Discrete choice experiment
A discrete choice experiment (DCE) was used, a technique that describes an intervention or therapy by its attributes like effectiveness, side effects or costs, and their levels. The combinations of different attributes and levels are used to characterize a number of hypothetical treatment choice sets. For every choice set, a participant is asked to choose the option they prefer (16, 17). The aim is to establish which characteristics of genetic interventions influence choice behavior and which characteristics are preferred. For this study, the ISPOR guideline for conjoint analysis was used (18).
Identification and selection of the attributes
For the identification of the attributes, the following steps were taken. First, literature was reviewed for potentially relevant attributes related to genetic interventions for SCA and HD. A search in the PubMed database was performed in December 2021 and combined search terms for ‘genetic therapy’, with terms for ‘patient’, ‘perspectives’, and terms for SCA and HD. Since the search led to only two relevant results, the search was extended by also including studies of other neurodegenerative disorders. In total, four papers were eligible and data regarding different characteristics of genetic interventions were extracted in an Excel spreadsheet (19–22).
Second, a list of possible relevant attributes was made by the first author, based on the results of the literature review. This list was discussed within the research team and consensus was reached about the attributes that were eligible for inclusion in the final list of topics (such as treatment goals and advantages, risks of procedures, treatment procedures, timing of treatment, and trial participation) for the semi-structured interviews with patients. The aim of the semi-structured interviews was to identify the most relevant attributes as seen by patients.
Ten patients (five with HD and five with SCA; seven manifest, one early manifest and two premanifest) were recruited to participate in semi-structured interviews. All patients gave written informed consent. The interviews were guided by the list of attributes and were conducted by phone or video conference in December 2021 or January 2022. Since saturation was achieved at the end of the 10 interviews, no further interviews with other patients were planned. Detailed results of these interviews will be published separately.
The list of attributes was discussed within the research team until consensus was reached. The final list included four attributes: (1) mode and frequency of administration, (2) chance of a beneficial effect, (3) risks, (4) and follow-up (see Table 1).
Table 1
Attributes and levels included in the DCE.
Explanation for the participant
Mode and frequency of administration
The way the drug enters the body and how many times the drug should be given.
Single operation *
You will be under general anesthesia (in a deep sleep) during the operation. The operation is one-time with a permanent effect. The drug is introduced into the brain through an injection.
Lumbar puncture 12 times per year
A lumbar puncture is an injection in the lower back. During this treatment you are awake and the skin can be made numb locally. A lumbar puncture has a temporary effect and must therefore be repeated every month.
Lumbar puncture 6 times per year
A lumbar puncture is an injection in the lower back. During this treatment you are awake and the skin can be made numb locally. A lumbar puncture has a temporary effect and must therefore be repeated every two months.
Chance of a beneficial effect
The number of people that experience a good result, such as slowing down disease progression. The exact chance is currently not known, therefore this chance is hypothetical.
20 in 100 persons experienced a good result.
40 in 100 persons experienced a good result.
60 in 100 persons experienced a good result
The percentage of people that experience a negative side effect.
1% risk of infection, bleeding, paralysis *
Short-term side effects that can arise immediately after the treatment. There is a 1% risk (1 in 100 persons) of side effects such as infection, bleeding, or even paralysis or death. These side effects can cause permanent damage.
10% risk of headache, pain at injection site
Short-term side effects that can arise immediately after the treatment. There is a 10% (10 in 100 persons) risk of side effects such as headache or pain on the injection site. These side effects will pass.
Unknown on long-term
Long-term side effects that occur later, for example after years. The long-term side effects of genetic interventions are currently not known. It is also not known how likely these are to occur. Possible risks that can occur are for example undesirable effects of the injection of genetic material into the brain.
The healthcare provider and hospital that will conduct the follow-up appointments during the treatment period.
Please note: this question is about follow-up appointments. A possible operation will always take place in the nationwide expert center for SCA or HD.
Neurologist in local hospital without expertise *
A neurologist who does not have specific knowledge of SCA or HD, working in the nearest local hospital.
Neurologist in nearest university hospital without expertise
A neurologist who does not have specific knowledge of SCA or HD, working in the nearest university hospital.
Neurologist in nationwide expert center (University hospital)
A neurologist who is familiar with SCA or HD, working in the nationwide expert center for SCA or HD. This is a university hospital.
Nurse practitioner in nationwide expert center (University hospital)
A nurse practitioner who is familiar with SCA or HD, working in the nationwide expert center for SCA or HD. This is a university hospital.
* Level of the attribute which was used as the reference level for dummy coding. |
Selection of the levels
For each attribute, levels and their descriptions were selected based on a review of the literature, information from ongoing clinical trials and from websites of pharmaceutical companies that are developing genetic interventions for SCA and HD. Since genetic interventions are not available yet for patients with SCA and HD, some levels were estimated based on the results of the semi-structured interviews and expert opinion of team members. Following the ISPOR guidelines, we did not use ranges to define attributes and we limited levels to three or four per attribute.
Levels for the attribute ‘mode and frequency of administration’ were chosen based on genetic interventions that are currently being studied (6). Levels for the attribute ‘chance of a beneficial effect’ were chosen based on expert opinion and assumptions that came forward during the interviews with patients, where inclusion of outliers (i.e. extreme, unrealistic values) was avoided. Levels for the attribute ‘risks’ were chosen based on known side effects of lumbar punctures and intracerebral injections (23), and possible long-term effects were based on expert opinion. Levels of the attribute ‘follow-up’ were chosen based on logistic options within the healthcare system in the Netherlands (see Table 1).
