Endozoic and tank water bacterial communities
Altogether, 50 endozoic and water samples (plus one negative control) were sequenced, and 7,110,067 high quality sequences were obtained (median frequency per sample was 107,522, min. 2, max. 911,443). Denoising yielded a total of 11,105 ASVs. After filtering mitochondrial and chloroplast sequences, the number of ASVs decreased to 10,946. Forty-three samples yielded enough high-quality reads (at minimum sequencing depth above 10,000) for downstream analyses (19/21 cloacal, 16/20 oral, and 8/9 tank water samples).
The highest number of observed features (OF) and phylogenetic diversity (Faith’s PD) was found in tank water samples (median OF = 603, IQR = 450; median Faith’s PD = 42.8, IQR = 53.9), followed by oral samples (median OF 473, IQR = 428; median Faith’s PD 40.2, IQR = 26.2), and cloacal samples (median OF = 308, IQR = 235; median Faith’s PD = 28.4, IQR = 20) (Fig. 1a). ASV richness and evenness (Shannon’s index) was highest in oral samples (median = 6.28, IQR = 1.33), followed by cloacal (median = 5.62, IQR = 1.66), and tank water samples (median = 5.44, IQR = 1.67) (Fig. 1b). Alpha diversity showed significant differences among sample sites (Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test) for OF and Faith’s PD (p-value < 0.01), while pairwise sample site comparisons (Wilcoxon rank sum test) showed differences between cloaca vs. oral samples and cloaca vs. tank water (q-value < 0.05). Shannon’s index showed weak statistical difference among samples sites (p-value = 0.04). Pearson correlation on alpha diversity indices against size of the turtle (CCL) in individual sample site groups showed strong negative correlation between cloacal samples and OF and Faith’s PD (R = -0.67, p-value = 0.002 and R = -0.59, p-value = 0.007, respectively) (Fig. 1c), while Shannon’s index showed weaker negative correlation with CCL (R = -0.53, p-value = 0.021). Oral and tank water alpha diversity did not show any correlation effects. Further, within cloacal samples, differences were detected (Kruskal-Wallis p-value < 0.05) in age range (OF, pairwise Wilcox: adult vs. juvenile q-value = 0.024; Faith’s PD, pairwise: adult vs. juvenile q-value = 0.024) and sex of the turtles (OF, pairwise Wilcox: male vs. ND q-value = 0.004; Faith’s PD, pairwise: male vs. ND q-value = 0.018), which are directly related to turtles’ size.
Bacterial communities among samples sites differed based on PERMANOVA for Bray-Curtis (R2 = 0.09, Pr(> F) = 0.001), Jaccard (R2 = 0.08, Pr(> F) = 0.001), unweighted and weighted UniFrac (R2 = 0.12, Pr(> F) = 0.001; R2 = 0.13, Pr(> F) = 0.001, respectively), and robust Aitchison distances (R2 = 0.24, Pr(> F) = 0.002). Pairwise PERMANOVA detected differences between all sample site pairs for most beta diversity metrics except robust Aitchison where only cloaca vs. tank water and tank water vs. oral samples pairs were significantly different (Pr(> F) ≤ 0.002). Highly ranked ASVs impacting the distribution of samples on rPCA biplot were assigned to Gammaproteobacteria, order Oceanospirillales, Shewanella algae, Vibrio sp., and NS3a marine group (Fig. 1d). Within cloacal samples, significant differences in bacterial communities were detected between adults vs. juveniles (Bray-Curtis, Jaccard, and unweighted UniFrac Pr(> F) < 0.05) and ND vs. males (all distances except robust Aitchison Pr(> F) < 0.05) or females (Jaccard and weighted UniFrac Pr(> F) < 0.05). In oral samples there were differences between early vs. late hospitalization duration (all distances except robust Aitchison Pr(> F) ≤ 0.05) and early vs. mid (weighted UniFrac Pr(> F) < 0.05) hospitalization durations.
