ChIP-seq binding profiles of Pnt fused to GFP and FLAG tags
To identify genes that may be regulated by Pnt, we performed ChIP-seq using late larval eye-antennal discs derived from pnt-GFP-FPTB; pntΔ88/pnt2 animals. pnt-GFP-FPTB is a transgenic genomic clone encoding a Pnt protein with GFP and FLAG tags on its C-terminus. The clone covers ~ 11 kb upstream and ~ 24 kb downstream of the pnt locus and appears to include all regulatory sequences required for proper pnt expression. Specifically, animals that are trans-heterozygous for pnt null alleles are fully rescued by the pnt-GFP-FPTB transgene, consistent with previous reports(29). Late larval eye-antennal discs were chosen for ChIP-seq because retinal progenitor cells are actively differentiating into different cell types at this stage of eye development. Since Pnt is required for the differentiation and survival of both neuronal and non-neuronal cells, performing ChIP-seq at this stage will allow the identification of targets that underlie these complex processes. We performed ChIP-seq with anti-GFP or anti-FLAG antibodies with two or three biological replicates, respectively. Each sample was sequenced to a depth of 40 million reads. Unique reads were then mapped to the Drosophila melanogaster genome release 6 (dm6), resulting in an average of 6,362 (8,787 and 3937) and 6,268 (6902, 4903, and 6998) regions (peaks) enriched by anti-GFP or anti-FLAG, respectively.
Next, peaks were mapped to genes that are within 2 kb of the peaks. An average of 7,487 genes were associated with anti-GFP ChIP-seq peaks, while anti-FLAG peaks mapped to an average of 6,396 genes. Most peaks are close to the transcription start site (average of 41.5%) while just 11.9% (anti-GFP) or 12.3% (anti-FLAG) of peaks map to intergenic regions. We also performed pairwise intersections of each possible combination of anti-GFP and anti-FLAG ChIP-seq peak sets and found overlaps ranging from 73–97%. Taken together, these data suggest that our ChIP-seq results are reproducible and the initial quality control is good.
Pnt ChIP-seq identifies peaks near previously identified targets
Very few directs targets of Pnt have been identified in Drosophila tissues thus far, including pros(18), hh(21), tailless (tll)(30), string (stg)(19), sv(22) and ETS-domain lacking (edl)(31). Among these, only pros, hh, stg and sv have been identified as direct Pnt targets in the eye. Previously published analyses of enhancers in the vicinity of these genes have suggested that Pnt directly regulates their expression during development. Our ChIP-seq genomic tracks show peaks that overlap with the enhancers of these genes known to be bound and regulated by Pnt. For instance, hh is expressed posterior to the MF(21) (Fig. 1B) and the progression of the MF requires hh signaling. A 203 bp minimal eye-specific enhancer in the first intron of hh was identified that drives reporter expression in all cells posterior to the MF, except R8. This minimal enhancer region contains Ets binding sites where Pnt binds to activate hh expression. All five biological repeats show a prominent Pnt-ChIP-seq peak as well as Ets binding sites that are centered on this hh enhancer (black box, Fig. 1C). Our snATAC-seq data also show a peak in the same genomic location that aligns with the ChIP-seq peak (Fig. 1D). Similarly, our data show Pnt-GFP-FPTB occupancy at a published Pnt-dependent 5' enhancer of pros(18) (Supplementary Fig. 1A-C) that controls expression in the R7 equivalence group, the spa minimal enhancer (SME) of sv(32) (Supplementary Fig. 2A-C) that drives reporter expression in a cone-specific pattern, and the promoter of stg (data not shown) to activate its expression and triggering mitosis in the SMW(19). DNA gel shift assays were used to identify Ets binding sites within these enhancers bound by Pnt(18, 19, 32). Our snATAC-seq data also show peaks that overlap with the ChIP-seq peaks. Furthermore, Ets binding sites are also present in these enhancers suggesting that our ChIP-seq data can accurately identify previously reported Pnt binding regions and may predict other functionally relevant targets.