Experimental design and questionnaire
Based on the number of attributes and levels, there are 33 x 41 = 108 hypothetical treatment combinations. For practical reasons, Ngene (version 1.1.1. http://www.choice-metrics.com) was used to reduce this number to a manageable size by the development of an Bayesian efficient experimental design with 24 choice sets divided into three blocks of eight. Blocking was applied to reduce the number of tasks per respondent and thus cognitive burden.
Full profiles were used which means that within each task, a respondent was presented all attributes that were included in the study. Profiles were grouped into sets of two per task (see Table 2). Respondents were randomly assigned to one of the three blocks, based on registration number.
The forced choice-elicitation format was used. No opt-out or status-quo options were included, since no good alternative treatment is currently available for patients with SCA and HD.
Each respondent was also given an additional choice set that checked for internal validity. This task included a within-set dominated pair (i.e. a choice set with alternative A is more desirable than alternative B for all attributes) (24), to check whether the respondents choose the dominated alternative within the choice set. A sensitivity analysis was done to check for the effect of excluding this choice set from the analysis.
To improve the readability of the questionnaire, the text was screened and adapted by a communication expert of Radboud university medical center. A pilot test was conducted in 19 participants with SCA or HD, to check whether respondents understood the choice sets and explanations.
The choice tasks were part of an online questionnaire that also included additional questions, such as questions about health status, sociodemographic information, and some contextual questions related to the choice tasks. The additional questions are listed in Supplement 1. The questionnaire was built in the web-based survey tool LimeSurvey.
Prior to the actual choice tasks, the questionnaire included a simple example question, in order to introduce the concepts of ‘attributes’ and ‘levels’ to the respondents. Furthermore, additional information, descriptions and explanations about the used attributes and levels was provided prior to the choice tasks and all participants had the option to read the explanation again at the moment the choice sets were presented.
At the end of the choice sets, participants were asked how clear the questions were on a 5-point scale ranging from ‘very clear’ to ‘very unclear’, and how difficult it was for them to choose between the treatments in the choice sets, also on a 5-point scale ranging from ‘very easy’ to ‘very difficult’.
Table 2
Example of a choice set in the DCE.
Mode and frequency of administration
Lumbar puncture 6 times per year
Single operation
Chance of beneficial effect
20% (20 in 100 persons experienced a good result)
20% (20 in 100 persons experienced a good result)
10% risk transient side effects as headache, pain at injection site
Unknown on long-term
Nurse practitioner in nationwide expert center (university hospital)
Neurologist in nearest university hospital without expertise
Which option do you prefer?
Data collection
Data were collected between April 2022 and January 2023, with help of the Dutch patient associations for ataxia and HD. Adult patients with a confirmed diagnosis of SCA, HD or persons who carry a pathogenic CAG repeat expansion in a SCA or HD disease-causing gene were invited to participate. Respondents were recruited to complete the online questionnaire by placing a call with a link to the questionnaire on the patient organizations’ online media platforms, such as their websites, Facebook pages, and digital newsletters. Patients were sent a paper version of the questionnaire on request.
All respondents were asked to give consent for the use of their anonymous responses before the questionnaire started.
The Regional Ethics Committee Arnhem-Nijmegen, the Netherlands concluded that the Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Act (WMO) did not apply to this study (file number: 2021–9700).
Based on the number of active members of the Dutch patient associations for SCA and HD, and based on prior respondent rates within these groups, it was estimated that it would be feasible to include 300 respondents, which is similar to the number that is recommended by others for robust quantitative analysis (25).
Statistical analysis
Descriptive data were analyzed with SPSS version 27 for Windows. The independent sample’s T test was used to compare means between two groups. Spearman’s rank correlation test was used to test whether ordinal variables correlated. A significance level of 0.05 was chosen for statistical significance.
Discrete choice data were analyzed using Nlogit version 5 (Econometric Software, Inc.).
A multinominal logit (MNL) model was used to estimate the effect of the attribute levels on preferences of the respondents. The four attributes were modeled as determinants for the decision for ‘treatment A’ or ‘treatment B’. The regression equation for this model is:
U i = β0 + β1 * lumbar puncture 6 times a year + β2 * lumbar puncture 12 times a year + β3 * beneficial effect + β4 * risk of 10% + β5 * unknown risk + β6 * follow-up nearest university hospital + β7 * follow-up nurse expert center + β8 * follow-up neurologist expert center + εi
Whereas U is the relative utility for a genetic intervention A or B, β0 is the constant, β1 to β8 are the specific attribute utility weights, and ε is an unobserved component or the error.
The attribute levels of the attributes ‘mode and frequency of administration’, ‘risks’ and ‘follow-up’ were categorical variables and therefore, dummy coding was applied. ‘Single operation’, ‘risk of 1%’ and ‘follow-up in nearest local hospital’ were used as reference levels for the abovementioned attributes (see Table 1). ‘Chance of a beneficial effect’ was considered a continuous variable. A positive or negative sign indicates if a level is preferred or not preferred over the reference level. For the attribute ‘chance of a beneficial effect’, a positive sign was expected but for the other attributes, no a priori hypothesis was formulated.
Model fit was assessed using log likelihood and McFadden’s pseudo R2. A constant term was included to check for left-to-right bias, which is a marker for a tendency to choose the first option in the choice task.
To explore if preferences for specific attributes depend on the underlying disease (HD or SCA), interactions were added to the model. In addition, subgroup analyses were performed with the co-variate disease severity to examine if severity influenced preferences in these subgroups. To check for reliability of the results of the main model, a sensitivity analysis was conducted excluding the results of the choice set that checked for internal validity.
Two subcategories for disease severity were established. SCA patients with no symptoms or who could still walk independently, and HD patients with disease stage 1 were classified as ‘mild’. SCA patients who needed a walking aid or wheelchair, and HD patients with disease stages 2 or higher were classified as ‘severe’.