This study comprehensively assessed four toxic elements: arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and nickel (Ni). We meticulously quantified their concentrations in various cannabinoid and opioid drugs and further evaluated their presence in biological matrices, specifically scalp hair and blood, of male drug abusers aged 15–60 years. The ramifications of drug abuse extend beyond individual health, casting shadows on the socioeconomic landscapes of nations. In Pakistan, the widespread availability of opioids, cannabis derivatives, and other illicit substances underscores a pressing public health concern. Chronic drug consumption is not a benign habit; it erodes the physiological and psychological well-being of individuals. Over time, the body, already grappling with the direct toxic effects of the drugs, further deteriorates due to malnutrition, which is often a consequence of socioeconomic neglect experienced by addicts (Sebastiani et al. 2018). The FAO/WHO has delineated specific provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) benchmarks for these toxic elements. When extrapolated to a daily context, these benchmarks translate to 2.1 µg As/kg, 2.5 µg Cd/kg, 2.8 µg Ni/kg, and 1.6 µg Hg/kg body weight (Kim et al. 2012). Our empirical data, as presented in Table 3, accentuate the perilous elemental concentrations in drugs, especially when considering a hypothetical daily drug consumption of 3 g. A detailed exposition of the daily intake of these elements through drug consumption is presented in Table 3. Neurotoxicity, a grave concern associated with elements such as arsenic, cadmium, nickel, and mercury, has been extensively documented in the scientific literature (Das et al. 2008; Gupta et al. 2018; Jones & Miller 2008). Both Pb and Cd, which are omnipresent environmental contaminants, present formidable health challenges (Barton 2011; Jones et al. 2010). Their insidious effects on the nervous system encompass a spectrum of disruptions ranging from energy metabolism anomalies and oxidative stress to synaptic transmission irregularities and outright neurodegeneration (Chibowska et al. 2016; Jones & Miller 2008; Liu et al. 2009). It was observed that the levels of As in scalp hair, serum, and blood samples of cannabinoid and opioid abusers were 86.9–145 and 137–211%, 140–297 and 318–490% and 234–349 and 332–473% higher than those of referent subjects, respectively, in all age groups. More recently, it has been shown that acute arsenic exposure can disrupt the central nervous system (CNS) (Engwa et al. 2019). As penetrates the brain through a mechanism that is still being studied. As appears to accumulate in the choroid plexus, perhaps as a defense mechanism against As absorption into the brain (Briffa et al. 2020). Arsenite and arsenate can be transported via anion exchange proteins (bands 1–3) in human erythrocytes (Zhang et al. 2000). Although mammalian cells exposed to arsenic over an extended period of time have developed a strategy for greater efflux and decreased storage of arsenic, it is likely that such a mechanism exists (Romach et al. 2000). It was observed that the levels of Hg in scalp hair, serum, and blood samples of cannabinoid and opioid-user subjects were 91.0%–178 and 111–213%, 107%–125 and 148–176%, and 95.6%–166 and 125–210% higher than those of referent subjects, respectively, in all age groups.
