Exact analytical energy formula for the rotating Kratzer-Fues oscillator with (v, J)-dependent potential parameters is obtained. It was used to reproduce the spectral data generated by the vibrational transitions v → v + 1, v = 0, 1...7
in J = 0, 1...47 rotational states of dinitrogen 14N2 and 15N2 in the grounde lectronic state X1Σ+g . Calculations performed for two isotopic variants enabled the selection of the mass-dependent and independent potential parameters defining
the model. To check the ability of the eigenenergies derived to reproduce rotational transitions measured with kHz accuracy, calculations for 74Ge32S, 79Br35Cl and 1H35Cl were performed, obtaining agreement between theoretical
and experimental results. Minimum uncertainty coherent states and ladder operators for the rotating improved Kratzer-Fues oscillator are also constructed.