Representative HAADF-STEM images are shown in Fig. 1d-f for Re-Bubpy, Re-Phen, and Pt-Porph, respectively. Below each image is data from x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) of a control Si wafer (100, degenerate n-type, 380 mm thickness) that was functionalized in an analogous fashion with the TEM grids. We propose that the bright spots in the images, which are sufficiently resolved to locate their positions, represent individual metal atoms associated with the molecular complexes. They were observed on both sides of the Si windows for Re-Bubpy, and Re-Phen, but we mainly analyzed images from the bottom of the thin film because these had less contamination. In contrast, in the case of Pt-Porph, we imaged the top side of the Si because the TiO2 layer was only deposited there (Fig. 1f and Supplementary Fig. 2a). In the images of Pt-Porph, we also observed some lower contrast spots, presumably representing the Ti atoms. This is consistent with the fact that Ti has an atomic number between Si and Pt, and those lower contrast spots were not observed from the bottom side of the window (Supplementary Fig. 2b) or from the images of the Re complexes (Fig. 1d-e). For the Re complexes, XPS shows most of the Re is in the +1 oxidation state, consistent with the molecular complexes being present and intact on the surface after immobilization. The small amount of Re(0) and an even smaller amount of ReO3 present only for Re-Bubpy37-39 implies some decomposition and air-induced oxidation, respectively, during or after the immobilization. In the case of Pt-Porph, XPS shows only Pt(II) on the surface. The surface coverage and the distribution of the molecules were evaluated from more than 15 images, each with a field of view (FOV) measuring 16.4 nm × 16.4 nm, for each sample. Utilizing a literature framework (30), two CNN models trained by more than 20 images of Re-Bubpy or Pt-Porph, each having a field of view (FOV) measuring 8.2 nm × 8.2 nm. These models effectively detected individual atoms in each image (See Supplementary Note 1). The average surface coverage of Re-Phen (3.13 atoms/nm2) was higher than that of Re-Bubpy (1.61 atoms/nm2), even though the time for the hydrosilylation reaction for Re-Phen was a quarter of Re-Bubpy (Fig. 1g). The surface coverage of Pt-Porph on the TiO2 overlayer was 0.21 atoms/nm2. The small surface coverage of Pt-Porph suggests that hydrosilylation is a more efficient strategy for achieving high surface coverages than hydrolysis with a carboxylic acid on TiO2.
A key question relating to the immobilization of catalysts on a surface is whether the molecules are randomly distributed or whether there is a preference for some aggregation on the surface. This type of question is almost impossible to answer using techniques such as cyclic voltammetry or XPS. We analyzed our images using a spatially descriptive statistical method, Ripley’s K-function, to quantify the distribution of the molecules40 (See Methods). To simplify the analysis, we calculated Kdev(r) by subtracting the K-function of complete spatial randomness from the K-function of the experimental image. In a completely random distribution, Kdev(r) is expected to be perfectly flat at a value of zero, while positive or negative Kdev(r) values indicate clustering or dispersion at a specific distance, respectively.
We calculated Kdev(r) from more than 15 images for each sample and averaged them (Fig. 1h-j). In the cases of Re-Bubpy and Re-Phen, there is a negative deviation at small distances (~ 2.0 Å, marked with blue arrows). This is not surprising as the heavy metal atoms in these complexes cannot be this close together. There also is a positive peak at around 4 Å (marked by red arrows). This indicates that the images show several clusters of about 4 Å radius. A likely reason for this is that there was some decomposition of the molecules and formation of Re(0) clusters with Re-Re bonds41. Consistent with this hypothesis, XPS indicates that the Re(0)/Re(I) ratio is 0.2:1 and 0.13:1 for Re-Bubpy and Re-Phen, respectively (Table S1 – S2). The Kdev(r) of Pt-Porph showed no peaks until 15 Å, indicating no clustering of the molecules. Presumably, there is no dip at close distances in this case because the surface coverage is low. In all samples, a slight increase in the K-function as the radius increased from 0 Å to 15 Å was observed, implying that there are preferable nano-scale regions for molecules to be bound to the surface. We attribute this observation to surface conditions such as irregular, air-induced oxidation or roughness in deposition.