Table 3
Daily Intake of Heavy Elements through Drug Consumption
Drugs | Age groups | Types of Drugs | Mercury | Cadmium | Nickel | Arsenic |
Cannabinoid | 15–30 | Marijuana | 0.900 0.791–0.998 | 0.0354 0.0316–0.0382 | 0.573 0.530–0.616 | 0.15 0.141–0.161 |
Hashish | 0.944 0.862–1.08 | 0.0311 0.0278–0.0349 | 0.527 0.496–0.556 | 0.168 0.161–0.182 |
Opioid | Opium | 1.064 1.036 − 1.107 | 0.0338 0.030- 0.0371 | 0.544 0.514–0.567 | 0.185 0.170–0.200 |
Heroin | 1.031 0.971 − 1.091 | 0.0431 0.0365–0.048 | 0.562 0.538–0.589 | 0.177 0.164–0.190 |
Cannabinoid | 31–45 | Marijuana | 0.798 0.702–0.885 | 0.0314 0.028–0.034 | 0.508 (0.470–0.547 | 0.133 0125- 0.143 |
Hashish | 0.837 0.765–0.958 | 0.0276 (0.025–0.031 | 0.467 (0.440–0.494 | 0.149 0.143–0.162 |
Opioid | Opium | 0.944 0.919–0.982 | 0.030 0.027–0.033 | 0.482 0.456–0.503 | 0.164 0.151–0.178 |
Heroin | 0.915 0.861–0.968 | 0.0382 0.032–0.043 | 0.498 0.478–0.523 | 0.157 0.146–0.169 |
Cannabinoid | 46–60 | Marijuana | 0.762 0.669–0.845 | 0.030 0.027–0.032 | 0.485 0.490–0.522 | 0.127 0.119–0.136 |
Hashish | 0.798 0.729–0.914 | 0.0263 0.0240–0.030 | 0.446 0.420–0.471 | 0.143 0.136–0.154 |
Opioid | Opium | 0.900 0.877–0.937 | 0.0286 0.0250–0.0310 | 0.460 0.435–0.480 | 0.156 0.144–0.169 |
Heroin | 0.872 0.822–0.923 | 0.036 0.0310–0.0410 | 0.475 0.456–0.498 | 0.150 0.139–0.161 |
For instance, elemental mercury vapor inhaled through the lungs and mucosal membranes is easily absorbed and swiftly oxidized, but not quickly enough to avoid the accumulation of significant amounts in the brain (Bridges & Zalups 2010). Although methylmercury is rapidly absorbed by the gut and is deposited in most tissues, it does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier as effectively as elemental mercury. However, it gradually demethylates into elemental mercury before entering the brain (Clarkson et al. 2007). The type of mercury, dose, and rate of exposure all affect how dangerous it is to humans. The brain is the primary target organ of inhaled mercury vapor (Clarkson et al. 2007). As methyl mercury, mercury is widely disseminated throughout the body and particularly harms the lining of the colon and kidneys (Reda et al. 2022). More modest symptoms and clinical findings are caused by low levels of prolonged exposure to elemental or other forms of mercury (Chibowska et al. 2016). Strong SH group binding by oxidized mercury can harm tissues, inactivate enzymes, and disrupt a number of metabolic processes (Roulet et al. 2000). The methylmercury that has been consumed is almost entirely absorbed and circulated in the blood (Awata et al. 2017). Methylmercury is removed along with glutathione, and mostly enters cells by combining with l-cysteine and homocysteine (Awata et al. 2017).
It was observed that the levels of Cd in scalp hair, serum, and blood samples of cannabinoid and opioid-user subjects were (216–247 and 222–352%), (110–123 and 136–167%) and (184–217 and 153–245%) higher than those of referent subjects, respectively, in all age groups. Pb and Cd are two toxic metals that are pervasive in the environment and pose a substantial risk to human health (Jones et al. 2010). These substances have neurotoxic consequences, including abnormalities in energy metabolism, irregular initiation and progression of inflammatory processes, oxidative stress, abnormalities in synaptic transmission, abnormalities in synaptic plasticity, and neurodegeneration (Chibowska et al. 2016; Gupta et al. 2018; Jones & Miller 2008; Liu et al. 2009). It was observed that the levels of Ni in scalp hair, serum, and blood samples of cannabinoid and opioid-user subjects were 89.9–132 and 103–148%, 63.9–92.8 and 90.2–126% and 127–152 and 141–186% higher than those of referent subjects, respectively, in all age groups (Das et al. 2008). The brain is frequently regarded as one of the primary target organs for neurotoxicity. According to He et al. (2013) (He et al. 2013), inhaled Ni accumulates mostly in the cerebral cortex (He et al. 2013) and throughout the brain, leading to a variety of neurological symptoms such as headaches, giddiness, fatigue, lethargy, and ataxia (Das et al. 2008; Slotkin & Seidler 2009; Xu et al. 2010).