Pre-MSC uplift and subsidence induced by mantle delamination
The timing of uplift in the eastern part of the Betics has been provided in recent research by the age of the marine-continental transition in the intermontane basins. In the internal basins of Fortuna-Lorca, Guadix-Baza Huercal-Overa, and Almanzora, the transition has been dated to the end of the Tortonian (8-7.5 Ma), indicating uplift before the MSC 23,52–55. It has also been suggested that the onset of N-S/NW-SE shortening occurred around 8 − 7 Ma in the eastern Betics 56–58 and in the Alboran sea 59. This timing is in line with previous T-t paths inferred from apatite fission tracks (AFT) ages ranging from 2.5 Ma to 25 Ma (mode of 8 Ma ; Fig. 1a) 33,34,60–63 that support the interpretation that exhumation in the Internal Zone was progressive and associated with orogen-parallel stretching from the Sierra de los Filábres at 13 − 11 Ma (Serravallian-Tortonian) to the Sierra de Nevada at 8 − 6 Ma (Late Tortonian-Messinian). The late Tortonian uplift and exhumation documented in the internal basins therefore appear temporally closely related to a late Tortonian stage of extension. At lower elevation, in external basins that recorded the MSC, the marine-continental transition shows a younger uplift ranging from Pliocene, ca. 5.3 Ma in Sorbas Basin, to post-mid-late Pliocene (4-3.6 Ma) Ma for distal Vera, Alicante-Cartagena, Nijar-Carboneras basins 52,55,64. Final uplift in the external basins occurred therefore after the Zanclean reconnection between Atlantic and Mediterranean.
New U-Pb ages, isotopic signatures and temperatures of carbonate fluids in veins from the Tabernas basin are representative of the thermal conditions and fluid pathways that prevailed during extension in external basins. The narrow U-Pb age range from 8.5 to 5 Ma argue for a short-lived fluid event, for which the cessation coincides with a change in the tectonic stress field. This scenario is further argued by the differential exhumation across the CF between the CGVP (MOJ1.1) that cooled from 4.5 Ma and the NF metamorphic complex (MOJ2.1) that cooled from 3 Ma. We interpret this difference as evidence for sequential deformation from south to north associated with the movement across the CF as the CGVP and Águilas Arc collided with the continental basement. The initiation of cooling across the CF is coincident with the termination of fluid circulation and uplift of the external basins. We infer that the end of fluid circulation marks the onset of compression across the CF at 4.5 Ma that regionally coincides with the onset of collision with the magmatic arc crust of EAB. The Pliocene compression is synchronous with the post-MSC uplift in external basins and is clearly distinct from the late Tortonian, pre-MSC uplift, documented in internal basins, which is associated with extension.
The different timing of uplift between internal (8-7.5 Ma) and external basins (post-5 Ma) is significant and has acted at different scales. For instance, the late Tortonian uplift is described as nearly synchronous across the whole of the Betics, even farther westward of the tip of the slab tear 23,54. If this late Tortonian uplift in the internal basin is compared to the age and type of magmatism in eastern Betics, it appears to coincide with a transition from post-collisional calc-alkaline volcanism (basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite, rhyolite), older than 8 Ma in CGVP (mostly 11 ± 1 Ma) and Alboran Sea, to high-K calc-alkaline, shoshonitic and ultrapotassic volcanism (Si-K-rich lamproite) dated between 8 and 6 Ma, mean ages of 7.4 Ma 16,65,66 (Fig. 6). These mantle-derived lavas are found preferentially north of CGVP and south of the slab edge (Fig. 6) where asthenosphere upwelling is imaged by low S-wave velocity anomaly (Fig. 5).
