1. Identification of ferroptosis related mRNAs.
The RNA sequences and clinical information of osteosarcoma obtained from three datasets, TARGET database (n = 85) and GSE21257 (n = 53), GSE39055 (n = 37) in the EGO database. We obtained 259 ferroptosis related genes from the FerrDb database (supplementary Table 1). We compared the RNA data of osteosarcoma with the gene data of ferroptosis, by the Venn diagram we can see a total of 108 ferroptosis related genes were present in the three datasets simultaneously (Fig. 1A and Supplementary Table 2). Based on |LogFC| > 1, adjpvalue < 0.05, these 108 ferroptosis related genes were differentially analyzed in the datasets of GTEx and TARGET. Through the results of heat map and volcano plot (Fig. 1B and 1C), 75 ferroptosis related genes with significant difference were obtained. Survival analysis of these 75 ferroptosis associated genes revealed that 27 genes were associated with overall survival (OS) of patients (Fig. 1D) and were statistically significant (P < 0.05).
2. Prognostic assessment of ferroptosis related mRNAs
The PPI network plot explained there is a tight connection among these 75 ferroptosis related genes (Fig. 2A). After univariate Cox regressive analysis of the 75 ferroptosis associated genes (Fig. 2B), three genes with significant differences and statistical significance were obtained, HSPB1, FH and EGFR. Through Venn diagram (Fig. 2C), it’s easy to find that these three genes were associated with the OS of patients. Therefore, we supposed that these three genes were not only related to ferroptosis, but also associated with the OS of patients. Perhaps they can serve as independent prognostic factors for osteosarcoma patients.
3. Typing and their biological characterization based on ferroptosis associated genes
We combined the RNA data and clinical information of the three datasets into a new cohort. According to the expression amounts of HSPB1, FH and EGFR, we classified the patients into three clusters by the unsupervised clustering method (Fig. 3A). Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed distinct distribution patterns among the three clusters (Fig. 3B). We next used survival analysis to evaluate their characteristics. The Kaplan – Meier curve showed that Cluster C had a significantly higher survival advantage than Clusters A and B, with Cluster A having the worst prognosis (Fig. 3C). After that we combined the clinical information of these three clusters and found that HSPB1, FH and EGFR had obvious differences among the three clusters. Meanwhile, patients in alive were mainly enriched in Cluster B and C; dead's patients were mainly enriched in Cluster A (Fig. 3D), which was also consistent with our survival analysis results. To explore the differences in biological behaviors among these three clusters, we performed GSVA enrichment analysis (Fig. 3E), which revealed that Cluster A was mainly enriched on metabolism related pathways, including cysteine and methionine metabolism, citric acid pathway, porphyrin and chlorophyll metabolism and histidine metabolism. Brent R et al. reported that ferroptosis is not only related to metabolic reactions and redox, but also to tumors, thus Cluster A was also significantly enriched in tumor related pathways. Interestingly, Cluster B was mainly enriched in pathways related to the nervous system, such as neuroactive ligand receptor interaction and olfactory signal transduction. In addition, enrichment analysis of Cluster C showed that it had a strong association with autophagy and complement system (Fig. 3F), and also activated the JAK-STAT signaling pathway. Next, we analyzed the infiltration of 23 types of cellular immunity (Fig. 3G) and found that Th17 cells, activated B cells, activated CD8 T cells and mature B cells showed the highest expression and infiltration in cluster C, giving Cluster C a better survival advantage, which was consistent with the results of our survival analysis. Finally, we further analyzed the activities of 13 immune related pathways between the three clusters (Fig. 3H), and the results showed that chemokine (CCR), immune checkpoint, APC co inhibition and T cell co inhibition were highest in Cluster C, lowest in Cluster A and intermediate in Cluster B.
4. Different ferroptosis-related gene clusters showed diverse clinical features and TME cell infiltration
Next, we performed differential analysis of genes related to the ferroptosis phenotype among the three clusters, resulting in 47 genes with significant differences between Cluster A and Cluster B, 180 genes between Cluster B and Cluster C, 618 genes between Cluster A and Cluster C (adjpvalue < 0.001, Supplementary Table 3). By Venn diagram, we finally obtained 26 genes with significant differences (Fig. 4A). Univariate cox regressive analysis of these 26 genes yielded 10 genes with independent risk factors: HSPB1, FH, IMMT, ALG5, DEXI, FAM104A, GDI2, CTSO, FDFT1, CHORDC1 (Fig. 4B). Based on the expression amounts of these 10 genes, by the unsupervised clustering method, we classified the patients into three geneclusters (Fig. 4C), and principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the three geneclusters had different distribution patterns among patients (Fig. 4D). After that we performed survival analysis for OS among the three geneclusters (Fig. 4E), found that geneclusterC had the best prognosis with better survival advantage, geneclusterB is the second, geneclusterA had the worst survival prognosis. Likewise, combined clinical information of these three clusters and found that these 10 genes have distinct differences. In addition, patients in alive are mainly enriched in ferroptosisCluster B and C; Dead patients were mainly enriched in ferroptosisCluster A (Fig. 4F), which is also consistent with our survival analysis results.
