3.1 Physicochemical Characterization
The FT-IR spectra of the three TBA-TMSPOM hybrid materials are shown in Fig. 2. The IR spectra of pure phosphotungstic acid and TBAB are also plotted in order to compare with the Keggin signature peaks and TBA peaks coexisting in the hybrid material. The peaks at 807, 892, 988, and 1080 cm− 1 are due to the stretching frequencies \({\nu _{\left( {W - {O_e} - W} \right)}}\), \({\nu }_{(W-{O}_{c}-W)}\), \({\nu }_{(W={O}_{ter} )}\) and \({\nu }_{(P-O)}\)which suggest the formation of intact Keggin structures [37]. The ν (\(\text{P}-\text{O}\)) vibration peak at 1080 cm−1 shows a split arising from the asymmetry in the PO4 tetrahedral unit as a result of metal substitution in the Keggin moiety [49, 50]. The –CH2 and -CH3 stretching frequencies found in the TBA moiety are responsible for the distinctive absorption bands at 2849 cm− 1 and 2963 cm− 1.
Polyoxometalates exhibit noticeable oxygen-to-metal charge transfer bands in the UV region [51]. The UV-visible spectra of hybrid materials and their parent compounds are shown in Fig. 3. The charge transfer peaks from oxygen to tungsten in the Keggin moiety are seen at 210 nm, 260 nm and 310 nm. The hybrid materials showed significant absorption bands in the lower energy region spanning between 600–800 nm extending to near IR, corresponding to the substituted 3d transition metals in the Keggin units. These broad features are due to the spin-allowed d-d transitions with configurations of d7 (Co2+), d8 (Ni2+) and d9 (Cu2+) ions in the Keggin moieties of respective hybrid materials. The bromide peaks observed in the pure TBAB [52] (Fig. 3(e)) are not observed in the hybrid materials, suggesting the formation of hybrids with TBA cations and TMS-POMs anions by replacing bromide ions of TBAB.
The hybrid materials are further characterized by TGA to analyse their thermal stability and decomposition pattern. All the hybrid materials exhibit a similar stepwise degradation trend, as shown in Fig. 4. The hybrid materials show small weight loss till 120°C, due to the loss of bound water molecules. The materials are stable up to 250°C, after which they show a two-step decomposition corresponding to the loss of TBA moiety between 300–450°C and 600–750°C [53]. Tetrabutylammonium bromide is a purely organic compound that decomposes completely in two steps at temperatures ranging from 350 to 550°C [53]. The strong electrostatic interaction between Keggin anions and bulky TBA cations is the reason for the increased thermal stability of TBA in hybrid materials. Each metal substituted Keggin (PW11O39 M)5- interacting with five units of tetrabutylammonium cations results in a 20–25% weight loss in all hybrid products.
Phosphotungstic acid is highly crystalline material. The powder XRD pattern of PWA and hybrid materials are shown in Fig. 5. Unlike PWA, the hybrids did not show any sharp peaks at higher angle region, while a set of new intense peaks are seen below 2θ = 10°. This indicates that the hybrids are amorphous and have short range order [54, 38]. The materials have d-spacing of almost 1.5 nm and the particle size of these materials range from 10–30 nm as calculated by Scherrer equation.
Further the surface morphologies of the synthesized hybrid materials were examined through SEM. The SEM images shown in Fig. 6, corroborates with the amorphous nature of the materials as interpreted from the powder XRD patterns. The TBA-PWCo hybrid shown in Fig. 6(a), has some distinctive non-uniform particle like morphology while the TBA-PWNi hybrid shown in Fig. 6(b), has non uniform elongated particles with distorted and irregular edges. The TBA-PWCu hybrid has fine particulate morphology with soft edges, as seen in Fig. 6(c). The metal substitution and functionalization with TBA resulted in the changes in morphology when compared to pure crystalline PWA. The respective EDAX patterns and elemental compositions of the hybrid materials confirms the proposed molecular structures from thermal analyses.
