Physical Examination and Adverse Events
The study veterinarian, along with approved study personnel, conducted weekly physical examinations and reported no notable changes in the dogs' overall condition, behavior, cardiovascular system, hydration level, respiratory system, or skin appearance throughout the study.
During the transition from their regular diet (Royal Canin® Beagle Adult) in the first baseline phase (BAS1) to the Western diet (BAS2), several dogs experienced one or more episodes of softened stools. These instances were considered as "non-serious" digestive adverse events by the study veterinarian and resolved on their own within a few days. No significant adverse effects were reported over the duration of the study.
Body Weight
Differences in body weight between BAS1 (8.9 [7.8 to 9.6] kg) and BAS2 (8.7 [7.4 to 9.2] kg) were statistically significant (P < 0.001), but were not considered clinically meaningful by the study veterinarian. Overall, no changes of more than 13% in individual weights from BAS1 to BAS2 were reported after ten weeks of feeding with the WD. Similarly, no notable changes in body condition scores were reported between BAS1 (N = 0, 13 and 5 for “underweight”, “ideal” and “overweight”, respectively) and BAS2 (N = 1, 11 and 6 for “underweight”, “ideal” and “overweight”, respectively).
Complete Blood Count and Chemistry
All hematological parameters were within normal physiological limits, and there were no clinically relevant or statistically significant changes in CBC between BAS1 and BAS2.
No significant changes in liver-related chemical parameters, including ALT, ALP, albumin, and total protein, were observed between BAS1 and BAS2. However, dogs fed a WD for ten weeks had a decrease in serum bicarbonate (-2.5 [-4.0 to -1.0] mEq/L, P < 0.001), phosphorus (-0.8 [-1.3 to -0.5] mg/dL, P < 0.001), and potassium (-0.5 [-0.7 to -0.3] mEq/L, P < 0.001), and an increase in chloride levels (+1.5 [0.0 to 3.0] mEq/L, P = 0.001). The diet also induced some borderline statistically significant changes in calcium (P = 0.049) and sodium (P = 0.041) levels at BAS2. Additionally, there was a significant decrease in BUN at BAS2 (-4.5 [-5.0 to -3.0] mg/dL, P < 0.001), along with an increase in serum creatinine (+0.1 [0.0 to 0.2] mg/dL, P = 0.001). These variations, although statistically significant, remained within physiological limits. A summary of the clinical chemistry parameters at BAS1 and BAS2 is presented in Figure 3.
Fasting Blood Glucose, Serum Insulin and Glucagon
The biological effects of the WD on fasting blood glucose, as well as the glucose-regulating hormones insulin and glucagon, are presented in Figure 4. Over a span of ten weeks, the WD induced a significant increase in fasting blood glucose concentrations. This increase approached the upper physiological limit, demonstrating an average increase of 15.8% relative to baseline (BAS1 88.0 [82.0 to 91.0] mg/dL vs. BAS2 102.5 [95.0 to 109.0] mg/dL, P < 0.001).
The increase in fasting blood glucose was accompanied by a significant decrease of 25.6% in circulating insulin concentrations (BAS1 11.6 [10.2 to 12.3] uIU/mL vs. BAS2 7.4 [5.2 to 10.4] uIU/mL, P = 0.04). Furthermore, a trend indicative of a decline in serum glucagon concentrations was observed at BAS2 (BAS1 69.3 [64.0 to 77.2] pg/mL vs. BAS2 61.8 [49.8 to 64.3] pg/mL); however, it did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.055).
Blood Pressure
Overall, SBP measurements were significantly higher at BAS2 compared with pre-WD readings (BAS1 133.5 [126.0 to 141.0] mmHg vs. BAS2 143.0 [133.0 to 152.0] mmHg, P = 0.017) (Figure 5).
Renin-Angiotensin System (RAAS)
Our analysis revealed a slight downward trend in biomarkers in both the traditional and alternative arms of the RAAS, though this trend was not statistically significant. This included reductions in plasma renin activity (PRA–S), Angiotensin I (Ang I (1–10)), Angiotensin II (Ang II (1–8)), Angiotensin III (Ang III (2–8)), Angiotensin IV (Ang IV (3–8)), Angiotensin 1–7 (Ang1–7), and Angiotensin 1–5 (Ang1–5).
A comprehensive overview of the RAAS biomarker profile is provided in Table 2. Importantly, aldosterone data was not available for statistical analysis, as over 45% of the samples had analyte levels below the lower limit of quantification.
Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides and Lipoproteins
Figure 6 summarizes the impact of the WD on total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels. After ten weeks of feeding with the WD, there was a 44.0% increase in total cholesterol levels (from BAS1 130.0 [125.0 to 145.0] mg/dL to BAS2 187.5 [173.0 to 219.0] mg/dL, P < 0.001), along with a significant reduction in HDL-cholesterol (from BAS1 84.2 [80.5 to 85.6] % to BAS2 81.1 [72.8 to 83.1] %, P < 0.001) and a 26.8% elevation in LDL-cholesterol (from BAS1 14.5 [13.0 to 17.0] % to BAS2 18.0 [15.5 to 24.5] %, P < 0.001). The detailed lipoprotein profiles, including levels at both baseline (BAS1) and post-WD feeding (BAS2), along with their statistical significance, are presented in Table 3.Notably, these changes were not accompanied by significant alterations in serum triglyceride levels (P = 0.54).
The levels of NT-proBNP significantly increased after the WD, as shown by the change from baseline (BAS1 250.0 [250.0 to 401.0] pmol/L) to post-WD (BAS2 460.5 [330.0 to 750.0] pmol/L) (P < 0.001). Notably, two dogs exhibited NT-proBNP concentrations exceeding 900 pmol/L.
