ricinus complex can mate once again on the surface of their hosts [2].
Perhaps the most interesting feature of our study is the repeatability of our observation of an almost identical pattern of aggregation (cluster structure) across our three study sites, which were not contiguous. Indeed the sites are isolated from one another by distances from 50 to 200 kilometres, and differ in their vegetation cover (described in detail in [20, 30]). Despite this, the distribution of questing adult ticks on grass stems was very similar in each of our three sites, and therefore supportive for our research hypothesis. It would be of interest to conduct similar studies in other D. reticulatus-endemic regions, as well as on other metastriate tick species, to assess the generality of the phenomenon.
Conclusion. Mixed-sex clusters of D. reticulatus ticks on grass stems were significantly more common than single-sex clusters, and given that this tick species mates only on newly infested hosts, such a strategy would inevitably result in the simultaneous transfer of both sexes from grass stem to host following contact of a suitable host with the supporting grass stem. The widespread occurrence of this expansive tick species and the repeatability of our observations indicate that mix-sex clusters may enhance the efficiency of mate finding and hence mating, and thereby reflect the efficient breeding strategy of D. reticulatus ticks.