The amorphous nature of these hybrid catalysts can also be confirmed by HRTEM analysis. The HRTEM images of TBA-PWCo catalyst are shown in Fig. 7 (a and b) at various magnifications. The SAED pattern shown in Fig. 7(c) has diffused rings, indicating the amorphous nature of the materials. The elemental composition of the hybrid obtained from EDX is shown in Fig. 7(d) is in support of the proposed molecular structure.
The transition metal substituted Keggin anions were in situ generated during the synthesis of hybrid materials. The structure can further be established from 31P NMR. The phosphorous present in unsubstituted Keggin, (PW12O40)3-, shows a peak at -15 ppm in 31P NMR [55]. The vacancy present in the monolacunary Keggin, (PW11O39)7-, deshields the phosphorous to a chemical shift of -10 ppm [56, 54]. The presence of metal substitution in the lacunary site of Keggin in hybrid materials, partially shielded the phosphorous to around − 13.7 ppm [57], as shown in Fig. 8. Therefore, the formation of transition metal substituted Keggin is confirmed.
3.2 TBA-TMSPOM catalysed conversion of CO2 to cyclic carbonates
TBA-TMSPOM hybrid materials are employed as heterogeneous catalysts for the chemical transformation of CO2 into cyclic carbonates, under mild reaction conditions. Typically, 5 mmol of epoxide, 0.12 mol of TBA-TMSPOM hybrid material as catalyst and 0.5 mmol of TBAB as a co-catalyst were placed into a round bottom flask with a CO2 balloon. This cycloaddition process was allowed to proceed for 4 hours at room temperature without solvent. Following the completion of the reaction, ethyl acetate was added to the reaction mixture and then centrifuged to recover the catalyst from the organic mixture. The crude organic mixture was then washed with water before being dried over anhydrous Na2SO4. The ethyl acetate was evaporated to obtain the crude product, and the substrate conversion was then determined by NMR analysis of the crude product. During the screening studies, substrate scope, and recyclability experiments, the 1H-NMR of the crude reaction mixture furnished data pertaining to substrate conversion and selectivity. The outcomes are summarized in Chart 1.
The cycloaddition of CO2 to epichlorohydrin was chosen as the model experiment for our optimization studies (Scheme 1). As presented in Chart 1(a), the desired product was not generated when the reaction lacked both catalyst and co-catalyst, while TBAB converted 35% of the substrate without TBA-PWCo. The catalytic system of 0.12 mol of TBA-PWCo and 0.5 mmol of TBAB reaction resulted in giving substrate conversion of 85% (Figure S1). This evidently demonstrates that TBA-TMSPOMs are far more efficient at cycloaddition and the data shows that the reaction proceeds with little or no side products and good selectivity. Combinations of TBA-PWCu/TBAB and TBA-PWNi/TBAB yielded 60% and 50% conversions, respectively (Fig. 9. (a); comparative 1H-NMR spectra, Figure S1). Furthermore, when the reaction was monitored over time, as presented in Fig. 9. (b), only 50% conversion was found after 2 hours whereas 60% conversion was observed after 3 hours (1H-NMR spectra, Figure S2). The conversion of epichlorohydrin was reduced to 60% and 50% when the TBAB loading was reduced to 0.25 mmol and 0.125 mmol, respectively (Fig. 1. (a), Figure S3).