Pnt binding regions are enriched for transcription factor motifs
Ets transcription factors can recruit other factors to regulate target-gene expression. For instance, the Pnt P2 isoform and Sine oculis (So) cooperatively activate hh and pros expression during eye development. We therefore used MEME-ChIP and individually subjected anti-FLAG and anti-GFP ChIP-seq peaks to motif analyses to identify binding sites of putative cofactors that may be jointly recruited along with Pnt or motifs of other transcription factors which may compete with Pnt to regulate target gene expression during eye development. Since false positives are often identified in de novo DNA motif analyses, we employed several approaches to filter irrelevant motifs in our analyses. First, we individually subjected each anti-GFP and anti-FLAG peak to motif analysis and identified factors that are common to at least four of the five repeats. Next, we used our scRNA-seq data to visualize the expression of the putative factors and retained only those that are expressed in the eye disc. Finally, we discarded factors that do not show overlapping expression with Pnt expression in our scRNA-seq data.
Among the top 20 motifs enriched in individual anti-FLAG and anti-GFP ChIP-seq peaks, ten motifs are common to at least four out of the five replicates (Supplementary Data 1). These are the Ets motif (Pnt and Aop), the zinc finger TF Crooked legs (Crol), the transcriptional repressors Tramtrack (Ttk) and Adult enhancer factor 1 (Aef1), the zinc finger TF Klumpfuss (Klu), the Boundary element-associated factor of 32 kD (BEAF-32), the Smad family factor Medea (Med), the Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling pathway member Mothers against dpp (Mad), the Pipsqueak type TF encoded by CG15812, and the paired-rule TF Paired (Prd). With the sole exception of Prd, eight of these factors are expressed in our late larval eye disc scRNA-seq dataset and show overlapping expression patterns with Pnt (Fig. 2B-K). These factors are candidate binding partners of Pnt in the eye disc as they appear in all of our analyses. The remaining top 20 motifs enriched in individual ChIP-seq peaks are shown in Supplementary Data 1. As expected, the Ets motif (bound by Pnt and Anterior open/Yan) is among the top three motifs identified in anti-GFP and anti-FLAG ChIP-seq peaks of all replicates (Supplementary Data 1). It is well documented that Aop competes with Pnt for DNA binding sites to repress target gene expression(29, 33). Furthermore, other transcription factors identified in our analyses have known roles in eye development and function and therefore may coregulate some target genes with Pnt(34–39).
Pnt ChIP-seq peaks near genes involved in eye function
To identify the biological processes that may be regulated by Pnt, we performed Gene Ontology (GO) analyses with genes associated with the ChIP-seq peaks using the Panther database(40). As expected, some of the top enriched GO terms are associated with processes related to eye function and development (Supplementary Data 2). These include the sevenless (sev) signaling pathway (GO:0045501), regulation of cell cycle G1/S phase transition (GO:1902806), compound eye cone cell differentiation (GO:0042675), R3/R4 cell fate commitment (GO:0007464), positive regulation of cell cycle G1/S phase transition (GO:1902808), imaginal disc growth (GO:0007446), negative regulation of photoreceptor cell differentiation (GO:0046533) and positive regulation of dendrite morphogenesis (GO:0050775). GO analyses also identified several processes that are related to EGFR and MAP kinase signaling. These include ERBB signaling pathway (GO:0038127), regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling (GO:0014066) and epidermal growth factor receptor signaling pathway (GO:0007173) Processes that are related to other signaling pathways including the cytokine-mediated signaling pathway (GO:0019221) and the hippo mediated signaling pathway (GO:0035332) were identified by GO analyses. Finally, we also see GO clusters that are unrelated to eye function, such as eggshell chorion gene amplification (GO:0007307), wing and notum subfield formation (GO:0035309), and male anatomical structure morphogenesis (GO:0090598). This may be expected because Pnt is known to be expressed and activate several targets in a wide range of Drosophila tissues(10, 11, 14, 17). Taken together, these data identify many genes that may be regulated by Pnt during eye development that were previously unknown targets.