Control of mantle-driven processes on late Tortonian syn-extension fluids can be tested in the Tabernas basin based on clumped-isotope water composition and temperatures. Comparison of δ18Owater inferred from samples δ18Ocalcite (Fig. 3) with the oxygen isotope composition of Tortonian and Messinian sea-water and freshwater supports an interpretation that the fluids originated from two distinct sources. Values of δ18Owater between − 0.9 ± 0.7‰ VSMOW and + 3.1 ± 0.7‰ VSMOW (T24, T36, T38, T41) reveals they precipitated in equilibrium with marine water or involved a component of formational water, indicating fluid-rock interactions. This contrasts with the negative δ18Owater (TA45, TA31) of about − 5‰ VSMOW pointing to a contribution of meteoric water. Given the temporal overlap of U-Pb-dated fluids, we infer that circulation of seawater and meteoric water alternated in time during the 3-Myr fluid-flow event. T47 estimates indicate these fluids precipitated at around 75 ± 10°C (2σ of 5°C) or 72°C ± 15°C if the undated TA31 sample is included in the calculation. Assuming they are fluids emplaced prior to folding of host rocks, paleodepths of 1-1.5 km are inferred for fluids that precipitated during the Tortonian (TA24, TA38, TA41) and Pliocene (TA36, TA45) (Figs. 1d&5). It has been argued that the northern flank of the Tabernas syncline hosting NF and AJ basement samples (TA38, TA41) was folded before the Serravallian-Lower Tortonian 31. When associated with the lower Tortonian sample from the Tabernas ridge (TA24) characterized by identical T47 and U-Pb age, we infer that these Tortonian fluids reflect a basin-scale thermal event consistent with regional gradients above 75°C/km. In summary, we conclude that these pre-5 Ma fluids precipitated in association with regional palaeogeothermal gradients of > 50°C/km, likely locally rising above 75°C/km on the flanks of the basins. Comparison with continental geotherms accounting for radiogenic crustal heat production, and transient cooling of the lithosphere, show that these shallow crustal gradients are consistent with steady-state temperature gradients of 55°C/km computed for a 65 km thick lithosphere, crustal thickness of 25 km, and thermal-tectonic age of the lithosphere of 20 Ma (Supplementary Discussion 2). We predict a surface heat flow of 118 mW/m2, which agrees with the measured current heat flow of 124 mW/m2 in the EAB 67. Note that this value requires a high mantle heat flux of 48 mW/m2 that is 50% higher than the average European mantle heat flow 46. The δ18Owater of the veins argue that fluids precipitated in equilibrium with the expected seawater and meteoric sources under a high regional continental geotherm established during lithosphere thinning and mantle upwelling.
These new results combined with previous data show that basin subsidence and lithospheric thinning has continued from 8.5 and 5 Ma in the external basins (Fig. 7), in contrast to the internal basins that recorded synchronous uplift. The right-lateral strike-slip tectonic regime observed today (Fig. 1b), found associated with lithospheric tearing and delamination, is likely to be the trigger of the contrasting vertical movements (Fig. 7b). Evidence for delamination are brought by geochemical and petrological data on the mantle sources of alkaline lavas. They demonstrate that the transition from calk-alkaline to high-K calc-alkaline, shoshonitic and ultrapotassic volcanism is the result of variable degrees of melting of a lithospheric mantle that was metasomatised by fluids prior to Paleogene collision in the Betics 68. Delamination of the Iberian mantle, accompanied by upwelling of the asthenospheric mantle (Fig. 7a), provides the most reliable explanation for the observed magmatic evolution. Because of the differential motion between the retreating mantle delamination zone (Alboran) and the overriding plate (Iberia), propagating strike-slip faults resulted in lithospheric tearing in the sense of 69. In the exposed crust, tectonic interpretation of E-W dextral transfer fault zones, vertical rotations across the Internal and External Betics 70 and orogen-parallel extension supports this scenario. Recent research has established that tearing is distribute rather than localized, and that extension is oblique to the Betic trend, hence resulting in the formation of a highly oblique rifted margin 31.
We propose that the association of strike-slip tectonic regime with northward retreating delamination explains the contrast between uplift of internal basins that developed on the thick, proximal margin and the subsidence of external basins that underwent larger rift-related extension (Fig. 7b). Importantly, the mid-late Miocene stage of formation of the strike-slip transfer zone is temporally distinct from the onset of slab tearing, which is a localized lithospheric feature that does not extend over the whole Betics, as imaged by seismic data (Fig. 1b). According to our interpretation, this tectonic configuration lasted until 5 Ma when the delaminated slab detached and shortening initiated (Fig. 7). Extrusion of the Alboran block and onset of the CF developed at this time. It has been suggested that the transition from oceanic subduction to continental delamination was responsible for the change between the pre-MSC high-K calc-alkaline, shoshonitic and ultrapotassic volcanism and the emplacement of the most primitive magmatic rocks, comprising the isolated emission of post-MSC Na-alkaline basalts (hawaiite) (2.9–2.3 Ma) 71. In contrast, we argue that the 3 Myrs gap between pre-MSC and post-MSC magmatism observed in eastern Betics (Fig. 6) is the consequence of shortening. The MSC occurs during the latest stages of continental delamination retreat and extension initiated as early as the EAB magmatic arc formed around 11 ± 1 Ma (Fig. 7). We link the MSC to the topographic uplift caused by the combination of mantle lithosphere thinning, magmatism, and mantle upwelling producing dynamic topography. This model agrees with the occurrence of an Alboran volcanic archipelago that permitted faunal exchanges before and after the MSC 27. The post-5 Ma formation of a new plate boundary fault between Africa and Iberia has so far produced limited regional effects on topography compared to deep mantle processes.