The surface coverage and distribution of a molecular catalyst on a support are likely key to catalytic performance, but without information about these parameters, it is difficult to control them. We used HAADF-STEM to understand the effect of the hydrosilylation and hydrolysis reaction times and the molecular concentration in solution on surface coverage. We used reaction times from 15 min to 24 hours for the hydrosilylation of Re-Bubpy and Re-Phen (Molecular structure: Fig. 2a, plot: Fig. 2b, images: Fig. 2d-e, and Supplementary Fig. 4), at a fixed concentration of the molecules in the solution of 2 mM. In the case of Re-Bubpy, the average surface coverage increases from 1.24 atoms/nm2 after 1 hour to 2.14 atoms/nm2 after 24 hours. However, the increase in surface coverage slows down at longer times, suggesting saturation of the surface coverage. The behavior of Re-Phen is more complicated. The average surface coverage of Re-Phen increases from 2.93 atoms/nm2 to 5.93 atoms/nm2 as the functionalization time increases from 15 minutes to 6 hours. Still, the surface coverage at 9 and 24 hours appears to decrease. We propose that this decrease is an artifact caused by overlapping Re atoms in the image, which prevents individual Re atoms from being recognized and counted by the CNN model. In fact, at longer reaction times, Re-Phen forms multilayers as we see different Re atoms when we change the height above the Si substrate on which we focus (Supplementary Fig. 5). The faster attachment and higher surface coverage of Re-Phen compared to Re-Bubpy, along with the observation of greater than monolayer coverage, is potentially related to the hydrosilylation mechanism. For both Re complexes, hydrosilylation of the surface likely proceeds via carbon radicals27, and this radical is stabilized for Re-Phen. The easier
formation of the stabilized radical and its longer lifetime allows more Re-Phen to react with the surface as the concentration of the reactive species is higher. In some cases, multilayers of Re-Phen are formed implying that Re-Phen can react with itself. The concentration of the Re complex in the hydrosilylation reaction also influences the surface coverage. Reducing the concentration of Re-Bubpy by half, with a fixed functionalization time of 24 hours, decreased the surface coverage of Re-Bubpy by approximately half (Supplementary Fig. 6). When the hydrolysis reaction to attach Pt-Porph was performed for 1 hour, 4 hours, 16 hours, or 24 hours, similar averaged surface coverages of 0.21 atoms/nm2, 0.19 atoms/nm2, 0.18 atoms/nm2, and 0.19 atoms/nm2, respectively, were observed (Supplementary Fig. 7). This suggests that the surface coverage of Pt-Porph has already reached saturation in 1 hour. Notably, in all the experiments, comparing samples that were functionalized on the same day was important. Although the general trends in surface coverage were reproducible, there were slight differences in absolute coverage on different days, which is likely related to contaminants on the surface (Supplementary Fig. 8).
To corroborate the surface coverages calculated using HAADF-STEM, two other methods, cyclic voltammetry, and ICP-MS, were utilized. To ensure accuracy in the comparison, two Si wafers (100, degenerate n-type, 380 mm thickness), which were used for cyclic voltammetry and ICP-MS, respectively, and the Si grid for HAADF-STEM imaging, were functionalized with the Re complex in the same solution. Integration of the cathodic feature in the cyclic voltammogram of immobilized Re-Bubpy (the cathodic feature was used because the cyclic voltammograms are not reversible) yielded surface coverages of 2.8 atoms/nm2 for the 3-hour sample, 1.1 atoms/nm2 for the 6-hour sample, and 2.7 atoms/nm2 for the 24-hour sample (Supplementary Fig. 9). These values are relatively close to those measured by microscopy, although they do not show any trends with functionalization time. After dilution, the other Si wafer was digested in nitric acid to perform ICP-MS. This method showed a similar trend to the surface coverages calculated from the HAADF-STEM images. Still, the values were about 30-50% less than those determined using microscopy (Table S4), possibly due to incomplete digestion. The surface coverage directly calculated using HAADF-STEM highlights the saturation of molecular catalysts better than the other methods and is likely more accurate, especially for monolayer surface coverages. Furthermore, HAADF-STEM is non-destructive and provides information that other methods cannot offer by showing the distribution of individual atoms.