The bacterial communities of all samples were primarily represented [average relative abundance (RA) > 1% across sample site groups] by phyla Proteobacteria and Bacteroidota, Firmicutes and Campilobacterota in cloacal and oral samples, Verrucomicrobiota in cloacal and tank water samples, Bdellovibrionota in oral and tank water samples, Fusobacteriota and Spirochaetota in cloaca, Actinobacteriota in oral cavity, and Patescibacteria in tank water (Table S3). Proteobacteria consisted of 17 families (and corresponding taxa) with average RA above 1% in at least one sample site group: Cardiobacteriaceae (Cardiobacterium spp., Suttonella spp., and uncultured representatives), Shewanellaceae (Shewanella algae), Rhodobacteraceae (unclassified), Moraxellaceae (Acinetobacter spp., Psychrobacter spp.), Vibrionaceae (Vibrio spp., Vibrio fluvialis at 30% RA in 16S0074O), Pasteurellaceae (unclassified at 24% RA in 16S0074C), Neisseriaceae (unclassified at 2–10% RA in 16S0074C, 16S0092C, 16S0141C, 16S0117O; Stenoxybacter spp. at ~ 7% RA in 16S0087C, 16S0089C, 16S0089O), Pseudoalteromonadaceae (Pseudoalteromonas spp.), Saccharospirillaceae (Littoribacillus spp., Oceanobacter spp., and uncultured), Spongiibacteraceae, Sedimenticolaceae, Alteromonadaceae (Glaciecola spp. in tank water), Pseudomonadaceae (Pseudomonas at 8% RA in 16S0088O), Colwelliaceae (Colwellia spp.), Nitrincolaceae (Marinobacterium spp. and M. marisflavi), Oleiphilaceae, and Marinomonadaceae (uncultured Marinomonas spp.). Bacteroidota consisted of seven families (> 1% average RA): Flavobacteriaceae (unclassified, Flavirhabdus spp., Tenacibaculum spp.), Cryomorphaceae (uncultured), Saprospiraceae (Phaeodactylibacter spp.), NS9 marine group (uncultured Flavobacterium), Weeksellaceae (Moheibacter sp.), Bacteroidaceae (Bacteroides spp.), and Marinifilaceae (uncultured). Firmicutes consisted of two families: Lachnospiraceae, and Exiguobacteraceae at 33% RA in 16S0088O. Campilobacterota consisted of three families: Arcobacteraceae, Campylobacteraceae (Campylobacter spp.), Helicobacteraceae (Helicobacter sp. at 19% RA in 16S0092C). Fusobacteriota consisted of two families: Fusobacteriaceae and Leptotrichiaceae, and Spirochaetota had the Leptospiraceae family with average RA above 1%. Verrucomicrobiota had no families above 1% average RA but in 16S0087C Akkermansiaceae were present at 8% RA. Bdellovibrionota, Actinobacteriota, and Patescibacteria had no families above 1% average RA across at least one sample site group.
Cloacal bacterial communities differed between age groups based on PERMANOVA for Bray-Curtis (R2 = 0.15, Pr(> F) = 0.018), Jaccard (R2 = 0.14, Pr(> F) = 0.008) and unweighted UniFrac distance (R2 = 0.16, Pr(> F) = 0.013). Pairwise PERMANOVA showed significant differences only between adults and juveniles for all above-mentioned diversity measures (Pr(> F) ≤ 0.009). The differences between adults and juveniles are observed in community composition and structure as well: phylum Verrucomicrobiota appears more often in juveniles, juveniles also have higher RA of Rhodobacterales (Alphaproteobacteria), Cardiobacterales (Gammaproteobacteria), Kineosporiales (Actinobacteriota), Oligoflexales (Bdellovibrionota), Arcobacteraceae (Campylobacterales), and more Flavobacteriales (Bacteroidota) than adults. On the other hand, adults carry more Bacteroidales (Bacteroidota), Pasteurellales (Gammaproteobacteria), Helicobacteraceae and Campylobacteraceae (Campylobacterales), and Leptotrichiaceae (Fusobacteriales) (Table S3, visualizations available at Github). The low number of samples (≤ 10) in each age group prevented us from further differential abundance analyses.
Out of pathogenic bacteria reported in sea turtles as reviewed in [11], we detected Cardiobacterium spp. and Suttonella spp. (Cardiobacteriaceae) in cloacal and oral samples, Vibrio spp. mostly in oral and tank water samples, Citrobacter spp. (Enterobacteriaceae) at 2–5% RA in several cloacal and one oral sample, and Morganella spp. (Morganellaceae) at 12% RA in one cloacal sample (16S0073C). Other pathogenic bacteria were detected, albeit sparsely and at low RA (rarely reaching 1–3% RA in individual samples).
