In this study, we examined the usefulness of Oncomine and AMOY, two gene panels used in clinical practice for lung cancer(7, 8). The present study specifically focused on TAT to compare the usefulness of the two panels, which involve several processes. Specifically, the TATs included the periods from the patient's arrival at the hospital to the collection of the tumor tissue specimens (T1), the period from the pathological evaluation of the specimen to the ordering of the gene panel test based on the pathological evaluation (T2), and the period from the patient’s first visit to the arrival of the analysis report (T3). In advanced-stage lung cancer, it is necessary to identify driver alterations as soon as possible, and for oncologic emergency cases most especially, the administration of molecularly targeted agents, which can be expected to reduce tumor size even in patients with poor performance status, can have a significant impact on patient prognosis(13–15). Using the same tumor tissue specimen, AMOY showed a higher success rate than Oncomine(8), and a high driver alteration detection rate could be expected even for specimens with unknown tumor content, such as FF. Further, the TAT for AMOY using an FF specimen for a particular case was as fast as 12 days from the time the patient arrived the hospital until the availability of the analysis report. In this present case, an EGFR ex.19 deletion was identified, and an EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor was successfully administered as early as at 5 days after the first visit (specimens were collected on the same day of the first visit). Therefore, AMOY using FF specimens was identified as the fastest screening method for genetic mutations in clinical practice.
The use of AMOY is clearly less common than the use of Oncomine for the identification of retrieved driver alteration variants. In the present study, various genetic alterations were detected in 57.9% (85/148) of the Oncomine cases and 50.9% (28/55) of the AMOY cases, with Oncomine showing a trend toward a higher genetic alteration detection rate. Of the nine genes in AMOY, Oncomine covers more variants for seven genes, except for two mutations, BRAF V600E and MET ex.14 skipping. Further, NGS has a higher detection rate, particularly for insertion mutations(16, 17), and it covers 98 variants of EGFR ex.20 insertion, whereas AMOY only covers 32. Therefore, EGFR ex.20 insertion mutations have been identified more frequently ever since the introduction of genetic mutation analysis via NGS. For HER2, 54 and five variants are covered by Oncomine and AMOY, respectively. It is also important not to consider difference in the searchable variants of the HER2 mutation when trastuzumab deruxtecan for HER2 is introduced in clinical trials in the near future(18, 19). AMOY also covers fewer fusion gene variants than Oncomine, and the identification of fusion genes for the use of promising molecularly targeted agents that are expected to control disease for more than 2 years is critical in the selection of therapeutic regimens(20), and in this respect, screening via AMOY is insufficient relative to screening via Oncomine. Notably, Oncomine and AMOY are not simultaneously covered by Japan’s medical insurance system; therefore, only one of them can be used. If screening is performed using AMOY, it is advisable to re-examine the results using a comprehensive genome profiling panel, such as the Foundation One panel(21, 22).
The significantly shorter TAT of AMOY than that of Oncomine in this study was partly because many cases were tested using FF specimens. Another factor is that AMOY, based on RT-PCR, requires fewer steps, and is associated with a simpler analytical process(23, 24), whereas Oncomine uses NGS, which is more complex(25). It is recommended that gene panel analysis be performed only after evaluating the tumor cell content of tumor tissues(26). In the case of FF specimens, the exact number of tumor cells present in the submitted specimen is unknown. However, pathological evaluation must be performed to assess tumor content, and a period of 5–7 days is required for the preparation of the specimens and pathology evaluation(27), after which the attending physician requires additional days to order the tests and cut out the sample to be submitted from the FFPE specimens. In this study, the difference in the number of days between T2 and T1 corresponded to the time required for specimen submission, which was approximately 5 days at our institution. Additionally, it takes approximately 17 days from the time a patient first visits the clinic and undergoes testing to obtain tumor tissue samples until the results of the pathological analysis are available. This duration corresponds to the difference in the number of days between T3 and T2. These days are expected to be drastically shortened if a pathologist, rather than an attending physician, orders the gene panel tests. Further, utilizing FF specimens can significantly shorten the TAT. We performed ROSE on all FF specimens submitted for the gene panel analysis as an indirect assessment of the tumor cell content of the specimens, and only specimens with malignant cells confirmed via ROSE were submitted for testing, thereby reducing the risk of false negatives(28, 29). One of the major issues associated with the use of FF specimens is that the specimens are submitted without a definitive histological diagnosis of lung cancer. It is also a major issue, e.g., the cost burden to the patient, when the cancer is small cell carcinoma or a metastasis of another organ cancer. Thus, the attending physician should consider the use of AMOY with FF specimens only in cases where NSCLC is strongly suspected clinically and when it is a matter of urgency.
Presently, the co-mutation profile of driver alterations does not determine the appropriateness of the use of molecularly targeted agents as a therapeutic strategy for NSCLC(1–3). Therefore, it is important to determine the presence or absence of driver alterations. In this regard, AMOY using RT-PCR is useful for the rapid and easy identification of driver alterations. However, it has been reported that co-mutation profiles can affect the therapeutic efficacy of molecularly targeted drugs(30–33). Therefore in future, the use of NGS-based gene panels will be essential if the indication of molecularly targeted drugs is to be considered based on co-mutation profiles. Improvements in technology to speed up the NGS testing process are currently underway(34, 35), and it is expected that NGS tests with sufficiently short TATs will be introduced in clinical practice in the near future.
This study had some limitations. First, this was a single-center retrospective study, and individual differences among attending physicians may have affected the method of specimen collection for submission and the timing of test orders. Second, regarding the evaluation of TAT, there are likely to be differences among institutions in terms of the time required for pathologists to perform tissue evaluation and the time required for sample preparation, including the cutting out of the specimens to be submitted. Therefore, caution must be exercised in generalizing the results of this study. Third, we did not examine the effects of the molecularly targeted drugs administered against detected driver alterations or to improve patient prognosis. Therefore, it is not possible to conclude whether shortening the TAT leads to real benefits, such as improved patient prognosis.