The better catalytic activity of TBA-PWCo catalyst is considered to be due to the higher tendency of cobalt interacting with epoxides [58, 59, and 60]. The morphology of the aggregated particles may make the active sites of the catalyst more accessible and increase the activity. The recyclability studies were performed to emphasize the catalytic capability of TBA-PWCo, and the findings showed that this combined catalytic system can work reasonably well beyond four reuses, as shown in Fig. 10(A). The comparison obtained from 1H-NMR is shown in Figure S4. Most notably, recyclability investigations show that TBA-PWCo is a highly stable catalyst which can be directly linked to its catalytic performance. The first reuse of the catalyst showed a substantial reduction in catalytic activity, with roughly 17% less production of cyclic carbonate as compared to yield obtained by using the fresh catalyst. Interestingly, for the next three reuses, the catalyst provided the cyclic carbonate with approximately 7% loss in product yield compared to the prior test run while displaying the same level of catalytic activity (Fig. 10 (B), black line; second reuse to fourth reuse). This emphasizes the stability of the catalyst and possible application in industrial operations. Further research can be conducted to improve the performance of catalyst, as there was a 35% decrease in the generation of the product in its fourth reuse when compared with fresh catalyst (Fig. 10 (B), red line).
The reaction conditions used in this article are both practical and economically viable. In order to apply these conditions, 0.12 mol% of TBA-PWCo in combination with TBAB (10 mol %) is used at room temperature in reactions involving structurally different epoxides (Table 1). The cycloaddition of CO2 to 1, 2-epoxypropane, 1-hexene oxide, 1, 2-epoxycyclopentane, epoxycyclohexane, and styrene oxide progresses under environmentally benign reaction conditions more effectively than previously reported findings (Table 1, entries 1–6). It is interesting to note that octadiene diepoxide formed the symmetrical cyclic dicarbonate effectively, which is encouraging for the potential applications of such intriguing compounds in the future (Table 1, entry 7).
Comparative analysis for the catalytic efficiency of the TBA-PWCo to that of the POM and MOF-based catalysts previously reported for the solvent-free synthesis of cyclic carbonates is shown in Table 2 [37–41]. These catalysts have a better conversion rate than TBA-PWCo but under higher reaction temperature and CO2 pressure, demonstrating the significantly greater catalytic efficiency of the TBA-PWCo catalyst towards cyclic carbonates. The greater performance of TBA-PWCo is speculated to be induced by oxophillic nature of cobalt towards epoxide [36].
Table 2
Comparative analysis of various catalysts for converting CO2 into cyclic carbonates
Catalytic system
CO2 pressure (atm.)
Reaction time (h)
Conversion (%)
Zn-POMOF (2 mol%) / TBAB (2.5 mol %)
[Na(H2O)5](NH4)7P2W15O56Co3(H2O)3(OH)3Mn(CO)3]·19H2O (0.23 mol%)/ pyrrolidinium bromide (8 mol%)
Zn-azatrane complexes a (0.25 mol %) TBAB (0.4 mol%)
V8 Clusters (2 mol%) TBAB (2.5 mol%)
[Co2.5(LOH)(LO)2 (H2O)2(PW12O39)·3CH3 CN2 OH (10 mg)/TBAB (0.16 g)
Na1.5H4.5[(CH3)4N]2 [Mn(CO)3]4 (Se2 W11O43)·9H2O (0.15 mol%)/1-ethyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bromide (8 mol %)
PDDA-PWCo (0.2 mol%) / TBAB (10 mol%)
TBA-PWCo (0.12 mol%) / TBAB (10 mol%)
This work
The proposed mechanism for TBA-PWCo/TBAB-catalysed cycloaddition is depicted in Scheme 2. The interaction between TBA-PWCo and oxygen atom activates the oxirane ring which results in nucleophilic oxirane ring opening by TBAB to facilitate a significant increase in reaction rate and product selectivity. As the metal-alkoxide is now exposed, CO2 insertion occurs which is then followed by intramolecular cyclization and bromide removal to generate cyclic carbonate.
The catalytic process developed in this work requires ambient temperature and solvent-free conditions to produce the desired cyclic carbonates. This convincingly demonstrates that monolacunary catalytic systems substituted with transition metal can produce cyclic carbonates in a way that is environmentally friendly. Furthermore, this catalytic method has the potential to be effective in industrial applications utilizing cyclic carbonates.