Another crucial part of the molecular catalyst that is expected to influence its spatial distribution and surface coverage is the nature of the linker connecting the complex to a surface. To probe the effects of the linker, we prepared Re(Rbpy)CO3Cl complexes with different-length alkyl chains between the bpy and the alkene. After immobilization, Re(4-(8-nonen-1-yl)-4'-methyl-2,2'-bipyridine)(CO)3Cl (Re-Nonbpy) and Re(4-(2-ethen-1-yl)-4'-methyl-2,2'-bipyridine)(CO)3Cl (Re-Etbpy)32, contain two and nine carbon alkyl linkers between the bpy and the surface, respectively (Fig. 2a). We also prepared Re(4,4'-(3-buten-1-yl)2-2,2'-bipyridine)(CO)3Cl (Re-Bu2bpy)32, a complex that includes two alkene groups on the bpy and, therefore, can bind to the Si through two Si–C bonds. Under the same functionalization conditions, Re-Etbpy gives higher surface coverage than Re-Nonbpy (plot: Fig. 2c and images: Fig. 2g-h). We hypothesize that this could be either because Re-Etbpy forms stabilized radicals like Re-Phen or due to the greater steric profile of the complexes containing nonyl linkers, meaning they occupy more space on the surface. Several clusters are seen in the images of both samples, similar to the images of Re-bubpy and Re-Phen, suggesting some decomposition to Re(0) during attachment. Re-Bu2bpy (plot: Fig. 2c and image: Fig. 2f) has the lowest surface coverage and the least amount of clustering of any complex. The absence of clustering could be related to the fact that it binds to the surface via two Si–C bonds and is, therefore, more stable to decomposition during functionalization. These results demonstrate that small changes to the catalyst structure play a significant role in catalyst distribution. Our ability to observe these differences will make it easier to perform structure-activity studies to understand ligand effects on surface distribution and coverage.
A major concern associated with using HAADF-STEM is the release and diffusion of the metal atoms caused by the electron beam 42,43. We repeatedly imaged the same spot on a sample to probe beam-induced clustering. Consecutive images of Re-Bubpy with a 24-hour functionalization time indeed showed diffusion of metal atoms and general clustering (Fig. 3A, Supplementary Fig. 10, and Movie 1). The clustering was also observed in the consecutive images of Re-Phen (Supplementary Fig. 11 and Movie 2). However, the first frame appears to capture the molecule as immobilized, as the movement of atoms is slow (further discussed in Supplementary Section 2). To quantify the clustering by the electron beam calculated the K-function of every other image from the consecutive images (Fig. 3b-c). There is an increase in the K-function at around 4 Å in the sequential images of Re-Bubpy and Re-Phen, confirming beam-induced clustering and likely reduction to Re(0).
We explored different strategies to control the clustering of the molecules due to electron beam. The first method involved immobilizing the catalyst through hydrosilylation and performing another hydrosilylation reaction with 1-hexene to convert some residual hydrogen-terminated Si to Si-hexyl groups33. Such “backfilled” surfaces of Re-Bubpy and Re-Phen stayed essentially the same as the images were recorded, and clustering was not observed in the K-function (Fig. 3d-e, Supplementary Fig. 12-13, and Movie 3-4). Another approach examined the effects of the different linker groups in Re-Etbpy, Re-Nonbpy, and Re-Bu2bpy. The sample with the longer nonyl linker was observed to cluster slightly more after exposure to the beam than Re-Bubpy, while Re-Bu2bpy with potentially two attachments clustered less (Fig. 3f-g, Supplementary Fig. 14-15, and Movie 5-6). In general, less clustering was observed for the catalysts expected to be less mobile due to a more crowded surface (backfilling) or having two linkers (Re-Bu2bpy). In comparison, the most flexible Re-Nonbpy showed somewhat more clustering. Samples of Re-Etbpy, which had the highest density, showed the most prominent clustering (Fig. 3h, Supplementary Fig. 16, and Movie 7). Cryogenic HAADF-STEM measurements of the same Re-Etbpy sample showed slower clustering, while the initial level of clustering was the same as in images at room temperature (Fig. 3I, Supplementary Fig. 17, and Movie 8). Taken together, our data shows that the beam induces clustering, but it is a slow process. This strongly suggests that our initial images provide an accurate representation of the distribution of molecules on the surface. Further, the amount of clustering is heavily dependent on the structure of the complex on the surface and whether the surface is backfilled.