Differential abundance analysis detected 33 significantly DA features (post adjusting for multiple testing) out of which two were differentially abundant in cloaca (ASV467 Rhodobacteraceae and ASV4007 Shewanella algae), and three in oral samples (ASV9794 Truepera sp., ASV6166 and ASV467 both belonging to Rhodobacteraceae) (Fig. 2a). Tank water had 28 DA ASVs when tested against cloaca or oral samples, most of which belonged to typical marine taxa (Cryomorphaceae, NS3a marine group, SAR406 clade, Rhodobacteraceae, Nitrincolaceae, etc.). When collapsed to species level, 75 significantly DA taxa were detected, out of which 13 in cloaca and 15 in oral samples (Fig. 2b). Depending on the tested sample site pair several features would be DA in both oral and cloacal samples when compared to tank water e.g., genera Marinifilum, Tenacibaculum, and Labrenzia, members of Cardiobacteriaceae and Comamonadaceae families (Fig. 2b). (p-value ≤ 0.05), while double asterisk (**) indicates significance after adjusting for multiple testing (q-value ≤ 0.05).
Negative control sample yielded 478 reads (23 ASVs) out of which 46% belonged to genus Cupriavidus (ASV8329). The rest of the reads were assigned to Phyllobacterium (9%, ASV6495), Sphingomonas (5%, ASV7577), Archaea Nitrosopumilaceae (4%, ASV14), Lactobacillus (3%, ASV4269), Lachnoclostridium (3%, ASV4451), Pseudomonas (3%, ASV10106), Archaea ANEM 2a-2b (3%, ASV26), Caulobacteraceae family (3%, ASV6031), Bradyrhizobium (2%, ASV6541), Methylobacterium jeotgali (2%, ASV6409), and Archaea Nitrosopumilaceae family (ASV18), Paracoccus solventivorans (ASV6950), Stenotrophomonas (ASV10578), Blastocatellaceae JGI 0001001-H03 metagenome (ASV131), Lactobacillus iners (ASV4273), Archaea order Methanomassiliicoccales (ASV62), Rikenellaceae RC9 gut group (ASV713), family Microscillaceae (ASV1470), family Chitinophagaceae (ASV778), Sphingorhabdus (ASV7595), Cloacibacterium (ASV2845), Rhodomicrobium (ASV6512) (all below 1%). Fourteen ASVs from negative control sample were detected in other samples as well. Low read samples (up to 5000 reads and all excluded from analyses) had 45% of total reads assigned to negative control Cupriaviudus ASV in comparison to high read samples that had 0.007%, followed by Caulobacteraceae and Phyllobacterium at 7% and 3%, respectively (compared to high read samples that had < 0.0001% reads assigned to those ASVs). The rest of negative control ASVs followed a similar pattern where they were comprising a substantial proportion of reads in low read vs. high read samples (Table S3). Top 3 ASVs in negative control (Cupriavidus, Phyllobacterium, Sphinogomonas) comprised 61% of total reads in negative control and 53% of total reads in low read samples (only 0.008% of total reads in high read samples).
Endozoic and tank water fungal communities
Overall, 29 samples (plus one negative control) were sequenced, and 2,208,729 high quality sequences were obtained (median frequency per sample was 69,203, min. 11,722, max. 150,142). Denoising yielded a total of 9,547 ASVs. Based on alpha rarefaction curves, 27 samples yielded enough high-quality reads (at minimum sequencing depth at 25,000 reads) for downstream statistical analyses requiring rarefied data (19/20 cloacal, and 8/9 tank water samples). All samples except negative control were used in compositional data analyses.