After GSVA enrichment analysis (Fig. 4G-H), it was found that Cluster A was mainly related to metabolic, tumor and cell cycle pathways, Cluster B was mainly enriched in metabolic and immune related pathways, Cluster C was enriched in nervous system and metabolism, and was related to autophagy, it also activated JAK-STAT signaling pathway and calcium signaling pathway. Through the immune infiltration analysis (Fig. 4I), we found that Th17 cells, regulatory T cells, activated B cells and immune B cells had the highest expression and infiltration in Cluster C, which made Cluster C has a better survival advantage, which was consistent with the results of survival analysis. Finally, we further analyzed the activities of 13 immune related pathways among the three clusters (Fig. 4J). The results showed that APC co-inhibition, chemokine (CCR), immune checkpoint and T cell co-inhibition scored the highest in Cluster C and the lowest in Cluster A.
5. High Ferroptosis-Score Identified the Alleviation of Clinical Characteristics and Immune Pathway Activation。
Based on the expression of these 10 genes, we use survival prognosis analysis to score each patient in the data set, which we call Ferroptosis-Score (Supplementary Table 4), and then divide the patients into high and low groups according to their optimal cutoff = 1.059876. Through the survival analysis of the two groups of patients (Fig. 5A), the higher the score of patients, the better the survival prognosis. Later, in order to explore which pathways Ferroptosis-Score is related to, we conducted a GSVA enrichment analysis (Fig. 5B), found that patients in the high group are mainly related to metabolism, immunity, inflammation and nervous system, while patients in the low group are mainly related to metabolism and tumor related pathways.
In order to explore the further relationship between Ferroptosis-Score and immunity, we analyzed the cellular immune infiltration and the activity of immune related pathways between patients in high and low groups. Results (Fig. 5C) showed that MDSC and Th17 cells were highly expressed and had significant differences. In immune pathway analysis (Fig. 5D), chemokine (CCR), APC co-inhibition and immune checkpoint were highly expressed in high groups. Compared with the low group, the expression of LGALS9, LAIR1, CD40 and CD86 in the high group was significantly higher, while the expression of CD28 was lower. By analyzing the changes of immune checkpoint expression between high and low Ferroptosis-Score groups (Fig. 5E), compared with low groups, LGALS9, LAIR1 and CD86 were highly expressed in high groups. We further analyzed the relationship between Ferroptosis-Score and m6A genes (Fig. 5F) found that IGFBP3 and ALKBH5 genes were highly expressed in the low risk group with statistical significance.
6. Ferroptosis-Score as an independent prognostic factor in osteosarcoma
In order to further verify the relationship between Ferroptosis-Score and survival, we used clinical correlation analysis (Fig. 6A) to find that Ferroptosis-Score is only related to the survival status of patients, and the alive group has higher Ferroptosis-Score. This is also consistent with the results of previous survival analysis. Ferroptosis-Score had no significant relationship with age and gender of patients. According to the age and gender of the patients, we divided them into two subgroups. Through survival analysis, we found that in the two subgroups, the prognosis of the high expression group was better than that of the low expression group. This result further proves that the higher the score, the better the prognosis of patients. On the contrary, the lower the score, the lower the prognosis of patients. This conclusion is not affected by the age and gender of patients. In order to prove whether Ferroptosis-Score can be used as an independent prognostic factor for osteosarcoma, we performed univariate cox regressive analysis (Fig. 6C) and multivariate regressive analysis (Fig. 6D). The results confirmed that Ferroptosis-Score can be used as an independent prognostic factor for osteosarcoma and is a favorable factor (HR < 1).
7. Linkage of FerroptosisCluste, GeneCluster and Ferroptosis-Score
Firstly, we explored the relationship between FerroptosisCluster and Ferroptosis-Score, found that there was a significant difference between FerroptosisCluster A, B and C (Fig. 7A), and FerroptosisCluster C had the highest Ferroptosis-Score, followed by B, and A had the lowest score. We have previously proved that C has the best prognosis, followed by B, and A has the worst prognosis. This proves the accuracy and scientific nature of Ferroptosis-Score. Then, we continued to explore the relationship between GeneCluster and Ferroptosis-Score (Fig. 7B), found that A in on GeneB scored the lowest Ferroptosis-Score. We have previously proved that C has the best prognosis, followed by B, and A has the worst prognosis. This proves the accuracy and scientific nature of Ferroptosis-Score once again. Finally, we use the Sangui diagram (Fig. 7C) to visualize the association among FerropositisCluster, GeneCluster, Ferropositis-Score, age, gender and Fustat. We find a tight association between FerropositisCluster A-GeneCluster A-low Ferropositis-Score-Alive. FerroptosisclusterC-GeneClusterC-high Ferroptosis-Score-Dead is also closely related.
We tested the expression of each gene in osteosarcoma cell lines MG63 and U2OS to validate our scoring system. We found that ALG5, DEXI, EGFR, and IMMT were highly expressed in both cell lines. CTSO, FDFT1, and HSPB1 were underexpressed in MG63 and U2OS(Fig. 7D)..