Identification of putative cell type-specific targets of Pnt
The Egfr pathway is responsible for the sequential differentiation of both neuronal photoreceptors (except R8) and non-neuronal cone and pigment cells. The mechanism by which reiterative use of Egfr triggers these different outcomes within the eye disc is not well understood. One hypothesis is that depending on the cell state (i.e., the transcriptional milieu and/or chromatin accessibility), distinct targets may be activated in different cell types upon Egfr pathway induction. To identify putative cell type-specific targets of Pnt, we intersected our ChIP-seq data with single nuclear ATAC-seq (snATAC-seq) and single cell RNA sequence (scRNA-seq) datasets generated from late larval eye discs(28),(29, 33). We employed several criteria to identify novel putative direct targets of Pnt in the eye: 1) the gene has not been previously reported as a cell type-specific Pnt target; 2) a ChIP-seq peak maps within 2 kb of the gene; 3) a snATAC-seq peak overlaps the ChIP-seq peak that maps to the gene; and 4) the gene shows cell type-specific expression in the scRNA-seq dataset. We intersected single cell genomics datasets with anti-GFP and anti-FLAG ChIP-seq datasets; this yielded 157 or 145 genes in the anti-GFP or anti-FLAG ChIP-seq datasets, respectively, that are specifically expressed in R1-7 or cone cells (Supplementary Data 3–5). All 145 anti-FLAG genes are present in anti-GFP gene list. Motif analyses using peaks that map to these 145 genes from anti-GFP and anti-FLAG repeats identified six factors that appear in at least four out of the five replicates: Ets, CroI, Aef1, Klu, Lame duck (Lmd) and Buttonhead (Btd) (Supplementary Data 6). Although our scRNA-seq data suggests that Lmd and Btd are not expressed at detectable levels in the eye (not shown), the other four factors are expressed in the eye and overlap with pnt expression (Fig. 2). Supplementary Data 6 shows a complete list of factors (with E-values) identified in the individual repeat analyses.
Among these 145 unique genes, 127 of the genes that map to anti-GFP peaks and 135 of the genes associated with anti-FLAG peaks show multiple Ets binding sites (two or more) within 200 bp of the peak summit. These genes include many putative novel targets of Pnt during eye development and several are known to be involved in retinal cell type specification. For example, the rough (ro) gene is expressed in the MF, R2/5 and R3/4(41) (Fig. 3B) and is required for the proper specification of R2 and R5. The first intron harbors a ro enhancer that drives reporter expression in the MF, R2/5 and R3/4 (black box, Fig. 3A). All five ChIP-seq repeats show a peak in the first intron of ro that overlaps with a snATAC-seq peak at the same genomic location (Fig. 3C). The peak region also contains four Ets binding sites, suggesting that ro is a cell type-specific target of Pnt. Similarly, spalt major (salm), sevenless (sev), and seven up (svp) (Supplementary Figs. 3–5) are putative novel Pnt targets that are involved in cell type specification in the eye and also show overlapping Pnt ChIP-seq and snATAC-seq peaks. While some genes in these lists have no reported eye function, a few genes with known roles in axon development and function are present. In addition, 47 anti-GFP and 46 anti-FLAG genes are expressed in a cell type-specific manner in late larval eye discs (Supplementary Data 5). Moreover, 42 genes are common to both datasets and a total of 51 unique genes are identified when both GFP and FLAG gene lists are combined. One example is the Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) pathway member pyramus (pyr), which is predominantly expressed in R1/6 and R7 (Fig. 4B). All five ChIP-seq repeats show a prominent peak ~ 10 kb downstream of pyr (Fig. 4A). The snATAC-seq genomic track also shows a peak in the same genomic location that is most accessible in R1/6 and R7 and a cluster of Ets binding sites are present in this peak region (Fig. 4C). This suggests that pyr may be a cell type-specific target of Pnt. To test if this peak contains a cell type-specific functional enhancer, we analyzed the peak region DNA fragment in vivo for enhancer activity. We amplified the peak-region DNA of pyr (black box, Fig. 4B,C), cloned it in front of a destabilized green florescent protein (dGFP) encoding reporter gene, and generated transgenic flies carrying this construct. Larval eye discs of these flies were stained with GFP and Runt (an R7 and R8 marker) antibodies (Fig. 4D-F). We observe that GFP colocalizes with Runt in some but not all ommatidial clusters. The GFP and Runt expressing cell is apical to a second cell that expresses only Runt. This arrangement reflects the known positions of R7 and R8 cells in the developing eye, suggesting that GFP expression is in the R7 cell. Taken together, these results suggest that our ChIP-seq data can predict functional and cell type-specific enhancers in the eye. Other putative novel cell type-specific targets of Pnt, including factor of interpulse interval (fipi) (Supplementary Fig. 6A-C), are shown in Supplementary Data 5.