Tank water samples had significantly higher number of observed features and phylogenetic diversity (median = 674, IQR = 97.8; Faith’s PD median = 98.0, IQR = 10.5) than cloacal samples (median = 509, IQR = 372, Faith’s PD median = 66.6, IQR = 51.7) (Fig. 3a) based on Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test (OF p-value = 0.008; Faith’s PD p-value = 0.007). Shannon’s diversity was not detected as significantly different between sample sites (tank water median = 8.66, IQR = 1.31; cloaca median = 6.76, IQR = 2.58) (Fig. 3b). There were no significant differences in alpha diversity values within cloacal or tank water samples when tested for age range, sex, or rehabilitation duration. The only beta diversity metric that showed significant differences between tank water and cloaca was unweighted UniFrac (R2 = 0.06, Pr(> F) = 0.042). Unweighted UniFrac PCoA showed unclear sample groupings, however, there is a separation of cloacal and corresponding tank water samples on PCA1 axis (Fig. S1a, corresponding samples connected with dashed lines). Compositional data analysis rPCA did not show clear separation of samples sites, and top ranked ASVs belonged to Preussia flanaganii, genus Tetracladium, order Xylariales, genus Rhizoctonia, and family Nectriaceae (Fig. S1b).When collapsed to species level, cloacal and tank water samples each had five differentially abundant taxa detected. In cloacal samples DA taxa were Leptodiscella, Elaphomyces, Sclerocleista, Gliomastix, Thelephora; and in tank water they were Cladosporium, unidentified Leotiomycetes, unidentified Sordariomycetes (Chaetosphaerilaes), Nectria, and Humicola - although none of them were statistically significant after correction for multiple testing (Fig. 3c). Cloacal and tank water fungal communities were represented mostly by phyla Ascomycota (average RA ± standard deviation in cloaca and tank water = 57 ± 15% and 53 ± 9%, respectively), Basidiomycota (19 ± 9% and 22 ± 3%), Glomeromycota (7 ± 6% and 10 ± 12%), Mortierellomycota (2 ± 2% and 3 ± 2%) unidentified Fungi (13 ± 20% and 11 ± 7%) (Fig. 3d). Within Ascomycota, most classes were found in cloaca and/or tank water above 1% average RA: Sordariomycetes (family Nectriaceae in cloaca and tank water, order Xylariales in cloaca), Pezizomycotina cls Incertae sedis (Pezizomycotina fam Incertae sedis), Leotiomycetes (family Helotiaceae and unclassified members of order Helotiales), Dothideomycetes (families Phaeosphaeriaceae in cloaca, Sporormiaceae in both, and Lophiostomataceae in tank water), Pezizomycetes (family Pyronemataceae), Eurotiomycetes, Saccharomycetes (cloaca). In Basidiomycota these were classes Agaricomycetes (families Glomeraceae, Serendipitaceae, Russulaceae in both, Sebacinaceae and Inocybaceae only in tank water), and Tremellomycetes (Piskurozymaceae in cloaca). In Glomeromycota and Mortierellomycota, classes Glomeromycetes (family Glomeraceae) and Mortierellomycetes (family Mortierellaceae) were present above 1% average RA in both cloaca and tank water, respectively (Table S4). Out of all fungal ASVs, 18% could not be identified below phylum level (Table S4).
Clinically relevant taxa such as Fusarium spp. (family Nectriaceae), Cladosporium spp. (family Davidiellaceae), and Penicillium spp. (family Trichocomaceae) were detected sporadically across samples at or around 1–2% RA, with Fusarium spp. reaching 8% RA in ITS0094C sample. Two ASVs assigned to Nectriaceae and Solicoccozyma aeria were shared across 90% of all samples (26/29), while 90% of cloacal samples (18/20) shared an ASV assigned to Nectriaceae, and 100% of tank water samples (9/9) shared eight ASVs assigned to Nectriaceae, Bartaliniaceae, Serendipitaceae, Clonostachys sp., Tetracladium sp., Solicoccozyma aeria, Ilyonectria robusta, and Pseudaleuria sp. (Table S4).
Negative control sample yielded 60,329 ITS2 reads (with 1,131 fungal ASVs) most of which belonged to Ascomycota (90%) (Table S4). Out of all negative control fungal ASVs 424 were detected in cloacal and tank water samples making up 71% of total reads in negative control, 36% in cloacal and 32% of total reads in tank water samples. Maximum RA of an individual ASV in negative control reached 2% (assigned to Inocybe maculata), with top 14 ASVs at 1–2% RA.
Epizoic and endozoic bacterial communities
After trimming epizoic, endozoic, and tank water sequences to V4 region of 16S rRNA gene (65 samples in total) and denoising, 10,072,866 high quality sequences were merged across all sequencing events (median frequency per sample was 126,629, min. 0, max. 946,183) and yielded 13,263 ASVs. Due to reduced resolution after trimming the longer V34 region to shorter V4 region, the number of ASVs for cloacal, oral and tank water samples was expectedly lower (7,725 in V4 vs. 11,105 in V34 sequences).
