Background: Rapid response calls and cardiac arrests are often preceded by observable signs of clinical deterioration often hours prior to the adverse event.
Objectives: The purpose of this retrospective study was to identify risk factors that provide predictive value in determining the likelihood of a Rapid Response Call on adult telemetry patients at a single-centre community hospital.
Design: This was a retrospective study based on secondary data analysis. After approval by the Institutional Review Board was obtained (CANV DHIRB-2018-362), we utilized the electronic medical record system to extract de-identified quantitative data from patient medical records.
Setting: This study utilized medical records from patients on the Telemetry unit at a single-centre, 230-bed community hospital.
Participants: The sample consisted of 250 randomized de-identified medical records from both patients who did and did not require a rapid response between January and December, 2018. Patients who were less than 18 years of age and those who were transferred to another facility or to another hospital were excluded from the analyses.
Methods: The variables that were collected included age, gender, race, primary admitting medical diagnosis, hemoglobin, potassium, magnesium, creatinine, lactic acid, and urine output. Additional variables collected in four-hour increments included the vital signs: temperature, heart rate, oxygen saturation, respirations, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and level of consciousness which was scored using the adult Glasgow Coma Scale. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify which of these variables were statistically significant in predicting patient deterioration.
Results: The following predictors were statistically significant (a = 0.05 with 95% Confidence Intervals [CI]): For every one beat increase in heart rate 4 hours prior to a RRT, the odds of a RRT increased by 4.9% (p=0.003) (CI=95% 1.016, 1.084). For every one increase in respirations, the odds of a RRT increased by 42.8% (p=0.004) (95% CI 1.11, 1.82), 8 hours before the RRT, and by 47% (p=0.002) (95% CI 1.15, 1.87), 12 hours before a RRT. African Americans had 20.6 times the odds of experiencing an RRT compared to Caucasians (p<0.001) (95% CI 3.4, 124.6), Hispanics had 56.6 times the odds of experiencing a RRT compared to Caucasians (p<0.001) (95% CI 11.4, 280.4), and other races had 6.3 times the odds of a RRT compared to Caucasians (p=0.044) (95% CI 1.05, 38.5).
Conclusions: Such predictors can be used to identify early signs of deterioration that can alert health care providers to early intervention.