Oxidative Stress
Antioxidant Status
Overall, the effect of the WD on antioxidant markers was mild, with no significant changes in CUPRAC, FRAP, TEAC, and Thiol values. In contrast, PON-1 levels significantly decreased at BAS2 compared to BAS1 (BAS1 4.2 [3.7 to 4.4] IU/mL vs. BAS2 3.8 [3.6 to 4.0] IU/mL, P = 0.004), and GPx activity increased significantly at BAS2 (BAS1 6460.0 [5448.0 to 7764.0] U/L vs. BAS2 8432.0 [6964.0 to 8852.0] U/L, P <0.001). These effects are summarized in Figure 7(A).
Oxidant Status
The impact of the WD on oxidative stress parameters was more consistent, with total oxidant status significantly increasing at BAS2 (BAS1 4.8 [3.9 to 5.8] µmol/L vs. BAS2 7.0 [4.9 to 8.7] µmol/L, P = 0.018). The increase extended to reactive oxygen metabolites (BAS1 21.3 [13.2 to 28.9] U.CARR vs. BAS2 28.8 [17.9 to 43.0] U.CARR, P = 0.084). Conversely, there was a decrease in POX-Act post-WD (BAS1 101.8 [79.1 to 114.0] µmol/L vs. BAS2 92.3 [62.1 to 94.2] µmol/L, P < 0.001). However, there were no discernible effects on AOPP (Figure 7(B)).
General Metabolism
Before feature selection, a clear separation between BAS1 and BAS2 was observed in the PCAs for urine, stool, and serum (Figure 8). To identify variables responsible for this separation, FS-CR was further employed (Sinkov et al., 2011; Armstrong et al., 2021; Adutwum et al., 2017). FS-CR identified 48 significant metabolites in the urine samples, 37 significant metabolites in stool samples, and 10 in serum samples. The loadings of the selected variables are included in the Supplementary Information. Following feature selection, BAS1 and BAS2 were clearly separated along PC1 for all three sample types, which explained 29.4%, 48.6%, and 82.3% of the total variance for urine, stool, and serum samples, respectively (Figure 9).
In urine, 29 metabolites were correlated with BAS1, including pipecolinic acid, piperidone, cytosine, and nicotinamide (Supplementary Table 1). Additionally, 19 metabolites were strongly correlated with BAS2, including 2,3-dihydroxybutanoic acid (tartaric acid), arabitol, cellobiose, and glycerol (Supplementary Table 1).
In stool, seven metabolites were correlated with BAS1, such as cadaverine, trans-4-hydroxyproline, tryptamine, and isopalmitic acid (Supplementary Table 2). Thirty metabolites were strongly correlated to BAS2, including fructose, pipecolinic acid, erythrose, and 2-deoxyerythritol (Supplementary Table 2).
In serum, nine of the ten significant metabolites from FS-CR were correlated to BAS1, including 3-Amino-2-piperidone and 2-picolinic acid (Supplementary Table 3).
Complex Lipids
Prior to feature selection, no separation was observed between BAS1 and BAS2 for complex lipid urine samples (Figure 10(A)). However, separation between BAS1 and BAS2 was observed along PC1 and PC2 for stool (Figure 10(B)), and along PC1 for serum (Figure 10(C)).
With feature selection, a clear separation was achieved between BAS1 and BAS2 along PC1 for all three biospecimens (Figure 11). It is noteworthy that more than three-quarters of the total variation was explained by PC1 for stool (76.7%) and serum (82.6%) samples. With FS-CR, 36 lipids in urine, 36 in stool, and 30 in serum were selected as significant metabolites describing differences between BAS1 and BAS2.
In urine, 25 lipids were correlated with BAS1 and 11 lipids were correlated with BAS2 (Supplementary Table 4).
In stool, 32 lipids were correlated with BAS1, including eicosapentaenoic acid and various triglycerides, and four lipids were correlated with BAS2, including margaric acid (Supplementary Table 5).
In serum, 14 lipids were correlated with BAS1, including phosphatidylcholine 38:5 and phosphatidylcholine 40:7, and 16 lipids were correlated with BAS2, including sphingomyelin (d36:2) and a number of phosphatidylcholines (Supplementary Table 6).
Biogenic Amines
Prior to feature selection, there was significant overlap between BAS1 and BAS2 for urine (Figure 12(A)). However, for stool (17.6%) and serum (11.8%) samples, there was a clear separation along PC2 (Figure 12(B) and (C)). FS-CR identified 90 significant metabolites in urine, 68 significant metabolites in stool, and 26 significant metabolites in serum. After feature selection, BAS1 and BAS2 samples were clearly separated along PC1 for all biospecimens, accounting for approximately half of the total variance in the experimental data (Figure 13).
In urine, 47 metabolites were correlated with BAS1, including N-acetylmannosamine, threonic acid, nicotinamide, and dopamine (Supplementary Table 7). Additionally, 43 urinary metabolites correlated with BAS2, including N-methylphenylalanine, tartaric acid, and propoxyphene (Supplementary Table 7).
In stool, 51 metabolites were correlated with BAS1, including O-acetylsalicylic acid, caffeic acid, and 3-pyridinemethanol, while 17 metabolites were correlated with BAS2, including stachydrine and prochlorperazine (Supplementary Table 8).
In serum, 11 metabolites were correlated with BAS1, including 4-aminobenzoic acid and L-histidinol, while 15 metabolites were correlated with BAS2, including secnidazole, tartaric acid, and vanillin (Supplementary Table 9).