The increased energy demand and the progression of living standards have posed several challenges in meeting the energy requirements. Not only in Pakistan, the global inclination of renewable energy resources for energy production has been increasingly driven with the rapid depletion of fossil fuels and the raising awareness of clean energy. In addition to fossil fuels depletion, there is also an implied issue of ecological effect with the use of fossil fuels [1]. Fossil fuel burning produces, greenhouse gasses (GHG) and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to about 35.341 billion metric tons (2021) [2]. Only 50% of the produced CO2 is being eradicated by natural processes, while the rest of the amount remains in the atmosphere which in turn causing a rise in the earth’s temperature [3]. Reducing GHG and other harmful pollutants emissions is crucial. Most developed countries have signed treaties to improve citizen life, maintain social equality, and preserve natural resources [4]. Renewable energy production is the only solution to energy, pollution, and economic problems [5].
Renewable energy sources like solar, wind, hydroelectric power, geothermal, and biomass are widely used in many countries, contributing to clean energy production and meeting energy needs, though some are climate-dependent and require specific planning [6]. Nowadays, biomass energy has gained much attraction due to its zero carbon emission [7] and efficient waste management [8]. Biomass is present in vast quantities and can be used for energy production [5]. Energy from waste not only aids in the energy generation for power plants but also plays a role in waste management and in the reduction of negative environmental impact associated with these wastes. Biomass waste includes agricultural waste, human waste, animal waste, food processing, and forestry waste [9]. Biomass due to its vast range category has eminent potential to increase energy supplies in populated countries. For power generation and heating processes, biomass can be directly burned [10].
The importance of biomass in the generation of power from the conversion of waste to energy is increasing due to its carbon-neutral properties and renewable characteristics [6]. Biomass of agricultural waste includes bagasse, dry sugarcane leaves, rice husk, rice straw, wheat straw, and corncobs. These residues are burnt on field sides in an open atmosphere due to lower heat content and irregular shape which in turn causes air pollution [11]. Problems that are associated with the usage of raw biomass material are its low bulk density, high moisture content, and hydrophilic character, presence of dust particles, low volumetric energy content, lower heating values, and irregular shape which make its handling and transportation difficult [12]. In this regard, densification of biomass is stated to be the best practice. Pelletization of biomass not only provides improved combustion and physical properties but also facilitates uniformity in material along with low moisture content which makes transportation easier [13].
Sugarcane is cultivated abundantly in many countries. Sugar is the main product of sugarcane, along with it produces several by products which can be utilized as energy source [14]. Bagasse is considered as the main waste by-product with a strong energy potential [15]. After the processing and densification process, bagasse became a valuable source of energy and also a substitute source of carbon-neutral renewable energy [16]. On the other hand, leaves and stem also considered as the wastes. The leaves and stems are undesirable products during the milling process so during harvesting they are detached from the stalk. Sugarcane stems and leaves are collectively known as sugarcane trash. Every ton of harvested sugarcane produced around 140 to 180 kg of sugarcane trash [17]. Sugarcane trash can be efficiently converted into solid biofuel through the formation of pellets. Pellets of sugarcane trash can be used as a source of energy in power plants for electricity generation. However, pellets without pretreatment cause operational problems such as fouling, slagging, agglomeration, and corrosion in furnaces and boilers due to the presence of inorganic constituents [18]. In addition to that when these inorganic constituents are combusted they cause air pollution by emitting oxides of sulfur and nitrogen whereas ash content gives rise to the emission of particulate matter. In return emissions caused by these compounds have a severe influence on the environment and especially on human health [19].
The efficient conversion of biomass into energy resources along with the densification technique includes the pretreatment method. The purpose of the pretreatment method is to remove inorganic constituents, making biomass energy efficient and making its transportation easy [20]. Among all pretreatment techniques, chemical pretreatment is the most effective for the reduction of inorganic components and ash content. It includes the demineralization, leaching, washing, and valorization methods. Studies revealed that washing treatment using acid and water is the most efficient pretreatment technique for the removal of inorganic components and reduction in ash content in biomass [21].
The acidic and basic treatment removes ash content to a higher level [22]. For the efficient usage of biomass in power plants, water washing fractionation is determined as the suitable treatment as it is low-cost and environmentally friendly. Various water washing parameters and conditions have an impact on overall pretreatment results. These parameters include material and process conditions such as solid-to-liquid ratio, temperature, and process duration. A lot of pretreatment methods were present such as acidic, basic, and water treatment [23]. Investigation of the thermal behavior of water washing shows an improvement in burn-out temperature and ignition with a slight decrease in reactivity [24]. During biofuels production biomass water treatment had shown improvement in enzymatic hydrolysis at the elevated temperature range from 150–240°C in 1h time duration. This act is accomplished by the disruption of the cellular matrix. Liquid hot water treatment results in an improvement in energy density. This happens due to the reduction in ash content and removal of hemicellulose from biomass after washing [25]. A lot of pretreatment methods were present such as acidic, basic, and water treatment. Among all the hot water treatment was selected for this research as it is the most economical and environment-friendly method [23].
Lack of binding potential of cellulosic biomass results in a low-grade dusty pelletized product which is still unstable for handling. Researchers and industrial stakeholders have made significant efforts to enhance the effectiveness of inter-particle binding in biomass pellets. Thus, binding purposes, organic and inorganic binding agents are used to have better strength and durability of binders [13]. The selection of binder plays a significant role in getting the required qualities of pellets. In this research, low-grade broken rice based natural binder (LGBRB) and laundry starch based synthetic binder (LSBSB, Maya) binders [16] at three different concentrations are used to improve pellet characteristics.
This research aims to evaluate the effect of hot water pretreatment, types of binders, and binder concentration on the densification of sugarcane trash for pellet formation to have a product with improved properties for commercial usage and offers greater future possibilities for bioenergy and a sustainable environment.