Carapace samples had the highest median species richness and diversity (OF median 732, IQR = 420, Faith’s PD median = 45.7, IQR = 25.2; median Shannon’s index = 5.94, IQR = 2.22), which was followed by tank water, oral and cloacal samples (Fig. 4a, 4b). The differences between sample sites’ alpha diversity were detected as statistically significant (Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test), however pairwise comparisons showed differences only in Faith’s phylogenetic diversity and OF: between cloaca and all other sample sites (except tank water based on OF), oral cavity and carapace. All beta diversity metrics showed significant differences between body sites for Bray-Curtis (R2 = 0.13, Pr(> F) = 0.001), Jaccard (R2 = 0.10, Pr(> F) = 0.001), unweighted and weighted UniFrac (R2 = 0.16, Pr(> F) = 0.001; R2 = 0.18, Pr(> F) = 0.001, respectively), and robust Aitchison distances (R2 = 0.09, Pr(> F) = 0.001). Pairwise PERMANOVA detected differences between all sample site pairs (Pr(> F) < 0.01). Highly ranked ASVs impacting the distribution of samples on rPCA biplot belonged to Pseudoalteromonas sp., Vibrio sp., Shewanella sp., uncultured Saccharospirillaceae, uncultured Marinifilum, uncultured Cardiobacteriaceae (Fig. 4c).
The taxonomic composition of endozoic samples and tank water resembled the one detected with V34 sequences (Table S5). The carapace samples mostly consisted of families Pseudoalteromonadaceae (Pseudoalteromonas spp.), Rhodobacteraceae (unclassified and Paracoccus spp.), Flavobacteriaceae (unclassified and Tenacibaculum spp.), Vibrionaceae (Vibrio spp.), Alteromonadaceae (Alteromonas spp.), Moraxellaceae (Acinetobacter spp., Psychrobacter spp.), Saccharospirillaceae (unclassified and Oceaniserpentilla spp.), Arcobacteraceae, Sphingomonadaceae, Colwelliaceae (Colwellia spp.), Cyclobacteriaceae, Shewanellaceae (Shewanella spp.), Spongiibacteraceae (BD1-7 clade), Cellvibrionaceae, JGI 0000069-P22, and Pseudomonadaceae (Pseudomonas spp.) (Table S5).
Differential abundance analysis on ASVs (structural zeros excluded) detected 17 significantly DA ASVs across all sample sites (Fig. 5). A member of Rhodobacteraceae family (v4ASV8861) and Halioglobus sp. (v4ASV11062) were consistently DA in oral samples while the same goes for Cardiobacterium sp. (v4ASV10814) and a member of Enterobacteriaceae family (v4ASV11383) in cloaca. In carapace samples a member of Flavobacteriaceae family (v4ASV2446), cyanobacteria Leptolyngbya sp. (v4ASV4472), Ahrensia sp. (v4ASV8480), Sphingomonadaceae (v4ASV9910), Erythrobacter sp. (v4ASV9994), Gammaproteobacteria (v4ASV10111), Alteromonas sp. (v4ASV10327), Arenicella sp. (v4ASV10634), Psychrobacter sp. (v4ASV12017) and Vibrio sp. (v4ASV12307) were DA relative to other sample sites, while Marinomonas sp. (v4ASV11704) was DA abundant in carapace tested against endozoic samples, but not tank water. In tank water a member of Flavobacteriaceae (v4ASV2446) and NS3a marine group (v4ASV2817) were consistently DA (Fig. 5).
Differential abundance analysis on taxa collapsed to species level (structural zeros excluded) detected 58 DA taxa (Fig. S2). Most taxa were found to be DA in carapace (Erythrobacter spp., Thalassospira spp., Leptolynbya sp., etc.) or tank water samples (e.g., Cryomorphaceae spp., NS3a marine group, Marinomonas spp.). Taxa collapsed to Tenacibaculum, Moraxellaceae, Cardiobacteriaceae, Marinifilum, Campylobacter, and Bacteroidales, were consistently DA in both cloaca and oral cavity in comparison to carapace and tank water. Bacteroides, WCHB1.41, Rikenellaceae RC9 gut group, Cardiobacterium, Shewanella were consistent in cloacal samples, while Halioglobus and Truepera were DA in oral samples (Fig. S2).